Migrations of creatures: examples, reasons, types. Why do creatures migrate? Presentation on the topic of migration of creatures Change of place of residence of fish

Areas of residence. Migrations. Patterns of placement of animals.

1. What is the main destructive force of evolution (according to Darwin) and why?

2. What is songfulness?

3. Why is abundance so unimportant?

4. What role does the intensity of reproduction of organisms play in the fight against sleep?

5.What is slackness and mercuriality?

6. Name the work of Charles Darwin, who revealed the destructive forces of evolution.

The habitat is a very singing territory that is occupied by the singing species of creatures.

Dimensions and forms of habitats lie:

1) in view of the ability to interact with hostile minds of living;

2) depending on the ability to cope with life’s shortcomings;

3) due to the ability to compete with other species for food, light, warmth, place of reproduction and development.

Characteristics of areas



Rose is everywhere in all types of situations. Dividing the natural habitat into two or several isolated plots. Engage in species that have been preserved over the past geological epochs.

The White Witch beyond the Arctic Circle. Magpie black on the Pyrenean pivostrov and Dalekom Skhod. Gateria on the islands of New Zealand.

See the critters

Relics of Cosmopolitan Endemics

Cordoni area can

expand sound become deprived of position

Patterns of placement of animals. Migrations.

(independent work with the text of the assistant p. 263, 264 and for the viconics of the plant 5, 6, 7, 8.9 for the worker's sewing p. 131, 132


Periodic (seasonal) (movements in the middle of the range) seasonal, additional

vertical in the mountains, water, soil; flow of migratory fish from the seas to rivers and rivers


(Hanging of individuals in the area)

mass exile under the influx of unexpected loss of minds (dryness, burning), overpopulation (not enough stern)


the search of the necessary minds is a dream for an individual of the singing age

The study of migrations is carried out by marking animals, conducting experiments

Homework: § 52 repeat § 49 - 51.


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Captions before slides:

1. What is the main destructive force of evolution (according to Darwin) and why? 2. What is songfulness? 3. Why is abundance so unimportant? 4. What role does the intensity of reproduction of organisms play in the fight against sleep? 5.What is slackness and mercuriality? 6. Name the work of Charles Darwin, who revealed the destructive forces of evolution.

The habitat is a very singing territory that is occupied by the singing species of creatures. Zoogeographical region - territories that are characterized by a set of species of creatures that vary and hang around in other territories. Dimensions and forms of habitats lie: 1) depending on the ability of the species to adapt to hostile minds of residence; 2) depending on the ability to cope with life’s shortcomings; 3) due to the ability to compete with other species for food, light, warmth, place of reproduction and development.

Zoogeographical regions: Holarctic, Neotropical, Australian, Ethiopian, Indo-Malayan, Antarctic

Characteristics of habitats Areas Suscient Rozirvany Relict Significant Application Widened in appearance in all types of localities. The white witch behind the polar stake. Dividing the natural habitat into two or several isolated plots. Magpie black on the Pyrenean pivostrov and Dalekom Skhod. Engage in species that have been preserved from past geological eras. Hatteria on the islands of New Zealand.

Types of creatures Relics of Cosmopolitan Endemics Relics - savings from past geological eras (hatteria, species, and ground beetles). Cosmopolitans are species of creatures that are found in most of the regions of the Earth (chicks, houseflies, moss beetles, bee-eaters, rotifers, freshwater crustaceans). Endemics - species, canopies, families of creatures that live in large areas and no longer grow together (cacconis, coelacanth, horned gull). The cordons of the area may expand and become deprived of permanent

Patterns of placement of animals. Migrations. (independent work with the text of the assistant p. 263, 264 and viconics assigned 5, 6, 7, 8.9 to the worker sewing p. 131, 132 MIGRATION Periodic (seasonal) (movement in the middle of the area) seasonal, additional and vertically in the mountains, comrade, Grounds, the flow of migratory fishes from the seas near the river and in the rivers Non-periodic (populations of individuals from the habitat) mass settlements under the influence of an emergency loss of minds (dryness, fire), overpopulation (not enough food) Century's searches are not general minds for the individual of the singing age of migration to carry out the animals, carrying out the experiment

    Slide 1

    What changes in the minds of the middle are connected with the hibernation and hibernation of creatures? Which creatures are characterized by hibernation, and which ones are characterized by hibernation? Point your butt. How are they characterized? How do creatures learn about the need to prepare before hibernation and hibernation? Why is it that the hummingbird is more wary of the bird's stature, which is close to hibernation? What role does the life of creatures play in hibernation and entrapment?

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    Migrations of creatures

    6th grade Lesson 12

    Slide 3

    Migration is another addition to seasonal changes in the minds of living.

    Migrations are regular, repeating from river to river the movement of a large number of creatures from one place of residence to another. It is best to see the migration of birds, especially from lower latitudes. At the same time, migrations occur and a large number of seabirds (reindeer, wildebeest, whales, ducks), swimmers (sea turtles), fish (salmon, sturgeon, eelgrass), mosquitoes (monarch), and crustaceans Ibni (lobster).

    Slide 4

    Reasons for migration

    The most important thing is the destruction of the minds of living. Moving on different places, the creatures literally walk, move in and out of the place, where their minds become hostile, and where their minds become friendly.

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    Perelyoty ptahiv

    Be careful with both the spring and the summer. The sharper the seasonal climate changes, the more pronounced the overflow. For example, from such European birds as the gray crow, grak, great tit, migratory ones and even those who nest in the lower part of the region, where in the snowy cold winter it is important to obtain hedgehogs. Those birds that nest in Western Europe do not fly anywhere in the spring and spend the winter in their breeding grounds, i.e. they appear to be exceptional. At lower latitudes, spring birds fly in the snow direction, and in the spring, in the snow direction. And in the tropical regions of Africa, some species can migrate in the morning direction, and others - in the sun, depending on which period - wet or dry - is favorable for them.

    Slide 6

    The main routes of migratory birds are called trails. Often drive along the shores of the sea and the beds of great rivers.

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    Slide 8

    The birds of the building are already flying far away. White leks nest in Europe, and winter in New Africa. These birds and two birds on the river continue to bark along the routes of 10-15 thousand. km. Arctic terns will start migrating further. These birds spend the summer near the snowy tundras, where they raise their chicks. In the spring, Arctic quacks migrate to the spring water, and in the spring they return to the breeding ground near the spring. In this manner, the two terns on the river fly over 17 thousand. km. It is noted that the migration routes of the arctic jack do not converge in the spring and spring.

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    Bily leleka

  • Slide 10

    Flying mice

    Actions and activities will flow far away. The breeding season of stinks is spent near the fresh water, and in the winter they migrate to the fresh water. If the daylight chick has a cold winter, the sundry chick has a warm summer and you can catch comas. In Europe, many countries experience near-overflows in search of non-freezing joints, and hibernate in winter near the camp.

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    Forest deer

    In the early winter they migrate from the tundra to the forest-tundra and freshwater taiga, reaching distances of up to 500 km. This is due to the fact that the surface of the snow in the tundra, when driven through strong winds, is covered with a white crustacean pickle - infusion. The crust greatly complicates the deer's access to the main food - moss lichen and grasses. Trees are blown by the wind, so they are not sheltered in Taiz and it is easier for deer to reach the food.

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  • Slide 16

    1. What is migration? What changes in the minds of the middle are connected with migration? 2. What is the migration distance of creatures? 3. Why do some species of creatures migrate, while others live dormantly?

View all slides

Give your answer to this question: 1. What changes in the minds of the middle are associated with hibernation and hibernation in animals? 2. Which creatures are characterized by hibernation, and which ones are characterized by hibernation? Point your butt. 3. How are they characterized? 4. How do creatures learn about the need to prepare for hibernation and hibernation? 5. Why is it that the hummingbird is more wary of the bird’s state, which is close to hibernation? 6. What role does the life of creatures play in hibernation and entrapment? Migrations of creatures 6th grade Lesson 12 Migration is another addition to seasonal changes in the minds of living. Migrations are regular, repeated river by river movements of a large number of creatures from one place to another. It is best to see the migration of birds, especially from lower latitudes. At the same time, migrations occur and a large number of seabirds (reindeer, wildebeest, whales, ducks), swimmers (sea turtles), fish (salmon, sturgeon, eelgrass), mosquitoes (monarch), and crustaceans Ibni (lobster). The most important reasons for migration are the loss of minds of residence. Moving on different places, the creatures literally walk, move in and out of the place, where their minds become hostile, and where their minds become friendly. The migration of birds is avoided in both the fresh and fresh birds. The sharper the seasonal climate changes, the more pronounced the overflow. For example, from such European birds as the gray crow, grak, great tit, migratory ones and even those who nest in the lower part of the region, where in the snowy cold winter it is important to obtain hedgehogs. Those birds that nest in Western Europe do not fly anywhere in the spring and spend the winter in their breeding grounds, i.e. they appear to be exceptional. At lower latitudes, spring birds fly in the snow direction, and in the spring, in the snow direction. And in the tropical regions of Africa, some species can migrate in the morning direction, and others - in the sun, depending on which period - wet or dry - is favorable for them. The main routes of migratory birds are called trails. Often drive along the shores of the sea and the beds of great rivers. The birds of the building are already flying far away. White leks nest in Europe, and winter in New Africa. These birds and two birds on the river continue to bark along the routes of 10-15 thousand. km. Arctic terns will start migrating further. These birds spend the summer near the snowy tundras, where they raise their chicks. In the spring, Arctic quacks migrate to the spring water, and in the spring they return to the breeding ground near the spring. In this manner, the two terns on the river fly over 17 thousand. km. It is noted that the migration routes of the arctic jack do not converge in the spring and spring. White Leleka Kazhani Distant flows and activities of Kazhani. The breeding season of stinks is spent near the fresh water, and in the winter they migrate to the fresh water. If the daylight chick has a cold winter, the sundry chick has a warm summer and you can catch comas. In Europe, many countries experience near-overflows in search of non-freezing joints, and hibernate in winter near the camp. In early winter, rain deer migrate from the tundra to the forest-tundra and fresh taiga, over distances of up to 500 km. This is due to the fact that the surface of the snow in the tundra, when driven through strong winds, is covered with a white crustacean pickle - infusion. The crust greatly complicates the deer's access to the main food - moss lichen and grasses. Trees are blown by the wind, so they are not sheltered in Taiz and it is easier for deer to reach the food. The most common migratory gnat is the monarch snowflake, which is widespread in Northern America (Fig. 59). In the summer, snowstorms live alone, and in the spring they gather from the Great Lakes and fly from the Great Lakes region to winter in Mexico, Florida and Cuba. Among the snowstorms that linger on the territory of Russia, migratory species, such as turnips, admiral, death's-head hawk moth, and mourning hawk, are also increasing. One of the reasons for the rapid snowstorms before the summer season is the blooming of nectar-bearing plants in the spring. Admiral Brazhnik Give answer to this question: 1. What is migration? What changes in the minds of the middle are connected with migration? 2. What is the migration distance of creatures? 3. Why do some species of creatures migrate, while others live dormantly?

1. Most important migration in Arctic terns. The stinks of the river (there and back) flow across the Atlantic Ocean to save the New and Old America. It was important that these birds often barked close to kilometers (one mile) along the route from the native Arctic to Antarctica. However, investigations carried out on additional mini-geolocators attached to the paws of dozens of terns showed that 20 thousand km does not change the reach of these birds. Arctic terns can fly at least 40 thousand kilometers in one week!

2. The relationship with Arctic terns is of primary importance, since the common tern is also one of the most common migrations among creatures. The greatest number of flights of birds of this species was recorded in the 1997 birth. Today, in the state of Victoria (Australia), a tern was caught that had flown there from Finland. As soon as it appeared, it reached a distance of about a kilometer.

3. Short-haired migrations take place not only of birds, but also of mosquitoes (snot, snowstorms, grandmothers and others). They gather in large groups and fly thousands of kilometers to their winter destination. It is important that the blizzard Monarch is working on the most important migration among the comas, but it didn’t turn out that way. Grandmothers migrating from India to Africa fly over kilometers. Not all birds can handle this kind of attitude.

4. Once birds have completed their migration, they need to do some preparation. So, for example, godwits initially look good and only then disappear along the road. At the beginning of migration, more than half of the birds' vomit comes from fat reserves. Such a reserve helps godwits not to die of starvation during the overflight, even if they fly to the shores of New Zealand every day (from 5 to 9 days) without fixing the water. Zagalna rises, as godwits cover at the hour of migration, - close to km (offended by the end).

5. Swallows are migratory birds, which children know, but those who, at the hour of their seasonal migrations, fly by 620 times, which exceeds the end of their long body (close to km), not everyone knows i. It’s great that the swallows go through the winter and turn back shortly on that very day.

6. The ocher hummingbirds migrate from Alaska to Mexico for the winter. For their small size (10 cm), these birds fly great distances - almost km. And information about the buffy hummingbirds that linger in Chukotka. What kind of land do Chukotka hummingbirds spend the winter in and where do they make their nests?

8. Among the shallow seas and oceans, fish most often migrate - to spawn, and also to fish. The gray whale travels a great distance at the hour of its swimming between the Pivnichny and Pivdennya America - close to km (on both sides).

9. In terrestrial creatures, migrations occur infrequently. However, Kenya is soon experiencing a large-scale migration of savannah animals (zebras, wildebeests). Having joined the line (about 1.5 million individuals), the creatures rush off to new pastures. In order to travel this route from the plains to the forests and back, the Savannah residents need to travel at least 1800 km. Nearly 200 thousand antelopes and zebras are dying at the door. 10. Just as in Rio de Janeiro the carnival is celebrated with its bright briar, then on the island of Rizdva there is a pile of crabs, and even more so. One hundred million red crabs move across the island, straight to the Indian Ocean, where the love season begins. This move can take more than two years, so for these substances it’s very difficult to test, and even at the emergency hour the stench collapses no more than 10 minutes after.

Slide 1

Give a nutritional answer: What changes in the minds of the middle are associated with congestion and hibernation in animals? Which creatures are characterized by hibernation, and which ones are characterized by hibernation? Point your butt. How are they characterized? How do creatures learn about the need to prepare before hibernation and hibernation? Why is it that the hummingbird is more wary of the bird's stature, which is close to hibernation? What role does the life of creatures play in hibernation and entrapment?

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Slide 3

Migration is another addition to seasonal changes in the minds of living. Migrations are regular, repeated river by river movements of a large number of creatures from one place to another. It is best to see the migration of birds, especially from lower latitudes. At the same time, migrations occur and a large number of seabirds (reindeer, wildebeest, whales, ducks), swimmers (sea turtles), fish (salmon, sturgeon, eelgrass), mosquitoes (monarch), and crustaceans Ibni (lobster).

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The most important reasons for migration are the loss of minds of residence. Moving on different places, the creatures literally walk, move in and out of the place, where their minds become hostile, and where their minds become friendly.

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The migration of birds is avoided in both the fresh and fresh birds. The sharper the seasonal climate changes, the more pronounced the overflow. For example, from such European birds as the gray crow, grak, great tit, migratory ones and even those who nest in the lower part of the region, where in the snowy cold winter it is important to obtain hedgehogs. Those birds that nest in Western Europe do not fly anywhere in the spring and spend the winter in their breeding grounds, i.e. they appear to be exceptional. At lower latitudes, spring birds fly in the snow direction, and in the spring, in the snow direction. And in the tropical regions of Africa, some species can migrate in the morning direction, and others - in the sun, depending on which period - wet or dry - is favorable for them.

Slide 6

The main routes of migratory birds are called trails. Often drive along the shores of the sea and the beds of great rivers.

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Slide 8

The birds of the building are already flying far away. White leks nest in Europe, and winter in New Africa. These birds and two birds on the river continue to bark along the routes of 10-15 thousand. km. Arctic terns will start migrating further. These birds spend the summer near the snowy tundras, where they raise their chicks. In the spring, Arctic quacks migrate to the spring water, and in the spring they return to the breeding ground near the spring. In this manner, the two terns on the river fly over 17 thousand. km. It is noted that the migration routes of the arctic jack do not converge in the spring and spring.

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Everyday life and events flow from far away. The breeding season of stinks is spent near the fresh water, and in the winter they migrate to the fresh water. If the daylight chick has a cold winter, the sundry chick has a warm summer and you can catch comas. In Europe, many countries experience near-overflows in search of non-freezing joints, and hibernate in winter near the camp.

Slide 11

In early winter, rain deer migrate from the tundra to the forest-tundra and fresh taiga, over distances of up to 500 km. This is due to the fact that the surface of the snow in the tundra, when driven through strong winds, is covered with a white crustacean pickle - infusion. The crust greatly complicates the deer's access to the main food - moss lichen and grasses. Trees are blown by the wind, so they are not sheltered in Taiz and it is easier for deer to reach the food.

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