The world of the pea scarlet epub. Stephen Hawking - the light of the pea scarlet

In 1988, Stephen Hawking’s book “A Brief History of the Hour,” which broke sales records, introduced readers all over the world to the ideas of this miraculous theoretical physicist. And the axis of a new important idea: Hawking is turning! The wonderfully illustrated sequel - “The Light of the Pea Scarlet” - reveals the essence of scientific writings developed after the publication of the first, widely known book.

One of the most boring events of our time, known not only for the brilliance of ideas, but also for the clarity and depth of its expression, Hawking takes us to the forefront of research, but the truth seems like a chimerical guess, to explain in simple words, the principles that guide the All-World.

Like many theoretical physicists, Hawking cannot find the Holy Grail of science - the Usoy Theory, which lies at the basis of the cosmos. Vine allows us to delve into the darkness of the world: from supergravity to supersymmetry, from quantum theory to M-theory, from holography to dualities. At the same time, we are starting to have a lot of fun, if we learn about attempts to create on the basis of Einstein’s original theory of fluidity and Richard Feynman’s idea about the plurality of history. This is how you will describe everything that is received from the All-World.

We accompany you on an unexpected journey through the vastness of the hour, and the miraculous color illustrations serve us as milestones in this mandriva through the surreal Land of Wonders, where particles, membranes and strings collapse in eleven worlds, where black diri will be vaporized, wine from the cosmic nasin, from what virus our All-World, it was a crumbling pot.

The Universe in a Nutshell
Translation from English A. G. Sergeev
This publication was prepared in support of Dmitry Zimin’s Dynasty Foundation
SPb: Amphora. TID Amphora, 2007. - 218 p.

Section 5. Predating past

About those whose prices are possible in the hour and which are created by a highly advanced civilization, turning around, change it

Remnants of Stephen Hawking (which was the result of the previous pairing of his food, which exposed the benefits in an insufficiently glamorous appearance), as previously, he firmly chanted that the bare singularity is a curse and is to blame for the protection of the laws of classical physics , and the remains of John Preskill and Kip Thorne (who won before pairs) - as they previously respect that naked singularities like quantum gravitational objects can exist without being captured by the horizon, in the Universe, which we are wary of, Hawking propagated, and Preskill/Thorn accepted Will there be a bet:

As if the form of a classical speech or field, not being made singular in a flat space-time, is ordered by the classical equals of Einstein’s obscure theory of fluidity, a dynamic evolution from any kind of cob minds (that is, d be-anything open to a set of cob data) can never be generated naked singularity (non-zero) geodesic with I+ with the end point in the past).

The one who, having warmed up, drinks the wine, wears a blanket, so that she can cover her nakedness. The oath is embroidered with a special reminder.

My friend and colleague Kip Thorne, with whom I have laid a lot of pairs (even more), not from those who follow the illegally accepted line of physics only to those who are so afraid of everything. That’s why he became the first serious believer who dared to negotiate the price of the hour as a practical benefit.

They talk openly about the price per hour - it’s even higher on the right. You run the risk of resisting either persistent demands to invest budgetary pennies into recklessness, or to keep the investigation secret for military purposes. Really, how can we take care of what time it is that we have our car in order? It is also possible to change history itself and rule the world. It is impossible for us to be foolish enough to work on food, which among physicists has the reputation of being politically incorrect. We disguise this fact behind the help of technical terms, where the cost per hour is encrypted.

The basis of all current discussions about the cost of time is Einstein’s hidden theory of applicability. As it flows from the front sections, Einstein’s verse makes the space dynamic and dynamic, describing how it twists and struggles under the influence of matter and energy in the All-World. The hidden theory of validity always has a personal hour, which is measured by the date of the wrist, which will increase in the future, just like in Newton’s theory or in the flat space-hour of the special theory of validity. It is also possible that the board will often turn out to be so twisted that you will be able to fly in the sky and turn around before your direction (Fig. 5.1).

For example, it may be that there are wormholes - there are 4 tubes in a section that connect different areas of the area. The idea is to direct the sorelyte in one mouth of the wormhole and appear from the other in completely different places and hours (Fig. 5.2).

Wormholes, as they appear, could solve the problem of marginal fluidity in space: according to the theory of fluidity, tens of thousands of rocks would be needed to move the Galaxy. But through a wormhole you can travel to the other edge of the Galaxy and turn back in an hour in the evening. It’s easy to show that while wormholes open up, you can quickly crawl through them in order to end up in the past.

So it’s worth thinking about what you’ll see, for example, you’ll want to lift your rocket onto the launch pad to prevent a rainstorm. This is a variation of a familiar phenomenon: what will happen if you meet your grandfather after the birth of your father (Fig. 5.3)?

Of course, the paradox here arises only in the sense that, having stumbled from the past, you can do whatever you want. This book is not the place for philosophical discussions about free will. We will now concentrate on the fact that the laws of physics allow us to twist the space-time in such a way that the macroscopic body on the spacecraft’s base could turn at its end. Similar to Einstein's theory, the spaceship always collapses due to fluidity, as less than the local fluidity of the light in the space-hour, and then the so-called clocklike light line follows. ii. This allows us to reformulate nutrition in technical terms: how can we simply discover closed curves like these, which rotate again and again to their original point? I call similar trajectories “hour s mi loops.”

You can check the power supply on three levels. The first is the root of Einstein’s fundamental theory of significance, which bears in mind that the Universe has a clearly defined history without any insignificance. For this classic theory, we can now complete the picture. However, as we believed, such a theory cannot be absolutely accurate, since due to caution, matter succumbs to the influx of insignificance and quantum fluctuations.

Therefore, you can put food about the price per hour on another level - for the sake of classical theories. Now we see the behavior of matter according to the quantum theory with inconsistencies and quantum fluctuations, which are generally considered to be well-known and classical. This picture is not so complete, but it does give some indications about those that are a trace of action.

It turns out that we are approaching the position of a new quantum theory of gravity, even if it appears. In this theory, not only matter, but also the hour and space itself fluctuate to the point of insignificance, and it is not entirely clear how to put food about the possibility of an hour becoming more expensive. Perhaps the best thing that can be done is to ask people in areas where there is a lot of classicism and a great sense of insignificance to interpret their worlds. Do we know that in areas with strong gravity and great quantum fluctuations, prices per hour are higher?

Let’s finish with the classical theory: a flat space-hour of a special theory of gravity (without gravity) does not allow the hour to rise in price, which is impossible in these twisted versions of the space-hour that has been increasing since the beginning. Einstein was literally shocked when he was born in 1949. Kurt Gödel, the same one who completed the famous Gödel theorem, having discovered that the extended hour of the whole world, completely filled with wrapping matter, may be the hour at th loop at the skin point (Fig. 5.4).

Gödel's solution was aimed at introducing the cosmological constant that is possible in reality and reality, and later similar solutions without cosmological stability were found. It’s a particularly good fallout when two cosmic strings collapse side by side at high speed.

Cosmic strings should not be confused with the elementary objects of string theory, which are not associated with them. Such objects have a continuity, but at the same time there is a critical transverse section. Their basis is transferred from various theories of elementary particles. The space beyond the boundaries of a single cosmic string is flat. However, this flat expanse bears a wedge-like visor, the top of which lies directly on the string. It looks like a cone: take a large stake from the paper and turn it into a new sector, similar to a piece of pie, the top of which is spread in the center of the stake. Having removed the cut material, glue the edges of the cut at the part that was lost - you will see a cone. Vin represents space-hour if there is a cosmic string (Fig. 5.5).

Please note that the fragments of the surface of the cone are still the same flat arch paper that we started with (behind the edge of the distant sector), which can be placed flat, behind the edge of the top. The evidence of curvature at the top can be revealed by the fact that the stakes described around it are placed on the smaller dove, the lower stake, located at the same distance from the center on the exit round arch paper. In other words, near the top is shorter, the bottom is near the same radius in a flat expanse across the western sector (Fig. 5.6).

In a similar manner, moving away from the flat expanse, the sector shortens the stake near the cosmic string, but does not flow in for an hour, or stand behind it. This means that the expanse of time around the surrounding cosmic string does not correspond to the hour. s x loops, and, therefore, the prices are impossible in the near future. However, there is another cosmic string that collapses before the first, and it will directly be a combination of the hour and spacious changes of the first. This means that the sector that appears with another string, is fleeting as it stands in the open space, and at intervals of an hour for the guard, who collapses at the same time from the first string (Fig. 5.7). Since the strings collapse one after the other with near-light fluidity, the speed of the hour when going around both strings can be so significant that you turn back earlier than you start. In other words, there are hours here s e loops, which can become more expensive in the near future.

Cosmic strings avenge matter, which has a positive intensity of energy that is common in modern physics. However, the twisting of space, which will give rise to an hour s e loops, stretch to the very endlessness in space and to the endless past in the hour. So, similar structures in the open space on a weekly basis allow for the possibility of higher prices per hour. There is no reason to respect that our powerful All-World is hidden behind such an elaborate style, we have no reliable evidence of guests from the next day. (I don’t take into account conspiracy theories about those that UFOs arrive from Mayday, but everyone knows about this, but the truth is true. It’s not such miraculous speeches.) So I’ll allow it now s x loops did not exist in the distant past, and more precisely, then in the past there was a working surface in the vastness of the hour, which I will designate S. Nutrition: how can a highly advanced civilization get a car in an hour? So how can you change the space hour for the future? S(On the surface S on the diagram) in such a way that the loops appear only in areas of the end size? I’m talking about the end sphere because, if civilization had not been blamed, it might be possible to control the unbounded part of the Universe. In science, correctly formulating a task often means knowing the key to its solution, and what we see is a good illustration of this. For the duration of the financial machine, I will turn to one of my old robots. An increase in price is possible in any given area, anywhere in the world. s e loops, so that the trajectories with the perfect fluidity of the roc, which manage to turn at the exit point and after the end of the bending of the space-hour. I let go of the fragments that in the distant past s x there were no loops, due to the fact that I call it “the horizon that is more expensive at the hour” - a cordon that reinforces the area that will take place s e loops, in the area where there are no loops (Fig. 5.8).

The horizon of the road is very similar to the horizon of the black hole. At that time, as the rest is settled by light exchanges, which are not enough to remove the black hole, the horizon of the more expensive at the hour is set by the exchanges that are on the border with themselves. Further, an important criterion for the machine is the presence of the so-called finitally generated horizon, which is formed by light exchanges, which are released in the area of ​​​​the enclosed size. In other words, they are not to blame for coming from discontinuity or singularity, but only from the end region, which is time at This loop, such areas as we assume, will be created by our high civilization.

The benefits of such a machine criterion is the miraculous ability to use the methods we developed with Roger Penrose to extract singularities and black holes. However, without vikoryism and Einstein’s zeal, I can show that in the last phase of finite generation there are most vengeful light exchanges that converge with themselves, continue to turn into one again and again that very point. Robbly colo, lightly visible details are more strongly displaced, and the images become darker and bluer. The humps of the beam begin to move closer together, and the intervals at which the light rotates become shorter. In fact, a piece of light will have an end story, if you look at it at the right time, it does not matter to those who cut a stake in the end part and do not reach the singular point of curvature.

Those whose part of the world has exhausted its history in the remaining hour may find themselves incarcerated. But I can also explain the power of the light lines, the fluidity of the hand for less than Svetlova, and the triviality of Kintseva. There may be stories of posters that are caught in the end area in front of the horizon and collapse, stake after stake, more and more, until they reach the end hour of the light. So, if the flying saucer arrives and asks you to get to your car within an hour, be careful. You can get lost in the paste of repeated stories from the end of the zagal trivalist (Fig. 5.9).

These results do not lie in line with Einstein, but only in the manner of extensive twisting to remove the time. about and loops at the end region. What kind of material could a highly advanced civilization have used to make a machine of terminal dimensions? How can we find through our mother the positive strength of energy, as in the fall of the described space-hour of the cosmic string? The cosmic string does not satisfy my strength, so now s and the loops appeared only in the end area. If only one could think about what is wrong with this, that the strings are beating with an endless dowzhin. One might be tempted to recognize the end machine of the hour, vikorist end loops from cosmic strings, which sway everywhere with a positive density of energy. It’s a shame to disappoint people who, like Kip, want to turn in the past, but it’s impossible to earn money by preserving the positive power of energy. I can tell you that you will need negative energy to activate the ending machine.

In the classical theory, the intensity of energy is always positive, so the power of the end machine is switched off at that point. However, the situation changes in the classical theory, where the behavior of matter is seen as consistent with quantum theory, and the modern world is considered to be well-meaning, classical. As we have seen, the principle of non-significance in quantum theory means that the fields will always fluctuate up and down, empty, seemingly open, and looming with an infinite intensity of energy. Even though we perceive an infinite magnitude, we can discern the ultimate density of energy that awaits the All-World. This may be due to the negative intensity of energy received locally. In the flat expanse one can find quantum states, in which the density of energy is locally negative, while the underlying energy is positive. What's wrong, is it true that the negative meanings are disturbing the space - the hour is twisted so that the finite machine of the hour stops working? Looks like the stench is to blame for this. As we see from Chapter 4, quantum fluctuations mean that an empty expanse of filling at first glance is filled with pairs of virtual particles that appear at once, scatter, and then converge again and annihilate one after another (Fig. 5.10). One of the elements of the virtual bet has positive energy, and the other has negative energy. Due to the obviousness of the black hole, some with negative energy can fall into it, and some with positive energy can fly into infinity, which appears to be a reaction that takes away positive energy from the black hole. And parts with negative energy falling into the black hole will lead to a change in mass and significant evaporation, which is accompanied by a change in the size of the horizon (Fig. 5.11).

Primary matter with positive powerful energy generates an attractive gravitational force and bends the space-hour so that the exchanges turn one to another, just like a bag on a gum ark from Chapter 2, each time it wraps a small bag towards itself and nikoli - get.

The star rises that the area of ​​the horizon of the black hole becomes larger over the years and does not shrink at all. If the black horizon changes, the intensity of energy on the horizon may be negative, and the space may become cloudy and the light will diverge. I realized for the first time that I was lying in bed, not after the birth of my daughter. I won’t say for sure, it’s been a long time since it’s been here, but now I’ll start drinking onuk.

The vaporization of black wood shows that, on a quantum level, the intensity of energy can sometimes be negative and bend the space-hour directly, which would be required for the hour's wake-up machine. So it is possible to recognize a civilization that stands at such a high level of development that it is able to reach a great negative power of energy in order to remove the machine from time to time, which would be suitable for macroscopic objects on the crystal. tons of spaceships. ONE ONE STETHAVA VIDMINNISHIT MIZH Horizon DIRI, CHOT FORMENT IN THE SVITLA, YAKI, just to go off, I am a horizon at the car, Yaki Mizhokniy Protesi Svitla, Scho sinking the overtati of the stake. The virtual part, immediately collapsing in such a closed path, would bring its energy to the main body to the same point. Therefore, you should notice that on the horizon, then between the hours - the areas in which prices can rise in the past - the density of energy will appear endless. This is confirmed by accurate calculations for a number of different situations, which is simple so that a more accurate solution can be taken. It turns out that any human or space probe that tries to cross the horizon and enter the machine within an hour will be completely weakened by the influence of vibration (Fig. 5.12). Also, the price may become more expensive in the hour and it looks like we’ll be frowning (should we say “we’ll brighten it up blindly”?).

The strength of the energy of speech lies in the country in which it is located, so perhaps a highly advanced civilization can develop the strength of energy between machines at the end of the day, “freezing” or appearing in The virtual parts, like stake after stake, collapse in a closed loop. However, it is certain that such a machine will be stable for an hour: the least stormy, for example, if it moves across the horizon to enter the machine of the hour, you can start the circulation of virtual particles and click the spark. Physicists should freely discuss this nutrition without fear of disrespectful ridicule. Once it turns out that the cost of the hour is impossible, we understand why the smell is impossible, but it is important.

In order to take into account the importance of the nutritional response that is being discussed, we must look at quantum fluctuations not only of material fields, but also of the simple hour itself. It turns out that this means a difference in the ways of light changes and tanning according to the principle of chronological ordering. In fact, one can see the influence of black matter as a result of quantum fluctuations in the vastness of time, which means that the number of values ​​is not entirely accurate. While we still do not have a ready-made theory of quantum gravity, it is important to say what the effect of space-time fluctuation is. Regardless, we can be inclined to disentangle these clues from the Feynmanian implied history described in Section 3.

Skin history will be twisted by the space-hour from the material fields of the new one. As long as we choose to include all possible stories, and not less than those that satisfy certain expectations, the sum must include such spaces-hours that are sufficiently twisted for the road at the end (Fig. 5.13). And now the food is running low: why aren’t prices so expensive everywhere? The evidence is that displacements actually occur on a microscopic scale, and we mark them. If you want to limit the Feynmanian idea of ​​understanding history to one part, then you need to include stories in which it collapses more and more back in the hour. In the meantime, there will be stories like this, in which part of the world collapses, stake after stake, like a closed loop in the vastness of space. Like in the film “A Grandmother’s Day,” the reporter lives the same thing again and again (Fig. 5. 14).

Parts of such closed-loop stories cannot be put together in a hurry. However, their side effects can be suppressed, keeping the experimental effects low. One of them is an insignificant problem in the vibration of water, which is released by atoms of water, which is generated by electrons, which collapse in closed loops. The other is a small force between the parallel metal plates and the cyclone, so that between them there are three less closed loops, lower in other areas - this is another equivalent interpretation of the Casimir effect. Thus, the existence of history closed in a loop is confirmed by experiment (Fig. 5.15).

You can talk about those who have similar circular histories of particles that are related to the distortion of space-time, the fragments of the stench hang on such an immutable aphid as a flat space. Finally, we discovered that physical phenomena often lack correct dual descriptions. You can speak with equal pride about those particles that collapse in closed loops on the immutable aphid, or that the stench becomes indestructible, and around them the space-time fluctuates. This comes down to the question: do you want to initially understand the trajectories of particles, and then distort the space, or all of a sudden?

Thus, quantum theory may allow one to move within hours on a microscopic scale. Ale for sci-fi purposes on kshtalt polishing in the past and killing your grandfather from whom there is little coristia. Therefore, nutrition is being deprived: how can you achieve maximum reliability with the implied history in the vastness of the clock with macroscopic loops of the hour?

This can be traced by looking at the history of material fields in the sequence of background spaces-hours, which are closer to the point of allowing loops of time. It would be natural to feel that at the moment, when the hour A I the loop appears first, it may become a banner. This is how it turned out for a simple example, which I learned from my student Michael Cassidy.

The background space-hours that we were inspired by were closely connected with the so-called All-World of Einstein, the space-hour that Einstein proponated, as long as he believed that the All-World is static and unchangeable in the hour, that does not expand and does not squeeze (div. section 1) . In the world of Einstein, the hour goes from the never-ending past to the never-ending future. And the axis of the expanse of the worlds ends and is closed on itself, similar to the surface of the Earth, except that the number of worlds is one greater. Such a space-hour can be represented as a cylinder, the whole of it will be an hour, and the crossbar can be represented as a space with three dimensions (Fig. 5.16).

The fragments of Einstein's All-World do not expand; it represents the All-World in which we live. Tim is not less, there is a clear basis for negotiating the price of the hour, and the rest is simple, so that you can conclude the price from history. Let's forget about the expensive prices in an hour and take a look at the speech of the world of Einstein, which turns around the same axis. If you end up on this axis, you will find yourself in the same space, standing in the center of a child’s carousel. Ale, having wandered away from the axis, you collapse in the open space around it. As far as the axis goes, the movement of your ruk will be (Fig. 5.17). Therefore, since the whole world is endless in space, points far away from the axis will be wrapped with over-light fluidity. Ale, fragments of the whole world of Einstein Kintsev in the expansive worlds, the fluidity of the wrapping is critical, for every part it is not yet possible to wrap up for the light.

Now let's take a look at the history of Einstein's fortune and what it entails. If the wrapping is thicker, there are a lot of ways in which parts can collapse when given a lot of energy. Therefore, due to all the history of the part on such aphids, it gives a great amplitude. This means that the reliability of such a background, when considered over all the stories of the warped space, will be high, so that it will be possible to build up to more unique stories. However, as the fluidity of Einstein’s entire world approaches a critical point, and the fluidity of the Rukh and other areas of the liquidity of light, the only path that is acceptable is lost. і m for classical pieces on the edge of the world, and the very flow of light. This means that the sum of the history of the part will be small, which means that the availability of such spacious hours will be small. s x backgrounds for all the stories of the curved space are often low. Then the stench will be the least intense.

Ale yaké vіdnosheniya up to vozdorozheniya u hour i hі s The world of Einstein is hanging on the loops, what should they wrap around? The evidence is that the stench is mathematically equivalent to other backgrounds that may have loops. These other backgrounds are all-worldly, as they expand in two vast directions. Such worlds do not expand directly to the third space, which is periodic. As soon as you pass the song and stand directly next to someone, then stop there, the stars have started. However, with a skin stake, in one way or another, your fluidity is in the first place and in another way, the growth is achieved (Fig. 5.18).

If the outbreak is small, then s x there are no loops. Let's take a look, however, at the sequence of backgrounds. about Greater speed. Loops often appear after a critical amount of overclocking. It’s not surprising that this critical surge testifies to the critical fluidity of Einstein’s all-worldliness. The fragments of the calculation of the sum from history on both backgrounds are mathematically equivalent, it is possible to create a new version so that the consistency of such backgrounds is equal to zero in the world by approaching the curvature necessary to unwind the loops of the hour. Otherwise, it seems that the possibility of distortion, sufficient for the machine in an hour, is almost zero. This confirms what I call the chronology protection hypothesis: the laws of physics are set in such a way that they do not allow the movement of macroscopic objects over time.

I want time s The loops are allowed under the hour of consideration of history, and their confidence is extremely low. Based on the known dualities of the world, I assessed the likelihood that Kip Thorne could be destroyed in the past and kill his grandfather: it turned out to be less than one to ten trillion trillion trillions of trillions of trillions of trillions.

It’s just completely low in credibility, but if you look at Kip’s photograph with respect, you’ll notice a light serpanka around the edges. Vaughn suggests that there is little likelihood that whatever will pass from the future of his grandfather will be destroyed in the past, and therefore there really is no Kip here.

Being gambling people, Kip and I would like to place bets on the drive of the anomaly on the site. The problem, however, is that we cannot create anything, but we still manage to come up with a single thought. And I won’t pawn it to anyone else. Soon you will be a newcomer from the future, who knows what is more expensive in the future?

Did you think that this section of writings should be done in order in order to capture reality more dearly in the hour? You are probably right.

The line of light is a route across the vast expanse of the world. Clock-like light lines move in the open space with natural flow ahead of the hour. Only such lines can lead to material objects.

Finite - May end dimensions.

Light at the pea scarlet

About those that the Universe has an impersonal history,


appears as a cracked pot

I would respect myself in a pea scarlet

Volodar of the intangible space.

At Shakespeare's. Hamlet. Act 2, scene 2

Hamlet is in his mother's respect, whatever we want, people, the facts are even physically intertwined, our mind is free in its eagerness to know the whole world and bravely wanders to places where they did not dare to go to visit the heroes of Zoryany's Way, - doses the will of the most terrible dreams.

Is the Universe truly immeasurable or simply even greater? Why is it eternal or just the great hour of life? How can our terminal mind comprehend the endless All-World? Isn’t it necessary to have great self-conceit to try something like this? We do not risk repeating the fate of Prometheus, who, according to the classical myth, stole the fire from Zeus and began to corrupt people with him, and in punishment for his reckless courage, he was pinned to a rock and became the victim of an eagle, which flew to Viklyov and what about the liver?

Hubble Space Telescope.

In accordance with the precautions laid down in the legend, I believe that we can and may achieve understanding of the All-World. We have already achieved miraculous successes in the universe, especially through fate. We don’t have another picture yet, but maybe it’s just around the corner.

The most obvious fact about space is that it will continue to gravitate and gravitate further and further. This is confirmed by modern instruments, such as the Hubble telescope, which allows us to observe the vastness of space. There are many billions of galaxies of different shapes and sizes (Fig. 3.1).

If we marvel at the depths of the Universe, then we see billions of galaxies. Galaxies can have different shapes and sizes; the stench can be eliptical or spiral, similar to our Chumatsky Shlyakh.

Our planet Earth is exploding around the Sun in the peripheral region of the spiral galaxy Chumatsky Shlyakh. The Mizhzoryan pill in the spiral sleeves forces us to be careful in the direct direction of the Galaxy, but on the sides a garish look opens up in front of it.

The skin galaxy avenges unhealed billions of stars, and many planets are drawn from them. We live on a planet that wraps around a star near the outer arm of the spiral galaxy Chumatsky Shliakh. The saws on the spiral arms encourage us to watch out for the Universe near the plane of the galaxy, but the visibility of two cones directly on the sides of this plane is dim, and we can determine the positions of distant galaxies (Fig. 3.2). We discovered that galaxies are distributed in space approximately uniformly with local clusters and empty spaces. It seems that the strength of galaxies at even great distances decreases, but, moreover, over distance they become so weak that we simply cannot register them. As far as we can judge, the Universe is drawn towards space endlessly (Fig. 3.3).

Well, in addition to these local concentrations, the galaxies are distributed across the vastness in the same way.

Although the Universe looks the same at all points in space, it inevitably changes in the course of time. At the beginning of the 20th century, they realized that it was important that it was immutable. It was necessary to sleep for endless hours, but this led to absurd reactions. As if the mirrors had been shining for an endlessly long time, the stench would have warmed the World to its own temperature. At this hour of the night the whole sky would shine as brightly as the Sun, the fragments in any direct glance would hit either the mirror or the saw clouds, rising to the same temperature as the mirror (Fig. 3.4).

As if the Universe would be static and unbroken in all directions, everywhere in the night sky the gaze would rest on the mirror and it would shine as brightly as the surface of the Sun.

We all watched the night sky and we know that it is dark, and it is even more important. It is evident that the World cannot forever remain in the same state as it is today. At the last hour, it was not enough that the eyes had become dim, which means that the light of even the distant eyes had not yet reached us. That’s why the sky doesn’t blind us from our sides at night.

If the mirrors were always in their places, why did the stinks ignite with several billions of fates? What kind of timer told them what time it was to light up? As we know, many philosophers racked their brains over this, who, like Immanuel Kant, believed that the Universe endures forever. However, the majority of people were entirely convinced that the Universe had been created for more than a thousand years, and it was the same thing that happened at the same time.

The differences with these facts began to appear in the same direction as the warnings of Vesto Slifer and Edvina Hubble in the next decade of the 20th century. And in 1923 Hubble reveals that numerous ice-marked dots in the sky, called nebulae, are actually other galaxies, great conglomerates of the same stars as our Sun, but are still located in the great distance. So that they looked so small and pale, the culprits would be so great that the world would need millions or bring billions of rocks to reach us. This means that the All-World could not appear for more than a few thousand years.

Hubble's other vision was even more miraculous. Astronomers know that by analyzing the light of other galaxies, they can determine which stinks are collapsing before us and before us (Fig. 3.5). At this moment of greatness, it appeared that all the galaxies were moving away. Moreover, as galaxies continue to exist, they begin to collapse. Hubble itself was aware of the dramatic legacy of this discovery: on a large scale, the skin galaxy is moving away from being something else. The world is expanding

Our neighboring galaxy, the Andromeda Nebula, parameters of what was discovered by Hubble and Slifer

Chronology of discoveries compiled by Slifer and Hubble between 1910 and 1930 pp.

1912 - Slifer took the spectra of four nebulae and found that three of them had a slight shift, and the spectrum of the Andromeda Nebula had a dark shift. Having established that the Andromeda Nebula is approaching us, other nebulae are moving away from us.

1912–1914 – Slifer observed the spectra of 12 more nebulae. All of them, except one, appeared to have lost their hearts.

1914 – Slifer presented his results to the American Astronomical Council. Hubble Boov is present.

1918 - Hubble has begun to trace the nebulae.

1923 – Hubble discovered that spiral nebulae (including the Andromeda Nebula) are other galaxies.

1914–1925 – Slifer and other astronomers continued to survive the extinction of Doppler destruction. Until 1925 there were 43 chervonyh displacements and 2 black ones.

1929 - Hubble and Milton Humason, who continued the extinction of Doppler disruptions and discovered that on a large scale the skin galaxy looks different from others, voiced that the Universe is expanding.

Doppler effect

The Doppler effect, which reveals the connection between depression and fluidity, we are wary of every day. Listen to the flight that flies overhead. When the engine is approaching, the sound of the engine is high-pitched, and when it is moving away, it is low-pitched.

A high tone represents more short sound sounds (with a small distance from one sound ridge to the next one) and higher frequencies (the number of sound sounds that come per second).

The Doppler effect of calls means that whatever is approaching will appear closer to you if it generates an advancing ridge, which means you will stand between the ridges to speed away. Likewise, if the air is visible, the noise will increase, and the pitch of the sound that is being absorbed will decrease.

The expansion of the Universe became one of the greatest intellectual revolutions of the twentieth century. This turned out to be completely disagreeable and completely changed the debate about the quest for the All-World. As the galaxies spread apart, the stinks of the past are closer to each other. Based on the current rate of expansion, we can make a new finding that here, between 10 and 15 billions of risks, there were almost one type of one. As described in the previous section, Roger Penrose and I were able to show: from Einstein’s ignorant theory of significance, it emerges that the Universe and its very hour of guilt sprouted in the form of a grandiose bulge. That’s why the night sky is dark: every star could not shine any longer, less than ten to fifteen billion years ago, having passed the Great Vibukha.

The Doppler effect also manifests itself in light-colored hair. As the galaxy becomes permanently distant from the Earth, the characteristic lines in its spectrum appear at standard positions. However, as it moves away from us, the legs will look longer or stretched, and the characteristic spectral lines will shift to the right side (right-handed). As the galaxy draws closer to us, the lines will appear blurry, and the lines will be noticeably displaced.

One day Hubble at the 100-inch telescope at Mount Wilson Observatory. 1930

Analyzing the light of other galaxies, Hubble discovered in the 1920s that perhaps all galaxies move away from us at rate V, which is the proportional distance R from the Earth: V= N x R. This important pattern, called Hubble's law, established that the Universe is expanding, and Hubble's law N sets the speed of expansion.

Small H.6. Hubble's Law

The graph displays the remaining data on the extreme displacements of galaxies, which confirm that Hubble's law applies to great distances in front of us. A small vigin on a large scale to talk about those that expansion will accelerate, possibly under the infusion of energy into the vacuum.

We heard that some ideas are called by other, earlier ideas, which, in their own way, are formed by even earlier ones. There is a lance of causality that will stretch into the past. Ale, let’s say that this lancet is on the cob. It is acceptable that it was first time. What did Yogo scream? This is not the kind of food that most people would like to do. The stench attracts its uniqueness, both declaring, like the Russians, that the Universe did not have a cob, and firmly insisting that the food about it lies in the sphere of science and extends to metaphysics and religion. My thought is that the practitioner of teaching is not guilty of taking the same position. Since the laws of nature are applied to the beginning of the Universe, why should they not be violated in the same way in other hours? The law is not a law, since it is not concluded more than once. We must try to scientifically explain the cob to the All-World. It is possible that the truth is beyond our power to reveal, unless we are guilty of trying.

Although we have developed the Penrose theorem and demonstrated that the Universe is to blame for the cob, there is practically nothing to say about the nature of its cob. The stench indicates that the All-World, having started from the Great Vibukha, will become, in which all the wine and everything that is in the new one will be squeezed into one point of infinite power. At this point, Einstein’s ignorant theory of validity is unfounded and cannot be corrected in order to convey how the Universe itself began. We are afraid to know that the similarity to the All-World may lie beyond the boundaries of science.

Hot Great Vibuh

As the sacred theory of fluidity is true, the Universe began from the infinitely high temperature and thickness at the singularity of the Great Vibuhu. In the expanded world of the World, the temperature and intensity of circulation changed. Approximately one hundredth of a second after the Great Vibhu, the temperature reached about 100 billion degrees, and the whole world was filled mainly with photons, electrons, neutrinos (even light particles) and their antiparticles, as well as several protons and neutrons. Over the next three continents, the Universe cooled to approximately 1 billion degrees, and protons and neutrons began to create helium, isotopes of water and other light elements.

After hundreds of thousands of years, when the temperature dropped to several thousand degrees, the electrons became so dense that the light nuclei could bury them, creating atoms. However, the most important elements from which we are composed, such as coal and sourness, were created only through billions of rocks as a result of burning helium in the nuclei of the grains.

This picture of a handsome, hot Vsesvit was first described by the physicist George Gamov in 1948. The article, written jointly with Ralph Alpher, contained a miraculous transference that the promotion of this even hot era is still around us today. The prophecy of the two was confirmed in 1965, when physicists Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson registered the cosmic background microviolet vibration..

Ale tse not that visnovok, which pleased his friends. As stated in sections 1 and 2, the reason why the hidden theory of significance does not work near the Great Vibuhu is that it does not include the principle of non-significance, which introduces an element of vagueness to the quantum theory and about Einstein Wislov and all in that sense that the Lord God does not play at the brush. Please note that everything is due to the fact that the Lord God is an inveterate gravetsman. You can see the World as a great casino, where you can throw brushes or spin the roulette wheel (Fig. 3.7).

Perhaps you think that running a casino is a very unreliable business, because scraps of skin, cards, or spins of roulette carry the risk of wasting pennies. However, for a large number of bets, the wins and programs average out and a result appears that can be transferred (Fig. 3.8). The casino's rulers should govern themselves so that their vigilance is averaged over their worth. Oh why the stink of riches. Your only chance to win is to bet all your money on a small number of red cards or roulette spins.

If you bet on a red card a lot of times, you can transfer your winnings or programs with high accuracy, so that the results of each drawing are averaged out. On the other hand, it is impossible to transfer the result of any fixed bet.

It’s the same with the All-World. If it is as large as it is today, there is an even greater number of drop brushes in it, the result is averaged and it can be transferred. Why do classical laws apply to great systems? If the Universe is even small, as near the moment of the Great Vibhu, brushes are thrown a few more times and the principle of insignificance becomes even more important.

The fragments of the World are constantly throwing brushes to understand what will happen next, there is no single story, as one might think. However, the Universe contains all possible stories - the skin with singing harmony. Among them, there may be one in which the Belize team took all the gold medals at the Olympic Games, although, perhaps, it may have low credibility. The idea that the Universe has an impersonal history may be considered science fiction, but today it is accepted as a scientific fact. This was formulated by Richard Feynman, who was a great physicist and a great original.

We are currently working on this in order to combine Einstein’s fundamental theory of significance and Feynman’s idea of ​​plurality of history into a new unified theory that describes everything that is captured by the All-World. . One theory allows us to understand how the Universe develops, as we know how its history began. However, in itself, a single theory does not allow us to find out how the Universe began, what its origin was. For whom do we need so-called boundary minds, rules that tell us what happens at the edges of the Universe, at the edges of space and time.

If the cordon of the World were just a point in the vastness of the world, we could have opened the cordon.

If the edge of the All-World passed through the initial point in the vastness of the hour, we could destroy further and declare that we had gone beyond the boundaries of the All-World. On the other hand, if the Universe ends at the edge, where the vastness of the winter is vast, and the depth is infinite, it would be even more important to understand the border minds.

And yet, my colleague Jim Hartle and I realized that there was a third option. Possibly, the All-World does not exist between the vastness and hours. At first glance, it seems that there is nothing wrong with the theorem that Penrose and I have developed about the fact that the whole world is to blame for the mother’s cob, then the cordon is at the hour. However, as explained in section 2, there is a different type of hour, called manifest, perpendicular to the original active hour, which we perceive. The history of the World in real time means its history in the obvious hour, and, as a result, the two types of history may even clash. For example, at an obvious hour, the Universe can kill the cob. It's an obvious time to be in the middle of nowhere. Zokrema, different histories of the Universe can clearly be represented by curved surfaces, similar to a sphere, a plane or a saddle, but in several dimensions, and not in two (Fig. 3.9).

Small 3.9 Stories from around the world

As the stories of the whole world move towards inconsistency, like a saddle falling out, then the problem arises of setting borderline minds at infinity. Since all the stories of the Universe are obviously closed surfaces, similar to the surface of the Earth, then there is no need to set boundaries.

If, just like to the bottom of the square, the history of the Universe follows inconsistency, then problems arise from the preoccupation of borderline minds with inconsistency. If all the stories of the Universe are obviously closed surfaces, similar to the surface of the Earth, then it is possible to completely lose sight of finite minds. The surface of the Earth does not extend between its edges. There were no reliable reports that people were fighting with them.

Laws of evolution and cob minds

The laws of physics dictate how the cob mill changes over time. For example, if we are filming a stone, the law of gravity allows us to convey its influence with high accuracy. We cannot move beyond the stones, relying only on false laws. We also need to know the fluidity and direction of the hand at the moment when it is thrown into the hands. In other words, it is our fault to know that the cobs are, as it seems, bordering on the stone.

Cosmology attempts to describe the evolution of the entire Universe, violating the laws of physics. Therefore, it is our responsibility to supply food, which is the cob's mind to the Universe, until it is our responsibility to stagnate these laws. The cob mill can be based on the fundamental power of the Universe, it can be based on the power of elementary particles and interactions, which may be of utmost importance for the development of biological life.

One of the assumptions is the absence of cordons, so that they often have space at the ends and create closed surfaces that do not damage the cordons. The assumption about the ubiquity of cordons is based on Feynman’s idea about the multiplicity of history, and the history of a part of Feynman’s sum is in this case replaced by a new space-hour, which represents the history of everything. vitu. The mind of the totality of cordons - this, to be precise, is the demarcation of possible stories of the Universe by these expanses-hours that do not hover between the obvious hours. In other words, the limiting minds for the All-World lie in those who have no limiting minds.

Cosmologists at this time believe that the cob configuration, which satisfies the assumption about the ubiquity of cordons, can, together with the weak anthropic principle, lead to the development of the All-World, similar to what we are afraid of.

As the history of the Universe is obviously true, it has closed surfaces, as we assumed from Hartle, but this has an important legacy for philosophy and the picture of our journey. In this type of world, the Universe is completely closed and self-sufficient; There is no need for anything beyond these boundaries to start a year and stop it from going. Everything in the world may be determined by the laws of nature and collapse to the thrown brushes in the middle of the Universe. I might want to sound like a hypocrite, but I believe in so many other teachings.

The surface of the Earth does not extend between its edges. The feeling about the fall of people to the ends of the Earth is even more extreme.

The truth is that the borderline minds for the Universe lie in the presence of borderline minds, but there is still more than one story. Like Feynman, she has an anonymous story. For the possible closed surface of the skin, there is a history of its own in the obvious hour, and the skin of them has a history in the speech hour.

As a result, we reject for the All-World a subdivision of possibilities. What does the specific All-World in which we live see from the set of all possible All-Worlds? On the one hand, it can be noted that many possible histories of the Universe do not lead to the consistent creation of galaxies and stars, which are fundamental for our emergence into the world. Although it is not turned off that intelligent things can evolve without galaxies, that star seems unlikely. Why is it that the fact of the founding of ourselves, creating the question “Why is the Universe the way it is?”, imposes an impact on the history of the world in which we live. This fact indicates that one of a small subset of histories, such as galaxies and stars, may be realized. This is an illustration of the so-called anthropic principle. It seems that the Universe may be more or less similar to those that we are guarding, since, as if it had appeared differently, there would have been no one who could have guarded it (Fig. 3.10).

Zliva: omniscience (a), which collapses, stays closed. Right-handed: open the world (b), which will continue to expand forever.

The borders of all-worldliness, which balance between falls on themselves and further expansions (c1), or with continuous inflation (c2) can be the corner of a reasonable life. Our All-World (d) is still expanding.

Anthropny principle

Roughly speaking, the anthropic principle confirms that we believe that the Universe is such as it is, often to what we dream. This view is diametrically consistent with the hopes of the created general theory, which would provide an unambiguous transfer of results from a comprehensive set of laws of physics and for which our world is such, which is why it may be different. There are many different variations of the anthropic principle: starting from weak to the point of triviality and ending so strong that they become absurd. Although most scientists are reluctant to recognize the strong anthropic principle, those who are ready to experience the effects of morbidity rely on the weak one.

The weak anthropic principle can be reduced to explaining in which rich epochs or parts of the Universe we could live. For example, the Great Vibukh is to blame for nearly 10 billion years of this: The whole world is to blame for reaching the old, so that the young stars have already completed their evolution and have produced such warehouses of our elements as sour and coal, and at the same time to reach the young, generally lost the mirrors Nowadays, you can use your energy to support your life.

Within the framework of the assumption about the existence of cordons, one can use Feynman’s rules for assigning numbers to the history of the Universe in order to determine which powers are the ones with the greatest homovirality. In this context, the anthropic principle manifests itself as a means for history to take place over rational life. Naturally, we are less impressed by the bi-anthropic principle, so that it would be possible to show that from the indifference of different cob configurations, the Universe will develop in a smart way so that a world similar to what we are afraid of will be created. This could mean that the cob mill of this part of the world in which we are lingering is not necessarily easy to get out with special care..

Rich scientists do not follow the anthropic principle, as they seem to be unclear and such that they do not have a great transmitting force. However, the anthropic principle can be given a more precise formulation, and it seems substantive under the hour of discussion of the approach to the All-World. M-theory, developed in section 2, allows for great diversity in the history of the Universe. Most of these stories are not suitable for the development of a rational life: empty, extremely short, excessively contorted, or inconsistent with certain parameters. Moreover, Richard Feynman’s ideas about the multiplicity of history and uninhabited options may have even high credibility.

Feynman stories

Richard Feynman born in New York, Brooklyn, 1918. In 1942, he completed his doctorate under John Wheeler at Princeton University. Soon after his imprisonment before participating in the Manhattan Project. Feynman became famous for his unpretentious character and pranks (at Los Al-Moss he was daring to open safes containing secret information), as well as for being a distinguished physicist: he became a key developer of the theory of the atomic bomb. The very essence of his specialness became irresistible to the point of extreme light. It not only served as a driver for this scientific success, but also led to amazing achievements, such as the deciphering of Mayan hieroglyphs.

After the Other Light War, Feynman pioneered a new, even more effective view of quantum mechanics, for which he received the Nobel Prize in 1965. We have raised doubts about the fundamental classical statements about those that the skin part has more than one story. It is important to assume that the particles move from one place to another in all possible ways in the open air. Feynman associated two numbers with the skin trajectory: one for the magnitude (amplitude) of the curl, and the other for its phase (the position in the cycle - crest and trough). The certainty of what is often needed to move from point A to point is determined by the sum of the threads tied with a leathery path from A to B.

In everyday life, objects move from the exit point to the end point in one way. This is no less suitable for Feynman’s idea of ​​the multiplicity of history (understood with history), the fragments for great objects of which the number recognition of the skin guarantees that, with a healthy appearance, the contribution to All nobles, except one, are neutralized. Only one of the countless number of paths is significant when we see the flow of macroscopic objects, and this trajectory exactly corresponds to the one that follows from the classical, Newtonian laws of the flow.

In fact, there is no significance, as much as history may be, which has no reasonable origins. We are distinguished only by the multitude in which life develops intelligently. Neobov'yazkovo, so that she looks like people. Little green men will do just fine. Possibly, the stench will probably give in more. The human race does not include so many intelligent beasts.

As an example of the power of the anthropic principle, we will look at the number of worlds in space. It is well known from practice that we live in a trivial space. This means that the position of a point in the expanse can be specified by three numbers, for example, latitude, longitude and height above the sea level. Why is the space trivial? Why not two, or even more, than the number of extinctions, as in science fiction? The M-theory has nine or ten vimirs, but it is important that six or seven of them are burnt to very small sizes and only three vimirs are large and approximately flat (Fig. 3.11).

Why are we not alive in the scenario, where all the worlds are burned and there are only two available weapons? It would not be easy for two-world creatures to poison the hedgehog. As if its herbal tract passed through, it would have divided the creature in two and ultimately the vegetation would have split into pieces. So two flat worlds are not enough for a somewhat complex and reasonable life.

On the other hand, if there were more “fired up” worlds, the gravitational pull between the two bodies would increase more as they got closer. This means that until the dawn of time there were no stable orbits for the planets. The planets either fell into the stars (Fig. 3.12, up), or disappeared in the darkness and cold of too much space (Fig. 3.12, below).

A similar effect would be the unstable orbits of electrons in atoms and the speech familiar to us could not be heard. However, although the concept of multiple histories allows the creation of any unburnt world, only in scenarios with three such worlds can there be reasonable origins. In these scenarios, however, the theme will be “Why is the expanse of three worlds?”

The simplest history of the Universe is clearly a sphere similar to the surface of the Earth, with two additional worlds (Fig. 3.13).

The simplest story without cordons is obviously the whole sphere. Vaughn determines history in real time, as it senses inflationary expansion.

Vaughn sets in the current hour, which is the subject of our investigation, such a story in which the Universe is, however, at all points in space and expands in the hours. Why is it similar to the Universe in which we live. However, the expansion rate is even greater and will continue to increase. Such an expansion that accelerates is called inflation, because at a rate that gradually accelerates, prices rise.

Price inflation is considered a negative phenomenon, but in the end it is already visible to the World. Strong inflation smoothes out any piles of matter that could have been created in the early Universe. In the world of expansion, the All-Light deposits energy in the gravitational field in order to create more speech. The positive energy of the speech is exactly equal to the negative gravitational energy, so the total energy balance is equal to zero. If the Universe changes its size, the energy of speech and gravity still become twice as large - or two times zero, as before, zero. We will forgive you for depriving the banking world like this (Fig. 3.14)!

Small 3.14. Inflationary world

Inflationary world

In the model of the hot Great Vibuhu, at the early stages, the development of the All-World was insufficient for thermal energy to flow from one region of the All-World to another. Tim not less, we caution that in all directions the temperature of the micro-hair background vibration is the same. This means that in the cob mill the World is responsible for the constant temperature everywhere.

In trying to find a model for how a number of different cob changes could evolve into something similar to the current All-World, it was assumed that the early All-World passed through an era of rapid expansion. This expansion is called inflationary, taking into account the fact that it is happening at a growing pace, and not at an accelerated rate, as is expected today. The basis of such a phase of inflation makes it possible to explain why the Universe appears in all directions, since in the early World it was possible for light to pass from one region of the World to another.

History is clearly an ideal sphere for the World, which is constantly expanding in an inflationary mode. However, in our powerful Worldwide inflation, a second later, the inflation rate collapsed and galaxies began to form. Obviously this means that the history of our Universe is a sphere slightly flattened from the polar pole.

As a result, while the history of the Universe is obviously an ideal sphere, in reality it represents the history of the Universe, which will always continue to suffer in an inflationary regime. As long as there is a sigh, the speech cannot thicken and create galaxies, stars and life, without even talking about the development of intelligent principles on our planet. Therefore, although ideally spherical histories of the Universe are clearly allowed, statements about the multiplicity of histories are allowed, without causing great interest. It is much more suitable for us to see stories in the obvious hour, like the slightly flattened pole of the sphere (Fig. 3.15).

In this case, the current history in real time is expanding in an accelerated inflationary mode, barely on the cob. And then the expansion will begin to calm down and the galaxies will be able to settle down. Even though life might appear sane, the splashing on the sunken pole may be even weaker. This means that the entire World will expand to a greedy size. A record rate of penny inflation in the space between the two world wars in Germany, as prices grew by the billions of times, is a sign of the scale of inflation that the World has experienced. and in the milliards, the billions of billions of times are larger (Fig. 3.16).

Inflation in Germany began after the end of the First World War and before the year 1920. The price level has risen 5 times from the level since 1918. After the lime tree 1922 r. The phase of hyperinflation has arrived. If there was any confidence in pennies, and over the course of 15 months, the price index grew faster and faster, exceeding the capabilities of Drukarsky verstats, who could not get another pennies from this kind of liquidity, what a stink. appreciated. Until the end of 1923, 300 paper factories were working at full speed, and in 150 factories, 2 thousand paper mills were constantly spinning banknotes.

Inherited by the principle of insignificance, the All-World may have only one story to accommodate a reasonable life. However, without history, it is obvious that a whole family of deformed spheres is being created, each of which is evidenced by history at the present time, with a long, but not endless, inflationary inflation of the Universe. What can you ask: which of these acceptable stories is the most popular? It turns out that it is not perfectly flat, but has a surface with crooked rises and depressions (Fig. 3.17).

Small 3.17 Worldwide and Worldwide Stories

Smooth stories on kshtalt A The most reliable ones, but their quantity is rather small.

I would like a little bit of irregularly shaped history b and because in itself it is less reliable, the number of their tables is great, so that, more than anything else, the history of the World will reveal small improvements in the form of smoothness.

It’s true that there is a lot of ice on this bridge in our most recent history. The amount of moisture on a flat surface is in the order of magnitude one to one hundred thousand. Tim is no less, although the stench is very small, we can guard against them as slight variations in the micro-haired plant, which come from various directions in space. The satellite Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE), launched in 1989, created a map of the sky in the microwave range.

A map of the entire sky, drawn by the IM'YA instrument on the satellite SOVE, to speak about the time of the formation of folds.

The color indicates the variations in temperature, and the entire range from the red to the black shows a variation of every ten-thousandth of a degree - these variations between the regions of the early World are enough to make the superworldly heavy In large areas, their infinite expansion was suppressed and pressure caused by self-gravity led to illumination of galaxies and stars. So the SOVE map, in principle, is no more and no less than the positions of all structures in the All-World.

What will the future look like for the most advanced stories of the Universe, crazy with the appearance of reasonable origins? Here you can find different options depending on the number of words spoken by the World. As this is more than critical, the gravitational pull between galaxies can be reduced and their expansion can be stopped. Then they will begin to fall one by one and will converge at the Great Pressure, which will become the end of the history of the World in real time (Fig. 3.18).

One of the possible scenarios for the end of the Universe is the Great Squeeze, a gigantic cataclysm, if all matter is rolled into a gravitational well.

If the power of the Universe is below a critical value, the gravity must be weak in order to prevent the eternal expansion of galaxies. All the eyes are burning out, and the World is becoming increasingly empty and cold. So everything here will come to an end, even if it’s not so dramatic. In any case, the Universe will still awaken due to billions of fates (Fig. 3.19).

It's getting colder, in which everything freezes and the remaining lights go out, having exhausted their reserves of fire.

In a certain way, the Universe can remove the so-called energy from the vacuum, like the presence of an empty space, it would seem. Behind Einstein's famous quest E = mc 2 Energy matters to vacuum. This means that there is a gravitational influx into the expanded Universe. However, it is already noticeable that the infusion of energy into the vacuum is parallel to the infusion of primary matter. The speech is increasingly widened and may, as a result, tighten and turn back. The energy in the vacuum, however, accelerates expansion as a result of inflation. In fact, it acts exactly like a cosmological constant, as, as was said in Chapter 1, Einstein added to his cob era in 1917, when he realized that they did not allow a decision consistent with the stationary Universe. After Hubble discovered the expansion of the universe of the framework for adding cosmological stability to the universe, Einstein threw it out as a mercy.

However, she might not have been a sweetheart at all. As stated in section 2, we understand today: quantum theory indicates that the vast majority of quantum fluctuations are present. In the supersymmetric theory, the endless positive and negative energies of these fluctuations of the main body are mutually neutralized by particles with different spins. But we cannot understand that positive and negative energies compensate for each other exactly, so as not to lose the small end amount of energy to the vacuum, since the Universe is not in a super-symmetrical state. The only problem is that this energy is so close to zero that it has not been detected before. Possibly, this is due to the anthropic principle. A history with greater energy in the vacuum would not have led to the creation of galaxies and would not have taken the place of the source that supplied the food “Why does the energy of the vacuum have the meaning that we expect?”

The strength of the speech and the energy of the vacuum in the Universe can be measured using a variety of careful methods, and the results can be presented on diagrams, where the strength of the speech is plotted along the horizontal axis, and the energy of the vacuum – along the vertical axis. The dotted line shows the boundaries between the areas where life is likely to develop (Fig. 3.20).

By constantly guarding against distant supernovae and the cosmic microviolet production of buildings about the division of speech in the All-World, it is possible with very high accuracy to determine the energy of the vacuum and the strength of the speech in the All-Sight.

I would, in a pea scaralupe, respect myself as a volunteer of the intangible space.

W. Shakespeare. Hamlet. Act 2, Siena 2

The wariness of supernovae, the accumulation of galaxies and the microviolet background also set their own areas on this diagram. Fortunately, all three areas are covered with a fire blanket. As the strength of the speech and the energy of the vacuum are lost from this cross section, this means that the expanded Universe has begun to slow down again after a long period of enhancement. It seems that inflation may be a law of nature.

In this section, we showed how the behavior of the expanse of the Universe can be explained in terms of history in the obvious hour, which is a crooked, slightly flattened sphere. It’s like the stone of Hamlet’s scarlet, but in this mountain everything that is happening in real time is encoded. So Hamlet maws the radio. We can be placed in a pea scarf and still regard ourselves as kings of the endless cosmos.

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Section 2 Hour of today Today there is a lot to talk about the recovery of energy from the sun, wind, sea winds, about the increase of energy from above, about the recovery of the internal heat of the Earth, about the taming of sea tides and about the removal of power plants beyond the atmosphere. Ale bye...

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Section 18 The battered motorcycle flowed very low, ten meters above the gloom. Far below Tom and Tristam the shores of a volcanic island were dissected. - Don't shoot! - repeating the military man's words at the cloak. - Quiet - shut up! The soldiers flocked to the pier and began to fire at the grandmother

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Chapter 1 Three hundred and Tom flew even higher, richer, and the gloom of natural hiking rose below. More than one year has passed since the stench cleared the icy shroud behind, when the tyrant’s armies fell on Myrtleville. The sky here was not the same as above this little town:

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Section 7 A few years have passed. Tristam and Tom lay on hard bunks near a dark, windowless cell, constantly turning from side to side. Only the humming flute murmured, the old man suddenly dozed off, now murmuring indistinctly in his sleep. Tom started to feel chilly; Having sorted out Tristam

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Section 8 The thick smoke that came out of the chimneys was mixed with the cold and dry light of the tank. Snowmen were stationed at all intersections near the center of the White Capital. The smells were similar not so much to law enforcement officers, but to the occupation forces.

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Section 9 It was night, there was deep silence behind the windows. I fell asleep for three hundred years. I instructed him, with an open book on his stomach, sleeping, weary, about the future, Vol. At the back of the room, stretched out on a mattress, one of the policemen was snoring. The other one was sitting on the drabine that now stood

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Section 10 Three hundred people respectfully stitch for a shade. Vaughn collapsed straight into the military patrol. "Don't let the youma get past there!" - Tristam became worried.

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Section 11 In the morning, when only a few of the boys woke up, the police took them down to the underground passage. Luckily, in the cramped tunnel that I had a chance to poke through as a goose, it was clean and dry. - How long? - having asked Tristam, when the stench passed about ten meters. - Shh! - whispering

3 books by the author

I didn’t realize that my popular science book “A Short History of the Hour” would be so successful. The list of bestsellers in the London Sunday Times was marked by four fates - more than any other book that

Stephen Hawking

Light at the pea scarlet


I didn’t realize that my popular science book “A Short History of the Hour” would be so successful. The bestseller list of the London Sunday Times featured four more than one other book, which is especially surprising for a story about science, and even though it's about to sell out like crazy. Then people began to feed, if they looked for continuation. While I was making the opera, I didn’t want to write this on the worksheet “Continuation of a short story” or “A little history of the past hour.” And I was also busy with research. But they quickly realized that they could write another book if there was a chance it would be easier to understand. “A short history of the hour” was inspired by a linear scheme: the greater leather of the front section is logically tied to the front ones. Some readers did just that, but others, stuck on the first sections, never got to the right topics. The reference book is designed differently - it is more like a tree: chapters 1 and 2 create a drill from which the needles of other sections come out.

This “sharing” of a significant world is independent of one type, and, having taken away the statements about the “trunk”, you can get to know them in good order. The stench is associated with the areas in which I worked or about which dimensions were measured after the publication of “A Short History of the Hour.” This will show direct current investigations that are most actively developing. In the middle of the skin section, I also tried to understand the linear structure. The illustrations and captions before them indicate to the reader an alternative route, as in “Illustrated short history of the hour”, published in 1996. Cutting and respect in the margins allows you to touch on these topics more deeply than possible in the main text.

In 1988, when “A Short History of the Hour” was first published, there was such an outcry that a residual theory of everything loomed on the horizon. How much has the situation changed since then? How did we approach our mark? As you know from this book, the progress will be even more significant. It's getting more expensive, and the end is still not in sight. As it seems, it’s better to continue to chew the route with hope, but you’ll never arrive until the end. Our jokes and revelations can lead to creative activity in all areas, not just in science. As soon as we reach the end of the path, the human spirit will dry up and die. But I don’t think that if we are stuck: if we crumble if we are not in the depths, then we will be complicated, and will soon be deprived of the center of the expanded horizon of possibilities.

I have a lot of assistants working on this book. In particular, I would like to acknowledge Thomas Hertog and Neil Shearer for my help with the little ones, captions and sidebars, Anne Harris and Kitty Fergusson, who edited the manuscript (or, more precisely, computer files, fragments of everything I I am writing to show up at electronic form), Philip Danna from Book Laboratory and Moonrunner Design, who created the illustrations. Besides, I want to thank everyone who has given me the opportunity to lead a normal life and engage in scientific research. Without them this book would not have been written.

A short history of relevance

About those who laid down the foundations of Einstein

two fundamental theories of the twentieth century:

fundamental theory of validity and quantum mechanics

Albert Einstein, the creator of a special and secret theory of importance, born in 1879. in the German town of Ulm, later my family moved to Munich, where the future scientist’s father, Hermann, and his uncle, Jacob, had a small and not very successful electrical engineering company. Albert is not a child prodigy, but he is adamant that he did not study at school, but he looks like he’s overdoing it. In 1894 r. His father’s business failed, and his family moved to Milan. The fathers decided to deprive Albert from Germany before he finished school, but did not blame German authoritarianism and after a few months left school, heading to Italy to their homeland. Later, he completed his studies in Zurich, receiving a diploma from the prestigious Polytechnic in 1900 ( E idgenössische T echnische H ochschule - Vishcha technical school). Being too smart and not liking his superiors led Einstein to have hundreds of relationships with ETH professors, and none of them were given the position of assistant professor, from whom his academic career began. Just two years later, the young man decided to hire a young clerk at the Swiss Patent Office at Bernie. It was during that period, in 1905, that he wrote three articles that not only made Einstein one of the world’s leading figures, but also gave rise to two scientific revolutions - revolutions that changed our understanding of the hour, simply r and reality itself.

Until the end of the 19th century, it was respected that they had finally reached a complete description of the Universe. Behind these manifestations, the space is filled with an uninterrupted middle substance - “ether”. The changes in light and radio signals were seen as thick ether, just as sound was strong in the wind. All that is required to complete the theory is to carefully suppress the external power of the ether. Due to the respect of the plant, the Jefferson Laboratory at Harvard University was kept free of water, in order to eliminate possible defects in the finest magnetic fields. Prote designers forgot that the red-brown whole, as a vikorist in the established laboratory, most of the others were at Harvard, to avenge the significance of the saliency. In order to serve Donna, but at Harvard, I don’t know how you can close the library so as not to remove the wet flowers.

Before the end of the century, the concept of an all-pervasive ether began to run into difficulties. It was realized that the light may be spreading across the airwaves with a fixed fluidity, but if you yourself are collapsing through the airwaves in the same direction, since it is light, the fluidity of the light is bound to be less , and if you collapse in a straight line, the fluidity of the light will appear greater (Fig. 1.1 ). ).

Small 1.1 The theory of the indestructible ether

As if it were light, it was in the spring of speech, called ether, whose fluidity would seem like a thing to someone who crashes on a spaceship in the same direction (a), and lower - to someone who collapses in the same direction, what and light (b).

However, a number of experiments could not confirm this phenomenon. The most accurate and correct of them was created in 1887 by Albert Michelson and Edward Morley at the Case School of Applied Sciences, Cleveland, Ohio. The stench equalized the fluidity of the light in the two exchanges, so they walked under the direct path one to one. The fragments of the Earth turn around its axis and turn around the Sun, the fluidity and direct flow of the equipment through the ether changes (Fig. 1.2). Ale Michelson and Morley did not reveal any positive or negative differences in the fluidity of the light in two exchanges. It turned out that the world would soon collapse in front of you with this same fluidity, regardless of how the fluidity directly collapses in you (Fig. 1.3).

Lively and intriguing. Hawking's nature of endowments is a pleasure to read and explain, with humor and to illustrate complex concepts with analogies from everyday life.

New York Times

This book equips children with brilliant intelligence. We will appreciate the entire world of Hawking, transferring the buzz to the power of his mind.

Sunday Times

Alive and warm... Allows a wide readership to glean deep scientific truths from the Persian.

New Yorker

Stephen Hawking is a master of clarity... It is important to realize that one of those who are still alive is more intelligible, including the fearful layman of mathematical calculations.

Chicago Tribune

The most melodious, popular science book is the Master's Study of what modern physics and astrophysics are all about. Yay, Dr. Hawking! think about the Universe and those who became like this.

Wall Street journal

In 1988, Stephen Hawking’s book “A Brief History of the Hour,” which broke sales records, introduced readers all over the world to the ideas of this miraculous theoretical physicist. And the axis of a new important idea: Hawking is turning! The wonderfully illustrated sequel – “The Light of the Pea Scarlet” – reveals the essence of scientific criticism that was developed after the appearance of my first, widely recognized book.

One of the most boring events of our time, known not only for the brilliance of ideas, but also for the clarity and depth of its expression, Hawking takes us to the forefront of research, but the truth seems like a chimerical guess, to explain in simple words, the principles that guide the All-World. Like many theoretical physicists, Hawking cannot find the Holy Grail of science - the Usoy Theory, which lies at the basis of the cosmos. Vine allows us to delve into the darkness of the world: from supergravity to supersymmetry, from quantum theory to M-theory, from holography to dualities. At the same time, we are starting from a thirsty place, when we learn about attempts to create on the basis of Einstein’s original theory of fluidity and Richard Feynman’s idea about the multiplicity of history. Well, a theory that will describe everything that is obtained from the All-World.

We accompany you on an unexpected journey through the vastness of the hour, and the miraculous color illustrations serve us as milestones in this mandriva through the surreal Land of Wonders, where particles, membranes and strings collapse in eleven worlds, where black diri will be vaporized, wine from the cosmic nasin, from what virus our All-World, it was a crumbling pot.

Stephen Hawking takes the Lucasian Professorship of Mathematics at Cambridge University, succeeding Isaac Newton and Paul Dirac. Wien is considered one of the most prominent theoretical physicists since Einstein.

Stephen Hawking

Light at the pea scarlet


I didn’t realize that my popular science book “A Short History of the Hour” would be so successful. The bestseller list of the London Sunday Times featured four more than one other book, which is especially surprising for a story about science, and even though it's about to sell out like crazy. Then people began to feed, if they looked for continuation. While I was making the opera, I didn’t want to write this on the worksheet “Continuation of a short story” or “A little history of the past hour.” And I was also busy with research. But they quickly realized that they could write another book if there was a chance it would be easier to understand. “A short history of the hour” was inspired by a linear scheme: the greater leather of the front section is logically tied to the front ones. Some readers did just that, but others, stuck on the first sections, never got to the right topics. The reference book is designed differently - it is more like a tree: chapters 1 and 2 create a drill from which the needles of other sections come out.

This “sharing” of a significant world is independent of one type, and, having taken away the statements about the “trunk”, you can get to know them in good order. The stench is associated with the areas in which I worked or about which dimensions were measured after the publication of “A Short History of the Hour.” This will show direct current investigations that are most actively developing. In the middle of the skin section, I also tried to understand the linear structure. The illustrations and captions before them indicate to the reader an alternative route, as in “Illustrated short history of the hour”, published in 1996. Cutting and respect in the margins allows you to touch on these topics more deeply than possible in the main text.

In 1988, when “A Short History of the Hour” was first published, there was such an outcry that a residual theory of everything loomed on the horizon. How much has the situation changed since then? How did we approach our mark? As you know from this book, the progress will be even more significant. It's getting more expensive, and the end is still not in sight. As it seems, it’s better to continue to chew the route with hope, but you’ll never arrive until the end. Our jokes and revelations can lead to creative activity in all areas, not just in science. As soon as we reach the end of the path, the human spirit will dry up and die. But I don’t think that if we are stuck: if we crumble if we are not in the depths, then we will be complicated, and will soon be deprived of the center of the expanded horizon of possibilities.

I have a lot of assistants working on this book. In particular, I would like to acknowledge Thomas Hertog and Neil Shearer for my help with the little ones, captions and sidebars, Anne Harris and Kitty Fergusson, who edited the manuscript (or, more precisely, computer files, fragments of everything I I am writing to show up at electronic form), Philip Danna from Book Laboratory and Moonrunner Design, who created the illustrations. Besides, I want to thank everyone who has given me the opportunity to lead a normal life and engage in scientific research. Without them this book would not have been written.

A short history of relevance

About those who laid down the foundations of Einstein

two fundamental theories of the twentieth century:

fundamental theory of validity and quantum mechanics

Albert Einstein, the creator of a special and secret theory of importance, born in 1879. in the German town of Ulm, later my family moved to Munich, where the future scientist’s father, Hermann, and his uncle, Jacob, had a small and not very successful electrical engineering company. Albert is not a child prodigy, but he is adamant that he did not study at school, but he looks like he’s overdoing it. In 1894 r. His father’s business failed, and his family moved to Milan. The fathers decided to deprive Albert from Germany before he finished school, but did not blame German authoritarianism and after a few months left school, heading to Italy to their homeland. Later, he completed his studies in Zurich, receiving a diploma from the prestigious Polytechnic in 1900 ( E idgenössische T echnische H ochschule - Vishcha technical school). Being too smart and not liking his superiors led Einstein to have hundreds of relationships with ETH professors, and none of them were given the position of assistant professor, from whom his academic career began. Just two years later, the young man decided to hire a young clerk at the Swiss Patent Office at Bernie. It was during that period, in 1905, that he wrote three articles that not only made Einstein one of the world’s leading figures, but also gave rise to two scientific revolutions - revolutions that changed our understanding of the hour, simply r and reality itself.

Until the end of the 19th century, it was respected that they had finally reached a complete description of the Universe. Behind these manifestations, the space is filled with an uninterrupted middle substance - “ether”. The changes in light and radio signals were seen as thick ether, just as sound was strong in the wind. All that is required to complete the theory is to carefully suppress the external power of the ether. Due to the respect of the plant, the Jefferson Laboratory at Harvard University was kept free of water, in order to eliminate possible defects in the finest magnetic fields. Prote designers forgot that the red-brown whole, as a vikorist in the established laboratory, most of the others were at Harvard, to avenge the significance of the saliency. In order to serve Donna, but at Harvard, I don’t know how you can close the library so as not to remove the wet flowers.

Before the end of the century, the concept of an all-pervasive ether began to run into difficulties. It was realized that the light may be spreading across the airwaves with a fixed fluidity, but if you yourself are collapsing through the airwaves in the same direction, since it is light, the fluidity of the light is bound to be less , and if you collapse in a straight line, the fluidity of the light will appear greater (Fig. 1.1 ). ).

Small 1.1 The theory of the indestructible ether

As if it were light, it was in the spring of speech, called ether, whose fluidity would seem like a thing to someone who crashes on a spaceship in the same direction (a), and lower - to someone who collapses in the same direction, what and light (b).

However, a number of experiments could not confirm this phenomenon. The most accurate and correct of them was created in 1887 by Albert Michelson and Edward Morley at the Case School of Applied Sciences, Cleveland, Ohio. The stench equalized the fluidity of the light in the two exchanges, so they walked under the direct path one to one. The fragments of the Earth turn around its axis and turn around the Sun, the fluidity and direct flow of the equipment through the ether changes (Fig. 1.2). Ale Michelson and Morley did not reveal any positive or negative differences in the fluidity of the light in two exchanges. It turned out that the world would soon collapse in front of you with this same fluidity, regardless of how the fluidity directly collapses in you (Fig. 1.3).

Small 1.2

No differences were found between the light speed in the direct direction of the Earth's orbit and the light speed in the direction perpendicular to the direction.

Based on the Michelson-Morley experiment, the Irish physicist George Fitzgerald and the Dutch physicist Hendrik Lorentz allowed the bodies that crumble through the ether to shrink, and the one-year-old to calm down. This compression and intensification are such that people will henceforth recover from extinctions, however, the fluidity of the light regardless of how the stench collapses into the ether. (Fitzgerald and Lorenz, as before, respected the ether as a real substance.) However, in a paper written in early 1905, Einstein noted that no one can determine how the ether collapses , then the understanding of the ether itself becomes clear. We started with the postulate that the laws of physics are the same for all guards, which are about to collapse. Zokrema, all the stinks, the vibrating liquidity of the light, we must take away that very value, so that no matter how much liquidity we ourselves collapse. The fluidity of the light is independent in all directions and nevertheless remains the same in all directions.

Small 1.3. Dimming the brightness of the light

In the Michelson-Sea interferometer, the light source was split into two parts by a transparent mirror. The exchanges collapsed perpendicularly one to one, and then came together again, catching the mirror in the background. The difference in the fluidity of the exchanges of light, which collapse in two directions, could lead to the fact that the ridges of one exchange would simultaneously come with the depressions of the other and mutually extinguish one another.

gastroguru 2017