Chi is attracted to the earth for a month. Why does planet earth attract the month, people and other bodies. Why does the Sun attract the Earth?

Our planet is full of mysteries; people will gradually unravel and explain these other processes and phenomena on Earth. And today we want to talk about the nutrition of the earth’s gravity and understand why the Earth attracts distant bodies to itself.

Why does the Earth attract people?

And let us consider the rose from ourselves. It's no secret that people are attracted to the Earth. This is an obvious and undeniable fact that is easy to convey: having fallen from any height, be it the extreme stole or a haircut with a parachute, a person invariably heads straight to the Earth.

However, the food lies in what is directly in the middle of the Earth. And here the answer is primary physics, or more precisely the law of universal gravity. As Newton noted, bodies with a larger mass have powers that allow them to attract bodies with a smaller mass. Therefore, the Earth itself attracts not only people, but all other bodies.

Why does the Earth attract the Moon?

Apparently, our planet attracts to itself not the same bodies that are directly on its surface or those in the atmosphere. We talk about such a heavenly body as the Month, about our natural companion. As you know, the Moon wraps itself around the Earth, and the protection of such a wrap, to the point of speech, is the banishment of the world’s heaviness.

During the collapse of its collapse, that gravity reaches the Earth, the Month collapses along its trajectory around our planet. It is noteworthy that they have long been wary of a gradual change in the trajectory of the ruin of our companion, and also prophesy that in the future they may collapse on the surface of the Earth. However, this “maybe” on a cosmic scale goes millions of years ahead.

You must understand that in this situation the Moon around the Earth is wrapped up in nothing more than a controlled fall that occurs under the force of gravity, as well as the fluidity of the arm.

Why does the Sun attract the Earth?

As we have already said, the law of universal gravity is relevant not only on the surface of the Earth, but also in its orbit. However, no one conveys this in other parts to the cosmos and our entire world. So, for example, just as the Earth attracts the Moon, the Sun attracts the Earth and other objects of our galaxy. All these objects wrap around the Sun, and this phenomenon also appears through the universal gravity, and even the Sun has the largest mass in our galaxy, which outweighs the total mass of all bodies in the Cosmos.


1. What was called the world's heavy burden?

The universal heaviness was called the mutual heaviness of all bodies in the All-World.

2. What is another name for the forces of universal gravity?

The forces of universal gravity are otherwise called gravitational (from the Latin gravitas - “heaviness”).

3. Who and in which century discovered the law of universal gravity?

The law of universal gravity was discovered by Isaac Newton in the 17th century.

4. How is the law of universal gravity read?

Two bodies attract each other with a force directly proportional to their mass, and in proportion to the square of the distance between them.

5. Write down a formula that expresses the law of universal gravity.

6. In what types of events can we formulate a formula for the breakdown of gravitational forces?

The formula can be frozen until the gravitational forces are broken down, if the bodies can be taken for material points: 1) if the dimensions of the bodies are much smaller, the lower distances between them; 2) as two bodies create a uniform shape; 3) as one body, with a rounded shape, is often larger in weight and size than the other.

7. Why is the Earth attracted to an apple, what hangs on an apple?

In accordance with the law of universal gravity, the apple attracts the Earth with such force that the Earth of the apple is no longer straight.


1. Point the butts using gravity.

The fall of bodies to the earth under the action of gravity, the gravity of celestial bodies (Earth, Month, Sun, planets, comets, meteorites) one to one.

2. The space station will fly from the Earth until May. How does the magnitude of the force vector and its gravity to the Earth change? until May? However, with different forces behind the module, the station is attracted to the Earth and the Month, if it is in the middle between them? Circuit all three lines. (It appears that the mass of the Earth is approximately 81 times greater per month).

3. It appears that the mass of the Sun is 330,000 times greater than the mass of the Earth. Is it true that the Sun attracts the Earth 330,000 times stronger than the Earth attracts the Sun? Please explain.

No, bodies attract one another with the same force, because The force of gravity is proportional to the amount of weight.

4. The ball, thrown by the boy, tumbled uphill for a good hour. With this, the liquidity gradually changed until it became equal to zero. Then the ball began to fall down with increasing speed. Explain: a) what force of gravity was exerted on the ball to the Earth, while it was falling uphill; down; b) what caused the change in the speed of the ball when it’s in the mountains; The increase in its speed is about to collapse; c) why, as the ball was falling uphill, its fluidity changed, and as it was falling down, it increased.

a) so, the force of gravity acted along every path; b) the universal force of gravity (gravity of the Earth); c) when going uphill, the fluidity and acceleration of the body are different, and when going downhill, they are co-directed.

5. Who is attracted to the Month of the people who stand on the Earth? If this is so, then what will we be attracted to more strongly: to the Moon and the Earth? Why is the month attracted to this person? Wrap the lines.

So, all bodies are attracted one to another, but the force of gravity of a person is up to the month, much less than the bottom of the Earth, because A month is a long way off.

This is not reasonable.

For a long time, people kept watch over the tides of the sea and, because the tide follows the month, they believed that between the month and the water there is sporidity, so that the tides of them stretch one to another. This explanation has already been transferred to the water, not only in the seas, but also in any form. For example, people began to believe that in the new month, groundwater rises closer to the surface and thus confuses the growth of vegetation. Another form of this belief explained the behavior of sleepwalkers by the fact that the month attracts blood from the veins, from which the blood rushes to the head and destroys consciousness.

In fact, the month attracts not only water, but also any objects - according to Newton’s law of universal gravity. In accordance with this law, the force of gravity changes rapidly with the rise. The average distance to the month is 384 thousand kilometers. The diameter of the Earth is 12,700 kilometers. This means that one side of the Earth is approximately 3% closer to the Moon, lower in length. According to the law of gravity, the side of the Earth closest to the Month is attracted by the Moon approximately 7% stronger, the side farther away. For the Earth, this means that there is a force on it that will not pull the earth’s core along the Moon-Earth axis. This force took away the name tidal force.

Under the tidal force, the entire earth is deformed. Small humps appear on the side of the month and on the proximal side, and on both sides the earth’s crust, as a result, sinks a little. On the equator the height is solid tides folds up close to half a meter. At higher latitudes it changes. As the Earth turns around its axis, tidal waves collapse on the surface of the Earth, going around it in about 25 years (one year is associated with the movement of the month in orbit). During this hour, the tide rises and rises at the every point of the Earth.

It is important to note that the tide solids rise and fall on the scale of entire continents. They were soon wiped out by new astronomical and space technologies in the other half of the 20th century. For example, the GPS global positioning system (a system for selectively relocating objects based on the Earth’s unique artificial satellites) in principle makes it possible to locate the ruins of the earth’s crust with an accuracy of centimeters, and laser location of satellites - with precision down to millimeters.

Surge in the oceans with the same tidal force. In the open ocean, the height of the tidal ridge is approximately the same as in the earth's crust - 30-60 centimeters. Ale sea water, at the bottom of the earth’s crust, is crumbly. Therefore, the height of the tree grows closer to the shore. In narrow creeks the water can rise 10 or more meters.

Tidal deformations explain the meaningless phenomena. A report about them can be read in V. Surdin’s brochure “Heavy Power”, published by the ICNMW.

gastroguru 2017