Correction of the need for increase. Adjustment of implementation. Correction of adjustments and rakhunki-invoices from the postal owner to change

It is understood that after purchasing a product or selling it, there is a need to correct the written first product. Such actions may be initiated by the buyer or the buyer, if they have detected an order when preparing initial delivery documents, or by us ourselves, for example, if, upon receiving the goods, any shortages or surpluses of goods are revealed.

Documents created and carried out during any period can always be corrected or corrected. For example, it is not possible to make changes to documents in a closed period: adjusting the acquisition of past fates in 1C 8.3 may cause the re-processing of unused documents, and as a result - a conflict in the amount of proceeds, donations, etc. It is more correct to display this operation using additional documents transferred from the 1C system.

Document “Correcting the management” in 1C 8.3 when adding goods

You can make adjustments after purchasing a necessary product through a single-name document in “Purchases”.

And also behind the additional button “Create on the stand” you can also manually add to the list of documents. Whenever a new document is created to change the implementation, then the new document must contain the meaning of that document, so that it can be adjusted.

If the document that you are editing is entered on the delivery document platform, then information about the necessary requirements will be filled in automatically and there will be no need to enter it manually. You can create the required documents “on the stand,” either from the document itself or from their list.

When on the “Products” tab, in the “Before Change” row, a number of other numbers are copied from the output document, and this row is not available for editing. The “After Change” row is automatically filled with similar values, unless the data is available for making changes. You can change, change or increase the quantity of goods received, as well as adjust the price, if the price has changed uncontrollably, for example, while the goods are in the hands of the postal operator or the operator is registering invoices. Ilk data to the cloud system.

When changing the documents that are used to document the transaction, changes also arise in mutual relations with the postal authorities. In this case, it is important not to forget to make changes to the VAT form.

For example, when correcting the procedure for the change, it is necessary to put the order “Renew the maximum permissible value in the sales book” in order to update the insurance policy for revising the maximum permissible value. After this, the program generates a summary record of the book sale. This becomes possible when choosing the type of necessary operation. In this case, in “Products” the MDV rate is not available for change.

You can also indicate in the document whether you need to display changes in all types of areas or make changes in the area of ​​VAT. The postings reflect the update of the maximum permissible value and record the data for adjusting the product availability.

If the operation “Correcting the original documents” is selected, the correction will be directed to the corrections in the original documentation. Here, to make adjustments, you can change all the columns of the table part. It is also possible to form customized rules with MDV.

Based on the selected documents, you can create a “Rakhunok-Texture of Removals” before customizing the appendage. The data is entered on the “Create on the stand” button from the document itself or from the list of documents for adding goods.

If there is an increase in the value of purchased goods, it is necessary to prepare the document “Formation of purchase book entries” and fill in the “Verification of MDV” tab.

Document “Coordination of implementation” in 1C 8.3 when adding goods

The "Create on the stand" button allows you to form a new document from the implementation or manually add it to the list of editing documents.

Once a new document is created, as soon as it is formed through “Add to the list of documents for editing”, it is necessary to check that the new document has been ordered to sell, and for which it is being adjusted.

When changing data, the sale of the change is supported by the interaction with the buyer, and the proceeds, and the financial result of the company’s activities.

To adjust the implementation of any changes in “1C: Accounting”, you need to adjust the process in the same way: select an operation (this can be done as a result of yearly adjustments, or make necessary corrections in the original documents) and make changes and up to the quantity or quality of the goods sold in the following categories: skin position nomenclature.

In the same way, you can select how to display the operation - in all types of sections or in one PDV view. When you select “For all sections of the account”, the adjustment forms entries for the accounting and tax accounts, as well as entries from the registers for the VAT account.

When you select “Only in the form of PDV”, the rules are formed according to the registers of the form of PDV, and in BO and NU you will have to change the configuration manually. When you select “Tilts in the same shape”, the same handles are not formed.

You can also write a customized rakhunok-texture on the stand.

When forming purchase book entries, the original invoices are used there for the documents “Corrigation and implementation”.

When forming a regulatory document “Declaration with MDV”, which can be opened and formed in the “Vita” section, the completed declaration is automatically filled with original invoices.

Such a rank, a projection of 1C MAS to finish Gnuchki that is Zruchni Memanizmi for the worship of the riznikh di podokodennya that real product, Vikoristani in the same way as a pardon of the region of the Trivali surgery Operations Prepopovydi.

Purchase ® Koriguvannya nahodzhennya

Document of appointments for registration and correction of the initial documents of the postal owner. For example, if the payment is revealed by the postal owner when completing the initial documents or the agreement between the seller and the buyer changes the price of goods sold before, the service will work.

The document can be sent to the document stand Reliability of goods and services, Reliability of additional documents. vitrat, Koriguvannya nakhodzhennya.

Correction of the original documents
Correction for weather conditions

Introduction on the stand

When entering a document in the header, it is necessary to indicate in the field Falling asleep a document that is being adjusted, which is a basis for entering the document invoice drawn up. The field will be filled in automatically as soon as the adjustment is entered and placed on the stand.

Peremikach ta Lishe oblik MDV indicates the order in which the document is displayed on the image.

Significance of peremikach PDV, accounting and tax form It is installed every time when the issuance of new postal documents needs to be submitted to the PDV department, and to the accounting and tax department.

    The remixer is installed automatically when in the field Falling asleep meeting document Reliability of goods and services with surgery Purchase, commission or document Finding additional data viatrates. For this type, the tabular part of the documents will be filled in automatically. In this case, the data that is filled in from the document will not be edited.

    If you select other basic documents, the jumper becomes unavailable. For this purpose, to adjust the accounting and filing form, use the Operation document (accounting and filing form).

For organizations that set up a simplified supply system, and individual suppliers, automatic adjustment of the supply form does not follow. The editing must be done manually.

Significance of peremikach Lishe oblik MDV It is installed in the case where the automatic adjustment in the accounting and indebtedness form is not transferred or the automatic adjustment does not correspond to the specifics of the operation that is being adjusted. In this case, the tabular part of the document can be filled in manually.

On the document stand Koriguvannya nahodzhennya You can register the document Rakhunok-invoice of retractions due to delivery Enter your invoice.

Once a number of documents have been entered into a single document, it is necessary to send Document that is being corrected You can go to the output document.

To register corrections of the postal owner's first documents, you must select the operation Correction of the original documents on the menu Operation.

    Products, Services


Bookmarked Productsі Services

    Falling asleep Reliability of goods and services with surgery Purchase, commission or document Finding additional data viatrates.

After completing the bookmarks Products or else Services

At the hour of document execution, the cancellation of the documents for the original document is completed in the filing period in which the registrations were made, and documents are formed according to the corrected invoice.

To form an entry in the purchase ledger, it is necessary to formulate the regulatory document Formation of purchase ledger entries.

On stock Dodatkovo

To carry out a transaction in the form of a purchase by changing the price of goods and (or) a number of previously received goods (work, services), transferred by an agreement with the postal owner, for example, when removing a corigual invoice, it is necessary to Select operation Correction for weather conditions on the menu Operation. After selecting an operation, you need to fill in the bookmarks:

    Products, Services


Bookmarked Productsі Services a statement about the correction of amendments is submitted to the original document.

    Data on bookmarks can be filled in automatically, as in the column Falling asleep document headers document statements Reliability of goods and services with surgery Purchase, commission or document Finding additional data viatrates.

    If the invoice document was written out from other documents, fill out the tabular part of the trace manually.

After completing the bookmarks Products or else Services Next, change the quantity and (or) price of goods (work, services).

When the value is changed, a sales book entry is formed according to the update of the previously accepted maximum allowance for the invoice sheet, before which the original invoice sheet was placed (clause 4, clause 3, Article 170 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). For whom it is necessary to install an ensign Update the maximum permissible limit for book sales.

If the difference is greater, the difference in the maximum permissible limit may be accepted before the revision (clause 10 of Article 172 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). To form an entry in the purchase ledger, it is necessary to formulate the regulatory document Formation of purchase ledger entries.

On stock Dodatkovo Additional statements for the other form of invoice will be filled in, as well as other income and expenses.

Introduction on the stand

On the document stand Koriguvannya nahodzhennya You can enter the following objects:

    Rakhunok texture of otrimania

    Koriguvannya nahodzhennya

Configuration: 1s Accounting

Configuration version: 3.0

Publication date: 15.02.2017

Often working with the 1C:Accounting 8.3 program, we, as accountants and managers, need to edit documents on the hour of excellence. Such operations are not allowed in the program; for such types of document transfers Implementation adjustmentі Koriguvannya nahodzhennya.

Adjustment can be carried out either for increase or for change.

The adjustment is subject to price changes or (i) changes in the number of new products. The adjustment transaction is concluded between the parties according to the additional documents issued by the parties. The design can be registered on Products, Services or Robots.

1. Coordination of implementation of 1C: Accounting 3.0 (seller’s position)

This type of document is used to register changes to previously made purchases. Such situations may arise if the seller has identified amendments in the documents of promotion or a favorable change of minds in the sale of goods, services or robots.

The modification of the implementation is entered on the platform:

1. Sales (act, invoice)

2. Assignment of virobnic services

3. Letter from the commissioner (principal) about sales

4. Adjustment of implementation.

Created on the stand entered Sales of goods document Implementation adjustment.

On the menu Create on the stand we collect Implementation adjustment.

The Correction form opens, Type of operation:

Convinced when changing minds (prices and obligations) for the weather.

Correction of the identified defect in the original documentation.

In the Products tabular section, the row can be changed after change, new data is entered depending on the quantity and price.

Other forms have a manual form under the name, this document is created to facilitate a change of minds in the agreement with the buyer, so that this document confirms the agreement of both parties to the amendment.

The other form has all the necessary information to inform you about the change of status. The header is filled with the details of the seller and the purchase, the tabular part contains the goods, services and jobs for which changes are made, and the basement is the place for signing the buyer's and seller's partners.

All changes made are saved in the journal. What is in the section?

If you need to make adjustments to make adjustments, such ability is also built into the program. For this reason, let's move on to the magazine Sales - Coordination of sales And on the stand of the already created document there is a new one.

Complete simple operations with the formation of original documents that allow you to protect your interests and comply with the law. And also show your customers a high culture of work with programs and accounting knowledge.

2. Corriguvannya Supervision 1C: Accounting 3.0 (purchaser position)

This type of documents serves to register changes in documents taken from the postal owner. As a result of the implementation, there may be a pardon or a change.

The form of the document is laid out on the document stand Reliability of goods and services.

There are 3 types of operations in the koriguvannya:

The customization can be of several types:

1. Correction for weather conditions- a change in price or service, work or goods that are delivered is accepted. A customized rakhunok-invoice is displayed (clause 3 of article 168 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation)

2. Correction of the original documents- correction of allowances made by the postal owner when forming the Act or Bill of Lading.

3. Correction of dry milk- this type of operation is used to correct incorrect data on a document, such as entry number, IPN, checkpoint, date of invoice...

Save the header and go to the Products tab.

When investing, we make changes to the Price or Quantity of Products.

A purpose document for registering two types of transactions:

  1. Correction of the original documents transferred to the buyer. For example, if the seller reveals an order before the time of registration of the initial documents
  2. Adjustment of implementation options. For example, when it is favorable between the seller and the buyer, change the price before selling goods, and the servants work.
Fig. 1 Types of operations for customization of implementation

Corrected document in the field Falling asleep with obligatory requisites. This field will be filled in automatically as soon as the adjustment of the implementation is entered on the stand (div. Fig. 2). The customized document can be any document that serves as a basis for entering the invoice. The most commonly documented document is the Sale (Act, Invoice), the Contract of Sales Services and the Report of the Commissioner (principal) about sales (div. Fig. 2)

Small 2 List of corrected documents in the field

It is possible to display the correction in the layout of the document that is being corrected (div. 3):

  • For all sections of the outfit, form all the necessary trimmings.
  • Only in the guise of PDV - formulate the original rules from the PDV, BO and NU coriguvate manually.
  • Only the arms have a different shape - do not mold the origional arms.

Fig. 3 The order of display of adjustments in the form

Please note that

    Possibility to display customization In all sections the appearance is installed automatically, as near the field Falling asleep the collection document Implementation (act, invoice), Indenture of sales services, Letter from the commissioner (principal) about sales. For this type, the tabular part of the documents will be filled in automatically. In this case, the data that is filled in from the document will not be edited.

    When selecting other documents, the settings will be displayed In all sections the appearance becomes inaccessible. For this purpose, to adjust the accounting and filing form, use the Operation document (accounting and filing form).

On the document stand Implementation adjustment you can register the document Rakhunok-invoice of visions for the purpose Enter your invoice or use the mechanism of insertion on the stand in Fig. 4

Small 4 introductions on the stand

Correction of the original documents

To register corrections of the postal owner's first documents, you must select the operation Correction of the original documents on the menu Operation.

On the Products, Services, Agency Services tabs, information about the correction of approvals on the original document is indicated.

Falling asleep document header, the document Realization (act, invoice), Invoice for sales services, Letter to the commissioner (principal) about sales is indicated

At the hour of document execution, the cancellation of the documents for the original document is completed in the filing period in which the registrations were made, and documents are formed according to the corrected invoice. When this happens, a sales entry in the book is generated automatically.

To represent in the seller's office the operation of changing the price and (or) the number of previously sold goods (work, services) transferred under the contract with the buyer, for example, when a correct invoice is issued, you must take the operation Correction for weather conditions on the menu Operation.

Bookmarked Products, Services, Agency services a statement about the correction of amendments is submitted to the original document.

    Data on bookmarks can be filled in automatically, as in the column Falling asleep The document headings include the document Sales (act, invoice), Contract of sales services, Letter from the commissioner (principal) about sales.

    If the invoice document was written on the support of other documents, fill out the tabular part of the trace manually.

After completing the bookmarks Products, Services, Agency services Next, change the quantity and (or) price of goods (work, services).

With increased sales, sales book entries are automatically generated during the sales period.

If the value of the maximum value is changed, the maximum permissible limit may be accepted prior to verification (paragraph 3 of clause 1 of Article 169 PC). To form an entry in the purchase ledger, it is necessary to formulate the regulatory document Formation of purchase ledger entries.

Adjustment of vartosti implementation (Consideration about changing vartosti)

Adjustment of the price (tariff) and (or) clarification of the quantity (obligation) of the branded goods (branded robots, services) that are purchased and for various reasons, for example:

  • the buyer turns over the goods that are not accepted until they are ready (for example, when the package is checked for consistency, etc.);
  • change the prices of sold goods (contracted jobs, assigned services) for the consignment of great minds to the contract (reductions).

The exchange is concluded between the parties, which is formalized by an agreement, an additional agreement to the agreement or other primary documents that confirm the validity of the purchase for exchange. For whom the original documents (delivery notes) are not changed when the goods are delivered before.

When changing the price or (or) number of advanced goods (work, services, mining rights), a corrected invoice is issued (clause 3 of Article 168 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). In this document there is a difference (both positive and negative) due to the change in the availability of goods (work, services, mining rights).

To adjust the status of advanced goods (products, services), the “1C: Accounting 8” program has created a special two-sided document Please about the change of vartosti, which is formed in the program by the seller on the basis of the document “Adjustment of implementation” with the type of operation “Adjustment on related sides”.

The adjustment of the varosti in the program is entered using additional documents Koriguvannya nahodzhennyaі Implementation adjustment at a glance at the operation Correction for weather conditions. The original invoice is represented by the accompanying document, which is submitted to the original document stand.

Pokrov's instructions for adjusting the implementation of BP 3.0

Situations often arise when, within a matter of an hour, amendments are discovered on previously entered documents. Once in a while it is necessary to copy a document.

Anyone who accesses a document “retrospectively” corrects it and forwards it. This method of correcting waste residues can lead to serious damages and residues. In addition, it is often necessary to simply record the discrepancies in data for further review by the client.

It is correct to carry out such changes using additional documents 1C “Adjustment of implementation” and “Adjustment of implementation”. Let's take a look at the instructions on how to work with them in 1C 8.3

Butt design, customization, change

For example, let’s take the document “Receipts (acts, invoices)”. The adjustment of the implementation in 1C 8.3 is absolutely the same as before. Let’s say two months ago we drew up a document requiring some goods worth 8997.76 rubles.

After arrival, we begin to sell the goods.

A dozen hours later we received a pardon from the document. The price may be different, for example, 223 rubles. Sum, definitely, 9143 rub.

There are differences:

  • in mutual frosts;
  • in the guise of PDV.

To record and correct this situation, we use the “Correcting Requirements” document.

There can be two types of customization:

Watch 267 video lessons from 1C free of charge:

  • Correction of the original documents.
  • Correction for weather conditions.

The importance lies with the fact that in the first episode we simply amend our apology found in the original document. In this case, all table columns are available for editing. It is possible, perhaps.

When adjusting for different parties, if the parties are at home and the price changes (price and quantity change), the column with the MDV rate cannot be edited. Alternatively, you can insert the ensign “ ” and create a corrected rakhunok texture in 1C 8.3.

The butt has been modified over the past period:

In addition, you can select where the adjustment will be displayed:

  • in all sections of the form;
  • less in the guise of PDV;
  • less than the other form (if the original document is corrected).

Let’s see the postings like creating a document editing in 1C:

Apparently, the document corrects the difference between the 60.01 rack and the MDV (19.03 rack). In this case, if after the change the amount changes, the EDV is reversed, and the 60th period is carried out as a debit.

gastroguru 2017