Presentation on the topic of safety at the front. Presentation "Be safe in places where mass buying of people is taking place. Rules for safe behavior in the world." valleys, covering his face

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Here is the person of Vikonala: Topchiy Irina Viktorivna, teacher of the fundamentals of health at Zaporizhzhya Gymnasium No. 11

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META WORKS develop information materials that would explain the influx of the attack on people, look at the different types of the attack, learn the rules of behavior among the attack.

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There is no more worthless, bad, filthy, pitiful, selfish, vindictive, vengeful and worthless creature, etc. W. Hezlitt

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PSYCHOLOGY OF NATO Reports about those who suffered during any mass invasion appear with enviable regularity. The reason for the death of people - panic - has an immediate effect. Psychologists have long shown that people are both uninformed and impulsive. And that’s not safe.

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WHAT IS "NATOVP"? At the same time, there is an unstructured accumulation of people, who are clearly aware of the strength of their goals, and are not mutually bound by the similarity of their emotional status and the hidden object of respect.

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PSYCHOLOGY OF NATOV Psychologists marvel at NATO as if it were a single essence. Guess the stars of the Saran - the majestic gloom that descends and rises on command. A bunch of people behave this way. Vaughn has her own logic of action, often subverting the logic of everyone who enters before her.

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PSYCHOLOGY OF NATOV In this case, the NATO, as a whole, basically supports itself with the actions of other people. “The herd seems to be” leading to the fact that people practically cease to separate the power of “I” and the abstract “me” and seem to be separated from it.

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PSYCHOLOGY OF THE NATOP G. Le Bon, who dedicated all life to the developed psychology of the NAT, means a different fact: no matter how individuals they are, their way of life, occupation, character, mind, their transformation alone on the NAT is sufficient for they should have having found themselves among the collective soul, which disturbs them to feel, think and act completely differently, without even feeling, thinking and acting on their skin.

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CLASSIFICATION OF NATIO Since the character of behavior of its people is taken as the basis for the classification of nations, one can see a number of types and subtypes. Occasional attack It is settled on the basis of survivability up to an unsatisfactory situation (road accident, fire, fire, etc.).

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NATO CLASSIFICATION Conventional NATO. It is established on the basis of interest in any previously publicized mass enthusiasm, type or other socially significant specific drive.

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NATO CLASSIFICATION Express NATO. It is being formed - just like the conventional natovp. She clearly displays a deep-seated attitude to any degree (joy, enthusiasm, excitement, protest, etc.)

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NATO CLASSIFICATION Ecstatic NATO. It is an extreme form of expressive natovpu. Characterized by a camp of ecstatic ecstasy based on mutual rhythmically increasing infection (mass religious rituals, carnivals, rock concerts)

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NATO CLASSIFICATION Active NATO. It is being formed - like the convention; Actions are taken for a specific object. What it does include the following subdivisions. 1. Aggressive NATO. Consumed by blind hatred of a specific object (be it religious or political, structure or structure). Call for beatings, pogroms, burnings, etc.

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NATO CLASSIFICATION 2. Panic NATO. They spontaneously rage in the face of a real and obvious source of insecurity.

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NATO CLASSIFICATION 3. Korislivsky NATO. An unsettled conflict over Volodinia is entering into any kind of values ​​(taking the place of transport by storm, rushing to hoard products from trade enterprises, destroying food warehouses, besieging financial (for example, banking) institutions, in small numbers, manifests itself in places of great catastrophes with victims too).

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NATO CLASSIFICATION 4. Insurgent NATO. It is formed in accordance with the rules of the legal, fair, and just actions of the ruler. The introduction before it of the organizing cob will now raise a spontaneous mass uprising until it becomes a clear act of political struggle.

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RULES OF CONDUCT IN NATO On the day of social tension or mass celebrations, do not go out into the streets too often, do not joke about the dangers on your ribs. Everything you want to learn will be shown to you on TV. Pay special attention to children; due to the natural sweetness of the stench, they will often end up in hot spots and you will pay for it.

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RULES OF BEHAVIOR IN NATO Choose the most rational wardrobe from the point of view of living in NATO - a more comfortable, well-fitting wardrobe, with reliable fastenings of the outer garment. Wide coats and raincoats are not safe because they “chip” for the heat and the steps that have hit the road. Scarves, cribs, and lancets can choke you. The laces that have come loose are to be missed. Shoes with high heels - kill people who have fallen!

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RULES OF CONDUCT IN NATO Make sure not to go into the thick of things: to the head of the colony, as you go, to the rally stands, to the place where the forces of law and order are concentrated and to resist them from the spontaneous creation of fighting squads. And here it’s better to stay around the front, below the center, - there are more chances to immediately and, without any expense, leave the battlefield.

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RULES OF BEHAVIOR IN NATO For a person who is stuck in the center of the attack, there are two main tasks that you must focus on: protect the chest from being crushed and try not to fall.

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RULES OF CONDUCT AT NATO Do not bend over for ruined speeches, no matter what you spent. There is no thirsty speech that would be treasured for your life. Do not react to pain in your legs or body, do not try to look at the damage!

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RULES OF BEHAVIOR IN NATO If you fall, don’t hesitate, don’t do anything until your niche is prolonged, get up. Don’t try to over-check the axis of these people so you can run after them. If it doesn’t matter, thousands more people will follow them!

There is no more worthless, bad, filthy, pitiful, selfish, vindictive, vengeful and worthless creature, etc.
W. Hezlitt


A message about those who are in need of mass
people suffered, as they appear
With enviable regularity. Cause of death
people - panic - has an effect
natovpu. Psychologists have long shown - NATO
unknown and impulsive.
And that’s not safe.


Natovp is a structureless accumulation of people,
reduction of clearly informed sleeping capacity
goals, but are mutually related by similarity
I will become emotional and fiery
an object of respect.


Psychologists marvel at NATO
One essence. Guess the stars of Sarani -
great glooms that fall and glow
dumb behind the team. There are a lot of people around
just like that. Vaughn uses her own logic
action, often subverted by logic
skin, who enters before her.


In case of this attack, as soon as everyone is gone, I will return
subordinal activities of the adjacent
people. "The herd almost seems" leading to the fact that
separate the words “I” and abstractly
“mi” is coming and as if it is breaking up in something new.


G. Lebon, who dedicated his entire life to vivacious
psychology at the same time, meaning different
fact: no matter how individuals
their warehouses, their way of life, employment,
character, mind, one of them recreated on
natovpu has enough for them to
having settled down among the collective soul,
It makes them feel, think and
feeling, thinking and acting on the skin
Okrem them.



Taking as a basis for the classification
nature of behavior of these people, then you can
see a number of types and subtypes.
Occasional attack Confirmed on the basis
tsikavosti until unsatisfied vinikla
podіi (road accident, fire,
bijka toscho).


Conventional NATO Conceal yourself on
basis of interest until later
species or other socially significant
specific drive.


Expressive NATO Shaped - like i
Conventional NATO She's sleeping well
the underground setting turns to whatever
storm, protest then)


Expressive NATO


Ecstatic NATO. Is itself
extreme form of expressive natovpu.
Characterized by a camp of ecstatic ecstasy
religious rituals, carnivals, rock concerts)


Active attack Shaped - like i
is in progress
The current NATO includes
1. Aggressive NATO. Ob'ednana blind
I hate a specific object (be it religious or political
accompanied by beatings, pogroms,
burned too.


Aggressive NATO


or else
there was obvious concern.


3. Korislivsky natovp. Enters into
exit transport, rush of hoarding
products from trading enterprises, destruction
(for example,
installations, in small quantities
manifests itself in places of great catastrophes
significant human sacrifices


Korisliviy natovp


4. Rebel NATO. Shaped on
the foundations of a legal fair battle
introduced before it to the organizing cob
to raise spontaneous masses today
entry to the final act
political struggle.


Insurgent NATO

Rules of conduct in NATO

On a day of social tension, what to say
don't go away from the mass celebrations
once on the street, don't joke about your ribs
suitable Anything you want
pamper yourself,
to you
TV. Take special care of children,
through the natural sweetness of the stench
often walk away and get lost in yourself
hot spots, why
burst into tears.

Rules of conduct in NATO

Choose the most rational one from the point
Zora living in our wardrobe - more
I’ll lie down, why would it be nice to sit on you?
reliable fastenings of the upper garment.
Wide coats and raincoats are not safe for those who
"clapping" for the attack and catching up
Pereshkodi paths. Scarfs, cribs,
The laces that have come loose are to be missed. Shoes
on high selection - kill the people who fell!

Rules of conduct in NATO

Make sure not to get into the thick of things:
head of the colony, what are you going to the meeting
to the stands, to the center of concentration of forces
law and order and resist it
spontaneously created fighting squads. U
Tsyomu vipadku more beautiful trimatisya around
at the top, below the center - there is more
chances are always the same, smut, without waste
deprive the battlefield.

Rules of conduct in NATO

For the people who stumbled in the center
At the same time, you can see two main
stand up:
clenching and trying not to
fall into

Rules of conduct in NATO

Don't get caught up in the waste of words,
Why wouldn't you spend it? No need
speeches that I would treasure for your
life. Don't react to pain at your feet
get magnetized
take a look
to you

Rules of conduct in NATO

As you fell - innocently, not willingly
nothing until your niche
took a long drag
get up.
get magnetized
people to run for, for whom
better. Don't be more kind, no
thousands more people will follow them!

Rules of conduct in NATO

It’s necessary to put your hands down
in front of the breasts, sealed at the castle
fingers and fists!
This one has a stink like that
step to hit the chest wall. At
skin breath you can squeeze your hands
in front of you, playing with the additions

Rules of conduct in NATO

This way you can protect the chest wall from

Rules of conduct in NATO

The police are not safe, because they themselves, as
As a rule, aggressiveness is directly reflected

Rules of conduct in NATO

Under Russia, it’s not safe in a large colony
There are a lot of cursed windows
small fenced gardens Pressed up to them
natovpom, you can take it seriously

Nobody knows how to fix NATO,
more importantly, there you go.
Carlyle T.


Don’t join the crowd,
as if I didn't want to
marvel at those that are happening
Best way out
superfluous situation – not
get to her!



Irina Viktorivna
reader of the highest category,
Zaporizhzhya Gymnasium No. 11

Description of the presentation with the following slides:

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Vikonav vikladach-organizer of life safety ZOSH No. 8 m. Monchegorsk Come to the safety of the places of mass buying up of people. Rules for safe behavior in natopi

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Lots of people to love and welcome all the galas. These could include football matches, religious festivals, concerts, night clubs, Christmas concerts and fairs. In such places it is necessary to adhere to the singing rules. Rules of behavior among the people - do not forget what you can do to protect your health and life.

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As a rule, when they come to a concert or to any other event, people are attentive and watchful, letting others pass first. As soon as this entry ends, the collapse of people becomes spontaneous, everyone collapses as soon as possible before leaving, not marking or letting anyone through. It’s obvious that people suffered from injuries and died in such spontaneous events.

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Facts from history Humanity knows disasters when a large number of people perished in the populous natural forces. Let us highlight the example of a similar tragedy - the coronation of Tsar Mikoli II. Tisnyava traveled on the Khodinsky field. Here, a thousand-strong attack went straight to the city, and a chastuvanne began. As a result, more than one thousand people died and suffered. The mourners were happy on the day of Stalin's funeral. Quite a large number of people died on Trubnaya Square. Then they crushed the horses on which the policemen sat, keeping order.

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Reasons for the emergence of a rush When a large number of people become careless? This is where panic and incendiary aggression begin to take hold. Moreover, these two reasons are closely related to each other. The psychology of behavior is now becoming more diverse with its own peculiarities. Its hidden ignorance, impulsiveness and instinctivity. Logic is new today. The people who stay with her live with her at this moment only in a sense. This is what is called a herd instinct that comes into play, which cannot be controlled by anyone. This is especially evident in situations where there is a daily leader and no one is giving the same commands to stream. Tens, hundreds, thousands of people waste their individuality. The stinks literally transform into a terrible big-headed beast, which sweeps away and destroys everything that is caught on its path. Who has the main peculiarities of his behavior at the same time.

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Why is the human mass growing “insecure”? For what purpose is this singing psychological detonator needed? There is often a hysterical hysteria, which is intended to provoke mass protests and, at the same time, demonstrate a loyal attitude. The reason for the outbreak could be fear, harm, for example, burning or some other evil spirit. The human mass, who sweeps away everything in her own way, often feels guilty after an overly emotional football match or an unprofessionally conducted rock concert

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People's behavior in NATO The list of reasons that lead to people's buying up of raw materials is, unfortunately, very long. Often those who have drunk themselves in it are older and are themselves affected by the power of their behavior. Explanations have been made in the past, having returned to the primal instincts of people. They themselves explain the emergence of mass psychosis. This behavior helped people survive in distant times. An herd instinct, like any other atavism, today is unsafe for the human collective. The only one who can resist you, cerosum. Every one of us, having fallen asleep in the aggressively adjusted atmosphere, is obliged to try not to succumb to its ignorant negative feeling. However, our mothers are aware that this naked mass does not tolerate “dissenters” and can deal harshly with those who do not succumb to psychosis. Preserving your individuality in this age is not easy at all. Indeed, the sea of ​​people was simply going nowhere. There is no choice. Without saving the power of individuality, you can waste both the image of a person and your life. The ruthlessness now manifests itself not only in relation to the unlucky, but also to the ordinary members.

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Nekeration flow in a closed area At the hour of a concert or mass entry, a yurba can happen. It is important for everyone to know the rules of behavior in a closed environment, even if a change in mood can lead to, for example, the inevitable cry: “Fire!” For people who have come to spend their time with satisfaction, the mood suddenly changes from positive to negative. Severe stress is responsible. All people who live in a closed place immediately start looking for a way out to get out of a safe place. Naturally, everything that emerges becomes chaotic. It’s a pity, it turns out to be so stupid. The most active people are those who find a way out. The stench begins to press on those who are in front. The result in this case is sumny. Most of those who are in front appear pressed against the walls. This is where the pressure comes from, as it can take away people’s lives.

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Having finished your head at the mass entry, you must show your respect, and find an emergency exit. It is recommended to learn about every problem even before you start playing. The team's rules of behavior require a solid assessment of the situation. For those who have not managed to be counted among the first, the Fahivtsi are happy to check until the main flow of people disappears. True, for whom cold-bloodedness and vitriol will be required. Running through narrow passages all at once is permissible only in the event that the half of your head is literally expanding before your eyes. In this case, a gas sponge can be removed due to the burning of plastic coatings and materials in the room. The rules of behavior among the people dictate that they must empty their guts. It is not your fault to lie in a blanket, which may cause harshness and cause serious injury to both you and other people who are away. You need to throw out your hands and olives.

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Safe behavior in an attack is based on the position of the arms bent at the elbows, the fists at which point are straight. This is to grab the chest under a vice. You can earn some money another way. In order not to waste your ability to breathe under the pressure of the human mass, you should lock your hands in front of your breasts. Such foreign visits may be experienced in the future, while they are still rare. The disadvantage of a large mass of people will inevitably arise, even when exiting through narrow doors, causing a funnel effect. The most unsafe place of the People, which is collapsing before leaving the great mass of people at once, it is necessary to avoid any place of loud places, protrusions and deaf recesses. There is an inevitable maximum pressure to repair NATO. The rules of behavior in the natov speak about those who follow the path of the uniqueness of the white wall. This is the most unsafe place. People, who are there, can recover from serious injury not only from a half-clogged flower, but also from an inconspicuous electrical outlet.

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The crowd is on the street. The flow of people is also strong on the street, even trampling its participants. The legal rules practically do not differ from those described above. However, the behavior of people on the street has its own peculiarities. To avoid getting lost in the crowd of people, it is recommended to go to the streets, streets, and passing yards. If it is impossible, the shelters can be used as a means of escape from the living quarters, through which they can easily climb the roads.

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Rules for safe behavior in NATO How, having stumbled into an active and aggressive environment, get out of the place of mass buying of people without harm. It is recommended to adhere to the rules of conduct according to the established emergency and ritualistic form. The main rule of safe behavior among the people is to beware of the mass buying up of people. You don't need to come alone. Close people will always come to our aid. It is necessary to carefully think about the clothes you will wear when going out. It is not necessary to wear loose cloth, robes and clothes that have laces and bobbins. Earrings and piercings are better left at home. Do not wear cribs, scarves, lanterns, nasto or anything else you might be wearing. The clothes are to be tight, so you don’t have to worry about all the bells and whistles, turn them over, and the booties are laced, women should not wear any fittings. The amount of activity has arrived and the traces of this action will immediately lie in the amount of alcohol you drink. Before the curse is passed, the dance becomes careless in the hands of a hooligan. A person in an alcoholic sleep cannot stream out his aggression, even more people fight against himself, and in the face of a threat to his life, he cannot adequately defend himself.

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Having arrived at the place of mass buying up of people, go through the exit passages from behind and find yourself as close as possible to them. The most unsafe places that require escapism during the dark hours: the spaciousness of the stage and the relaxation, the narrow passages and are located next to the cursed windows. Do you feel that the situation in the area of ​​purchasing is heating up, but it’s going nowhere. Show acting skill: pretend to be a heart attack or a positive vomit. People themselves should move away and finally create a corridor through which you can escape the unsafe place. The best behavior for someone who is in trouble when they are in trouble is to calm down and make a decision. Sometimes it takes ten seconds to look around, find a safe path and turn around. As soon as they arrive at the hands, try to change your shoes all at once, following the flow, so that you no longer go against or across the main body. Try not to be pushed to the center; it will be very important to squeeze from the sides and get out. Also, you need to be not on the very edge, where you risk being squeezed to the wall or parked. Do not grab handrails, handrails, or other objects; you will not have the strength to handle them, and your hands can be seriously injured. If the situation of mass buying up of people has already become aggressive in nature, then forget about the speeches that have fallen. If you reach for an object that has fallen, you run the risk of falling in and being trampled or injured. People who rage all the time will never mark you.

Slide 2

Mass crowding of people at Christmas festivities, concerts, sports events is a source of growing concern

Slide 3

Natovp is one of the most unsafe manifestations of a gentleman’s life

Having succumbed to the influx of pressure, normal and law-abiding communities can act aggressively.

As long as thousands of people adhere to the established order of behavior or collapse evenly along the routes assigned for them, the situation becomes completely safe.

Slide 4

Any kind of unpreparedness (strike, fireworks launch, loud scream), unsafe situation (burning, vibration, shooting) or just any kind of cross-over on the road can provoke panic and, as a result, embarrassment.

Slide 5

Basic rules of behavior among nations

  • try to achieve the flamboyant fluidity of your hand;
  • don’t hesitate, don’t push people to go ahead;
  • do not go against the crowd;
  • Stream possible movements from behind and from the side with your elbows bent and your hands pressed to your body. Point your fists up to grab the chest; you can place dolons near the lock in front of the breasts;
  • if necessary, move to the next step as required along the diagonal;
  • do not be surprised at the people of the same people;
  • Try to take a closer look at the whole situation, without focusing on too many details.
  • Slide 6

    Having arrived at the place where the mass entry is taking place, you won’t hesitate to go to the best place – where there are the most people.

    Remember that everyday life does not compensate for possible handicaps and injuries.

    Slide 7

    • In advance, show respect for possible evacuation!
    • Do not deprive yourselves of respect of parking, getting off, courtyards, windows, emergency exits and routes.
    • In times of trouble, it is important to stand up straight before exiting, before you begin to collapse.
    • Beware of walls, narrow doorways and passages!
  • Slide 8

    Have you realized that you will inevitably get embossed

    Take a long, must-have, or outfitted with metal parts, clothes, as well as everything that you can squeeze your neck: a scarf, a crib, a medallion on a cord, a cross on a lanyard, be it any items or jewelry.

    Maximize the intestines, so that practically any solid object with a great vice in the middle will cause serious injury not only for you, but also for people.

    To quickly see your presentation in advance, create your own Google account and go to:

    Captions before slides:

    Moscow DBOU ZOSH No. 1959 Presentation “Social-psychological essence on the offensive” Author with social teacher Zabotkina Valentina Vitalievna

    I. . Mi. . .

    Scientific approach to the problem In chronicles and historical manuscripts there are many descriptions of “folk heists”, but scientific attempts to approach the problem began to develop only in the 19th century. And we are bound first by the names of the French sociologist G. Le Bon. Its main idea lies in the fact that people in the modern world recognize radical transformations, lose self-control and individuality and begin to submit to the primitive irrational “law of mental unity of the new people” or “collective rozumu". “Whatever the individuals were,” he writes, “the warehouses were alike, as if they were neither alike nor dissimilar in their way of life, their characters, their activities or their minds, the fact of their transformation put them in charge of a kind of collective mind, which I hate them to feel, think and act in such a manner, which is a completely respectable way of their actions, feeling and how each individual would feel, think and act, as if they were on their own.”

    Types of attack For the nature of behavior: active passive For actions in a critical situation: panic, hiding (people are afraid of the slightest sense of fear and, under the influence of it, transform into attack, behaving irrationally) casual natovp. It is settled on the basis of survivability up to an unsatisfactory situation (road accident, fire, fire, etc.). acquisitive (buying up of people, ruined robbery, theft of those material values, which have become undeniably accessible from these and other minds) They also see a demonstrative type in the crowd, under which the gatherings of people, which reflect that Another social protest.

    Socio-psychological characteristics of the attack Based on the research of G. Lebon, apparently the main characteristics of the attack are: 1. The attack is a comparison of everyone, reducing people to one level of mental manifestations and behavior, one thing is to blame for this The number of people in NATO. Le Bon explains the idea of ​​the collective unknown: in this type of people, there are unknown phenomena, which are the same for everyone, and the manifestations are less common, which also conceal individual differences between people, with suffocate, know. 2. This is an intellectually significantly lower level of individuals, their warehousemen; she is quick to tolerate respect, she easily and uncritically accepts the most fantastic sensibilities; It’s easy to succumb to the influx of calls, extinguishments, and promotions of leaders. 3. People in the modern era are more aggressive, capable of committing any acts of violence, brutality, vandalism, which in the most extreme minds seem unacceptable. 4. Increased emotionality and impulsivity begin to increase.

    Social and psychological characteristics of the new generation Social psychologists G. Lebon identify a number of psychological characteristics of the new generation. Not published until notified. Particularity revealed (strongly apologised). Peculiarities of thought (Natovp, the one who thinks more than images, who is receptive to images. It does not strengthen the subjective from the objective, it does not fade and dim. It accepts and throws out ideas as a whole). Categoricality (Not being sensitive to everyday doubts about what is truth and what is mercy, it then expresses the same authority in its judgments as intolerance). Conservatism. Being at its core extremely conservative, it lives in deep anticipation of all innovations and has the utmost reverence for traditions. Navigation. Freud came up with a great productive idea to describe the phenomenon at once. Vіn looked at the human mass under hypnosis. The safest and most important thing in psychology at the same time is responsiveness to perception.

    There are three main mechanisms that will give rise to power at the same time. R. Lebon sees: 1. Anonymity. Anonymity manifests itself subtly: on the one hand, the participation of a small part of people creates in the individual a sense of strength, ability, and inability; On the other hand, anonymity at the same time, i.e., facelessness and “no-addressability”, gives rise to the anonymity of the individual, so that the guilt seems to be especially hopeless, the fragments of skin are important, so be - some things will be carried forward to the next generation, and some not especially. 2. Infection. Lebon, being a medical doctor, made a discovery about the infection of people with diseases and the infection of other people, meaning under him the expansion of the mental state of some people. 3. Navigation. Navigation, according to Lebon, is the most important mechanism, and the fragments lead directly to the attack. It manifests itself in the fact that individuals uncritically accept any incentives and cues before actually performing such acts as they experience in a new life due to their familiarity, character, and sounds.

    The formula for trouble in the nation Almost any episode of mass theft is characterized by both the prepared and the situational minds of their guilt. You can put forward the following formula: The development of political culture includes the recognition of social problems in a democratic way, as well as the peculiarities of national-historical traditions. Level of transparency of mass theft = Level of severity of socio-economic problems + Level of development of political culture

    The shape and structure of the same as shown by careful photographs taken from helicopters, all the steps on the cob of their creation and in the state of aerial calm show a tendency to form a ring-like shape (which does not matter to the rail f locality, being something else). In this case, the characteristic movement of some people is from the center of the planet to the periphery, and others - from the periphery to the center. The most active and ready to take part in the actions of the crowd to march to the center; The most passive ones reach the periphery. It is important to note the following point: as experiments have shown, caution, fear and insignificance hide the burden of people at the center of the attack. Tse tsikavo

    Behind the topic: methodical developments, presentations and notes

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