Summary of the outdoor activity “Winter Walk” for the first young group. Card index of walks “Winter” for children of the first youth group Plan of walks for the winter

At night winter came to us (caution after snowfall)

Purpose. This means how much snow has fallen and how much snow has fallen. Dry down the kuchuguri with snow. The date is "snowfall". Look at the trees after a snowfall: the stink of the snow, the muteness of warm fur coats, it is important for the trees to remove the snow. Gilks ​​can become crusty due to the heaviness of the snow. We will help them, we are afraid of snow. The snow lies flat. Everything is white and white. Really beautiful. Yak at Kastsi. Take pleasure in this snowy picture of winter. The tracks are clearly visible in clean snow. Teach children about bird tracks. Pay tribute to those door workers who shovel snow, how they clear paths so that people can walk easily.

Take it methodically. Reading verse “Winter has come to us at night - white hats have little hats...”, “Snow, snowfall, the boys have a lot to do.”

Gra "Slidepity" (finding footprints in the snow).

Painting with a stick in the snow.

Surviving in the snow with the snow world.

Clearing paths out of snow.

White snow of fluff

Purpose. Be careful with children when it snows. It signifies his power: white, fluffy, light, plastic, quietly circling in the wind and lying on the ground, trees... Snow, a feathery carpet, crooks the Earth. The snowflakes that are falling are similar to white flies or light snowstorms.

Read the children to see the beauty of the winter, snowy landscape, the beauty of the snow that is falling. Encourage children to have a kind, positive attitude.

Take it methodically.

Make a riddle:

The star circled in the wind of the coin,

She sat down and stood on my valley. (Snizhinka.)

Looking at the snowflakes. Bila, Vizerunka's little star.

Fly into my hand, sit still.

Draw falling snowflakes.

Love the beauty of the winter landscape.

Quiet, quiet in the snow,

White snow, shaggy.

We clear the snow and ice

On the surface with a shovel.

Encourage the children to use shovels to clear the snow from the snow.

Frost and sunshine, miracle day

Purpose. On a clear, sleepy, winter day, take advantage of the winter landscape. The sun is shining outside, but it’s not warm. Prompt the children who have flattened eyes, present your guise to the sleepy promenaders. The frost pricks your cheeks. It's cold outside.

On a frosty, sleepy day, the sky is clear, and there is no gloom on it.

Snow lies across: on trees, bushes, huts and the ground. It sparkles with different lights, it shines like wood. The snow crunches under your feet. In frosty weather you can’t stick anything out of it.

Encourage the children to admire the beauty of a winter day and encourage the warm mood.

Read the bachiti garne for yourself.

Take it methodically.

Make a riddle: He plucks, bites, and wants to drive home. (Freezing.)

There's a lot of snow falling,

You can’t pass me, you can’t pass me.

Oh, frost-frost,

Ti ditlakhiv (Tanya, Vanya and others) are not frosty!

Have mercy on the snow. Vin is fluffy, light.

Listen to how the snow crunches under your feet - the snowflakes break.

On a frosty day, you can’t melt the snow.

Riding on a sled for children and dolls.

Like a winter evening

Purpose. On an evening walk, show respect, as it gets dark early in the winter. The firelights light up, the light burns in the huts, the stars of the month appear in the sky. The light that falls from the window and from the lighthouses is snowing, shimmering with different shapes. The sky flutters like a precious stone. Have mercy on the sparkling snow, the evening sky and the winter evening.

Take it methodically. Return respect to the evening sky.

Find the moon and stars in the sky. What a wonderful evening!

Have mercy on the sparkling snow.

Zimova's Cossack

Purpose. Take pleasure in the beauty of the winter landscape. Trees stand near the snow, like heroes from fairy tales. They are fluffy snow mounds, they are warm, and if there is a lot of snow on the trees, the tree’s leaves can become golden due to the heaviness. We can help our friends and get rid of them.

Return respect to the birch tree, as you stand mute in the silver and half-living sarafan, among your girlfriends - trees. The snow on the tops sparkles and appears in different shades. Vikhovuvati pardoned by the Russian beauty birch. Children begin to come to the trees for help during heavy snowfall.

Take it methodically. Take pleasure in the beauty of the winter landscape.

A snow of fluffy things fell on my arms,

The children are playing ganka:

Sculpt a woman under the window,

Kitten the snow bag together.

The trees are all wrapped in snow. Due to the importance, the nails may become yellow. Together with the children, the snow fell from the hills.

Find a birch tree, look at it and have mercy on the beautiful Russian birch tree.

Birch, my birch,

My birch is white, my birch is curly!

All the birds are visiting us

Purpose. Return the respect of children to the bird's foot. This means that many birds have flown to warm lands, and those who are no longer with us will require our help. Encourage the children to think about how we can help the birds, how we can encourage them. Be aware of what birds are flying and how they are visiting the yearlings, what kind of food to eat. Vikhovuvati dbaily put up to the birds, to help them at an important winter time, talk about them.

Take it methodically.

Making a riddle.

Watch out for birds that arrive before the year is over.

The birds have flown away for the day.

All the good ones have appeared

Our yard's gorobets.

Kholodov didn’t get angry,

Lost with us for the winter.

Don’t harm the bread krichts,

Having deserved this gorobets.

Feeding birds with dry food.

Antonina Savitskaya
Summary of the outdoor activity “Winter walk” for the first young group

Winter walk


Help children develop coordination "mova-rukh", Improve Rukhov’s activity;

Reveal the beauty of nature, vikory paintings, poems, riddles, activate the children's dictionary;

Know the snow from the authorities - cold, white, melting in a warm room;

Read carefully to the living nature (to help the birds winter, to recognize and separate the hummer, tit;

Bring interest to collective work (painting, developing visual awareness, respect, affection;

Form a positive emotional attitude.

Material: painting « Winter fun» , tree, stump, bunny toy, birds (from paper, anniversary, present day, snow in the basin, unfinished winter region, white farba, white servet.

List of references:

1. "Rozvitok movie at the children's garden" Gerbova V.V.

2. Plani take over. "Rozvitok" For young groups at d/s. L. A. Wenger, O. M. Dyachenko.

3. Logorhythmic notes to take from children 2-3 years old. M. Yu. Kartushina.

4. Magazine "Preschool education", No. 11, 2007

5. « Fun on a walk with kids» Teplyuk S. n.

The music is playing quietly.

Vikhovatel: Marvel at how beautiful it is on the street!

White snow of fluff

It's getting foggy in the wind

And the ground is quiet

Falling, lying

I. Surikov

Now is it time for rock? (Winter)

That's right, winter: it’s cold outside, there’s snow, frost. Where is the snow? (On the bushes, on the trees, on the paths, on the roads). It's so bad on the street!

Children, marvel at what a picture we have painted. What are you doing here? Why bother children? (Ride on sleds, on licks, play in the snow, make a snow woman).

We sculpted the snow woman from wound:

The woman’s droplets came from a bucket,

Nose from carrots, hands from a club,

The broom is made from brooms, and the scythe is made from washcloths.

Do you like to go for walks? And aren’t you afraid of the frost? Then dress as best you can and we’ll go for a walk with you winter forest.

Winter forest, winter forest,

There are a lot of miracles there!

Right “Wrap up warmer”

Marvel at the window

More tracks

Let's go for a walk anyway! (Cook on the place)

Dress up your legs

Warm clothes. (nahili)

From the right leg,

This is from the left leg.

Mittens for the hands (arms up)

Warm sisters. (twist the dolki)

Farmer jackets,

Down hats. ( "dress")

Well, is everything ready? So we go for a walk. Oh, there’s so much snow, it’s important to walk, your feet will fall through the kuchuguri (croak freely). Stretch your legs, lift them high (raise your legs high). Are you tired? It’s really important to go. Please, get on the sled, let's go.

Our children got into the sleigh,

They fell asleep soundly.

Rolled away far away

Don't worry about anyone.

Gra "Sled" ("go", sound music "Sleigh").

We've arrived. The fox has beauty. The snow lies flat. Marvel, kuchugura! (To know the basin with snow). What color snow? (white). Point your finger at what wine is in the dot? (cold). The snow is cold, the mouth of the snow is impossible.

And the axis of the stumps was covered with snow. I wanted to hide behind a stump. Listen to the riddle and guess who this:


Swedish legs.

Cut to the right

Love carrots.

That's right, bunny. The bunny is frozen, it’s cold in the fox. (I'm getting rid of the Bunny)

Bunny is alive,

Dovgі vushka.

Freezing Bunny

The nose is on the knot.

V. Horval

Show how the Bunny is frozen.

The riddle is plastic

(Clenching tensely, hunched over, with your head pulled into your shoulders, your hands shaking with breath)

Can we help the Bunny get warm?

Right "The bunny is warming up"

It's cold for the bunny to sit,

I need to warm my paws.

Clap-clap, clap-clap.

I need to warm my paws. (splash)

The bunny is standing cold,

The Bunny needs to dance.

Skok-skok, skok-skok,

The Bunny needs to jump. (stribe)

From the bunny, I wish you guys.

But the axle wants to sit on its ankles! (Birds). The birds are cold and hungry. There are no bugs or worms to eat.

Hello birds! Yak cold

In the air!

Let us help you

Let's be so greedy?

You need to be proud,

It will be easy for me

Survive the cold!

How can you keep birds alive in winter? (Children's report)

Maxim, Niko, say hello to this anniversary (huff). The axis and the birds fly to anniversary:

Chick-cheek, chick-cheek,

The road is strib-strib.

Peck, don't fight!

Who is this?. (Goroby)

And the axis is still a birdie to fly. Marvel at how garna:

Black hat,

Thin little paws,

Chew the bird's breasts.

Who's there? (Tit)

The little birds are sitting and pecking.

Little bird

Arrived before us.

Little bird

I'll give you some grain. (viking the rocs)

Little bird

The grain is biting,

Little bird

The little one is sleeping:

chick-cheek, chick-cheek.

T. Potapenko

Guys, are you going to work for a year? Get your fists ready.


I hit with a hammer

I want to wake up the budinok.

I will be a great budinok.

The birds will be eating in New York.

Well done, everyone nailed it. And now it’s time for us to turn around. (Sit on the chairs)

Marvel! What kind of picture is that? Aje tse les, de mi walked. No matter what it is, you can’t see that it’s winter. (snow)

We paint a little white snow for you. And today we draw with our fingers. Come closer, there's a lot of snow.

They took the farba on my finger,

They applied it and cleaned it up.

(Music playing, children painting)

(Fingers twist like servets)

The axis is now a picture, de daubed winter forest. Where is our kuchugura? Let's find out... Wonder what happened? Where is the snow? (The snow melted, because it’s warm here, and in the warm snow, water came out). And in the spring, when the sun is warm, it’s warm outside, the snow has melted, the streams are running, the birds are sleeping near the forest.

Our axis the walk is over, it’s time for us to turn around.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of an open lesson on language development from another young group “A walk to the autumn forest” Summary of an open activity on language development for another young group “A walk to the autumn forest” Program change: Close the classification.

Lighting region: Physical development, Cognitive development Meta: Value of health. Awareness of children about excess light.

Program assignments: Lighting: – make children aware of the seasonal changes that occur in nature in the spring: shine brightly in the sun.

Summary of an open-ended integrated lesson on language development for another young group “Walk to the Autumn Forest” Summary of an open-ended integrated lesson on language development for another young group “Walk to the Autumn Forest” Program change: Close.

Summary of an open integrated lesson for the first young group. Summary of an open integrated lesson for the first youth group No. 8 Vikhovatel: Saraeva E. V. Karaganda 2014 Rozdil:.

Summary of an open integrated activity for another group of early age children “Winter Walk” Meta: Contain children's knowledge about the season of fate - winter. Clarify with children about the characteristic changes in nature and the behavior of people in the winter.

Summary of an outdoor physical education lesson for the first young group “We are visiting the Bunny”"We have guests before the Bunny." Management: - to guide children from sickness; - encourage children to walk directly through objects; - Wiklicati.

Summary of the outdoor activity “Visiting Sunny” for the first young group SUMMARY OF THE CLASSIC ACTIVITY “THE SONYASHKA IS GUESTING” Program content: 1. Expand children’s awareness of the harmful nature, about the time of day.

Summary of an outdoor activity for the first young group “The Road to the Cossack Forest” Target orientations: it is important to listen and be careful; with caution, you can see the characteristics of animals, and develop a sense of structure.

"Zimova's Cossack" Summary of an open lesson on artistic and aesthetic development in a young group Summary of a creative activity with artistic and aesthetic development of a young group Meta: 1. Formation of a statement about winter; preparation

Library image:

Oleksandra Stefanka
Plan for a walk on the river for early age children



Caution Behind the wind, like the wind, trees blow, leaves fall to the ground. Watch out for the birds. What a stink the birds smell, shape, color, big and small. Oznayomiti children From the authorities of wet sand. Create eggs, show your child's skin. Be careful behind the tractor (digs the ground, drives). Watch out for the trees (like a bush, like a leaf, look at a leaf). Watch out for the gloom (what a stink there is.) Talk about autumn, when it’s time for fate to begin. Watch out for the birds. Play with sand (tell the children about the power of wet pussy). Watch out for the weather. Tell your children about the gloom and clear weather and what it means. Watch out for mosquitoes (spiders, bugs, what a stink, how much nothing is in them). Watch out for the trees, as the leaves fall, as the stench becomes like flowers. Play with natural materials. Watching out for the wind, like the wind, trees blow and leaves fall to the ground. Pay attention to those that the leaves have become as colorful as they fall, what color? Watch out for grassy growths. Read on to be kind to the autumn quotes (The grass is short and the trees are tall). Beware of the nature of spring. Tell your children about the time of doom. Watch out for falling leaves. Watch out for flowers in flower beds. Watch out for the sky, like spring. Be on the lookout for stench, stench, or stench. Watch out for the door (What is it like to collect leaves from plots). Watch out for the trees (leaves are falling from the trees, the branches are becoming bare). Watch out for mosquitoes (beetles). External appearance coma (є head, coat, legs, wings). When it gets cold, the mosquitoes whine. Beware of the wind and gloom. As we know, the weather is windy and gloomy. P/i “The little white bunny sits...”. Gra "Bizhi do me".



Wine material Cabin: cars, dolls, scoops, buckets. Help children get involved in the game, create a plot for the game “Lyalka Tanya is visiting”. Show how to use Easter for a doll. P/i "By stitch" (Redit children when walking along the surrounding area). Play on your darling (let's take the stones from the plot). Gra "Bring those I name". P/i "Bulbashka". Count the walks – "I am Kurcha". P/i “Sonechko and doshch”. Gra "What did I bury in the sand". Give the children sticks for independent play. P/i "Piss off the dog". From the search (garage for cars). Play with leaves. Stringing a leaf onto a twig. Gra “We ran into the grass - we flowed out of the grass”. Play by the sand, car ride. Gra “Kitlets will grow”. P/i "Great Legs". Play with the sand Paska and secrets in the sand (we bury the molds). P/i "Viterets". Play in the sandbox - it will be a little wake-up call for the little ones. D.I. “On our part”. P/i "Zvei blizzard". P/i “The little white bunny sits...”. Gra "Bizhi do me".


Individual work Step through the purchases of food, developing the time to pay a small step on the road. Read your feet.

Edit children walking with a bordered area. P/i "By stitch". Learning to walk – "I am Kurcha". Make sure you keep playing with the game. P/i "Get married to me"



Tsilova stroll« Walk on the meadow» . Marvel at the growth on galyavini. Have mercy on the flowers with their miraculous shape, color, and smell. Vikhovuvati dbaylive stavannya do roslin ta komakh.

"What's the weather like?" Watch out for seasonal events. Oznayomity children with nature in the wonderful time of autumn. So what? "Leaf Fall"? « Stroll to the city» Give information to children about how to grow vegetables. Learn to recognize carrots and tomatoes. Zbagatiti children new enemies. Familiarity with the shape and size of vegetables. “To galyavina before snowstorms” Dates of announcement about comas, as well as snowstorms, what a stink live: die, collapse, live.

Watch out for the grassy growths. Dates of announcements about them. The grass is low, leveled with trees, and growing on the ground, it can be touched. The grass is low and high. Korinet trims the grass in the ground. Whenever you water the grass, it will grow faster. Grow in flower beds aystri: blue and red, white or something.

Komahi (blizzards, sonechka). Dates of announcement about comas. Let us understand that all mosquitoes are live: the stench is dying, collapsing, grunting Show vidminni rice comah. Watch out for the sun. Form an understanding about those that life on earth requires sun. Sonechka is warm outside. The sun appears less often in the sky, it warms less, and each day becomes colder.

Watch out for the sky. Show the peculiarities of the autumn sky. The sky is cloudy at the beginning of autumn, and then becomes grey.

Dates of elementary manifestations about the authorities of the country. Dry sand disintegrates. When you pour water on sand, it becomes liquid. From the wet sand you can stick Easter cakes and pies, or paint them with a stick. Vegetables (turnip, carrot, cucumber, tomato). Dates of announcement about vegetables. Formulations are known in the city of vegetables. Read to cut the vegetables for taste, appearance and shape. Carrots and turnips grow near the ground. Carrots are firm, orange color, dovga. The turnip is firm, yellow in color, round. Hard ogirok, green color, rich. The tomato is soft, red, round. All the vegetables grow in the city.

Be careful behind the plank. Show what autumn boards can do Let's make fun: warm and cold. Afterwards I’ll finish everything so wet. When the planks go, Kalyuzhi appears. You can walk on Kalyuzh with gum boots without getting your feet wet. Watch out for the trees (Maple, Birch, Yalina). Dates of the statement about the tree. Tall trees, in order to raise their tops, you need to raise your head up. The trees are tall, the grass is short. The tree is solid and hard. A tree grows from the ground, its roots are near the ground. If the root rubs the tree, it won't fall. There are a lot of leaves and flowers on Stovbura. Show the peculiarities of bud trees (Stovbur, gilki, leaves, heads). Get to know the characteristic patterns of autumn trees. Show that in the spring the leaves of the trees change and become fermented. Read how to separate leaves by color (zhovtiy, green, red).


"If we ran into the grass, we flowed out of the grass"

"Get up, little one, just one more time"

"Great Legs"

“Kitlets will grow”

"Vorotsya" "Happy Geese"

“That nasty weather is good”

"Birds Are Flying"

"Knock - knock with a hammer"

"Humno-quietly" "Monster little bag",

“Find out the name”,

"Guess who's screaming",

"Birds and cars"

“Along the Rivne Road”


“Sonechko and doshch”



“Axis like the little sun rises”

"Run for the ball"

Please remember to collect toys before entering walk. Collect leaves, needles, stones from the bowl and bring them to the singing place. Collect sand from the sandbox. Sumish the sand on board the sandbox.

Individual robot Take a look kamintsi: big and small

Get in touch children Take a walk on the Maidan. Keep an eye on its roc activity. Read how to play eggs in the sand, paint with a stick on the sand, play in the ball

Read play with children, budovati paska (with molds, budinki (Z viderets). Make sure that children do not break up when they are alone

By means of increased rukhovoy activity, ask children bring a toy, what lies at the other end of the Maidan children For help, dress an adult correctly and dress his pants.

Explain that you cannot show respect to other children during playtime.

Navchiti children step over objects with your legs raised high. Development of the Rukhs. Big: P/i "Leaf Fall"

Purpose: practice running Read how to circle and squat completely to represent the leaves.

Play with the ball: get the ball to the lava.


activities I period II period III period IV period

Tsilova stroll“You know, my son”.

Purpose: dates to children about the sun and the month. Vikhovuvati u children interest and duty to watch over the sun and month.

“Let’s take a look at our yalinka”.

Purpose: get to know children with a new tree, It’s green, prickly, with heads. Read children have mercy on yalina.

Purpose: get to know children with a horob and a crow. Read on to separate them by size and quantity. Promote interest in the life of birds.

"Knowing the apple and the pear"

Purpose: teaching children about fruits (apple and pear). Read the fruits according to their name, shape, color, surface, taste and smell. Develop sensory awareness children.

Watch out for the sun. The sun appears less often in the sky, it warms less, and each day becomes colder.

Be careful behind the plank. Show the simplest connections between things in nature. You can walk on Kalyuzh with gum boots without getting your feet wet. The car can fly with wind and breezes far behind the wheels. I'll see people walking under sunshades. The specks of the board are knocking on the backs of Budinki. Watch out for the trees. (yalin, maple, birch) Tall trees, to reach their tops, you need to raise your head. The trees are tall, the grass is short. The tree is solid and hard. A tree grows from the ground, its roots are near the ground, the roots of the tree grow, and the tree does not fall there. There are a lot of leaves and flowers on Stovbura. The wood's branches are thin and can laminated. All trees fall leaves - leaf fall. Dry leaves scramble under your feet. Every day the leaves on the trees become less dense. And the yalinka loses its green color, replacing its leaves with heads. Birds (pigeons, crows, gorobtsi). Dates of announcement about birds. Learn to recognize birds by sight. Read about it, note how the birds change their shoes (fly, walk, shave, peck food, drink water from kaluzha). Fix the statements about those in which living birds are treated as toys. Form emotional sensitivity.

Data on elementary manifestations about the power of water. Clear water is clear. Brudna water is not a blessing. It became cold, the water froze, and there was ice on the kalyuzhs. Water can be transferred from one bucket to another. Fruity (apple and pear). I let blocks and pears grow on trees. The smells ripen at the end of summer and spring. Apples and pears are red, yellow, and green. Fruits are hard and soft. Behind the relish of the stench there may be licorice and sour. Dates about those who pick fruit in the spring. Read to distinguish them by their appearance, taste, shape and name. Watch out for the wind. Consider the windy weather. The weather is windy - the trees are lightening, people are wearing warmer clothes. There is a light breeze or a cold and frequent wind.


"Day and Night", “Sonechko and doshch”


“Pick up the object”


"Autumn leaves

"With my feet, stomp, stomp, stomp" “The children went to kindergarten”

“Who is quieter? "Leaves"


"Nizhki on the road"

“Find the biggest arkush”

“Arrange the leaves behind the colors”

"Find and bring the yellow leaf"

"Let's go to the forest"

"We are autumn leaves" “Show me the bird itself.”

"Birds and cars"

"Subscribe to the valley" "Voroni"

Who is screaming? "In the bird's yard"

"Leaves are Falling"

“Find out what I’ll name”

"Wind" (Develops my skills)

“Discover with gusto”

"Monster little bag"

“Guess who called”

"Little bunny sit"

“Before what I name”


“Catch the snow in the valley”

Pratsya Let’s clean up the shops and leave the area. It will also help to rake the leaves from the plot. We shovel wet snow from the paths. Let's take all the leaves from the plot. Collecting toys after playing.

Individual robot Robot with development rukhiv:

It's good to walk. D/v "The bunnies shave - the bears go", "Follow me".

Work with the development of rukhіv:

Read to step over the ground. D/v "Don't step on the stone", "Walk the path". Work with a development rukhiv:

Read in and go down the children's drabine with the crumb that is being drawn.

D/v "Skhidinki", "Cross the Mace". Work with a development rukhiv:

Read on to go through your sick days little by little. D/v “Go as I do”- It’s easy to follow the victor.


activities I period II period III period IV period

Tsilova stroll“Knowing the beetroot and potato plant” Purpose: get to know children with Buryak potato: the peculiarities of their form, color and relish. Continue to develop sensory senses children, please feel free to contact the operator and confirm the power supply. “What does the Yalinka have?” Purpose: prodovzhuvati znajomiti children from yalinaya – є stovbur Gilks ​​with prickly heads. The head is rich, the stench is green, dry. Gilks ​​on the yalin tree grow all over the trunk. Yalina is even worse. “Winter has come to us at night” Purpose: This means how much snow has fallen that the great kuchugurs decided to wipe out the kuchugurs with snow. Please understand "snowfall". Look at the trees after the snowfall. "White fluffy snow" Purpose: Be careful with children, like snow. Meaning yogo power: white, fluffy, light, travels like plastic, quietly fogs in the wind and falls on the ground, trees. Read in children Bachiti is a beautiful winter landscape.

Watch out for the grassy growths. Show the peculiarities of herbaceous growths during the winter period. There is no grass. Sometimes you can see little bits of grass behind the snow. Watch out for the sun. Show that the sun always shines for fate. Let the sun shine, oh, it’s a sleepy day. Be careful behind the trees and bushes. Encourage the children to touch and hug the birch tree. Vona is cold, Stovbur is white. There are no leaves on the tops. The wind hits your little nails. Encourage the children to go to the birch tree and help the wind steal the tree. Please note that the birch tree is large and tall, but the bushes are low and small. Watch out for things nature: rain or snow. Still, the snow is falling. Dates of the announcement about the cause-and-inheritance data. It’s wet, it’s all over Kalyuzha, it’s impossible to walk. The snow is cold, you can’t bear it, you’ll get sick. If the sun shines, it’s warm, if there’s wind, it’s cold, you need to put on a coat, boots, and hat. Watch out for the trees. Show the peculiarities of deciduous and coniferous trees during the winter period. The maple and birch trees stand without leaves. On the yalintsia, instead of leaves, there are green heads. As the sun shines, the snow shines on the trees. Watch out for things nature: ice and snow

Tell the children that there used to be water in the concrete cages, but now it has become even colder, and the water has frozen, and there is ice. Wine is hard and cold. Snow falls on the ice

Snow falls on the paths, on the sand, on children. Encourage children to put snowflakes on their mittens. The snow is white and cold. Watch out for the sky. Show the peculiarities of the winter day. The winter sky turns blue, white, and grey. It's dark on the street. It gets dark early in the evening. Before the snowfall, the sky becomes dark. Watch out for the camp and the changing weather (it’s warm or cold, it’s snowing, it’s windy, the sun is shining, the sun is gone).

Watch out for the wind. Show the peculiarities of windy weather in winter. There is a cold wind and people are making noise. The wind picks up and the snow swirls. The wind blows.

When it's time to snow, show the children how the snow is falling. You can catch the snowflake on the mitten and look at it. Wine is white, dark. Just like that. The snow is light.


Educational and didactic games P/i "I'm flowing in children» . Purpose: read children actions following the verbal signal of the victor. Learn to run without losing one on one. D/i "De kishka". Purpose: read children Please tell me about the food, where's the gut? (On the tree, under the bench, behind the bush, vikoryst users. Create a joyful mood children. P/i "Pull" vikhovatel – train, children-cars

D/i "Great and small" P/i "Santa Claus"

Purpose: read the actions following the signal from the victor, read children run away from each other.

D/i “Find a toy with the same color”

P/i "Sparrows and whales". Read children Simulate the flight of birds, show how hummocks peck grain and follow the word of the conqueror "The whale is coming" (take on a walk with a toy cat)

P/i “One, two, three - until you hit the ground”

Pratsia wants to sweep the snow from the lava, and stay in the field.

Read about collecting snow from the crowd, working with the simplest things and beating them (stool, table for dolls).

Individual work Consider using familiar everyday activities for adult life. D/v “Go, put it down...”, “Go, get it”, "Bring (bring in the luggage)", D/i "Darling" Read the grouping of similar objects, the orientation of words "such", "not like that". D/v “Grouping of objects behind form”. Consider focusing on two sizes (large and small, there are objects of both sizes. D/v “Distribution of similar objects of different sizes into two groups”. Learn to step over small gaps in the ground. D/v "Cross the Mace".


activities I period II period III period

Tsilova stroll"White fluffy snow" Purpose: prodovzhuvati znajomiti children from the authorities in the snow: wine white, cold, tane in the hands of the snow. “All the birds are visiting before us” Purpose: Zvernuti respect children on bird's foot. This means that many birds have flown to warm lands, and those who are no longer with us will require our help. “Our Yalinka is alive” Purpose: make sure to carefully place the tree before the living tree, to help the tree, to remove the snow from the branches, to bury and take care of the tree, and not to break the branches.

Watch out for the snow. The snow is white, cold, falling on the river, lying on the squares, trees, benches. You can’t take it without a mitten, you can put it with a spatula near the chest. There was a lot of snow and the Kuchuguris disappeared. In the snow you can make snowballs and snowmen. When it’s nice to squeeze the snow near the valley, it will turn into water. Watch out for the trees. Rozshiryuvati statements about trees: the tree has stovbur, gilki. When there is wind, snow flies from the trees. The berries were preserved on the mountain. The birds fly in and peck the pea berries. Be careful about your clothes of people: warm jackets, fur coats, hats, mittens. It's cold outside, but everyone is warm. Be on the lookout for birds that are spending the winter. News about those that there is nothing to eat for the birds, there is no grain, and it makes the birds happy. The critters peck at the pigeon, gorobtsi, and crow. Birds brush, peck, fly. All the birds are flying, their wings are flapping around the clock. Cover the body of the birds with the feathers, so they are not cold. It got colder - the birds frowned. The gorobets fly brightly. Watch out for the birds. Close respect children on pigeons, raven, gorobtsiv. Be careful about the sparkle of the nozzles. These birds flew to us to eat pea berries and warm up. There are so many of them, the stinks fly in great sparkles, with a characteristic whistling sound. Dates of announcement about the bullfinch. There are a lot of beautiful red-breasted snow snowbirds sitting on the tree. Sniguri are especially fond of beaked gorobini berries. There are no traces of birds in the snow.


Educational and didactic games P/i "Snow is foggy". Purpose: Read the words of an adult D/i Let's take our kitty for a ride on the sled. Read children carry a sled with a toy, pulling it by the motorbike

P/i "Crow that dog"

Purpose: clarify the birds' flights, what sounds they make. Read the actions following the signal from the victor

D/i "Girka". With children we will enjoy a mountain in the snow (a small hump, ride a doll on a sleigh P/i "Kulbatiy dog"

Purpose: read the actions after the signal, develop orientation in the best way, train in running. Rozvivati ​​uyavu (kim we will wake up the dog)

Didactic gra: Vikonanny darling - bring a large shovel, a small shovel, a large bucket, a small ball.

Practise: Make breasts in the snow and wrap them around them.

Prodovzhuvat read more to help remove snow from the garden.

Individual robot Read to throw the ball at the cats while standing on the ground. D/v “Throw the ball at the cats”.

Learn to run in different directions. D/v "Bizhi do me", "Piss me off". Read orient yourself to quotas Warehouse: red, yellow, green, blue. Read the grouping of objects by color. D/v “Arrangement of similar objects, very different in color, into two groups.”


activities I period II period III period IV period

Tsilova stroll"One winter's evening". Purpose: show respect to those who get dark early in the winter and the lights light up. Have mercy on the sparkling snow, the evening sky and the winter evening. "Zimova's Cossack" Purpose: have mercy on the beauty of the winter landscape of Vchiti children come to the trees to help during heavy snowfall. “Like snow melts into water” Purpose: show how snow melts in warm water and melts into water. Melt water is thick, but it has smudge. Snow is heavy. You can’t get to the company of your brother.

“Purification of the toy and living yalinka” Purpose: consolidate your knowledge children about living Yalinka. Show the strength of a live strawberry compared to a piece of strawberry. Vikhovuvati almost felt mercy from the living tree.

A look at the tracks that people, dogs, and birds find in the snow

Watch out for the wind

Look at how the wind blows the leaves of the trees, and the gloom across the sky for your wife. Promote children "help" the wind will steal the trees and blow on them.

Look at the trees in winter clothing and see the burial. Read, don’t lamati bushes, vihovuvati dbaylive put up to nature. Rozglyad ice: hard, smooth, prosorious, slimy, fallable

Watch out for the beetroots dahu Long, thin, dripping water. The sun is shining brighter, the birds are singing louder, spring is just around the corner.

Continue to know the authorities of the water. The water is colder in the cold. Water can be frozen in the form. The water is frozen – it’s ice. If you bring the ice to the room, the water will dissipate and come out again. Beware of snow: white, fluffy, cold, lies on the ground, cannot be taken into the mouth, may make you sick. You can put it on the cebro with a spatula.

Everything became white and white

All the paths are covered in snow

Enjoy the beauty of the winter trees. Look at the yalinka and the leafy tree, and learn to know the differences.

Fix the names of the birds that fly in on the anniversary. Beware of sunshine: It’s shining brightly, it’s warm, the birds are making me happy, they’re chirping merrily. Sonechko asks for a spring visit

Khmarka wants for the forest

Marvel at the sky, little sunshine

I'm so clean

Good, give me a favor

Yakbi mi got away from you,

We should have kissed you!

Pin statements about signs winter: cold, a lot of light, lying on the ground, trees, booths. People wear warm speeches.


Educational and didactic games P/i "Viterets"

Vikhovatel-wind dme on children- Snowflakes and smells fly from one place to another

Game to the right "Dme wind"

The wind blows against us, the tree begins to choke

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter

The tree is still growing, growing

Didactic gra "De birdie" (toy). Purpose: read children Vikorist in active movie receivers: on, behind, under, above P/i "Snizhinki"

On the galavina, on the galavina, snow is quietly falling. Snowflakes fell, white fluffs. The wind blew like a storm,

our snow started spinning. Download all the snowflakes, white fluffs.

Game to the right “The wind blows to denounce us”. D/i

Mishko walked through the forest, walked around the bushes, grunted for a long, long time, sat in the snow and dozed off. Let's wake up the witch doctor

Vedmedic, little bear, get up,

Get rid of Ditlakhiv. P/i "Piss off the dog"- run straight to the singer. D/i "De doggie"

Purpose (on, behind, under, above)

P/i "Sparrows and whales". Read children Watch the flight of birds, watch the flapping of the wings, beak the grain and flow at the words of the whisperer "kit ide". P/i "Piss off the dog"

Purpose: learn to run straight from the singer

Get ready to ride the toys on the sled.

D/i "De igrashka"

Purpose: vikorystuvati in active mov receivers (on, behind, under, above)

Pratsya Prodovzhuvati read to collect snow from the crowd, work awkwardly and beat them.

Individual work Remember to step over the splint and cross the code with the croak that is being drawn. D/v "Step over the club". Remember to maintain balance when walking on a flat surface. D/v "Walk the path". Read change pace: walking and running. D/v "Krok - run".

“Piss up the doll”


activities I period II period III period IV period

Tsilova stroll“Assorted color krizhinki” Purpose: show the children that colored water in the cold turns into colored ice. Ice is hard, cold, shiny, and does not flow. Who's coming for the anniversary? Purpose: get to know children and birds, which sit on the yearling or check for food near it. Call for interest before the behavior of the birds. Receive children up to the age of birds. “The water is cold and hot” Purpose: develop skin characteristics. children- Read how to separate cold and hot water, using the correct words. “The pigeons flew in for the anniversary” Purpose: get to know children with the pigeons there are great, bluish stench, as big as a hillock. At one year old they peck at food and coo. You must watch out for the behavior of birds and learn about them, prepare them.

Caution Caution for with birds: crow and gorobets. Continue to mold and separate the birds by sight (dove, crow, gorobets).

The crow is big, shout kar-kar, little gorobets shout chik-chirk.

Yearn the birds - pinch the larger set and turbo for the creatures. Read and mark like birds change their shoes: walk, shave, fly, peck food, drink water from kaluzha. Bring back respect in autumn sun: It’s getting warmer, the snow is starting to melt. Spring is beginning. The sun is shining, the cows have appeared in the fields. Be careful about strings and kalyuzhas. Spring has come, it has become warmer. The snow is wet, and it's snowing.

Close respect children for those, like the stench of the smell. It became warm, the sun warmed up, and everything felt lighter. Spring has already arrived.

Show the peculiarities of the spring day. In spring, the sky is often dark and gloomy. Sometimes the sky is filled with white gloom. Dark gloom in the sky - on the plank. After the end of the day, joy appears in the sky. Watch out for the sun. It's bright, it's warm, the birds are happy, they're chirping merrily. Sonechko asks for a spring visit

Sonechko (repeat)

Khmarka wants for the forest

Marvel at the sky, little sunshine

If we had gotten to you, we would have kissed you.

Continue to learn about a natural phenomenon - the wind. The wind is gloomy in the sky for the wife. There is a wind - the trees are blowing, the turntables are spinning. Watch out for seasonal changes. The sun is shining brightly, the sun is warm, the birds are sleeping merrily, the breath is dripping.

Watch out for the gloom: gloom in the sky, whiteness, fluffiness. The sky is clear - there is no gloom.

Show the authorities in the snow in the spring. The spring snow begins to melt. Burulki appear on the dakhas. White snow melts gray on the ground. Postupovo all the snow on the ground is gone.


Educational and didactic games P/i "Crow that dog"

Purpose: clarify the birds' hands, read the actions following the signal of the victor

Didactic gra

“Let’s go, let’s go until the place I call it”.

P/i "Birds and board"

Purpose: read children action behind the word of an adult. Read on to dismiss the imitational ruins.

Play-handed: bring a bowl of the same color as the p/i spatula "Kulbatiy dog"

Purpose: read children follow the signal, develop orientation in the middle class, practice running.

D/i “We are slaughtering dolls”

(take on walk two hustkas with stitches for dolls)

Play with pinwheels and stitches. Rukhomi play:

“Lyalechka is dancing”

Let's take our little dolls,

Walk with dolls

We are not in a hurry

One and two, one and two.

They took us by the hands of the dolls

They danced with them together

La la la la la la

My little doll is galloping

Game to the right: stepping over the code

The task is to seal, collect snow from the purchase, mold and roll the breasts, and flatten them with objects and creatures.

Individual work Read adapt, jump. D/v “Dostribni to the nail”. Read this short speech (without showing actions) about familiar ideas. D/v “What were we afraid of? truants, Who is coming, who is pishov? Read vikonuvati up to 3 days (Take, bring, put). D/v “Help the lyatsi”.

Learn to run like crap. D/v “We go by bus all the time and quickly”.


activities I period II period III period IV period

Tsilova stroll"Riznokolorova water" Purpose: clarify information children about those that clean water flows from the tap. Ale water can be mixed with colored water by adding farbi to it. Such water becomes obscured, nothing is visible through it. “What do we serve to the birds?” Purpose: prodovzhuvati znajomiti children with this that the birds are alive. It’s our fault to talk about them, to be indignant at them. “Knowledge of tomatoes, cucumbers and cabbage” Purpose: consolidate your knowledge children about turnips, carrots, beetroot, cabbage. Read them in the picture. Oznayomity children with tomato, cucumber and cabbage. Consider cutting vegetables according to shape, color, taste, and firmness. Know their names. "Familiarity with citrus: lemon and orange" Purpose: date of knowledge about lemon i oranges: know the names of fruits, their sensory characteristics Develop sensory senses, enjoy the taste of beautiful fruits, their smell.

Watch out for seasonal changes. Tell the children about those who arrive to us in the spring with a cheerful breeze. The wind comes with proportions (Bring the ensigns to the street) and sultans

Return respect to the behavior of the Gorobts. The stinks bloom, fly richly, flying from bush to bush. Listen to the cooing of the pigeons. Explain that the birds are warm, the stench makes spring happy.

Watch out for this as your clothes have changed children. View of the pisk.

The sand is dribny, Syrian. You can find little stones near the sand. They brought the sand by car, so that the children could have little days from the new paska. Let's create a booth for toys from the sand.

Secure yourselves and watch out for mosquitoes. Rozshiryuvati statements about comas. Prodovzhuvat read razrіznyat komakh. Snowstorms and sunflowers are flying, ants are screaming across the ground. The flies are flying. Shape the bajan to be kind to the green grass that has appeared. Green grass appeared in the field. The grass stems are very thin and easily bend and break.

Watch out for the sky, there. The sky is brighter, clearer, and there is a new gloom across it. The sky is grey, dark, gloomy on new ground.

The sky is clear - the sun is shining. The sky is gloomy - the sun has disappeared. Continue to know the authorities of the water. The water heats up in the sun and becomes warm. Water the trees in the city with water. Birds from Kalyuzha drink water. If the water is clear, there is no light. Watch out for the grass and leaves. Grass showed up: there is green, nizhna, myaka (drag it along the grass)

The goosebumps rose in my sleep.

Birds peck grass, guts eat grass. Secure statements about chagarniks. Look at the little nails kuschiv: leaves peeked out from the brunettes. The stench is pleasing to the warmth and sunshine. Beautiful blossoms of buzok. Kviti buzka smells fragrant. You can smell them.


Educational and didactic games P/i “Kurchat that gut”. Purpose: read the actions behind the words of an adult. Go ahead and start children sounds, what do you see as creatures?

D/i “Show me one like this”.

P/i "I'm flowing in children»

Purpose: straighten children at home create a joyful mood, and don’t waste one on one.

D/i “Find out the name”. P/i “Sonechko and doshch”

Read children walk, run in opposite directions, and follow the signal from the handler to run to one object, "hovatsya" I see the board.

P/i "Locomotive"

Purpose: read about moving at different paces, changing directions, showing objects, conveying the characteristic movements of creatures and birds. "Go the horned goat"- read the text according to the text.

Pratsya Prodovzhuvat read collect toys after walks.

Read about the efficient drainage for water from the plot (Pens).

Individual work Read homework from well-known vertices. Reading familiar poems, verses, songs.

Read on to name the items on display. D/i "Who is missing" “We fly in like bears”.

Read, adapt, jump. D/v “Dostribni do strіchki”.


activities I period II period III period IV period

Tsilova stroll“Knowledge of the soup and preparation of Easter eggs” Purpose: get to know children from authorities: dry, wheezy, you can make Easter eggs from wet sand. Dry sand is light, brown, wet, dark, cold. "What are the horobs, what are the crows?" Purpose: prodovzhuvati znajomiti children with a horob and a crow. Read on to separate them by size and quantity. Promote interest in the life of birds. Receive children until maturity.

“Getting to know your mother” Purpose: show a new plant, tell it by name, see its characteristic features. (short, the stem is all in pieces, the flowers are yellow) "Knowing the Kulbaba" Purpose: consolidate your knowledge children about mother-in-law(the wine is not fluffy, short, the stem is in pieces). Learn about Kulbabka (zhovta, puhnasta kvitka, stem dovge, smooth). You can see the beauty of the groves buried in them.

Watch out for seasonal changes. Kindly sunshine sparkles everything just about: the flowers are in bloom, the grass is green, and there are a lot of green leaves on the trees and bushes. Everyone is happy warmth: birds, creatures, mosquitoes, people. The fly does not need to dress warmly. Continue to learn from the authorities in the country. Dry sand disintegrates. You can stick Easter eggs from the wet sand. Whenever you walk on a plank, the sand is wet. After wet sand, wash your hands. Watch out for the bushes - the leaves are plentiful, the trees are green. Leaves grow on the needles. When there is wind in the air, the little needles move, the leaves wiggle and whisper.” The tree bears one leg - stovbur, vin tost, so that the tree stands well and does not fall. Watch out for the hrobaks. Show the worm's wicked rice. External look worm: long, similar to a motorcycle, he has no legs. The worm crawls on the ground. Once they crawl into the ground, the worms fluff up. Watch out for the sky. The sky is dark. The sky is gloomy and gloomy. Dull - white, fluffy. Khmari – dark, important. If it’s cloudy, you can drink rain. Birds and flyers are flying in the sky. The sun is shining in the sky. The sky is clearer, gloomy.

Look at the bushy plants in the flowerbed, take pleasure in them, but don’t tear them up. Lock the name of the part Roslini: stem, flower. Look at the kulbaba. Kulbaba has a stem, a leaf and a flower. The stem is tendinous and breaks easily. Kvitka yellow color. In place of the flower appear fluffs - real kulbab. Looking at the sand in the sandbox. Dry sand easily disintegrates and drips from the valley. Encourage the children to take some sand, then, having opened the valley, marvel at how sand is "flows in" escape from the valley. You can’t drink Easter cakes and pies from this one (Try it). The wet sand squeezes into the valley, sticks to the hands, and splashes in the valley in small breasts. You can drink pies and Easter eggs from wet sand. Watch out for mosquitoes (flies, snowstorms, sonechka, murakhi).


Educational and didactic games P/i "Catch the Bird"

Material: bright little bird from a cardboard with a rubber band.

Purpose: children are to blame for getting angry at the evil bird Read children correct adoption of the users, clarify the name of the main spores in the field.

P/i “Bizhi, to the object that I name”.

Purpose: run straight ahead with the singer.

P/i "Loaf".

Purpose: Vikonannya dіy zgіdno with the text. Secured understand Axis: high, low, wide, narrow.

P/i “My cheerful tinkling ball” (rolling on the ground, throwing with two hands).

P/i "Hares and foxes"- run against the fox

D/i "Kaminnya"- From the big one there are great fireplaces, and in the small one there are small ones. P/i "Little bunny sit". Purpose: read children vykonuvati rukhs vykonuvati ruhi follows the text. Read: “Listen, splash in the valley, roll.” Bring joy to children.

D/i "Small are great"

(leaves, kamintsi)

Create a background in the little boxes and other things, collect the stones, and put figures out of them.

Individual work Grab the children together, doubled with one-year-olds. Creation of a game situation. "We'll be a wake-up call at the same time". Learn to run like crap. D/v "Birds Are Flying". Learn to hold the ball with one or two hands. D/v "Bring the ball".

Learn to catch the ball from a nearby surface. D/v "Catch the ball".



Tsilova stroll Theme: "Sonce" (“Mom pesters us, the sun shines”).

Purpose: expansion of statements about the sun (vzmku vono shіt, vvіtku shіtіt gree). Subject: "Doschik" (“The forest is thicker if the grass is thicker”).

Purpose: dates of statements about those that are buried in the forest, show the links of living and inanimate nature. Subject: “Trees, chagarniks and kviti”.

Purpose: expand knowledge children about chagarniks, trees, flowers and grass. Subject: “I’m going to dig up a garden bed.”.

Purpose: get to know children with the final result of the work in the city and kvitnik (behind the pictures and models).

Watch out for the sun (warm, shine brightly); Children say it’s warmer - in the sun or in the shade (shatter sand, asphalt, stones).

The sun is very warm, children are walking around in panties and panama hats. When the summer is warm, people begin to sleep, and their skin becomes darker. In sleepy weather, you can’t stay in the sun – you can get sunburned. It’s better to walk in the shade of trees and teacups.

Rozshiryuvati statements about chagarniks. Show that the berries are ripening on the chagarniks. The berries are growing on the chagarniks.

Show that the sky is in disarray. The sky is dark and gloomy, gray. Sometimes gloom pours across the sky. Follow with with water: children learn that water flows, flows, and heats up. (especially in Sontsi); From the wet sand you can make Easter eggs and make little ones.

Show the power of water.

The water heats up in the sun. Water the trees in the city with water. Birds drink water from kaluzha. If the water is clear, there is no light. Water flows and can be poured from one vessel to another. When it’s smoky on the streets, people and creatures want to drink. Everyone drinks water. You can only drink clean water.

Show that the summer board is different. When the boards are warm, Kalyuzhi appears. Afterwards I find all the trees are wet, the leaves, the buildings are wet. Be careful about the weather (it is a busy time of day, the wind is blowing the trees, the leaves are rustling, gloom is pouring across the sky, children are playing with pinwheels and plumes.

Close the statements about the tree. Show the changes that occur in trees during the summer.

Formuvati dbaylive stavlenya up to nature.

Show the peculiarities of windy weather in flight. There is a warm breeze here. There is a wind - the branches of the tree are blowing. Dme wind - the rustling of leaves. When the wind is strong, the heads break and fall to the ground. There is a strong wind and sand rises from the ground. When there is wind, there are great storms in the river and on the sea. Nature is alive. Children look at the flowering trees (thorn, kulbaba, grass, level ich) Yalinka and Berezi (Name prominent signs); komah (muraha ta bug); increase the size of the infestation, keep an eye on the birds, listen to their songs.

Expand the information about the flight behavior of birds. Continue to chew and mold the birds to look at them (dove, crow, gorobets, shpak, pitching). Peculiarities of the external appearance of different birds. Birds bathe near the sand, near the kalyuzhas. Birds celebrate their babies (carry food from dzobi). Rozshiryuvati statements about comas. Close the bag and protect it

for the komakhas. Snowstorms are fluttering, beetles are flying. Beetle beetles have long beetles. The beetles have wings.

Rukhlivi games “Sonechko and doshch”, "Vysya vinok", “I go with my wife at night”, “Don’t intercede, don’t trample”, "Balls in the cat", "Machini “My cheerful tinkling ball”, "Bulbashka", "Chubochka Chicken", "Nizhki on the road", “Along the Rivne Road” "Litaki", "Pull", "Rent a ball", "Beetles", "Sonic Bunnies", "Subscribe to the valley". "Sparrows and cars", "At the witch's fox...", "Birds in Nests", "Zvei blizzard", "Go through the strumok

Educational and didactic games Games with kamintsy: tell me what is on the pillbox, find the most important stone, arrange the stones from largest to smallest (and by the way.) “Tell me, sonny!”, (Selection of epithets, “Discover the dotik” (stones, sand). Who to whom?, Who gives what? (domestic creatures). Play with pictures. “Find out and name”, (vegetables and fruits). "Feed the creature". "Pour - pour - pour", (Play with water). "How are you living?". "Find out how I tell you", “Fold the ticket”, "Discover the world", “Find the ticket on the picture”, "Robimo pits"(From the letter, “Empty and out”(window with sand, "Fists - valleys". "Find a piece of paper that I'll show you", "Find a match", “Flying, flying, slashing”, "Who's alive", “Nasipaemo – visipaemo” (Play with a squeak).


Pratsya There is a bunch of living nature in the field.

Purpose: learn, help adults to look for plants in a clump of living nature and flowers in flower beds. Watering the roslins.

Individual work children Put on your clothes correctly, put on your sandals yourself.

Explain that you cannot show respect to other children during playtime.

Navchiti children step over objects with your legs raised high. Read children stribati on two legs. Stribuvannya from the deck "A little too much". Getting to know the concepts "number" on cones and stones. Haircuts through Pereshkodi. Walking on sandals; Game to the right “Who is quieter?”. Jumps on two legs, play to the right "Bunnies". Throwing the ball at a distance.

Compact the sand on both sides. Game to the right “Throw the ball to my comrade”, "Pass the ball over the stake", “Yak dzizhchit bjola” (with development of articulation and hearing). Throwing my ball on the mountain "Catch the ball".



Tsilova stroll Theme: "Our friends" (About Komakh) Purpose: dates of appearance about snowstorms, grandmothers, bdzhil, murakh. Subject: “Fasters and midges”

Purpose: dates of revelation about the measles and harm of birds and lumps in nature. Subject: "Save water". Purpose: dates of revelations about those who can live without water, stories about the importance of water in people’s lives, about the need for careful attention to it. Subject: "Charming trills".

Purpose: expand knowledge children about birds, information about the diversity of species and roles in nature. Pay attention to the way the birds look and their voices.

Watch out for mosquitoes (how snowstorms flutter from flower to flower; how a beetle emerges, how a beetle emerges from a snowstorm, a snowflake from a woman; measles and pests in mosquitoes, such as flies). Watch out for the sun (semitochkova)- Chervona with black coins. The horses are chattering near the grass. Secure yourselves and watch out for mosquitoes. Expanded statements about comas. Continue to chew and isolate comas from other living substances.

Show the peculiarities of windy weather in flight. There is a warm breeze here. There is a wind - the trees and branches are blowing. Dme wind - the rustling of leaves. When there is a strong wind, the heads break and fall to the ground.

Watch out for the weather. (specotna, sun, rain, wind, gloomy, gloomy, thunderstorm, behavior children in the hour of thunder). Expand the information about the flight behavior of birds. Continue to chew and mold the birds to look at them (dove, crow, gorobets). Birds bathe near the kalyuzhs, near the pisku. The stinks of their children (carry food from dzobi). Form a plan to watch out for the birds that fly to the plot of the children's garden.

Show that the sky is in disarray . Sometimes gloom pours across the sky. The sky will be covered with gloom, and then there will be a plank. A sparkle vibrates in the sky, thunder rumbles. After the end of the day, fun appears. Follow with water. Show the power of water (water does not take shape, breaks up the tsukor, does not break up the river sand). The water heats up in the sun and becomes warm. Water the trees in the city with water. If the water is clear, there is no light. Water flows and can be poured from one vessel to another. When it’s smoky on the streets, people and creatures want to drink. You can only drink clean water.

Show power to the pisk. When the trees are mature, water the sand so that the soil is wet and fresh in the morning. Dry sand disintegrates. You can stick Easter eggs from the wet sand. If you step on wet sand, you lose your footprint. You can paint on the sand. Care for growth and development of growths in the area and in the city (peas, potatoes, zucchini, horsetail, spring flowers, daisies are blooming). Grow the basil tree gracefully with flowering herbaceous plants. Read how to separate the garden and field flowers according to their shape, fermentation and smell. In the flowerbed there are a lot of garish growths, stinking flowers. All the trees have daisies, dzvinochki, stables - flowers of different shapes and colors. Roslins cannot be watered in dormouse weather - they can be observed. It is necessary to water the plants in the evening, when the sun appears.

Show that the summer board is different. Go warm plank. Afterwards, I’ll find all the trees, leaves, and boxes - wet. When the boards go, Kalyuzhi appear.


educational and didactic games "Meteliki"

“My cheerful, happy ball”


"Light and dark"


"Chicken Chubatka"


"Aw, aw!"


"Meteliki" “Sonechko and doshch”


"Birds in Nests"

"Geese, geese..."

"Third Zayviy"

"Find the Biggest Bird"

"Feed the creatures"

"Who's alive"

“Find out and name”

"Ah, birch"

"Ravlik", "Pavuk-Cossack" Play with with water: “We pour, we pour, we vimiruemo”, “Water and wind”, "Tone - not tone" (crust, lump, stone, cod)

"At the witch's fox..."

Play with sand

“Which is more important?”

"Secrets from the Pisku"

"Sand and water"

"Kit and Misha"

"Find a piece of paper like mine", “Find out what I’ll name”

"Fold the bouquet"

"Don't trample the grass"

"In the forest", "Vysya, vinok"

"A trip to the forest" "Springs"

"Our dog Barbos sits"

Pratsya Nature is in a corner.

Doruchennya: Preparation of viruses from natural materials; helping the grown-ups to look at the bushes in a corner of nature; watering flowers in flower beds; collecting sand onto the table with spatulas. Transference of pain in cebra.

Preparation of Povitryani Vanni dikhannya: take 10 breaths, through the right kidney, then through the left nostril, through the closing fingers of the right hand. Myogymnastics "Kinky" "Starting the car" "Kiss"- Pull the lip forward "proboscis"і "smack". “The bag burst” sleep stop

Individual work Work with children to develop hand activity (haircuts on both legs and stepping over objects). P/i “My cheerful, happy ball”, "Through the strumok". Walking on the deck. Training in Rivnovaz (edit in stribkah through reshkoda). P/i “Along the Rivne Road”. Fight in different directions. Game to the right "I'll catch up". Work on the development of roc activity. Converts different haircuts. P/i "Birds in Nests". Drawing of strokes and lines on the wet sand. Compact the sand on both sides. Work on the development of roc activity. Training your mind to improve your balance. P/i "Don't stumble, don't fall". Let's go to the river. "Cross over". Smoothing plasticine with circular ribs.



Tsilova stroll Theme: “What a miracle - what a garden bed”. Purpose: tell children about vegetables, their value for health Subject: “I go into the forest as if at the tower”.

Purpose: consolidate your knowledge children about trees and chagarniks. Subject: "Smachne kozub" Purpose: consolidate your knowledge children about berries. Subject: "Green Pharmacy"

Purpose: news about the bark and harm of these and other plants

Watch out for natural phenomena (rain, wind, fog, dew). The sun and dosh help to ripen the fruits (berries, vegetables, fruits, roots). Show me how to grow vegetables. Vegetables grow in the city. You need to take a closer look. The vegetables were small at the beginning of the summer, but grew over the summer. At the end of summer, you can eat a lot of vegetables - they are ripe. Show that the sky is in disarray (blakitnim, bezhmarnim, sirim). Sometimes gloom pours across the sky. The sky will be covered with gloom, and then there will be a plank. A sparkle vibrates in the sky, thunder rumbles. After the end of the day, fun appears. With utmost respect children for those how tall grass grew; Mushrooms appeared at the forest after the boards; on the first signs of recovery (The grass has withered, the leaves on the birch have yellowed); how the garden and garden changed (Children look at familiar trees, hear birds singing); the grass on the plot is mown (Practia of the grown ups on the ground). At the end of summer, fruits ripen on the trees - apples, pears, wild cherry. The leaves on the trees are carved. Rozshiryuvati statements about chagarniks. Show that berries - raspberries, currants - ripen on the chagarniks. Berries are picked and eaten. Watch out for the sun (it’s warming less, the weather has become colder, the clothes are warmer). Read how to separate the garden and field flowers according to their shape, fermentation and smell. Show the power of water. The water heats up in the sun and becomes warm. Water the trees in the city with water. Birds drink water from kaluzha. If the water is clear, there is no light. Be careful with natural materials (children learn which sand is important - dry or wet; paint on the sand with sticks; examine and sand the sand and clay).

Expanded statements about comas. Continue to chew and isolate comas from other living substances. Snowstorms are fluttering, beetles are flying. Sonechko - chervone, with black nickels. The horses are chattering near the grass.


educational and didactic games “Discover with gusto”


“Nizhki, nizhki, where did you run? We went to the forest to pick mushrooms"

"Sleepy Bunny"

“Sonechko and doshch”

"Monster little bag" (vegetable fruit)»


"Tele - ledve - ledve"

“Kvochka and Kurchata”

"Nizhki on the road"

"Doganyalki" "At the witch's in the fox"

"Birds in Nests"

Who came before us?


"Who's alive?"

Who doesn’t understand us?

"Vysya, vinok"

"Through Pereshkoda"

Play with the wind (sultans, turntables)

"Charming sieve" gnawed by cones.

"Kochenya and tsutsenya" "A trip to the forest"

"Get some mushrooms"

“Find such a leaf”

"Fun fishing"

"Shaggy Dog"

"Who is quieter"


"Chicken and chicken"

"Guys pictures"(berries)

Domino “Fruity. Yagodi"

“On the road to Budino”

Guys pictures "Yagodi" “One, two, three - find the bush!”

“Find such a piece of paper as I have”, "Kinky"


"Don't trample the grass"

"In the forest"


"Our dog Barbos sits"

"Bears walk along the road"

"Runs - Substribni"

Preparing flower beds in flowerbeds, dry grass for sprouts, collecting and drying leaves, tidying up the mixture (collecting stones, pots, sand, paths, tidying up weeding gazebos, benches, tables, watering flowers in flower beds, fluffing up the soil

Preparation of Povitryani Vanni: in shorts there is a shirt, arms extending to the elbow, neck, upper parts of the breasts. Sleepy baths. Prepare your nose dikhannya: open your mouth, press the tip of your tongue to the bottom (at this point the mouth makes a face). Repeat 4-5 times. Take a deep breath, see with one hour of tapping your fingers on the wings of your nose and fold it "ba-bo-boo". Myogymnastics "Kinky"- click your tongue for 30 seconds. "Starting the car"- stretch 30 s vimovlyati d-d-d-d. "Parsley". When your lips are open, place your little fingers on the corners of your mouth and close your lips in this position. “The bag burst”- Puff out your cheeks and press your fists through your clenched lips. Boshojennya after sleep: walk barefoot along the salt road, turn to the right for value stop: pull out the scrapers one by one and at the same time; rolling balls, rolling pins on the soles of the feet, carving the hands with the toes of the feet.


naya robot Working with children from the development of the roach activity: walking one by one along a stake; stepping over objects. Round dances play: "Vysya, vinok", "Through Pereshkoda". Work on the development of roc activity (Rizni types of walking). “Who is quieter?” Round dance gra "Loaf". Work with the development of rotary activity (climbing under dirt, climbing on various objects in the field, for example, on tires, dug vertically). "Bears in Norse", "Kinky". Work on the development of roc activity (survival of crustaceans). Rukhliva gra "Bears walk along the road".

List of literature.

1. “Individual development children at preschool educational institutions" S. V. Lesina Volgograd - 2008.

2. "Keep busy strolling with kids» S. N. Teplyuk Moscow - 2006.

3. “Engaging in the formation of elementary environmental phenomena” O. A. Solom'ennikova Moscow - 2008.

4. "Awareness children of early age from nature» T. N. Zenina Moscow - 2009

5. “Games for little ones to develop” A. S. Galanov Moscow - 2008

6. “Working with children 2-3 years old” I. I. Airapetyants Moscow - 2009

Purpose: to encourage children until they are old enough, to help those who are absent.

Head of the walk

The children went out for a walk, looked around - the high mountains were wet with winter and winter, they couldn’t pass, they couldn’t pass. It is necessary to clean up the snow, because it is important for people to walk, you can’t carry a stroller with a baby, and cars skid.

Everyone immediately senses the noise of an engine that is approaching. A snow clearing machine crashes along the sidewalk. I drove by, and it immediately became cleaner, and it also had wide brushes that covered the entire width of the sidewalk. The children watch when the machine catches fire and then goes back, again keeping an eye on its work. The driver sits at the cab, looking respectfully at all sides, driving the car smoothly. The brushes spin, clearing snow from the sidewalk.

There is a door keeper with a wide shovel at the door. He clears the snow from the edges of the sidewalk and throws out the debris. The teacher instructs the children to help with the door.

The children are picking up shovels and starting to clear up the snow from the entrance to the kindergarten. The doorman opened the door, came up, and asked for help. Vin shows them how to properly trim a shovel and where to throw snow.

The children turn around in the plot, where a large crow (toy) meets them. The Whisperer preaches the game “The Crow and the Dog.”

The walk will end.

Winter walk for young preschoolers on the topic: “Snowy is visiting us”

Purpose: get to know children with birch, yalinka, with your own significant external signs; direct with a spacious orientation.

Head of the walk

On the aphids of the snow you can see the fluffy greenery of the yalinka. The whipper shouts at the children: “Wonder, all the trees that stand bare, one straw of green, is beautiful. Before us, she religiously came to visit us on New Year's Eve. Do you remember? How is that yak painted? Marvel at how prickly her heads are, touch her head! What does Yalinka smell like? (Tolki takes the Yalinka head in her hands and lets the children smell it.) Is it appropriate? Yalinka is fluffy. Their legs are called paws, the stench is thick and green. Yalinka-beautiful, it’s just right for children!” Children repeat this word.

All this means that winter loves Yalinka and burns them with kuchugurs. Visoki Kuchuguri, the yalinka is clearly visible.

Then the teacher turns the children’s attention to the white birch trunk, encourages them to hug, stroke the birch, notice its smooth, seam-like surface and clarifies: white birch. Children bury the birch tree with their hands and admire how thick and thin its trunk is. Then you find other birch trees in the area, which means what is found among them (double bury the stovbur), the best place.

Relocations are carried out to clarify the name of the tree. “One, two, three - find the boat!” They all run from yalinka to yalinka, listening to the advancing commands: “One, two, three - to the birch!” The teacher asks how the children found out what birch (yalinka) is; I explain that the requirements for trees and bushes should be placed carefully, without bending their nails.

Running around, the children mark Snow on the road (the driver carefully places the big doll, Snow). The children rejoice, clearly look at their choices, guess the new sacred things, and then begin to build their little ones (shaping the cube from the snow bank), decorate them with different-colored little caps, and gradually dance until the Snowy: “It’s like Do you have a wake-up call? Now won’t you leave us at the forest?”

After the end of the day, the children begin to play with Snow: ride on sleds, show off their plot, learn about the meaning of spores. Then move on to the final game.

At the end of the walk, the game “Horned Goat” is held.

Winter walk for young preschoolers on the theme: “Lilac rabbit, white bunny”

Purpose: consolidate children’s knowledge about the animal body, clarify the names of the body parts of a rabbit (hare); formuvati dbaylive stavannya do tvarin, bazhannya dbati about them.

Head of the walk

Children go for a walk. A surprise awaits them: a rabbit is sitting in a cage on the veranda. The trainer is not in a hurry; he gives the children the opportunity to figure out their task before the creature. Then she carefully takes the rabbit out of the cage and hugs it to herself: Kuzya doesn’t know you, he’s afraid. The children are eager to calm down: “Don’t be afraid, we’re good!”

After such sagging skin (like fear), the child is not afraid to stroke the creature, meaning: lilac, soft, fluffy; use your finger to hold the knot (dovgi), pluck the tail (small, short). Children welcome the rabbit, meaning: sniff, grise, chew, sit; show how you are galloping. Older children simultaneously say to the teacher: two ears, one tail, four paws. You can continue to be careful by telling the children that the rabbit Kuzi has a hare brother living in the forest.

Everyone walks around, looks for the dummy hare, and wonders how his brother-rabbit Kuzya looks like him. The children themselves indicate how their brothers get into trouble and how they love and caress. The breeder clarifies: the hare should wear a gray fur coat and a white fur coat. Why? What color is winter? What about the hare's fur coat? The teacher guides the children to the correct position: “The little white hare sits in the snow, you can’t see him, you can’t hurt anyone.”

The whipper shouts at the children: “Who has a white fur coat like a hare? Who has sir, like his brother-rabbit? Now let’s all shave together, like hares and rabbits.” Having taken the toy bunnies and kitty, you can introduce the little ones to the fairy-short fairy tale.

Then they all talk about the everyday life of the tower, guess the fairy tale, and clarify that the animal will not freeze in the tower. From the snowy kuchugury (or shaft) you cut a cube, and in the new one - polychki. The teacher introduces the characters of the story to the children one by one (soft toys are prepared later). Children sort them out, depending on who lives high and who lives low. You can’t put only a witch anywhere - even a great one, don’t take revenge! Please sit in order.

Vikhovatel says: “Well done! Everyone knew the life near the tower. Now no one is colder. And the witch has a warm fur coat, it’s not cold for him to sit in the tower. Who among you has a fur coat of the same color? Who is our witch? Ana, Denis, show me how stupid the witch is. Who can show me how to walk as a witch? How does the cunning little fox-sister run? Her fur coat is ugly, ore. It’s amazing that Tanya has the same hat. Anu, Tanya, run away like a little fox-sister.”

For example, at the end of the walk, the game “Bunny, go into the garden” or “Naughty Bunny” is carried out.

Winter walk for young preschoolers on the topic: “Excursion to the street”

Purpose: consolidate children's knowledge about transport rules, traffic behavior, markings, and the operation of the traffic light.

Head of the walk

Children are encouraged to walk on the sidewalk, indicating what type of transport is on the street: bus, trolleybus, van, passenger car, van. For additional nutrition, the teacher reinforces the children’s knowledge of the importance of skin transport.

Then the “My Car” game will take place. The skinned child chooses from the sunniest verse: “My car is blue,” “My red car,” “And I have an orange bus,” “And I have a vantazhivka.” Now everyone is waiting for the car to show up on the road. The whipper helps the man: “This Serozhina red car passed by,” “Oh, how many vandals Sasha drives here!”

The children are hesitating, trying to figure out the rules of the crossing, there is still a traffic light here, like in the new car, what do they show; They mean that all the machines are rumored to be collapsing under his command. There is a turn sign at the traffic light. Older children instruct: “Go left-handed!” and point directly with your hand. The adult asks them to think: “How will we get to the kindergarten? Where do we need to turn, left-handed or right-handed? Show the beginning with your hand, then name the exact one directly.”

After returning to the playground, children can first listen to the tale “The Three-Eyed Commander” (a marvelous addition), and then play on their own.

For example, at the end of the walk, the play "Locomotive" is held.

Winter walk for young preschoolers on the topic: Where should a witch sleep?

Purpose: Read the children into the necessary actions that will determine the result; dbati about those who are away, not turbuvati marno.

Head of the walk

The children went out for a walk on a cold, windy, gloomy day. Vikhovatel says: “Your hands don’t know how to do anything! And that’s right, no need to worry about it. It is necessary to create a labyrinth so that everything can be done more efficiently.”

The labyrinth can easily be discovered in a remote, quiet corner of the plot. The whipper lays paths. Children clean them with shovels, motors, and throw snow onto the shafts. Then they decorate the tops of the snow trees and the sheaths with barvy cords, stitches, and different-colored kryzhinkas. After completing work, children place equipment in the same place. The teacher says: “When you finish on the right, walk bravely!”

The kids begin to play freely - to run through the labyrinth, to tease one another.

Then the teacher calls the children to him and secretly asks: “What kind of kuchuguru has such a majestic appearance in the next little patch of land under the yalinka? Doesn't anyone know? Let’s walk slowly and carefully admire the new one.”

Having reached the Yalinka, the adult reads Versh I. Tokmakova “As on the mountain - snow, snow...” The children are delighted and marvel at the kuchuguru. The vikhovatel guesses: “When it was autumn, beautiful leaves of different colors fell - it was leaf fall. You and I wandered through the leaves, listening to the stench that was playing under our feet. Then they collected the leaves and brought them here - here the doctor chose a place to sleep. We helped you in the future booths. Who remembers the name of the witch's booth? Den. Where should the witch sleep in the winter? That's right, at Barlosi's. And my mother, the winter, gave me some warmth and stored up the warmth of the carpet and snow for you. Warm youmu."

The teacher reads the poem again and asks: “Why can’t you make noise? And if you sleep, can you make noise? Don’t you worry if Grandma is at home and I’m going to sleep? Well done, please take care of everyone who wants to sleep - let’s sleep, I hope, gain strength. And the witch will sleep with Barlosa all winter. Wake up strong, rested.”

Then the teacher takes the children to the fake animals placed in the hospital (besides the bear - not to sleep); says: “It’s cold and hungry for the little animals in the forest. The ground is covered with snow: the grass is not growing, there are no mushrooms or berries. In the snow, carrots and cabbage do not grow for the bunny. The owls are scurrying through the forest (the children show), the foxes are running (the children are showing), the hares are jumping (the children are jumping like hares) - everyone is looking for the species. And all the while there was just white snow and biting frost. One wise witch lay down with her warm barlosa and slept. You are not afraid of either frost or wind. Sleep all winter in a warm barlosa!”

Children bring carrots, cabbage for the rabbits, gulli for the whites.

Turning with the children to the veranda, the groom suggests to those who want to go to the snowy room for dolls. If you don’t want children, you can tell the tale “The Three Witched Bears” and spark further controversy behind its plot.

At bedtime, the teacher clarifies: whose school did you remember? Who has the bigger waist: Mikhail Potapovich or Elizaveta Petrivna? Who has the smallest chair?

Children themselves put cups and spoons of different sizes on the table, they want to share their knowledge with others.

You can immediately create a bedroom for the entire family, which is of great interest to the children, and you can continue the routine of the coming day.

The children will finish their routine, show it to their dolls, and everyone will go skiing in the water, and ride the dolls on the sleds.

At the end of the walk, the game “Mishi dances in a round dance” is held.

Winter walk in 1st youth group ADDITIONAL. Be careful about natural phenomena

read children, name and mark natural phenomena, develop children’s mentality.
tell children about snow,
consolidate the time for fate;
consolidate the words “white”, “cold”,
enrich your vocabulary with notebooks.
Purpose: expand awareness of children about excess light,
Description: This material will be brown for students of the 1st youth group. As a result of the development of playful techniques, short development in children results in the formation of a deep cognitive interest in nature.
At the hour of getting dressed for a walk, the student reads Z. Oleksandrova’s poem
One two three chotiri five:
Let's go for a walk.
Katieńci tied up
Scarf of smudges.
Katya sleigh to spare
From ganku to the gate.
And Sergiy is on the road
The pigeons are screaming.
…Girls and boys
Shave like balls,
To dull your feet,
It's fun to rant.
Children of the first subgroup go out into the street, and the teacher conducts the game “Nurse the dog.”
The trainer has a toy dog ​​in his hands. After showing it to the children, it goes to the other side and encourages the children to catch the dog. When the children run up to the handler, they say: “And now the dog is going to get you. Tick."
Children run back.
Once all the children have left, the caregiver asks to go to the farm.
The student reads a lesson from Z. Oleksandrova’s poem “Snowball”:
“The snow is blowing, spinning,
It was white outside.
And Kalyuzhi was transformed
The vision is cloudy."
- When is it time for rock?
Types of children.
The Whisperer is appalled that it is too cold, there are no leaves on the trees, and there is snow.
Then everyone repeats the verse one more time.
Vikhovatel: What kind of snow?
Types of children (white, cold, fluffy - rich in appendages)
The student reads a lesson from I. Surikov’s poem “Winter”
“White snow of fluff,
It's foggy in the wind,
And the ground is quiet,
He falls, he kicks.
And before the snow
The field turned white
Like a veil
Everything is chilled.”
Rozmova shodo virsha.
Vikhovatel: Guys, let's take a look at the snowflakes.
The children look at the snowflakes at the same time as they watch.
Vikhovatel: and now we will be snowflakes with you.
The whirler suggests spinning the children like snowflakes.
Vikhovatel: Now listen to the riddle:
“Small, white, long-haired. Lisom strib, strib.”
Children: bunny.
Rukhliva gra “The little white bunny sits”
White bunny sit
And steal with boos. (Children pretend to be hands with their ears)
Axle like this, axle like that
Wine to steal.
It's cold for the bunny to sit,
I need to warm my paws.
Clap, clap, clap, clap,
I need to warm my paws.
Children are caressing by the valley
The bunny is standing cold,
The bunny needs to jump,
Skok-skok, skok-skok,
The bunny needs to jump.
Children shave.
During the hour, the teacher walks around, speaks with children, and renews the vocabulary with new words.
Didactic game "Potrap at the goal."
Children throw the ball in the snow. During the hour, the stitcher secures the shape, color.
Guys, why did you and I hesitate to go out;
What did we do in the snow?
(We lost track).
They made breasts for gris "Vluchno on target".
We looked at the snow.
They guessed a riddle.
Read verse.)
It is recommended that children spend their walks in independent activities.
After a walk, children turn around in groups.
gastroguru 2017