Why did Kadirov take away the hero of Russia? A military look at politics. Cities of the Chechen Republic


The President of the Russian Federation signed the decree on June 29, 2004. The title of Hero of Russia was given to Kadirov “for his courage and heroism, which was revealed during his military service,” according to the press service of the President of Russia

Russian President Vladimir Putin, by his Decree, awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation to Ramzan Kadirov, the first intercessor of the head of Chechnya, the son of the killed Chechen President Akhmad Kadirov.

The President of the Russian Federation signed the decree on June 29, 2004. The title of Hero of Russia was given to Kadirov “for his courage and heroism, which was revealed during his military service,” according to the press service of the President of Russia.

We remember that earlier, on the 11th anniversary of this year, the title of Hero of Russia was awarded by the Presidential Decree of the Russian Federation to Ramzan Kadirov’s father, Akhmad Kadirov, although posthumously. Akhmad Kadirov died on May 9, 2004 at the Dynamo stadium near Grozny near the holy day of Victory Day.

Ramzan Kadirov himself respects the fact that the entire Chechen people is entrusted to his person. “I respect that today’s hero was recognized, first of all, by the entire suffering people of Chechnya. We decided to continue the uncompromising fight against terrorism, extremism and banditry. And thereby protect the interests of all Russians people,” Ramzan Kadirov told reporters on Wednesday. .

In his words, we have confirmed the correctness of Akhmad Kadirov’s course towards establishing peace and stability in the republic. “I am very grateful to the Russian Federation for such a high assessment of activity. I value this as recognition of the merits of those who were close to me - the living and the dead, who fought against international terrorism, thereby protecting the interests of those who are not for the people of Chechnya, and for the entire people of Russia,” - Ramzan Kadirov said.

Kadirov Ramzan Akhmatovich was born on June 5, 1976 in the village of Tsentoroy Chechen-Inguska Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (nin - Chechen Republic). There I graduated from secondary school in the dark. In 2004, the family graduated from the Makhachkala Institute of Business and Law.

Until 2000, he was important for his sports career: having taken part in many successful boxing careers, he received the title of Master of Sports.

Since 1996, he was the lieutenant and special guardian of his father, Mufti Akhmad Kadirov. Since Akhmad Kadirov was elected President of the Chechen Republic (2000), becoming the head of the Presidential Security Service. Engaged in negotiations with participants in illegal military formations (IAF) about their transition to federal control. Confirmed for carrying out special operations.

Encircling the seat of the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Chechnya. Having been a member of the State for the Chechen Republic of the Gudermes region.

After the death of his father, the candidacy of Ramzan Kadirov was promoted for the post of President of Chechnya, against, according to the Constitution of the Republic, this position could be defeated by the citizens of the Russian Federation, which has been going on for 30 years.

May 10, 2004 the date of appointment as the first deputy prime minister of the Chechen Republic. In the other half of the year 2004, there was a meeting of the ever-important representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Pivden Federal District, Dmitry Kozak. The competence of Ramzan Kadirov in this village is to ensure cooperation with the security forces of the district.

Senior police lieutenant. Friendship, there are three donks.


The last thing I want to write about is the hero of Russia and academician Ramzan Kadirov. There are so many new things to come. People rarely talk about the president. And Ramzan Kadirov’s axle has a stitch on the leather barrel. He has a powerful thought from all the food and the worst thing that he has been voicing his thought all hour. Well, if you cross Russia, take away the tribute from it, then sit quietly and rejoice. So no, the whole country hears day and night about the hero of Russia and academician Ramzan Kadirov. And let’s try some similarities on them.

You can clearly see the bottom photo - the pope, who, having lost weight from fasting, supports the Muslim leader.

What was it all about?

Grozny is having a rally of unreal proportions. According to official data, a million people gathered in the central square. This is despite the fact that the entire population of the city is less than 300 thousand, and the population of Chechnya is 1.3 million.

Garazd, official data about the millions of existing protections is acceptable both night and morning. Ale y 300-500 thousand present - for Grozny it’s all the same. The shoes were not going to be on the 9th of May.

If 300 thousand people gathered for the rally in Grozny, at least 100 thousand would come from other places and forces of the republic. And so that 500 thousand people gathered, coming from literally all of Chechnya, from the smallest settlements.

So what made the residents of Chechnya so excited to turn out en masse for a rally in Grozny?

Maybe they brought a Muslim shrine to Grozny? Perhaps the republic's share is still being determined?

No! All of Chechnya gathered in the central square of Grozny to show support for Ramzan Kadirov, declare unity and demonstrate patriotism.

Why is it so important to gather literally the entire republic and declare support for Kadirov? Isn’t the President of Russia planning to spare him more? Never mind.

Preparations before elections? It doesn't look the same. Moreover, Kadirov does not have such a competitor in the republic that he needs to recruit every single one of them to support him...

For those who have not yet guessed what it means, I will rest from afar. Have you ever been to Grozny? No? If you haven't been, take a look at the photos. Today's Grozny is, melodiously, the most gorgeous place on the territory of Russia. It competes with either the center of Moscow or the Olympic Sochi. This is not a fact.

Now try the answers to questions: why did everything come from such pennies? Expanded version - everything was purchased using Russian pennies. In some ways it’s true, but not at all. The golovne dzherelo of the Chechen wealth is worth the naphtha.

Chechnya is very rich in naphtha. And naphtha in Chechnya is even lighter. It’s easy to obtain and refinish. During the war, the militants started mining and refining naphtha using artisanal methods. This means that Chechnya’s share of oil production is even lower, but its income is even higher.

Russia did not give Chechnya its precious pennies in the same way as it allowed Grozny to independently manage its income.

The principle of a peace treaty with Chechnya under the purview of another military campaign is the victory of Chechnya in the struggle for political independence, political loyalty and the formal alignment of Moscow for economic independence.

Then Putin and Kadirov Sr. realized that the Kadirov clan controls the entire Chechen dominion and all the income from the oil industry in Chechnya (and even serious pennies, especially for a republic with a population of less than 1.3 million). The Kadirov abandoned their economic order to the independent republic plus peace from Russia. Exactly the same resource for which Dudayev, Maskhadov, Basayev and others fought. Only the Kadirovs harvested bananas not using the traditional method, but instead, using the harvesting method after the war with Russia.

And everything became better - Russia had a problem with Chechnya, Chechnya had a problem with Russia. It’s good for Kadirov, because all the resources of the republic are in their hands (including the security department), Putin is also good, because he won’t vote for his friend Chechnya and vote for him there.

Without getting caught in the photographs, the embankment of Rostov-on-Don is for leveling.

And this cycle could have lasted forever, if not... That’s right - the long-term fall in naphtha prices is stronger.

As has already been said, the Chechen Cossack and luxury of Grozny is secured by high nafta revenues. Chechnya is a small analogue of the Emirates, even more so than Russia.

The first axis of oil revenues fell 3-4 times, and permanently. Thus, Chechnya’s cost of production of naphtha is very low; Possibly the lowest in Russia, it is expected that prices will fall below 20 dollars per barrel, while Chechnya will still have the same time with the profit.

Ale! They didn’t want to live on twenty dollars a barrel, and they didn’t live on thirty. They called to live for a hundred or but for eighty. Well, let’s say it’s forty or fifty, but not twenty!

The problem is not that there will be no pennies at all - the problem is that there will be no pennies for the life that was called for. The key word is zvikli.

But that's not all the trouble. The trouble is that the Kadirov clan is not the only one in Chechnya. And other things. For a hundred dollars per barrel, pennies were enough for everyone - some more, some less, but no one wanted to exchange a stable income for the war with unclear prospects. But if you give 30 dollars per barrel, you won’t be able to get it any more, you’ll hire for the life you called for.

And in the new situation, one might wonder: why not take back power from the Kadirovs? If you put the Kadirovs and everyone who supported them, you can share “30 dollars per barrel” with everyone - and save a lot of money.

That's not all!

Besides internal enemies (well, or competitors, as they say about elections, not about war), Kadirov has external competitors - the Russian budget and Rosneft.

Russia's budget is becoming unusable due to low prices for naphtha. It is necessary to find out the terms of income or to quickly lose money. Spending quickly is very important: you can’t speed up military personnel, you can’t cheat on pensioners, you can’t cheat on state employees... Why speed up? Well, you need to joke around with something new.

Rosneft may face a similar situation.

And here Moscow can supply power, but why not replace the President of Chechnya? After all, it’s a democracy, and you have to sit there forever, like Putin and Medvedev, and Kadirov – every time. Why wouldn’t Kadirov exchange one term with Medvedev?

In short, it seems that if the room becomes smaller, everything becomes cramped. And in the middle of Chechnya there will be people willing to change the distribution of income, and there will be people like that.

The axis of the enemy, as on me, and the directions of the meeting.

With this rally, Kadirov is trying to advance the attempt to redistribute income in the middle of the republic and follow it.

Apparently, I wish it was easier to forget, but not to extinguish. It’s better to organize the pouring of dry grass from behind, check the bottom if you’re not sleeping. It’s like, maybe, I’m going to rob Kadirov.

It is possible that you will not be surprised at what is happening further - it conveys political instability in Russia and tries to ensure that the confusion and cunning in Moscow do not provoke similar processes in Grozny. So that the day when the chair goes under Putin, it doesn’t go under Kadirov.

If everything is as it is, as I assume - then the need to give due credit to Kadirov and his comrades-in-arms - these far-sighted people are really not bad. And that's probably good. Because with reasonable people you can make house in the first place.

It’s better to deal with the sensible Kadirov than to fight with the fools in the spirit of Maskhadov and Basayev.

Ale... the situation itself, if literally the whole of Chechnya gathers for a rally in support of Ramzan Kadirov, if there is no visible threat... The situation is alarming.

The rally that took place in Chechnya means that there is no threat to Ramzan Kadirov, we just can’t quite see it yet. And he’s already marking it. This rally means that not everything is as great in the Danish kingdom as it seems at first glance - and under the Danish kingdom one can also understand Chechnya and Russia as a whole. It appears that a transfer of power and financial flows is brewing – both in Chechnya and in Russia.

Income has dwindled, and many people no longer live on those lives that stink. And if you definitely want to solve your problems and preserve the primary way of living for the sake of others - one clan for the sake of another, Moscow for the sake of Grozny, Grozny for the sake of Moscow...

And here the fear is already to blame: as if the stench of someone didn’t last until the new Chechen war.

And the axis of thought about this food is one of the most unacceptable girls

I am amazed at the “cading” that is unfolding around me, and the axis of nutrition is what occupies me. Ramzan, of course, is a senior academician, but a cunning guy by nature. Operating in such a complex region, he has power, thanks to his cunning and the mystery of political intrigue, and becoming what he is. Obviously, behind the current feverish activity of the Patriot of Russia there is a subterranean game, the significance of which, it seems, is still unclear to anyone.

It is possible, obviously, that she uses the menacing image of Ramzan in order to show that she herself is shooting at one “heel of the column.” They sat there, bitches, and were quietly afraid. It is already similar in the unfailing PR that the “putings” invented by Volodin began to spread. There’s only one thing that doesn’t stick here: what is the idea of ​​the “center”, why did Kadirov never show up? And why wasn’t this story widely promoted by federal channels?

It’s also clear what Kadirov’s PR is all about. Ale PR is not very impressive, not even secretive, which is already amazing for such a serious gravel. Before that, it’s clearly not up to date, not in time and not in harmony. Some unknown enemies from the world of shadows have fallen into the world: Venediktiv, Sindeeva, Yashin, Navalny Navalny have not given any special impressions. She realized that Kadirova didn’t give a damn about this rowdy and crazy party. In my opinion, there is no equal to the stench of the current political weather.

On the other hand, the PR campaign did not go too far. Information about millions of rallies came out in a big way: in the country, 103% of people vote the same way, according to Ramzan Akhmatovich, bringing five hundred thousand people to the streets is only possible in imagination. Of course, because a large number of unfortunate state employees were like crying. It was big, but even more so it didn’t look menacing. Recently, a similar action - “Anti-Charlie” - was clearly hostile.

Let's strain our voices and flash mob "Kadirov - a patriot of Russia." Although Kadirov rightly wants to verify which public figures are ready to sign up for him, this verification did not give encouraging results. Of course, the artists - Timati and Kirkorov - will go on forever. Those who had never been there, and everyone took their Porsche as a gift - but not everyone showed up ready to take a photo with Kadyrov’s slogan. It is clear that Fedya Bondarchuk, who is closely related to Ramzan and Surkov, may have nowhere to go: he may have been severely restrained, since he has not been in charge for a long time – neither about Putin, nor about “United Russia” – so clearly it was not revealed loving it . Wernik, perhaps, leads some corporate events in Chechnya; Everything about Baskov is like water. Ale smart Kirkorov - individuals of the first echelon, the kind of people who could, in principle, get encouragement - as if he had muttered. It turned out that it would be much easier for Putin to gather swashbuckling people into the mix of Yuri Bashmet and Chulpan Khamatova, and to subscribe to the slogan “Putin is great.” Kadirovsky’s result is incomparably worse. Three dubious deputies, one star (in particular Bondarchuk) and many artists, driven by love for pennies and fame. This is a clear demonstration of the fact that no matter how many Russian artists dance, they still admire Putin.

And this is despite the fact that Kadirov is already getting tired. Several times, when photos of my social acquaintances appeared on Kadyrovsky’s Instagram, I told them: “What the hell are you doing? Don't burn the manuscripts, why are you going to get ruined? I heard from the witness: “You don’t understand how important it is for anyone,” he directly controls that you include the photograph in the middle. She’s still sleeping: why don’t you call back? Desired of indignation, a guest without a selfie with Kadirov will not cross the table.” Eyewitnesses testify to this in private affairs.

However, since this is a reversal of loyalty, it clearly gives unsatisfactory results, which are far from consistent with Kadirov’s ambitions. Obviously, the Chechen leader has more serious goals for himself. And it’s best to work out what he’s talking about with Putin. More precisely, it goes on and on with a monologue. And the answer is Peskov’s comment, which appears, and without saying anything, it deserves the respect of the First Person.

Ramzan Akhmatovich knows how Putin thinks. We understand that the order, awarded on the coming day after the killing of Nemtsov, is worth nothing. Vin miraculously remembers that Putin does not make daily decisions under pressure, and this is a serious result, so the national leader takes a pause. Nine's pause dragged on ominously. From reliable sources, Kadirov knows exactly what anger and shock the killing of Nemtsov aroused in Putin. And when Geremeev is quietly escorted out of court, and Bastrikin announces that the assassination has been revealed, for Kadirov this is not a welcoming nod from the Kremlin, but an ominous sign that the most serious ones are ahead. It’s all typical Putin’s behavior: evil and retribution need to be dispelled as much as possible in the hour. Crazy, come in and take a breather. And it’s a shame if neither Kadirov nor the Russian consulate pays attention to them. You can’t even go as far as Geremeev, just not right away.

It is clear that Putin’s struggles with Kadirov will no longer be too bad. But the situation is still far from perfect. And the more Kadirov is afraid of negative scenarios in the development of relations with Putin, the more he begins to demonstrate his importance. There are many posts on Instagram about the heroes of the Fatherland, obviously written out of friendship by an old friend Vladislav Yuriyovich Surkov or his team. They are reasonable Russian people with Russian knowledge, with good knowledge of Russian language and Russian political realities. The whole thing is a show for one observer. The show is about how Kadirov gives in to Russia and Putin, and the entire people stand behind Kadirov. For the first time in his long political life, Ramzan Akhmatovich recognized that the situation needs to be corrected with the right PR. Whether it comes out or not, I don’t know. In my opinion, such things never had any desired effect on Volodymyr Volodimirovich.

It is clear that gray-haired Venediktov and imposing Bikov in wrinkled pants are paper tigers for Kadirov. He will immediately demand these tigers, so he will guess about them more often and more intrusively than the “tigers” about him. And my main fear is Putin, who does not pick up the phone, and the FSB officers, FSO officers, Bastrikin and the entire security party are ready to jump into the throat at the first command. Ramzan Kadirov was not a sensible politician, so he would not have been afraid of such a distribution of power.

Everyone else needs to be afraid of something else. I would like to realize that in times of high nafta prices, Kadirov trades in stability, and in times of low nafta prices, Kadirov trades in instability. Golovna, so that you don’t start selling it right away. And the parades, marches and Instagram - be a caress, no matter what the child could not stop.
It’s time to show a film tomorrow about how Kadirov won the war in Syria. I firmly believe that I have to spend the entire hour on this guy. The food is to blame - what do you love and try to kill? Is Father a real tyrant who drives people to rallies?

Kadirov Akhmat Abdulkhamidovich was born on September 23, 1951. For nationality it is Chechen. Ale was born in the Kazakh Russian Socialist Republic, near the city of Karaganda. The homeland of the Kadirovs was sent there in 1944. Years later he became the first president

Akhmat Kadirov was awarded the honorary title of the Russian Federation - Hero of Russia. You yourself have made the main contribution from those so that peace and tranquility can be established in the territory of the Chechen Republic. Ramzan Kadirov, Akhmat's young son and the current president of Chechnya, practically in a personal interview, when talking about his father, does not bother to guess about his heroic accomplishments. The first president of the republic was able to convince the population that living in the legal field of the Russian Federation is the only correct solution to the conflict.

Thanks to the great peace, thanks to the efforts of the inhabitants of Chechnya, they were able to clear their land of terrorists. And now the republic is living peaceful lives and is actively developing culturally and economically. Well, now let's move on to the biography of the first president.

De navchavsya Akhmat Kadirov

Akhmat Kadirov comes from a religious homeland. It is not surprising that his life was closely connected with religion. The biography of Akhmat Kadirov is filled with impersonality. My family was immediately deported from Chechnya in 1944. Ale u kvitnі 1957 r. The Kadirovs turned to the Chechen-Inguska Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, near the village of Tsentoroy, which is located in the Shali region. Akhmat completed a lot of initial studies and acquired a number of specialties. Starting after school from completing courses to become a combine operator. From 1969 to 1971, Akhmat Kadirov worked at the Novogroznensky Regional State Hospital. Then, until 1980, it was in civil society organizations.

How did Gudermeskaya begin his career in the Bukhara Madrasah? Two years later, Akhmat Kadirov continued his studies with the Tashkent Islamic Church. After the end of the institution, the imam was replaced in the Guderma Mosque (1986 - 1988). In 1990, the Kadirovs entered the Amman University, the Sharia Faculty. Behind the river, Akhmat turned to Fatherlandism.

Kadirov graduated from the Faculty of Economics at a university in Makhachkala in 2001. Three years later I became a candidate of political sciences and graduated from the degree of doctor of economic sciences.

Hero of Russia Akhmat Khadzhi Kadirov as a political activist

Born in 1989, Akhmat Kadirov became the first Islamic Vish in the Caucasus. Until 1994, I loved him especially. In 1993, he was named the intercessor of the Mufti of Chechnya, and through the river Kadirov was completely finished with the rest of his duties. 1995 Akhmat was elected the Spiritual head of the Muslims of Chechnya. And in 2000, by order of the President of the Russian Federation, Kadirov was appointed head of the administration of the Chechen Republic.

In 2002, Akhmat Kadirov was appointed to the commission from the investigation of this group and became a leader of the Derzhradi group, which was engaged in countering religious extremism in the Russian Federation.

Akhmat Kadirov - first president of the Chechen Republic

The President of Chechnya, Akhmat Kadirov, was elected on October 5, 2003. He won over 80% of the votes. Akhmat Kadirov became the first president of Chechnya at an even better time. Having accepted the responsibility for the share of his people. At that time, terrorism flourished in the republic. Akhmat stumbled into the thick of it. He would become a respectable leader of his republic and earn people's love. Pratsyuvav Kadrivny for the sake of glory, power and religion, and for the people. All this action was aimed at the benefit of the Chechen Republic.

Ale Kadirov was not destined to occupy the seat of the President of Chechnya for a difficult time. He has become a “brush in the throat” for rich terrorists and politicians who will wreak havoc in the republic. Having repeatedly recognized moves on the side of extremists. As a result, three of his relatives died in a special funeral.

Ale terrorists were able to get rid of Kadirov. Just before the end of the day, the President of the Chechen Republic, Akhmat, died during the terrorist attack at the Dynamo stadium near Grozny. A vibukhovka was laid under the podium for important guests. Having been among them, Akhmat Kadirov. On that day, the holy day will take place until the Day of Victory. Vibukh became raptovo, ending the life of the first president of Chechnya. He died on the way to the doctor's office, but never reached you.

They honored Akhmat Kadirov at the Batkivshchina, in the Kurchaloevsky district, in the village of Tsentoroy. The formerly disastrous stadium was renamed, and now in honor of the first president of the republic it is called “Akhmat Arena”. Currently it is the home stadium of the Grozny football club "Terek".

The character of Akhmat Kadirov

Akhmat Kadirov is remembered as a smart, wise, brave and courageous person. By giving a shout out to the extremists Maskhadov and Basayev, he started a bloody war in his republic. The militants considered Akhmat Kadirov “the people's enemy.” Throughout my life, there were steady swings (over 20 in the entire hour). But the threats could not harm Akhmat, who stood up for the right to peaceful repose for his people. These great people have always denied the right to choice, freedom and peace.

Kadirov Akhmat was a very patient person. Increased commitment to achieving the goals set before you. Vіnzhav vzhav that the truth is not for nothing, so that you will help to heal the enemy in the first place. Akhmat's greatest ally was his younger son, Ramzan, the current president of the Chechen Republic. You supported your father and walked shoulder-to-shoulder with him for the most important hour. Akhmat has always respected what lies with his husband’s soul, with Vera in the bright future. Kadirov never asked for anything special for himself. One of my character traits was honesty. Akhmat was respected as a noble and a very talented person.

Medals and titles awarded to Akhmat Kadirov

During his troubled life, Akhmat Abdulkhamidovich Kadirov lost a lot of name to the city. He was respected as an honorary professor at the State University of Chechnya and the Moscow Humanitarian University.

In 2001, he was awarded medals for valor, military friendship and the city for a year of service to the Fatherland. After the death of Kadyrov, the history of the region was enhanced. The Russian Federation awarded Akhmat the posthumous title of Hero of Russia. Volodymyr Putin authoritatively presented the medal “Zirka Gold” to Kadirov’s son Ramzan. By presidential order, honoring the memory of Akhmat.

What objects are named in honor of Akhmat Kadirov

Akhmat Kadirov is the hero of Russia. Many central streets of great cities and regional centers of Chechnya were named after them. Moscow also has this. Many initial buildings, villages, parks and squares of the Chechen Republic are named after Kadirov. And also mosques, and the deeds were inspired by the history of Turkey and Jordan.

In Grozny, a lot of squares, parks and the main capital are named after him. To answer the riddle about the great figure, the museum in the name of Kadirov is open at the Kurchaloy University, 248th Special Battalion of the Internal Military of the Russian Federation. In 2006, Akhmat's family was named after the football club "Terek", and across the river - the motor ship of the Donrichflot company. How fateful it was that the sports complex named after Kadirov was opened in Chechnya. And last year, in response to a riddle about Akhmat, the largest mosque in Israel was named.

The name of Kadirov is not forgotten on the heavenly crypt. Suzira Lev has a giant star, which is named after Akhmat.

Family of Akhmat Kadirov

Akhmat Kadirov's squad is called Aimani. From this love, the first president of Chechnya fathered four children. Two blues (Ramzan and Zelimkhan) and daughters (Zargan and Zulay). After the tragic death of Kadirov, his young son, Ramzan, was appointed president of Chechnya. Beginning in 2011, he is the most important head of the Republic. Akhmat's eldest son (Zelimkhan) died in 2004.

Akhmat Kadirov Foundation yak prodovzhennya yogo pochinan

Akhmat Kadirov is rightfully respected as a Hero of Russia. He himself could bring light to the Chechen Republic and direct life in a calm direction. Akhmat ended the war and earned the love of his people. Despite the fact that the fate of a great figure ended tragically, he will continue to live in the hearts of people.

The Community Foundation named after Akhmat Kadirov was created in 2004. The obligations of the head are determined by his squad - Aimani Nesiivna. The head of the foundation is Akhmat’s young son, Ramzan. Since the beginning of its activity, the fund has already been allocated to help the poor in need throughout the republic and the region.

What does the fund do?

The organization has a special program to support disabled children. Medical equipment and fire-lighting equipment are constantly being repaired, and new equipment is being purchased from the medicine store. Many war veterans and disabled people are provided with housing, transportation and material assistance.

The Akhmat Kadirov Foundation will provide support to museums, dance groups and many other organizations. Thanks to the blessed cats, life will be created. Mosques and holy places are being renewed. The fund continuously receives donations to rich organizations. The Chechens who live behind the cordon have not been forgotten. They also have the right to fund insurance to support the charitable fund. And this is just a small amount of re-insurance of good certificates, which are carried out by the organization in honor of the memory of Akhmat Kadirov.

Ramzan Kadirov was born on June 5, 1976 near the village of Tsentoroy, Chechen Republic. Becoming a different and younger son in the homeland of Akhmat Kadirov and Aimana Kadirova. He has an older brother Zelimkhan and older sisters Zargan and Zulay.

The Kadirovs are one of the largest Chechen families of Benoy. The religiously-minded Kadirov has as his companions the faith of Sheikh Kunta-Hajji, who follows to the Qadirian golki of Sufi Islam, which follows all the major clergy of Chechnya.

The greatest authority in the life of the future politician was his father Akhmat Kadirov, whose praise was a great honor for Ramzan, as he had earned his practicism and important accomplishments. In his youth, the Kadirov began at the primary rural school, like all Radian children, and at the same time began the military science of the mountaineers.

In 1992, Ramzan Kadirov graduated from school, but did not immediately enter university, so at that time there was a need to take up arms and immediately go to protect the independence of Chechnya. From now on, the biography of Ramzan Kadirov takes a military directive.

Only in 1998, after the end of the First Chechen War, Kadirov entered the Makhachkala Institute of Business and the rights to the Faculty of Law, which he successfully completed. After receiving his law degree, Ramzan was assured of hearing before the Academy of State Service for the President of the Russian Federation.

In 1999, when Akhmat Kadirov and his sons moved from the Chechen separatist movement to the federal military, Ramzan Kadirov began to actively engage in government activities. In 2000, he became a member of a special company under the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, which ensures the safety of the government agencies and the greater government of the Chechen Republic. In 2002, he was appointed commander of one of the platoons of this special company, then joined the presidential security service.

During this period, Kadirov’s influx into the territory of the Chechen Republic led to his active work and successful negotiations with the fighters of illegal armored formations in Chechnya, which were especially evident As a result of their transition, they transferred to the security service of the Chechen Republic. Together with his people, Kadirov especially fought against the surplus of the separatists’ fighting forces. During this period, the young politician survived at least five swings.

In 2004, Kadirov’s father died, and the son of the former head of Chechnya was appointed deputy prime minister of the Chechen Republic. The elder Kadirov was killed on the orders of the terrorist Shamil Basayev, and Ramzan spoke about his warden with Basayev.

According to Russian legislation, Ramzan Kadirov, who at that time was 28 years old, could not become an attacker on his father and defeat Chechnya, since the candidate for this planting may not be younger than 30 years. In 2005, a young politician took possession of the head of the Chechen Republic.

In 2006, Ramzan Kadirov was brought to light and his record of negative events in Chechnya, associated with the activities of illegal military formations, allowed the future politician to become an honorary member of the RAIN. Why did Ramzan Akhmatovich obtain a dissertation at the Institute of Business and Law in Makhachkala and become a candidate of economic sciences. Besides this, Kadirov took off a number of honorary titles, becoming an honorary academician of the Science Academy of the Chechen Republic and an honorary professor of the National Humanitarian Academy.

In 2007, Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadirov defeated the head of the Chechen Republic. From the first days, the presidency produced positive results in stabilizing the situation in the republic, as a result of which terrorist attacks decreased and residents saw a return to the light. The head of the republic, in addition to regulating the military situation, was actively involved in upgrading infrastructure and a number of architectural projects. The main source of large-scale development was subsidies from the Russian budget and resources from the huge fund named after the Hero of Russia Akhmat Kadirov.

Also, the first period of Ramzan Akhmatovich’s rule was characterized by the Islamization of the republic. Kadirov founded the Russian Islamic University and the “Heart of Chechnya” mosque in Grozny in support of Islam, the Sufi shtib, which is the traditional religion in the republic.

In 2011, Ramzan Kadirov was re-elected to the current presidential term in the Chechen parliament and continues to successfully unite the republic. According to Kadirov, the key role in his political career is the support of Russian President Volodymyr Putin, to whom he regularly gives his special allegiance.

Five years later, on February 25, 2016, the term was given new importance by President Volodymyr Putin, recognizing Kadirov as the head of the Chechen Republic. In the presidential elections on June 18, 2016, Kadirov won the official data with 97.56% of the votes and a turnout of 94.8%.

KRIM of the leapness of the reach in the Ekononian sciences, Ramzan Kadirov є Maistrom Sports with Boxing, and such a borrowing to the Golovi federals of the federals of the same, the same football club “Ramzan”, the fіlika roseman in the All -Rehovs Respubbleki.

Homeland of Ramzan Kadirov

Ramzan Kadirov became friends with fellow villager Medni Musaevna Aidamirova (born 7th spring 1978), whom he met at school. Midney works as a fashion designer and in the early 2009 she fell asleep at the “Firdaws” fashion booth, which produces a Muslim robe. They have ten children: chotiri sini - Akhmat (born November 8, 2005, named in honor of his grandfather), Zelimkhan (born November 14, 2006), Adam (born November 24, 2007) and Abdullah (born December 10, 2016); six daughters - Aishat (born 31 June 1998), Karina (born 17 September 2000), Hedi (born 21 Spring 2002), Tabarik (born 13 June 2004), Ashura (born 12 September 2012) and Eishat ( dated 13 September 2015). Two foster children (orphans from a child's birth) were adopted by Kadirov in 2007.

Mother of Ramzan Kadirov Aimani Nesiivna Kadirova is planting a pottery plant for the Foundation named after Akhmat Kadirov (Ramzan is one of the co-founders of the foundation), which conducts a wide range of beneficial activities in the republic and simultaneously through companies , of which the fund is a sponsor, controls a lot of great non-rusting objects in Chechnya. In 2006, Aimani Kadirov's daughter, on the occasion of Ramzan, adopted a 16-year-old son of the Grozny district, Viktor Piganov (after the adopted boy received new documents in the name of Visit Akhmatovich Kadirov), Ramzan was not allowed to leave any I wanted to earn a living with a woman. In 2007, Aimani, once again, adopted another 15-year-old child.


Ramzan Kadirov is a master of sports in boxing and supports the Chechen Boxing Federation.

Another buried treasure of Ramzan Kadirov is racehorses. According to estimates, there are approximately fifty horses in Volodya that race in Russia and beyond the cordon, which have raced and taken prizes at prestigious races in Russia and beyond the cordon, including, for example, the Grand All-Russian Prize (Derby) and the Melbourne Cup. Kadirov's accusations against the violation of people's rights led to the seizure of his horses from the United States.

From 2004 to 2011, Kadirov was the president of the Terek football club, and in 2012 he became its honorary president. Kadirov is fond of the Ramzan sports club, which has branches in all regions of the Chechen Republic.

In 2016, Ramzan Kadirov's blues took part in show fights following the MMA rules at the Grand Prix Akhmat-2016 tournament.

Achieve the title of Ramzan Kadirov

Cities of the Russian Federation:

Hero of the Russian Federation (birth 29, 2004) - for the suppression of efforts to prevent the activities of illegal armor moldings from 2000 to 2004.
Order “For Merit to the Batkivshchyna” IV stage (9 September 2006) – for courage, courage and self-devotion, revealed upon graduation from military service. The award was presented by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia Rashid Nurgaliev, who arrived in the Chechen Republic. R. Kadirov noted that “this is a very high city for exchange for our republic.”
Order of Manhood (2003).
Order of Poshan (8th February 2015) - for achievements in labor, active colossal activity and rich work.
two medals “For service in the protection of public order” (2002 and 2004).
Medal "For Merit in the All-Russian Population Census".
honorary diploma of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (2009).

Cities of the Chechen Republic:

Order named after Akhmat Kadirov (Rub. 18, 2005) - for services to the new sovereign power and special contributions to the right of the fatherland. The press service of the President of the Chechen Republic said that the reason for receiving the order was Kadirov’s work to “support the rule of law, law and order and general security in the Chechen Republic”
Order "For the development of parliamentarism in the Chechen Republic" (Spring 2007)
Medal “Foreman of the Chechen Republic” (2006) - for services to the established Chechen Republic

Regional cities:

Order “For Loyalty to Obligation” (Republic of Crimea, March 13, 2015) - for courage, patriotism, active political activity, special contributions to the valuable unit, development and prosperity of the Republic Iki Krim and in connection with the Day of Resurrection Crimea and Russia
Medal “For the Defense of Krim” (Republic of Krim, 7 June 2014) – for offering a helping hand to an important person for the citizens of Krim during the spring days of 2014

Foreign cities:

Medal "10 Rocks of Astana" (Kazakhstan, 2008)
Medal “20 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, 2011
Order of Friendship of Peoples (Belarus, September 16, 2018)

Community leaders:

Order “Al-Fakhr”, 1st degree (Rada of Muftis of Russia, December 18, 2007). For the sake of the muftis of Russia, Sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin said: “You have saved the integrity of the people of Russia.” Kadirov stated that he “honestly and righteously serves for the benefit of the Chechen people and Russia.”
Medal "For participation in counter-terrorism operations on the territory of the Chechen Republic" (late 2006)
Medal "For Service in the Caucasus" (Lyuty 2006)
Medal “For Merit to Safeguarding Legality and Law and Order” (2017)
Medal "For the value of the criminal-vicon system" (2007)
Medal “Valor and valor” (2015)
Medal “For contributions to the development of the agro-industrial complex” (2011)
Golden Zirka - “Honor and Distinguishment” from the title “Honoured Guardian of Human Rights” (2007)
Diamond Order of the National Foundation of the Russian Federation “Communal Knowledge” (2007)
Honorary badge “The World and Creation” (2007)
Honored with the medal “For Merit in the Right Protection of Children of Russia” No. 001 (30 June 2014) - for special contributions to the right protection of children
Honorary badge of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation “For services in organizing elections” (2014)
Medal “For turning back to Krim” (2014)
Medal “For Services to the Safeguarded National Security” (Rada of Security of the Russian Federation, January 25, 2014) - for services to the ensured national security
Memorial sign “For effective and efficient work in the fight against extremism and terrorism” (2016)


Memorial sign “For the achievement of culture” (10 June 2007). A memorial sign in the name of the Minister of Culture of Russia Oleksandr Sokolov was presented by the head of the Department of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation Yuri Shubin on the last day of the Tenth Regional Mystery Festival “Light to the Caucasus” in Grozny
Laureate of the “Russian Rock” award in the nomination “In the name of life on earth” for 2007 (28 February 2008)
Honored with the title "Honored Citizen of the Chechen Republic", "Honored Worker of Physical Culture", "People of Rock 2004" in the Chechen Republic, "Honored Civilian of the Chechen Republic", Honorary President of the Afghanistan Veterans Movement at the Pivdenny Federal District, President of the Chechen League KVK
Honorary member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (2006).
On February 5, 2008, the Chechen branch of the Union of Journalists of Russia accepted Kadirov as a member of the Union, and the next day the secretariat of the Union signed the decision as a statute that is superfluous.
Vlasnik maroon beret for special forces MVS
Honorary leader of the motorcycle club "Nichni Vovki" in the Chechen Republic.

Streets and parks named after Ramzan Kadirov

Vulitsa Ramzan Kadirova
Novy Engen
Amman (Jordan)

Quarter of Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadirov
Markov's small settlement

Provulok Ramzan Kadirov (Znamenske)
Square, dedicated to the 100 days of Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadirov's reign as President of the Chechen Republic (Grozny)


City documents say that since 2000, Ramzan Kadirov has put an end to the legacy of illegally slaughtering. According to official statistics, since 2003, under his leadership, the security services of the President of the Chechen Republic have captured at least three hundred and fifty militants, and have established over a hundred bandit bases. And over four hundred participants in illegal armor moldings were voluntarily put into armor.

“Kadirov has established himself as a highly professional organizer of the negotiation process with the voluntary support of an industrial supporter,” says the city’s characterization. In addition, with the direct participation of Ramzan Kadirov in Chechnya, preparations for the presidential elections in the Chechen Republic were carried out in the shortest possible time, and the security of the elections themselves was ensured. For all this, for the totality of the wines, I took away the Hero’s vision.

Ramzan Kadirov was born on June 5, 1976 near the Chechen village of Tsentoroy. There I graduated from high school. Until 2000, he was dedicated to his sports career: having taken part in many successful boxing careers, he was called Master of Sports. In 2004, the family graduated from the Makhachkala Institute of Business and Law. Since 1996, he has been the lieutenant and special guardian of his father, Mufti Akhmat Kadirov. After the fall of Akhmat Kadirov as President of Chechnya, he became the head of the security service.

After the death of Akhmat Kadirov, many residents of Chechnya urged Ramzan to present his candidacy for the presidency. It is only possible that under the Constitution of the Republic, this situation can be captured by the citizens of the Russian Federation, which has lasted for 30 years. Therefore, Ramzan Kadirov did not take part in the elections. On May 10, 2004, he was appointed First Deputy Prime Minister of the Czech Republic. In the other half of 2004, Kadirov became the representative of the most important representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Pivden Federal District. The competence of Ramzan Kadirov in this village is to ensure cooperation with the security forces of the federal district.

Ramzan of arms, there are three donks.

“I respect that today’s hero was recognized by the entire suffering people of Chechnya,” said Ramzan Kadirov, having learned about the city. - We have vigorously continued our uncompromising fight against terrorism, extremism and banditry. And thus protect the interests of all Russian people. The goal is to recognize the correctness of Akhmat Kadirov’s course for establishing peace and stability in the republic. I commend the Russian Federation for such a high rating of activity. I appreciate this recognition of the merits of all those who were close to me - the living and the dead, who fought against international terrorism, thereby protecting the interests not only of Chechnya, but of the entire people of Russia.

gastroguru 2017