Why was Kadirov given a hero? High calling. Streets and parks named after Ramzan Kadirov

City documents say that since 2000, Ramzan Kadirov has put an end to the legacy of illegally slaughtering. According to official statistics, since 2003, under his leadership, the security services of the President of the Chechen Republic have captured at least three hundred and fifty militants, and have established over a hundred bandit bases. And over four hundred participants in illegal armor moldings were voluntarily put into armor.

“Kadirov has established himself as a highly professional organizer of the negotiation process with the voluntary support of an industrial supporter,” says the city’s characterization. In addition, with the direct participation of Ramzan Kadirov in Chechnya, preparations for the presidential elections in the Chechen Republic were carried out in the shortest possible time, and the security of the elections themselves was ensured. For all this, for the totality of the wines, I took away the Hero’s vision.

Ramzan Kadirov was born on June 5, 1976 near the Chechen village of Tsentoroy. There I graduated from high school. Until 2000, he was dedicated to his sports career: having taken part in many successful boxing careers, he was called Master of Sports. In 2004, the family graduated from the Makhachkala Institute of Business and Law. Since 1996, he has been the lieutenant and special guardian of his father, Mufti Akhmat Kadirov. After the fall of Akhmat Kadirov as President of Chechnya, he became the head of the security service.

After the death of Akhmat Kadirov, many residents of Chechnya urged Ramzan to present his candidacy for the presidency. It is only possible that under the Constitution of the Republic, this situation can be captured by the citizens of the Russian Federation, which has lasted for 30 years. Therefore, Ramzan Kadirov did not take part in the elections. On May 10, 2004, he was appointed First Deputy Prime Minister of the Czech Republic. In the other half of 2004, Kadirov became the representative of the most important representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Pivden Federal District. The competence of Ramzan Kadirov in this village is to ensure cooperation with the security forces of the federal district.

Ramzan of arms, there are three donks.

“I respect that today’s hero was recognized by the entire suffering people of Chechnya,” said Ramzan Kadirov, having learned about the city. - We have vigorously continued our uncompromising fight against terrorism, extremism and banditry. And thus protect the interests of all Russian people. The goal is to recognize the correctness of Akhmat Kadirov’s course for establishing peace and stability in the republic. I commend the Russian Federation for such a high rating of activity. I appreciate this recognition of the merits of all those who were close to me - the living and the dead, who fought against international terrorism, thereby protecting the interests not only of Chechnya, but of the entire people of Russia.

05.10.1976 -
Hero of the Russian Federation

Before Adirov Ramzan Akhmatovich is a Chechen sovereign leader, the first protector of the head of the Chechen Republic.

Born on June 5, 1976 in the village of Tsentoroy Chechen-Inguska Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, nina Kurchaloevsky district of the Chechen Republic, to the family of the mighty Hero of Russia Akhmat Abdulkhamidovich Kadirov (1951-2004). Chechen. In 1992, the family graduated from secondary school No. 1 in the local village of Tsentoroy.

During the hour of the First Chechen War, both my father and I were at the lava of the Chechen separatists and fought against the Russian federal forces. Since 1996, he was the lieutenant and special guardian of his father, Mufti A.A. Kadirov. After A.A. Kadyrov was elected President of the Chechen Republic, he became the head of the presidential security service. Engaged in negotiations with participants in illegal reforms regarding their transition to federal control. Confirmed for carrying out special operations. Having taken part in many successes from boxing, he is entitled to the title of Master of Sports.

In the fall of 1999, my father (who resisted the influx of Wahhabism that had grown since 1996) switched to federal power. In 2000-2002, he was an inspector of communications and special equipment at the headquarters of a local police company under the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, whose function included the protection of the state authorities and the safety of the military personnel of Chechensko. ї Republics. From May 2002 to February 2004, platoon commander of this company. In fact, having finished the security service of the Presidential Security Service, the number is close to 1 thousand people.

Encircling the seat of the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Chechnya. Having been a member of the State for the Chechen Republic of the Gudermes region. There were negotiations with field commanders and militants about their transition to federal rule. On June 17, 2003, R.A. Kadirov announced that he had managed to voluntarily transfer 40 militants from the warehouse of Aslan Maskhadov’s special security facility. In addition, he affirmed that having entered into negotiations with the separatists from the corner of Ruslan Gelayev, 170 fighters showed their readiness to surrender their surrender and “live a peaceful life again.” On February 22, 2003, R.A. Kadirov announced that he was able to negotiate the voluntary surrender of 46 armed fighters, who were deposited under the special guarantee of his father. Most of the militants, who were hoping to be forced into an emergency operation, were insured to the security service of A.A. Kadirov.

On November 30, 2003, R.A. Kadirov announced that a group of Chechen businessmen donated 5 million dollars to the city for reliable information about the location of Shamil Basayev, and declared success mother of a terrorist before New Rock. In the spring of 2004, R.A. Kadirov told the fate of those who, through intermediaries, negotiated with Aslan Maskhadov about the possibility of a voluntary release of the rest. Then R.A. Kadirov confirmed that the negotiations were interrupted by the Russian troops, who shot the Maskhadian emissaries, for mediating contact with the President of Ichkeria. R.A. Kadyrov was repeatedly called to account until the abduction of civilians, then he made threats. Zokrema, R.A. Kadirov ordered to file a lawsuit against journalist Ganna Politkovska, who called her for money and theft.

After the death of my father in 2004, the candidacy of R.A. Kadyrov was promoted by the impeachment of the President of the Chechen Republic, which, according to the Constitution of the Republic, could be defeated by the citizens of Russia, which has been going on for 30 years .

In 2004, I graduated from the Makhachkala Institute of Business and Law. On May 10, 2004, he was appointed as the first intercessor of the head of the Chechen Republic. In the other half of the year 2004, the meeting of the most important representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Pivden Federal District D.N. Kozak. It was within the competence of R.A. Kadyrov in this area to ensure cooperation with the security forces of the district.

U Order of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1630 dated 29 June 2004 to the first intercessor of the head of the Chechen Republic Kadirov Ramzan Akhmatovich awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation and awarded the medal “Gold Zirka” (No. 839).

Z 16 Birch 2005 Rock Rock Rock Roads of the Golovy of the Union of the Russian Federation VIN Buv Recognitions of the head of the respondent of the Kommersant Burlings, Yaki, who was eno in the Hoduy VіiSikovikh di at the Chechenskiy Respubnitsky.

From the 1st to the 4th September 2005, the bonds of the President of the Chechen Republic were taken, and from the 18th of November 2005 to the 4th February 2006 - the bonds of the head of the Chechen Republic. Since 2006, the head of the provincial commission for drug trafficking in the Chechen Republic. On June 9, 2006, at the meeting of the regional branch of the United Russia party, the proposal of the Presidency and the General for the sake of the party, which was confirmed by the appointment of the secretary of the regional branch of the United Russia party Dina Russia." On February 4, 2006, the head of the district of the Chechen Republic.

On February 15, 2007, the parliament of the republic confirmed R.A. Kadirov as president of the Chechen Republic.

There were a lot of attacks on R.A. Kadyrov. On May 12, 2000, R.A. Kadirov survived his first swing - on the federal highway "Caucasus" on the outskirts of Grozny, he got a vibuchal device from his jeep. R.A. Kadirov recovered from a slight concussion. On September 16, 2001, terrorists planted a bomb near the drainage under the federal highway "Caucasus" along the road of R.A. Kadyrov on the outskirts of Gudermes. They were killed by slaughter. On June 30, 2002, unknown forces fired at R.A. Kadirov’s car near the village of Novogroznensky, Gudermessky district of Chechnya. One of the underlings was injured. On June 27, 2003, near the village of Tsotsan-Yurt, Kurchaloevsky district, the suicide bomber R.A. Kadirova was attacked by her guard. The shahidka and the mist's sack have perished. On May 1, 2004, separatists attacked the Kadirov family village of Tsentoroy. According to the words of the underlings of R.A. Kadirov, the attackers’ method was theft and killing. The militants' fortress was destroyed.

Major General of Police (11/10/2009). Awarded with the Orders "For Services to the Batkivshchyna" 4th class (08/09/2006), Masculinity (07/12/2004), Poshan (03/8/2015), medals, including "For service in the defense of the community order" (07/22/2) , as well as the Order of Akhmat Kadirov (06/18/2005).

Candidate of Economic Sciences (2006). Honored Citizen of the Chechen Republic (2003), Honored Worker of Physical Culture of the Chechen Republic (2003), Honored Worker of the Chechen Republic (2006).

The first Deputy Prime Minister of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadirov, became the youngest hero of Russia among Chechen politicians. The Russian troops who fought in Chechnya in two campaigns, for other merits and posthumously, were taken away from 23 heroes, and among the living and dead Chechens of the 28th century there were no heroes.

There were three heroes among the Chechen “authorities” before Kadirov the Younger. This great field commander Dzhabrail Yamadayev, who fought with Basayev on the couch in Dishne-Vedeno, this great field commander Akhmad Kadirov, who fought with Basayev at the Dynamo stadium, and this great field commander Ruslan Yamadayev (brother) Dzhabrail), not supporting much in the State Duma, where he represents party "United Russia". The first two are posthumous, the remaining two are living.

The Kremlin press service informed about the conferment of a high rank on Kadirov’s son in the same words that it also informed about the conferment of three other Chechens. “The title of Hero of Russia was awarded to Ramzan Kadirov for his courage and heroism, revealed upon graduation from his military service,” says the press service. It should be noted that in the case of Kadirov-young, as in the history of Ruslan Yamadayev’s enclosures, the specific reason for the enclosure is important to remember. Brother Yamadayev was rewarded for his long-term successful campaign against the Basayevites near the Vedensky district, Kadirov Sr. for having defeated the pro-Russian part of the Chechens, and Ruslan Yamadayev and Kadirov Jr., perhaps, “for the totality of their merits.”

"Gazeta.Ru" tried to understand what is behind the official phrase "victory of service obligation" in the statute about Kadirov's eminence. The press service of the young hero confirmed that it is not possible to recover a specific hourly segment from which Ramzan began to retaliate. “I showed myself on the battlefields in the fight against international terrorism and the followers of Wahhabism, and as one of the ranks,” said the press service spy. — He successfully copes with his work in the social sphere, supported by the Kadirov Relief Fund, and helps those who, having spent their relatives on the war, have learned about the construction of a gas pipeline near the Vedensky district, and there will be a road laid."

Young Kadirov himself does not remember the gas pipeline, but he respects it, turning away his eyes on the fight against Basayev.

“I bless the Almighty for those who will not call me to the same degree as Basayev, and I, no matter what happens, will save everything so that this people will no longer terrorize the people,” - revealing his life today Iyu Kadirov. He also stated that, in addition to the main tasks, it is important to establish a local government and suppress the gang of terrorists - Maskhadova and Basayeva.

Before the speech, Kadirov is already in the hands of another star of the hero in life. In the spring, Putin has already handed over to the city for his father. Ramzan’s career battle began, albeit cynically, after the death of his father at the Dynamo stadium. Before the death of Akhmad Kadirov, his son was known as one of the ceremonies of the so-called father’s security service, in fact he was his assistant. On the day of death of Akhmad Kadirov, the appointments in. O. President Sergiy Abramov announced the recognition of Ramzan as the first deputy prime minister of the Chechen order. Even before the start of the election races, Ramzan became one of the main contenders for the seat of the President of Chechnya, and wanted to occupy this seat for the rest of his life. According to the constitution of Chechnya, a person who has reached 30 years of age could become the president of Chechnya. Ramzan was 27 at that time. As a result, Kadirov’s protégé Alu Alkhanov (who, by the way, lacked the Order of Manhood) essentially became president without any alternative, and Kadirov the younger was appointed to the former vice-premier and head of the largest military group Chechnya - "Kadirova's Security Services".

This security service is a headache and a headache in the military biography of Kadirov the Younger.

He himself insists that his police are vigorously fighting the militants, and human rights activists in Russia and Europe regard Kadirov’s drives as the same “gang formations” as Basayev’s. Also, today’s human rights activists were unacceptably invited to Kadirov’s nobles. Tetyana Lokshina from the International Group of Helsinki said in an interview with Reuters that such a fence “discredits the city of the Hero of Russia itself.” “Because there are such heroes in Russia, it’s hard to say how our country is sinking,” Lokshina said.

Kadirov’s opponents in Chechnya are not immediately pleasing to the sons of the late president, since the Chechens are hailed as a hero, in her opinion, “a rotten sign.” One of the assistants to the presidential candidate of the Chechen Republic, Malik Saidullaev, who was not born, commented to Gazeti.Ru on Kadirov’s honor: “Let’s guess how many days before his death we took away the eyes of our father.”

After all, Russia is a legal power. І President from legal background. And the prime minister came from the special services. It would seem that there would be law and order. This is the situation, for example, in the Chechen Republic, where everyone seems to have “forgotten” and have become complacent about talking about bed sores. Although it is obvious that in Chechnya, to enter the warehouse of the Russian Federation, the constitution does not apply at all. Ale pro tse zgodom, let's call it "good."

Formally, everything is miraculous in Chechnya. There seems to be a small fortune in renewing the rule of the republic. Most of them end up in the nests of officials, both Russian and Chechen.

Grozny remembers the football match between the “Grozny” team, which the President of Chechnya Ramzan Kadirov, and the Brazilian national team in 2002, loved. I Kadirov scored two goals... The axis is about someone else.

Let’s start with the regalia of Pan Kadirov.

18 June 2006 “for the troubles of authoritative scholars”, for those who, when new in Chechnya, “negative phenomena appear, which are small in connection with the activity of illegal armor moldings”, R. Kadirov was awarded the title of honorary member of the and the organization “Russian Academy "(RAEN). Tsikavo, in what way is the field of negative phenomena connected with natural sciences?

On June 27, 2006, Kadirov was elected honorary academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Chechen Republic. In 2006, he was awarded the title of honorary professor at the National Academy of Humanities. On June 19, 2007, he was awarded the title of honorary professor at the Chechen State University. As you marvel at the “intellectual” denunciation of Ramzan Akhmatovich, you wonder who else can be nominated for the Nobel Prize?

And how many medals there are! І “For military valor”, І “For service in protecting public order”, and two “Zhukov Medals” (Zhukov exchanged words)... І naturally Kadirov - “Hero of Russia”.

Tsikavo, what are all these rewards for? For those who, during the hour of the First Chechen War, both visited the lava of the Chechen separatists and fought against the Russian Armed Forces? Chi for the zrada of the Chechen separatists? For those who went over to the side of the Russian military? For now, the bandits who surrender are promised amnesty at the most, and that won’t happen again. Should we give him a more honorable title like “Hero of Russia”?! What is this image for all those who fought for Russia, both in Chechnya and in other conflicts? In essence, this title is equivalent to the title of “Hero of the SRSR”, so that Kadirov is equal to the veterans of the German War for his merits?

It’s a strange situation: since the Russian Federation, having wasted so many lives and pennies on the “counter-terrorist operation” in Chechnya, it would be logical to restore legal order on its territory. If Kadirov had succeeded in installing him, then perhaps he would have said a rich farewell, but no!

Behind the affirmations of the International Federation of Human Rights in Helsinki, among the private relations that arise in Chechnya, there are two known settlements in the ancestral village of Kadirov, Tsentoroy, and are under special order. One of them consists of concrete bunkers or chambers, where they take revenge on the kidnapping of the relatives of the militants (including the elderly, wives and children) by blackmailing the rest. Zokrema, there the father and the squad of Doku Umarov, and the seven relatives of Aslan Maskhadov, who were released after killing the rest, were killed. Following the fact of the kidnapping of Maskhadov’s relatives, the Chechen prosecutor’s office destroyed the criminal justice system, but suppressed it “through the impossibility of attracting witnesses to appear as defendants.” For the assertions of the intercessor of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation M.I. Shepel, “Maskhadov’s relatives were left as heirs of a special operation organized by local forces.”

It is confirmed that the other person is under investigation or very close to Kadirov’s cabin. The third case is apparently happening on the outskirts of the village, in the territory beyond the stronghold of the residents of the Kadyrovtsy base. Vaughn is also involved in the suppression of illegally kidnapped members of militant families.

May 1, 2006 The delegation of the European Committee, out of fear of the catuvans, tried to look around Centora, but was stopped at the entrance to the village. The next day, she was allowed into the village, and those who remained were shocked by the Swaville policemen from the checkpoint; however, according to the legal experts, this gave Kadirov an hour to take notes on the evidence.

In addition to the Tsentoraya lawsuit, the International Federation of Human Rights has identified at least 10 illegal lawsuits created and controlled by the formations that are directly ordered by Kadirov, the so-called “kadirovtsy”. According to legal experts, “one of the reasons for the establishment of such a parallel system is the strengthening of the “recognition” and “testing” of brutal beatings and tortures, after which comes the stage of official suppression and strategy. ovidnyh people. A lot of such criminal reports have been fabricated.”

Let's continue our service transfer.

Kerivnik of the Moscow Helsinki Group Lyudmila Alekseva stated: I know that Kadirov not only pursues a policy of stealing people who he knows without a trace, and who are then found dead from the traces of the catuvan, or who are blamed for fabricated accusations, I know that he himself took part in both the tortures and the killing stvah.

The latest statement by Russian legal experts accuses Kadirov of violating human rights caused by the totalitarian regime. Law enforcement officials confirmed that the operations carried out by the forces of industrial forces, which are subservient to Kadirov, are accompanied by serious violations of people’s rights. Behind the same data, “the peaceful population of Chechnya is the group (“Kadirovtsy”) who fear the most, even more than the federal servicemen”; The formation of the Kadirovtsy itself is largely shaped by the criminal and economic atrocities they committed in Chechnya during the interwar period.

These seem to be law enforcement officers. The people stink. They appear politically correct. Serious violations of human rights in Chechnya - Russia are called rampant crime, over-the-top corruption, and violations of all principles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

The only difference is the destruction of the principles of secularism of the state. De facto, Chechnya has Sharia law.

If a woman walks, if a man walks with her, then both of them are killed , - Kadirov stated, speaking with journalists. And they beat the truth, and they steal, and they talk. A woman in Chechnya cannot go out into the street without covering her head. Let me guess, for the 21st century Chechnya has been part of Russia. If Chechnya has merged with the Russian Federation, then be kind, work whatever you want, or introduce slavery - these are the problems of your sovereign power. I repeat once again, Chechnya is part of Russia - and the laws of Russia, and not Sharia, apply in it!

Is it time for Chechnya to strengthen itself? Will de Kadirov still waste money on the “renewal” of the republic, if not from the Russian budget? These are the thousands of Russian soldiers who perished in Chechnya for the renewal of the law and order on its territory given by their leaders and presidents, the fragments in Chechnya as a result of two wars changed to inflict not Sharia, but Crimea Kadirov’s nal-pseudo-Islamic regime.

And who is the last president of Chechnya? Isn't he a hero? And who is the next President of Russia, why is such a person so beloved by one of the subjects of the federation?

The villain may be sitting by the vine. Driven even more so. Mr. President Medvedev, remember your career in law!

Kadirov Akhmat Abdulkhamidovich was born on September 23, 1951. For nationality it is Chechen. Ale was born in the Kazakh Russian Socialist Republic, near the city of Karaganda. The homeland of the Kadirovs was sent there in 1944. Years later he became the first president

Akhmat Kadirov was awarded the honorary title of the Russian Federation - Hero of Russia. You have made the main contribution from those who will establish peace and tranquility in the territory of the Chechen Republic. Ramzan Kadirov, Akhmat's young son and the current president of Chechnya, practically in a personal interview, when talking about his father, does not bother to guess about his heroic accomplishments. The first president of the republic was able to convince the population that living in the legal field of the Russian Federation is the only correct solution to the conflict.

Thanks to the great peace, thanks to the efforts of the inhabitants of Chechnya, they were able to clear their land of terrorists. And now the republic is living peaceful lives and is actively developing culturally and economically. Well, now let's move on to the biography of the first president.

De navchavsya Akhmat Kadirov

Akhmat Kadirov comes from a religious homeland. It is not surprising that his life was closely connected with religion. The biography of Akhmat Kadirov is filled with impersonality. My family was immediately deported from Chechnya in 1944. Ale u kvitnі 1957 r. The Kadirovs turned to the Chechen-Inguska Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, near the village of Tsentoroy, which is located in the Shali region. Akhmat completed a lot of initial studies and acquired a number of specialties. Starting after school from completing courses to become a combine operator. From 1969 to 1971, Akhmat Kadirov worked at the Novogroznensky Regional State Hospital. Then, until 1980, it was in civil society organizations.

How did Gudermeskaya begin his career in the Bukhara Madrasah? Two years later, Akhmat Kadirov continued his studies with the Tashkent Islamic Church. After the end of the institution, the imam was replaced in the Guderma Mosque (1986 - 1988). In 1990, the Kadirovs entered the Amman University, the Sharia Faculty. Behind the river, Akhmat turned to Fatherlandism.

Kadirov graduated from the Faculty of Economics at a university in Makhachkala in 2001. Three years later I became a candidate of political sciences and graduated from the degree of doctor of economic sciences.

Hero of Russia Akhmat Khadzhi Kadirov as a political activist

Born in 1989, Akhmat Kadirov became the first Islamic Vish in the Caucasus. Until 1994, I loved him especially. In 1993, he was named the intercessor of the Mufti of Chechnya, and through the river Kadirov was completely finished with the rest of his duties. 1995 Akhmat was elected the Spiritual head of the Muslims of Chechnya. And in 2000, by order of the President of the Russian Federation, Kadirov was appointed head of the administration of the Chechen Republic.

In 2002, Akhmat Kadirov was appointed to the commission from the investigation of this group and became a leader of the Derzhradi group, which was engaged in countering religious extremism in the Russian Federation.

Akhmat Kadirov - first president of the Chechen Republic

The President of Chechnya, Akhmat Kadirov, was elected on October 5, 2003. He won over 80% of the votes. Akhmat Kadirov became the first president of Chechnya at an even better time. Having accepted the responsibility for the share of his people. At that time, terrorism flourished in the republic. Akhmat stumbled into the thick of it. He would become a respectable leader of his republic and earn people's love. Pratsyuvav Kadrivny for the sake of glory, power and religion, and for the people. All this action was aimed at the benefit of the Chechen Republic.

Ale Kadirov was not destined to occupy the seat of the President of Chechnya for a difficult time. He has become a “brush in the throat” for rich terrorists and politicians who will wreak havoc in the republic. Having repeatedly recognized moves on the side of extremists. As a result, three of his relatives died in a special funeral.

Ale terrorists were able to get rid of Kadirov. Just before the end of the day, the President of the Chechen Republic, Akhmat, died during the terrorist attack at the Dynamo stadium near Grozny. A vibukhovka was laid under the podium for important guests. Having been among them, Akhmat Kadirov. On that day, the holy day will take place until the Day of Victory. Vibukh became raptovo, ending the life of the first president of Chechnya. He died on the way to the doctor's office, but never reached you.

They honored Akhmat Kadirov at the Batkivshchina, in the Kurchaloevsky district, in the village of Tsentoroy. The formerly disastrous stadium was renamed, and now in honor of the first president of the republic it is called “Akhmat Arena”. Currently it is the home stadium of the Grozny football club "Terek".

The character of Akhmat Kadirov

Akhmat Kadirov is remembered as a smart, wise, brave and courageous person. By giving a shout out to the extremists Maskhadov and Basayev, he started a bloody war in his republic. The militants considered Akhmat Kadirov “the people's enemy.” Throughout my life, there were steady swings (over 20 in the entire hour). But the threats could not harm Akhmat, who stood up for the right to peaceful repose for his people. These great people have always denied the right to choice, freedom and peace.

Kadirov Akhmat was a very patient person. Increased commitment to achieving the goals set before you. Vіnzhav vzhav that the truth is not for nothing, so that you will help to heal the enemy in the first place. Akhmat's greatest ally was his younger son, Ramzan, the current president of the Chechen Republic. You supported your father and walked shoulder-to-shoulder with him for the most important hour. Akhmat has always respected what lies with his husband’s soul, with Vera in the bright future. Kadirov never asked for anything special for himself. One of my character traits was honesty. Akhmat was respected as a noble and a very talented person.

Medals and titles awarded to Akhmat Kadirov

During his troubled life, Akhmat Abdulkhamidovich Kadirov lost a lot of name to the city. He was respected as an honorary professor at the State University of Chechnya and the Moscow Humanitarian University.

In 2001, he was awarded medals for valor, military friendship and the city for a year of service to the Fatherland. After the death of Kadyrov, the history of the region was enhanced. The Russian Federation awarded Akhmat the posthumous title of Hero of Russia. Volodymyr Putin authoritatively presented the medal “Zirka Gold” to Kadirov’s son Ramzan. By presidential order, honoring the memory of Akhmat.

What objects are named in honor of Akhmat Kadirov

Akhmat Kadirov is the hero of Russia. Many central streets of great cities and regional centers of Chechnya were named after them. Moscow also has this. Many initial buildings, villages, parks and squares of the Chechen Republic are named after Kadirov. And also mosques, and the deeds were inspired by the history of Turkey and Jordan.

In Grozny, a lot of squares, parks and the main capital are named after him. To answer the riddle about the great figure, the museum in the name of Kadirov is open at the Kurchaloy University, 248th Special Battalion of the Internal Military of the Russian Federation. In 2006, Akhmat's family was named after the football club "Terek", and across the river - the motor ship of the Donrichflot company. How fateful it was that the sports complex named after Kadirov was opened in Chechnya. And last year, in response to a riddle about Akhmat, the largest mosque in Israel was named.

The name of Kadirov is not forgotten on the heavenly crypt. Suzira Lev has a giant star, which is named after Akhmat.

Family of Akhmat Kadirov

Akhmat Kadirov's squad is called Aimani. From this love, the first president of Chechnya fathered four children. Two blues (Ramzan and Zelimkhan) and daughters (Zargan and Zulay). After the tragic death of Kadirov, his young son, Ramzan, was appointed president of Chechnya. Beginning in 2011, he is the most important head of the Republic. Akhmat's eldest son (Zelimkhan) died in 2004.

Akhmat Kadirov Foundation yak prodovzhennya yogo pochinan

Akhmat Kadirov is rightfully respected as a Hero of Russia. He himself could bring light to the Chechen Republic and direct life in a calm direction. Akhmat ended the war and earned the love of his people. Despite the fact that the fate of a great figure ended tragically, he will continue to live in the hearts of people.

The Community Foundation named after Akhmat Kadirov was created in 2004. The obligations of the head are determined by his squad - Aimani Nesiivna. The head of the foundation is Akhmat’s young son, Ramzan. Since the beginning of its activity, the fund has already been allocated to help the poor in need throughout the republic and the region.

What does the fund do?

The organization has a special program to support disabled children. Medical equipment and fire-lighting equipment are constantly being repaired, and new equipment is being purchased from the medicine store. Many war veterans and disabled people are provided with housing, transportation and material assistance.

The Akhmat Kadirov Foundation will provide support to museums, dance groups and many other organizations. Thanks to the blessed cats, life will be created. Mosques and holy places are being renewed. The fund continuously receives donations to rich organizations. The Chechens who live behind the cordon have not been forgotten. They also have the right to fund insurance to support the charitable fund. And this is just a small amount of re-insurance of good certificates, which are carried out by the organization in honor of the memory of Akhmat Kadirov.

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