Navchannya on vykladach vyshchoi school. Improved qualifications of high school students. To register for the program, you must fill out the registration form, and we will contact you as soon as possible

Pedagogy of a high school includes educational techniques and psychological approaches developed in the most basic fields. The knowledge gained by students is rich in what lies in the pedagogical level and qualifications of the warehouse. A teacher at a high school is not only responsible for teaching the subject, but also for creating the minds in which students can learn in the most effective way. Regularly advanced qualifications of the students corresponds to the optimization of the lighting process among initial investors of any level, and, at the same time, to the increased competence of graduates of these investments.

The Interregional Academy of Advanced Professional Education (MADPO) offers training for investors and readers. The work will begin in a completely remote format. The programs of pedagogical courses at MADPO fully comply with the standards Federal State Educational Standard. Residents of lighting installations who live permanently near Moscow or in any other region can obtain additional lighting. After completing the course you can see information about advanced qualifications (installed expression).

MADPO courses accept students with completed degrees or secondary specialized education, who are employed in the field of pedagogy at a particular school, so The duration of the program varies from 72 to 140 years. Before the initial course, additional disciplines and educational disciplines are included, depending on the nature of the student’s activity:

  • Fundamentals of high school pedagogy;
  • Pedagogy of a high school in the educational system of the Russian Federation (FSES);
  • Methods of investment in the most advanced deposits;
  • Organization and planning of other initial educational visits;
  • Pedagogical and hidden psychology;
  • The role of scientific work in the education of students;
  • Ethics of a teacher of a high school;
  • Pedagogical communication;
  • Protection of law and labor legislation in detail.

The benefits of advanced pedagogical education at MAPSC lie in the ability to independently formulate an initial schedule for yourself and take a unique course that closely matches your professional goals.

Distance learning courses

  • Registration for courses is based on documents confirming the availability of secondary special or advanced education. No further testing will be carried out.
  • MADPO proposes to go through the training remotely, using the powerful development of the academy - a bright portal that will host dozens of basic programs for teachers and teachers, with interactive tests for self-testing. At all stages of training, hearing students are assisted by highly qualified academicians from the academy.
  • Listeners who have successfully completed the course will see information about the advanced qualifications of the installed expression.
  • The number of courses depends on the number of modules included before the program. Other payments are due upon completion of the contract and completion of the lighting cycle.

Target audience:from making large initial deposits in order to implement a program of essential education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education.

Professional retraining under the program “Pedagogy and Psychology of Higher Education” (520 years) provides the opportunity to master the competencies of a higher school and withdraw a diploma from an established qualification. ї “a teacher of a high school”, necessary for the promotion of pedagogical activities in educational organizations.
Obviously, according to the law, professional retraining is necessary for those who are employed in a civil service position that does not correspond to the specialty assigned to the diploma. In addition, professional retraining with the assigned qualification of “high school diploma” will be beneficial to everyone who receives a diploma in professional retraining, which gives the right to engage in a new type of activity in the field of education , and her mother receives the qualification of “a teacher of a high school” in order to increase her competitiveness go to the market.
Professional retraining for the program “Pedagogy and psychology of higher education” (520 years) is addressed to:

  • Investments of larger initial mortgages that do not imply a qualified qualification.
Document you can see: Diploma of professional retraining with assigned qualifications.
  • Section 1. Pedagogy
    • Pedagogy as science
    • Development and molding features
    • The problem of understanding the pedagogical process
    • Innovations in lighting
    • Systematic and actionable approach to education
    • Education in the pedagogical process
    • Family as a subject of pedagogical interaction and sociocultural center of education
  • Section 2. Psychology of professional education
    • Psychology of professional education: fundamental characteristics
    • Century and professional development of specialness
    • Psychological and pedagogical plantations for professional education
    • Psychology of professional learning, education and development
    • Psychology of activity and characteristics of a vocational school teacher
  • Section 3. Psychodidactics
    • Psychodidactics and lighting practice
    • Classification of research methods that are relevant to psychodidactics and educational practice
    • The beginning and cognitive development of peculiarities with the determination of genotypic and median characteristics
    • Diagnosis of creativity and specialness
    • Current concepts to enlighten the minds of the development of the Federal State Educational Standard: types, types of learning, technologies
    • Federal State Educational Standard for Civil Defense: advanced technologies
    • Innovations in lighting: experimental models and practical implementation
    • Independent work of hearing aides
  • Section 4. Methodology of pedagogical activity
    • Illumination as a phenomenon and process
    • Object, subject and department of pedagogical science. Categorical apparatus of pedagogy
    • Scientific research from pedagogy
    • Pedagogy in the system of human sciences
    • Methodological culture of the teacher
    • Independent work of hearing aides
  • Section 5. Organizational plantings of professional education
    • Concepts of lighting control
    • Humanitarian methods of management in the enlightenment process
    • State-suspended lighting control system
    • Functions of pedagogical management
    • Program-target approach in controlling the lighting process
    • Systematic approach to lighting
    • Lighting organization as a pedagogical system and management object
    • The student body as an object of pedagogical management. Students' self-government
    • Teaching staff from a management position
    • Management culture of teachers and workers
    • Interaction of social institutions in controlled lighting systems
    • Advanced qualifications and certification of pedagogical workers: benefits of the Federal State Health Service
    • Independent work of hearing aides
  • Section 6. Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics
    • Theoretical and methodological foundations of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics as a science
    • Classification of methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics
    • Psychometric benefits to diagnostic techniques
    • Visualization of data and findings of psychological and pedagogical research
    • Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of specialness
    • Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the cognitive and emotional-volitional spheres
    • Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of inter-personal joints and properties before spilting
    • Independent work of hearing aides
  • Section 7. Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education: design and organization of the initial process
    • Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education (Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education; Federal State Educational Standard 3+ and Federal State Educational Standard 3++)
      • Lesson 1. Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education (Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education; Federal State Educational Standard 3+ and Federal State Educational Standard 3++).
      • Occupation 2. Standard of professional activity “Teacher of professional training, professional education and additional professional education.”
    • Specifics of the work of the curator of a group (course) of students of advanced education programs
      • 1. Supervision as a type of professional and pedagogical contribution activity.
      • Occupation 2. Regulatory and methodical security of labor activities of the curator in the activities of the professorial and educational staff of the organization of high education.
      • Activity 3. Social and pedagogical support for students in programs of high and secondary professional knowledge in educational activities and professional and special development.
    • Design of the initial process is consistent with the FGZS
      • Lesson 1. Main educational program: modernization based on the integration of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education with professional standards.
      • Occupation 2. The Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education (FSES) as a normative document for the development of additional professional programs.
      • 3. The student body as an object of pedagogical management. Students' self-government.
      • 4. Work with gifted students: individual educational route, NDRS, exhibitions, competitions.
    • Organization of the initial process of the vocational education system
      • Activity 1. Organization of the initial process in the system of professional education.
      • Lesson 2. System of post-class work from the formation of professionally significant competencies of students.
      • Lesson 3. Organization of student scientific research activities based on stagnant information technologies.
    • Independent work of hearing aides
      • Occupation 1. Psychological support of professional activity in making a large initial deposit.
  • Section 8. Innovative models and technologies in professional education
    • Theoretical foundations of innovative processes in professional education
    • Innovative technologies for professional education
    • Innovative lighting projects, criteria for assessing their effectiveness
    • Classification of pedagogical technologies in professional education
    • Modeling of innovative processes in vocational education
    • Features of the formation and development of innovative lighting systems
    • Implementation of innovative technologies in the educational practice of a vocational school
    • Independent work of hearing aides
  • Section 9. Conflict management
    • Methods for diagnosing conflict situations in civil defense
    • Conflicts in civil defense: models of advanced situational tasks
    • Recruitment of a tolerant individual in an educational organization
    • Virus of conflict in civil defense: models, principles, methods and techniques
    • Independent work of hearing aides
  • Section 10. Legal norms of pedagogical activity
    • Legal aspects of government policy in Galusia are covered
    • Peculiarities of legal regulation of labor in the field of education
    • Legal regulation of main pipes in the lighting system
    • Legal regulation of management contracts
    • Concepts and peculiarities of legal regulation of lighting installation activities
    • Independent work of hearing aides
  • Section 11. Information technologies
    • Introduction to information technologies and their evolution
    • Hardware platform and software for information technology
    • The main capabilities of information processing in the text processor MS Word
    • Expanded information processing capabilities of the MS Word text processor
    • Processing and formatting of information using the text processor MS Excel
    • Analysis of information in the text processor MS EXCEL
    • Creating presentations using additional MS PowerPoint programs
    • Merezhevy technologies of information processing. Internet
    • Independent work of hearing aides
  • Section 12. Workshop on advanced professional tasks
    • Professional work in the lighting process. See the types of professional jobs
    • Psychological-pedagogical interaction as a warehouse part of the highest pedagogical tasks
    • Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics as a warehouse part of the development of pedagogical tasks
    • Technology of pedagogical support for children of different ages as a basis for mental success in professional tasks
    • Design of professional self-development and self-enlightenment of a teacher
    • Forecasting and designing the lighting process. Organization of the educational center for the improvement of the pedagogical department
    • Professional deformations, specialties and psychotechnologies of their preparation
  • Section 13. Inclusive lighting at VNZ
    • Organizational and methodological aspects of the development of remote lighting technologies in the practice of inclusive coverage of new initial deposits
      • Lesson 1. Organizational and methodological aspects of the use of remote lighting technologies in the practice of inclusive lighting of new initial deposits
    • Psychological and pedagogical support for inclusive education of students with disabilities and disabilities
      • Lesson 1. Psycho-pedagogical support of inclusive education for students with disabilities and disabilities
      • Lesson 2. Basic and specific features of the educational process for students with various pathologies in the implementation of federal state educational standards for high education
    • Development of adapted lighting programs for high-quality lighting
      • Activity 1. Learning about adapted lighting programs for general lighting
    • Independent work of hearing aides
      • Lesson 1. Strategies, forms and methods of rehabilitation of students with limited opportunities for health and disability in order to master basic professional educational programs consistent with the Federal State Educational Standard
      • Activity 2. Features of the organization of lighting activities for individuals with limited health capabilities (FGZ of high lighting)

The Faculty of Pedagogical Education (FPE) of MDU implements two additional educational and professional programs, including comprehensive psychological and pedagogical, socio-economic and information and technological training for teachers ї no activity at the middle and high initial mortgage.

Students from Moscow State Duma and other universities in Moscow are eligible to take advantage of the “Vikladach” program, as they are expected to obtain a pedagogical qualification from a secondary school in addition to their main specialty. The same could be done for secondary school teachers.

The program "Vykladach of the High School" is designed to prepare master's students, postgraduate students (adjuncts) for pedagogical activity, as well as advanced qualifications of teaching assistants, which may be in their profession enlightenment and conduct scientific and pedagogical work.

The standard labor intensity of the programs "Viscosity" and "Viscosity School" is 1400 years and 1080 years consistently. Beginning to follow the modular system is consistent with individual study plans and takes at least four semesters. To deliver lecture courses, specialists from MDU, RAV and other universities are available. In addition to general education disciplines, students may be able to independently select a number of additional psychological, pedagogical and educational courses.

This initial structure allows you to not only make an informed choice of disciplines to study, but also advance your international and professional level, and therefore become more competitive in the market.

It begins in the evening at another primary building of the MDU on the Lenin Hills. Those who have successfully completed the initial plan and captured the graduation job, will receive a diploma from the sovereign's certificate of additional education with the qualifications "Backfinder" or "Budgetmaster of a high school."

Addresses to the faculty: Leninski Gori, bld. 1, bldg. 52, 2nd main building, room 5-A (2nd on top, entrance from the downstairs vestibule)
Tel. 939-42-76, 939-32-81

Before the initial plan of the Vikladach educational program (for students), the following disciplines are included:

  • Obovyazkov psychological and pedagogical courses
    • Pedagogy
    • Zagalna psychology
    • Century psychology
    • Social psychology
    • Educational psychology
    • Methodology and technology development
    • New information technologies in the initial process
    • Organization of people's behavior in extreme situations
  • Obvious special items
    • Methodology for teaching (subject)
    • History and methodology (of the subject)
    • Science of the school course (subject)
    • Workshop (by subject)
  • Additional psychological and pedagogical disciplines (optional)
    • Fundamentals of design of initial technologies
    • Psychology of innovation
    • Introduction to ecopsychology and ecopedagogy
    • Culture of thought in the pedagogical process
    • Directing the pedagogical process
    • Gender awareness
  • Extracurricular and elective disciplines (optional)
    • History and methodology of science in the context of world history
    • Culturology
    • Religious Studies
    • The mystery of public speaking
    • Intensive courses of foreign languages ​​(English, French and German languages)
    • Social forecasting
    • Mentality and civil etiquette
    • Methodological ambushes of translation from foreign languages
The initial plan of the educational program “Vyshchaya school” includes the following disciplines:
  • Psychology of people
  • Pedagogy
  • History, philosophy and methodology of science (for the PhD program in pedagogical sciences)
  • Information technologies in science and education schools
  • Pedagogy and psychology of high school
  • Technologies of professionally oriented technology
  • Methodology and technology learned from other schools
  • Form and methods for activating initial and follow-up activities*
  • Foreign language (behind the candidate's minimum degree program corresponding to galusi sciences)
  • Current methods of scientific disciplines*
  • Training of professionally oriented rhetoric, discussion
  • Critical thoughts in the context of higher professional education*
  • Organizational planting of public lighting systems
  • Methods of learning and receiving pedagogical input from the student environment*
* Discipline to be chosen by the faculty within the framework of the specified cycle.

Today, the government’s concept of “scientific excellence” is being actively discussed and vigorously promoted.

universities." The essence of this is that in the system of high awareness of first-class respect, it is necessary to focus on the development of scientific work in innovative directions, to maximize the scientific potential of contributors and to widely develop their pre-scientific work, Economical and practical benefits are looming ahead of us. Therefore, the editors may be primarily aimed at educating students for scientific research—skilled and, in fact, independent. The “scientific indicators” themselves (the number of publications and patents, grants and awards, the index of citations in refereed journals, especially in foreign ones, the level of laboratory equipment and financial tracking, the number of research robot workers - Nobel Prize laureates and others) are the leading indicators of our fashionable hour of ratings to determine the prestige of universities.

Inextricably linked to this concept is expanded funding for the purchase of new scientific equipment and modernization of laboratory facilities, the creation of “business incubators” and special interdisciplinary research groups, request of great ceremonies from behind the cordon for ceremonies by Russian scientific teams. Of particular importance is the expansion of academic mobility of students and graduates, and first of all, the deployment of master's and postgraduate students behind the border. The structure of the management of the world is changing overnight: the first role is given to the organization and control of scientific research, information about its implementation and results, about scientific statistics and monographs, about grants and awards, about calculation of the Hirsch index of the skin complex and the same.

Despite the importance of the scientific component of a functioning university and the professional activity of a teacher, I would like to emphasize another aspect of the life of universities. It’s a pity that it’s too little to talk about today, whose significance is inadvertently lost in the shadows, as if it’s underestimated and gradually, rather than inexorably, declining. There would seem to be a banal, yet fundamental and eternal truth: the university is first for everything

Initial mortgage.

A major concern for the school has always been and will always be the task of giving clear information to all students and preparing them to be good teachers. Moreover, there are not only a few promising successor scientists who generate new ideas and move science forward, but there are also a number of cross-cutting practical practitioners for, of course, routine, but not absolutely necessary, effective work. ity in various spheres of marriage life. There are more than enough high-class professionals engaged in high-quality creative work and hard work to become the “intellectual capital”

which acts as a guarantor of a successful and dynamic administrative-political, government-economic,

financial, scientific and technical, social, cultural development.

Such professionals cannot be formed in university classrooms and laboratories on their own, spontaneously or automatically. This process emphasizes great efforts, high professionalism and creativity, humanity and patient respect from all our students. To ensure the effectiveness of this process is a direct obligation for university researchers, assistants, associate professors, and professors who work closely with students. Especially with cobs: in addition, how many

It will be clearly and specifically oriented towards the beginning of the university course, how professional, pedagogical and psychologically it will be possible to consider, evaluate and ensure the development of the potential of a personal young student, to ensure success his further role – both as a specialist practitioner and as a scholar-successor.

Therefore, in order for schools to effectively train highly qualified teachers, it is necessary first of all to formulate and support a highly qualified teaching staff. Of course, without the major problem of training high-level teaching staff, it is impossible to seriously talk about the formation and development of scientific and advanced universities.

What place fits into the concept of “currently highly qualified teacher of a high school” today? Of course, it is your responsibility to constantly improve your professional level, keep abreast of new knowledge in your home, keep up with new scientific articles and monographs, both Russian and foreign. She can actively engage in full-time research work, systematically publish in journals, report on forums and promote her scientific results in practice. This is necessary for the fact that without effective scientific research work, behind the great rakhunka, practically (with rare faults) it is impossible to have an effective computing work. (I, quite pragmatically, because without scientific results and publications there is little chance of successfully passing re-qualification for the current term. It is no secret that when personnel decisions are made at universities, we will have to take care of the non-pedagogical benefits and achievements , not methodical preparation and initial developments, and “list of scientific works” and “citation index”).

It would be difficult for anyone to look at the university’s deposit as simply a scientist. Above all, before us is a teacher, a Teacher, who begins the revolution of the younger generation. Naturally, the creativity of the researcher emphasizes a lot of effortless practice and serious rose-colored arguments - it’s not at all easy to “explain” behind the arches of a paper in the library, patiently jokingly explaining any fact and painfully obscuring plan for an experiment in the laboratory. But the process of gaining knowledge of the student audience, differentiated by intellectual potential and creative inclinations, by professional integrity and special interests, by psychological characteristics and basic discipline, is far from the same that the process involves the development of fundamental and applied science. Here we need completely different talents and, in fact, a special talent.

The investor is responsible for his deep and varied knowledge of his subject matter, being aware of the latest scientific advances - this is an axiom. It is also axiomatic that any discipline is the most difficult sphere of human activity, and is subject to the power of the subject and the power of creative research by power forces for success. They are not guaranteed. Kozhzhe can be at a look at his student mining, it’s easy to hogada, yak vikhkadachiv (often without a leap hasty-heading), at the same time, they went to the yokes of the ethics, so I tikh viklkadachiv (Sho Mali Chusky Merit), engaged in the Yaki, took place a boring audience. And to ensure success, the teacher needs little attention - he also needs to be thoroughly involved in the entire technological complex of techniques for transferring knowledge and organizing the initial process. It is necessary not only to know well what to invest, but also to invest well.

Inheriting the newfangled terminology, this could be called "the competence of the depositor."

The process of compilation requires gradually evaluating the given knowledge, trying different options for explanation and selecting the shortest one, selecting methodical “rodzinks”. Steadily accumulating and interpreting his own knowledge, rich in discussions with colleagues, the creative teacher continually collects material for the realization of his dream - for the formation of a powerful style of writing. The results of such activities are published annually and discussed at conferences, but in fact are scientific research on the theory and practice of the pedagogical process of a particular school. To be honest, working on the truly original, which satisfies students well with “your” course, on “your” methodology, on “your” assistant, emphasizes less talent, strength, perseverance, creativity, patience, less than a scientific paper and mono graphia? There is no doubt that the development of the author's courses of lectures, the creation of new methodological developments, the writing of current tutorials and introductory aids, especially in the new areas of science and technology, is relevant, a serious and innovative activity, a great contribution to the world science, the developments of all marriages.

Therefore, it is necessary to encourage an active interest in all aspects of educational work in all contributors, and a strong focus on pedagogical creativity may be the same as scientific creativity.

The importance of educating students before scientific work is infinite. It is completely obvious that the fate of the investigator, who is a true scientific worker, and not a fake “business game” in science, is inconceivable without deep basic subject preparation, without a creative professional ynogo dorobku - ovolodinnya diligently, to fill with a rich supply of fundamental, basic knowledge. (Of course, due to the outbursts, when young students, schoolchildren, and people without knowledge, they realized: insight can lead to someone. It’s not good to rely on happiness, but rare guilt.) Well, guaranteeing the successful training of students to serious scientific research is significant Peace is the essence of that “known” foundation that may be laid in the first years of university. And this can be ensured by teachers who are highly qualified in this regard.

How can we deal with the educational staff in our school? I would like to pay respect to several sides of this serious nutrition.

The most important thing for them is that as a teaching staff, I hope to replenish them with creative, creative young personnel. I didn’t find anyone “on the side” before university “from God’s side”, I can grow them, prepare them for myself. Another S.I. Hessen, as one of the three most important, key principles of the great school, saw “the establishment of the university until the self-establishment of the way of preparing investors and students.” In fact, besides a technical university, it is possible to obtain new additions to the books, for example, for the department of “Cold stamping of metals”? Tom formation of young professionally competent and pedagogically trained educational change is the most important, system-creating function of all universities, which together can provide a reliable base for the further progressive development of the entire system of training facists with great illumination for the region.

How are we supposed to formulate this change? Mostly young people come to the campuses of university departments, as traditionally they are selected from those who started their graduate studies and successfully completed their dissertations. From them, they have rightly removed a great wealth of knowledge from their scientific specialty, establishing themselves as a promising successor. However, they are absolutely ignorant of the psychology and pedagogy of the great school, nor of the hidden principles, modern methods and practical techniques of effective work, and actually do not have the skills to do real pedagogical and spiritual work with students.

Otherwise, it seems that their mass of stench does not reveal the foundations of what is called “pedagogical mastery,” without some kind of effective explanation. And so I need to read this directly and in advance. But in our graduate school there is nothing like this: any special training before educational activity is not transferred (remnants of the territorial term are forcibly imposed on the final dissertation work), but “pedagogical practice”, which is included before the postgraduate initial plan (only 50 years!) is completed most often formally either unsystematically or simply a fiction.

The idea is broadened that even if you are a busy young student, after 3-4 years of studying at the university, you will independently learn everything necessary “by trial and error” and will automatically become a good student. From such a point it is important for the dawn to come in handy. How can this be useful, and there is no need to inhumanely prepare a number of students for the role of “behind the last bears” for the teacher’s self-formation? Why should we not waste the fate of such an experiment on promising young people who were not found in a gentle approach, who did not abandon proper respect and proper training? Of course, anyone who does not want to pay a lot of money will not be able to reach the rites of this mastery. And for those who feel the call to pass on their knowledge to the youth, they need help painlessly (for both new students and others) to overcome the thorny path of becoming a teacher.

It is impossible not to guess one more aspect of the integrity of the pedagogical preparation of graduate students, relevant in connection with the tasks of humanization, which is being actively discussed today. We are reluctant to admit that among those who have completed graduate school (and among those who have “successfully taken refuge”), there is a significant group of those who, being an incomparably competent lawyer, are not in a position to independently survive deep scientific research, actively generate new ideas, publish innovative works. It’s not my fault, every human being takes his place from science.

Many of these young people, even though they have a high level of professional qualifications, show serious interest in investing and are enthusiastically ready to engage in it. The creation of a well-thought-out system of pedagogical preparation of postgraduate students for each real opportunity to effectively engage in their important work, prepare for this specific activity and work. m come to work that is important for marriage. Or you will become your own filter, which will allow you to immediately realize that what is on the right is “not you.”

Pedagogical preparation of graduate students allows universities to replenish their academic corps with young personnel, which is especially important for their rejuvenation and the accumulation of the rich inheritance of the “external and internal flow of knowledge.” For this purpose, it is necessary to seriously reconsider and modify the graduate program. Around twenty years ago, a deadline was given to the necessary directives: they were allowed to open the program “Vyshchaya School Vykladach”, starting at which postgraduate students could, in parallel with working on their dissertations, work on their own duties as teachers ichnoj masternosti. However, this period achieved neither broad expansion nor real extension.

At this hour, nutrition is becoming especially relevant. And in order to consolidate the system of training graduate students to full-fledged pedagogical work, it is not enough to establish that a young person who is applying for a university seat cannot take part in competitive elections without submitting a document about pedagogical education.

The other side of the supplied food about the depositary personnel is the fuss of the depositors of the older generations, who are already working in the ranks. Incredibly, most of them are people with great experience and rich evidence of work, with deep professional knowledge, who have made serious contributions to science, through whose hands more than one generation of students have passed. (Let's not be disingenuous - our universities are growing closer

And those who formally qualify for “workplace training”, and those for whom workspace work is simply contraindicated - but we don’t know anything about them. scientific

benefits, mastering numerical current methods, techniques, technologies, skills. It is impossible not to know that the entire pedagogical and subject “baggage” of low-level university students has been formed for a long time, the singer’s sense is outdated, and independently support him in a new world on par with today’s leaders. new realities are far from coming and are possible. Who has no guilt

Vykladachiv – such a specificity of the teaching profession.

A system for advancing the qualifications of university graduates is coming into force. Such a system began and functioned successfully in the Christian world, but, unfortunately, it was later destroyed by reformers in the wake of enlightenment. Yakshcho mi

For all schools, it is our responsibility to revive this system, create a new scheme of work, and make a new change to it. It is aimed at maximizing the provision of the absolutely necessary component of the educational middle ground - the steady advancement of the pedagogical and subject level of the practitioners of the high school. Therefore, it is very important to briefly review those directions that may be turned on before the system is programmed.

In today's minds, the most important role is played by personality-oriented learning, which also conveys the necessary knowledge in the field of psychology and various psychological tools. A current teacher of a high school is familiar with the scientific specifics of the process of beginning and learning, sociable, ready and able to listen and understand young people, knowledgeable in approaching the individual student and establishing contact with the whole audience, to eruvati her. Previously, during the “classroom-lesson system”, all such psychological aspects of the work were given even little respect, and many contributors are likely to experience this in an inconceivable way.

Today we are aware of a whole low click rate, which is dictated by the sharp increase in information, which contributes to the understanding and comprehension of students, the emergence of specific administrative capabilities until they “know, understand” that beginner" and the transition to the "competent paradigm" of illumination, the change of understanding and assessment as "the value of “of a particular graduate, so I hang my hat on the job of a local teacher. The ability to respond appropriately to this response is largely determined by familiarity with the fundamental principles of didactics, knowledge of the specifics of the process initiated at the university, in Volodymyr, with project methods, including They know, create and learn necessary pedagogical techniques. The dates of the need for specific knowledge of all these foods that can and should be achieved in practical work with students, according to the pedagogy of a high school. And it is unfortunate that a significant part of the scientific corps is actually not aware of the basic provisions of this science, and we are very skeptical to the point of becoming familiar with them.

The study of any subject in the university of the 21st century is no longer possible without comprehensive mastery of current information and computer technologies. We are no longer talking about the technicalities of using a computer, nor about the ability to use the simplest programs and options. First of all, actively obtaining a computer, the Internet, electronic and multimedia products for use, verifying learning results, developing students’ skills in independent knowledge acquisition, actively promoting distance learning, and developing interactive methods for Channya ta in. We all remember that approximately 30 years ago, Vish depositors took courses in “computer science”; Now the hour has come to start working hard, a new lesson ahead.

Pedagogical activity is a great and important mysticism, a kind of “one-actor theater”, and skincare is a kind of master class. And this teacher should be able to master the elements of acting mastery, oratorical mystique, rhetoric, literacy and technology of the Russian language, tactics of tolerant discussion. And, therefore, the scholar may expand his cultural outlook, being a true intellectual, a citizen and a humanist.

Within the framework of advanced qualifications, special respect must be given to the professional scientific development of the contribution. It is necessary to see a special hour for completing a dissertation or monograph, for preparing a scientific publication or initial textbook. What is more important is the teacher’s development of new practical methods of teaching a specific “own” discipline. Here the stake may be placed primarily on stimulating government approaches and development of data, on the search for original methodological findings, on their discussion and publication. The methodology of scientific research is, behind the scenes, an invisible part of science itself, because without learning, propaganda, popularization, advanced science cannot be developed and developed. It is not without reason that before the programs of many international conferences, in addition to the “scientific” sections, they may also include sections on research methods.

There is a need to specifically address the need for students to become familiar with the goals and objectives of educational work and to master current methods of organization. Not long ago, the very word “vikhovannya” was deafening in us, but life itself has clearly demonstrated what catastrophic consequences it has led to. And the author wants not only to pass on a great deal of knowledge to his students, to educate them to independent practice, thought and inquiry, but also to help them become people of the 21st century, citizens of our Fatherland, members of the labor collective. This is a particularly complex and especially important commandment - as I. Kant so kindly said: “Two human achievements can be considered most important: the mysticism of keruvati and the mysticism of vihouvati.”

The issue of improving the qualifications of our older generations of investors will require great respect and a sensitive approach. As life moves forward with fantastic speed, the orientations and values ​​of specific knowledge change, new facts are discovered, directly from science, previously unknown methods and technologies of study appear. And in order to educate our students on the same level as today's minds are able to achieve, it is necessary to engage our students with extensive pedagogical knowledge and with advanced pedagogical innovations And do everything possible for him.

When discussing the further development of our school, we will always be obliged to convey how the fakhivts are and in what quantity will be needed. This will result in an expansion and reduction in the number of students, the opening of new and the closure of unnecessary areas of training. Ale є “eternal” professions; The profession of VNZ payment is up to them. The implementation of pedagogical training programs for graduate students and the creation of an effective system for increasing the qualifications of practicing teachers will ensure that our high school has the real ability to prepare itself for the necessary elite sciences educational staff. The task of systematically and purposefully forming such personnel, they say, may rise to the list of priorities of government policy in Galusia.

gastroguru 2017