How to write a piece of fiction without being possessed. How to write an electronic sheet so that it is read What to write from the great letter

Think about how formal the leaf is. This is indicated by the lines from the edge of the sheet. For example:

  • If you write to an official, a future employer, a scientific worker, or anyone else with whom you have a daily professional or business relationship, then the page becomes formal.
  • If you are writing to your current employer, colleague, relative or friend whom you do not know well, then a casually formal style is acceptable.

Think about how you will send the sheet, by email or on paper. This also flows into the formality stage of the sheet.

  • The most formal sheets should be typed on the computer, divided and sent by mail, due to these problems, especially if you do not tolerate abuse or if you prevail over electronic mail.
  • For informal sheets, please send either an email or a handwritten sheet.
  • When filling out formal sheets, it is necessary to make a telephone call. As during the meeting, you thought that the list should be done by email - well, that’s it. If you are not in the habit of writing original leaves.
  • Vickory the other form or write your address on the top of the page (for formal sheets). If you are writing a business letter and the company is using official handwritten forms - use them. Since there are no forms, and you want the sheet to look more solid, create such forms yourself in a text editor. Alternatively, you can simply write your new home address at the top of the page, aligned to the left. The order of writing addresses varies in different countries, so take into account the cultural characteristics of the host.

    Set date. If you have already written the address, go in two rows and write down the date. If the address has not yet been written, first write the date aligned to the left.

    • Write the anniversary date. Remember that, for example, “1 June 2012” looks much more formal than 1/1/2012.
    • If you are not sending a formal form via email, then the date is not required, it will be indicated in the details of the email itself.
  • Write the name and address of the person you are writing the sheet (for formal sheets). Make two rows after the date and write down the outside of the name and fit the support sheet. On the other row, write down the name of the organization (as indicated). On the third row write down the street, on the fourth – place, region and postal code.

    • However, once there are electronic sheets, there is a deposit.
    • Not all of them have formal handwritten sheets - the same. The name and address of the recipient on the envelope are sufficient.
    • If your sheet is not written down, but you are not referring to a specific person, but simply to the address of an organization, then simply write the name of the organization and its address.
  • End your greetings. The type of greeting, again, is determined by the content of the sheet, as well as by the formality of the sheet. There are a number of possible options:

    • If you are writing a formal letter to an unknown addressee, you can start with the words “To all respects”, with a double note after “persons”.
    • If the addressee, as before, is unknown, or even just mentioned, then there are more options. “Shanovni dobrodiya”, “shanovnye wives”, “lady and dobrodiya”. However, be careful with such personalities - you don’t want to fool anyone, right?
    • If you are writing a formal sheet and you know who you are writing to, then you can start with the words “Dear #”. However, if it seems to you that this may not be businesslike, then you can use the word “Shanovniy #”.
    • If you are writing a formal sheet, then options such as “Hello” or “Dear” will work.
    • Since the sheet is not at all formal, there are many more options. Here is “hello”, here is “great”, here is “healthy” and so on.
  • Indicate your name after greeting.

    • In the formal list, vikorist t.zv. title of property (pan, pani) or posad/zvannya, after which write the nickname of the possessor.
    • If the sheet is purely formal, then you will have to scroll and work until you get the hang of it. The safest thing to do, as long as you don’t remember, is to get by with the title of value.
    • At the time of the informal sheet, at your own expense, it is conveyed that you can work until you gain control of it. For the blame, understandably, leaves to relatives, who are elders for you. Then you should write on the letter, for example, “Hello, grandma #” or “Hello, uncle #”.
  • Read the sheet itself. Enter two rows from the text or simply read the text from a new row, like writing by hand.

    • If you are writing a special sheet, you will think about food, health and all that. There are a lot of options, from formal to not so much, so choose to your taste.
    • If you are writing a business sheet, go straight to the right side. An hour is a pittance, but you don’t want to spend an hour possessed, right?
  • Think about what you need to write. The main meta of the sheet is spilting, communication, information exchange. So ask yourself what information can be identified from the list of benefits that you need to know about. About new prices about products? About those you are chasing after him? About the ones you say for a gift on National Day? Whatever the topic is, remember to leave a sheet: information exchange.

    • Remember what you can write Not about everything. A sheet of writing, for example, is a whole sheet of writing that can be sent. If the sheet has already been written, if you want to send it, it’s better to put it away for a couple of days. You may be prompted to change your mind and look at the situation in a new way.
  • Turn the sheet over. Before submitting the sheet, read it a couple of times and go over it, so there are no mistakes. If you want, let someone else check the sheet or speed up the grammar check modules in text editors. Well, it’s clear, make all the mistakes right.

  • Complete the sheet correctly. In this manner, you will be able to say goodbye decently by cutting off the sheet. Enter two rows in front of the remaining paragraph and write the appropriate sentence to end the pages.

    • For formal sheets, the following options are available: “For special reasons” or “For the most urgent reasons.”
    • For simple formal sheets, short versions of formal formulas are suitable.
    • For informal pages, such formulas of affection as “With love”, “Yours” and so on are suitable.
    • As a matter of fact, on formal sheets you can use old-fashioned formulas of attention (or if you are writing a sheet to a close friend who would appreciate it). For this purpose, insert the formula into the remaining proposition. Then, having completed two rows, write this on the text “Chiro yours/yours/yours/yours.” Here you can show a little creativity and create a truly unique ending to the sheet.
  • We all asked for our time from anyone. Don't be surprised. They asked for help from those who would vigorously deny the very fact of any kind of screw-up.

    Guess how, when we were kids, we asked our dads for pennies for frosty food, then got a good rating from the cash register when we didn’t have enough money, and then asked for a special day off from work.

    However, everyday meals are not the same as “companions”.

    The business life of an everyday person is also closely connected with mischief. And the sheet-prohanna has long been respected by the pressure of the tool to reach the director of the given mark.

    This is an unknown and even important part of business listing. Obviously, depending on how the sheet is folded, the final result will be stored - you will be satisfied with the passage or you will reject the respectful vidmova:

    The shanovny director of the company!

    We terminologically need cats in order to reach ____. Chi don't want to take the fate?

    With respect, ____.

    How do you believe that such a sheet can be a positive influence? You can assume that Vidmov’s story here won’t be anything at all.

    It is important to remember to fold the sheet of paper correctly in order to get as close as possible to the desired mark. Otherwise, they will ignore you, and you will waste your time.

    No. 1. Personally

    There is nothing extraordinary here. It’s good to know this technique. Alas, someone forgets about someone. Cover up! Because the personal animal “works” is much more beautiful behind the facelessness.

    To whom is it due, if they are still being brutalized “in an unofficial manner”? Tse yak vulichne “Gay...”. Just wait, you will react more to your name than to the call in the style of “Gay, shanovny!”

    So it is in the list. If you are obsessed with a specific person, then try to recognize the possession of the leaf.

    Naturally, there are situations in which such an approach is impossible. At any time, try to personalize the animal as much as possible.

    It is possible, perhaps:« Shanovnye gentlemen and gentlemen!" Ale is better: " Dear comrades, teachers and readers!».

    It is possible, perhaps: « Dear children!" Ale is better: " Dear our boys and girls!».

    We think you got the main idea.

    No. 2. Why do you blame yourself?

    Explain to the obsessive leaf-banter why you directed your banter to you. People need to understand that it is unique for you and that it holds the key to success no matter how you approach it.

    • You are a specialist in the field of ____.
    • Your company occupies a leading position in the ____ segment.
    • Only your business works without ____.

    Try to attract the recipient to you - carefully add compliments (within reasonable limits):

    • You finished ____ in a hurry.
    • You are the incompetent master ____ of our place.
    • Your projects have provided invaluable service ____.

    Remember! Compliments seem to be well-deserved (real jokes, toppings, regalia), and not “pulled by surprise.”

    No. 3. I'll reap the benefits

    Vigodi. So, you’re not going anywhere. Everyone is looking for their own benefit, and not forever from the “penny equivalent”.

    Make the main arguments and arguments that will help you satisfy your desire. Play on people's weaknesses.

    What will happen? Everything here depends on the specific situation.

    Viznannya. You, as a well-deserved ____, will be welcome to take care of the specially owned and fenced children's squares in your local area...

    Ambitions. The products that you will have to work with tomorrow need to be formed today. You can contribute to the younger generation ____ your knowledge, evidence and...

    Spivchuttya. Unfortunately, the problem of homeless children is especially relevant today. The number of children living on the streets of our city is already approaching ____. Children will require participation, assistance, and companionship. They won't get through without us.

    No. 4. Your successes

    The addressee must clearly understand that he is on the right side of a serious person, as it is not the first day “at his job” (it’s not easy for anyone to cope with “untrustworthy” newcomers).

    If your “track record” includes all sorts of successes and achievements, it’s best to list them at the bottom of the list. In this manner, you will successfully overcome the bar'er from mistrust and doubt.

    Don’t forget about the project’s “reach” as you reach the addressee. The nature of people is such that it is very difficult to start from scratch. And the axis to continue (or finish) is printed - it’s on the right.

    • Budіvnitstvo ____ is already confirmed by 87%. But without your help, it will not be possible to end immediately. We present to you
    • Our order already has ____. To reach a given mark, we need no more than ____.

    No. 5. Specifically the bastard

    Don't walk sideways or sideways. Don’t veil your pride with heaps of sloppy and scattered words. State the essence of the meal clearly.

    Why does it matter?

    First of all, the addressee, having opened the sheet, must figure out what he wants, and not solve puzzles on the topic “are they asking me or giving me.” In another way, your mischief may be expressed in exact numbers and actions.

    Do you want to provide specific help? Then ask about the conclusion of the list of SPECIFIC actions.

    • Until the completion of the project ____ we will need $3250 for ____.
    • We look out for you on ____. Arrival for collection ____ pass on the 17th of leaf fall at about 14.30 for the address ____.
    • We ask you to change your car rental fee to $10 for additional.

    No. 6. Guchny names

    Another useful technique that increases the effectiveness of the leaf. It is believed that the selected individuals (companies) have already given their consent to participate in the project.

    This way you stimulate the recipient until a positive result is achieved (“ Yeah, since ____ has been a while, why am I the worst?!»).

    • Our ____ ALREADY take the active part of ____.
    • The professional marathon we announced on the topic ____ has already registered ____.

    No. 7. Important pouches

    Everything here is simple. At the end of the sheet, add bags (significant moments and main accents).

    • Your decision is now to achieve successful completion and further good fortune ____.
    • ____ young specialists place their hopes on you.
    • Young mothers and their little ones are waiting impatiently to appear in our place ____.

    No. 8. Contacts

    « And it’s so crazy!", you say. I understand, but not everyone. Contact details may be provided by contact.

    However, there is no need to “extract” and indicate all possible forms of the return address, or at the same time – very forcefully by e-mail, but remember that the return address is completely sufficient.

    Ask the owner of the sheet for 2-3 options of contact information. Which is completely enough.



    Be as wide and open as possible when folding the sheet.

    The rule comes first.

    Have a wonderful day and a great mood!

    Today we will inform you about what to write in the retailer, so that prepayers will benefit from it, and it will be possible to create repeat sales.

    I serve it right in front of you short rules. Follow them and you will be able to successfully use such an important sales tool as e-mail distribution.

    1. Put yourself in the place of the client
    Before you start writing letters to clients, tell yourself what you want. Even if you don’t know your target audience, their interests and values. You know what it will be fun to read about.
    If you have a clothing store, don’t write only about new collections, promotions and sales. Write about fashion trends, how to choose the right size, how to combine different elements of clothing.

    2. Do everything so that your sheet is opened
    Make sure that your sheet lies among the sheets that are included among others. This could have been seen only by Misha’s clicks. Therefore, the topic of the sheet can be discussed with the prepayer to reveal it. There are a lot of techniques for writing headlines. Here the principle “Whatever you name a yacht, that’s the way you name it” works miraculously here. Dan Kennedy describes the types of headings in his book “Selling the Sheet” in a very accessible way, without any application. Read it, there's a lot about headlines.

    Axis three butts, how you can successfully vikorist:

    No. 1. Who else do you want…..?
    Who else wants a perfect figure?
    Who else needs additional time?
    No. 2. Yakshcho you…..
    What do you respect that you cannot afford?<товар>, then you just didn’t lie<скидку, акцию, предложение>
    No. 3. …..ways……
    10 simple ways to create an image for early spring
    5 ways to make the most of your sales

    3. Make sure your sheet is read
    We will help you with the design of the sheet. It can be simple and easy. Remember - you are going after your clients. The text of the sheet may be chilled and readable. You have to win him over with respect, and then work again and again. Vickory metaphors. The brighter the leveling, the more interesting and intelligent the test.
    So, just like with the site, the buyer must easily find out all the information that you need to click on - contacts, links, easily go to detailed reading of the article, and quickly get to the position. There is no need to make the client think about how to contact you.

    4. Call to date
    If you think that people, having read your sheet, will immediately dial your number or add goods to the box, you will have mercy. You need to be gently guided to the steps you need. For whom vikorist the call to dii.
    It consists of two parts: the word + the essence of the speech.
    If you are describing a new product or service, it’s easy to “tailor” the reader in the right direction: “Buy now”, “Add the goods to the store”, Make purchases”.
    If you are promoting a promotion, a discount, a seasonal proposition - to show people that there is nothing to lose if they don’t speed up right away. Buy directly now with 15% discount
    Don't let the buyer get to your competitors.

    5. Write correctly
    This may be obvious. Don't rush. I have more than once removed the leaves from the shady companies, which had not only friends’ favors, but also favors. This led me to doubt their competence. If you want people to trust you, verify, verify, and verify again.

    6. Minimalism
    Don’t overwhelm the readers, especially when it comes to new ones. 2-3 important news is enough. Don't vikorize too many words. If this happens, break it into short pieces.

    7. Don't shave
    I think it’s not good to talk about those who can’t strengthen the leaves right now. 3-4 times per month is completely enough.
    The shortest days for outlets are
    - Vitorok
    - Sereda
    - Thursday
    At the brightest hour of the day, it’s important
    Early from 9:00-10:00
    Day from 15:00-17:00
    Evening from 19:00-22:00
    Try to drink in one of these windows.

    When you write papers, remember that your influences are not a mass of unknown people, but your potential clients. Write not to everyone, but to everyone. Focus on those that the reader will sweat to the skin and quickly filter the information as you want to feed it.

    Do you think that among the hundreds of sheets that the owner looks through, your sheet is clearly visible? Professionals with advanced careers and marketers talked about how to correctly indicate the topic of an electronic sheet, so that you are aware of your message and promptly respond to it.

    1. Specify the theme of the sheet first

    Ignoring the fields of those sheets is the greatest favor for the director, who will refuse your immediate approval. The topic of the sheet, as a rule, tells the person to be informed and encourages him to make a decision - to open or not to open the sheet. Electronic notification of the empty field by those who have seen everything, will be immediately visible, and the remaining parts of the battle will remain, even if you need to open the sheet to find out what is going on there.

    2. First, enter the topic of the sheet, and then start writing the message.

    Many people respect that the topic of the sheet is in other rows of tasks after its writing. However, Amanda Augustine, who is engaged in career development consulting at The Ladders, says that the topic of the sheet itself is a priority for the author. Firstly, the topic itself sets the tone for the topic, but in another way, it does not allow you to indulge in other topics.

    3. Keep it short

    Just as when you open a screenshot with an input message on a computer monitor, you can add 60 characters in a topic, on a smartphone you can add only 25-30 characters. Then place the topic of the sheet at 6-8 lines. Whichever will be more sufficient.

    4. Indicate the most important thing on the cob with those sheets

    Dmitro Leonov, vice president of SaneBox, said that nearly 50% of pages are viewed on mobile phones. Call on this, and write the most on the beginning of the sheet. Otherwise, in 50% of cases, important parts of the message may simply be cut off by mobile devices and not read by users.

    5. Avoid unnecessary waste

    Do not misrepresent the topic of the sheet with such unnecessary phrases as “Good afternoon”, “Welcome to meet you”, “Blessed” and so on. First of all, the stench means nothing to the possessed. Alternatively, you can kindly correct them on the page itself, which will be more logical.

    6. Be clear and specific about the topic of the sheet

    The topic of the sheet contains the very things that are in the sheet. It is up to you to prioritize and prioritize the topic of the sheet if you really need to respond to something new. For example, information on the topic “Is it a good time for you to eat more?” It spills very often, which prevents the mind from understanding what I really want, and it makes me want to open the sheets. If you are sending a resume, please write your name and the name of the vacancy you are applying for in the subject line. If you want to ask your colleague or partner about a specific project, then in the subject line indicate the name of the specific project.

    7. Create a topic by simply clicking until the end

    This is especially useful for marketers and those who create advertisements. The vice president of the Hub Spot company, Kip Bodnar, wanted to write a topic for the sheet that would call the owner to the day, and click on him.

    8. Vickory keywords for further search and filtering

    There are a lot of professionals in email and thematic folders, and they also actively use search filters to search for these and other sheets. Since there are no such marks in the topic of your sheet, then your sheet, which is the best for everything, is simply not marked. It is therefore important to search for keywords that reflect the topic of the sheet, so that you can easily find it through the search system.

    9. Indicate if you need confirmation

    When a person removes a sheet, it is also important for him to know that he needs to just read it, or else he needs a report. For example, Amanda Augustine, indicate on the topic sheet “Be kind, give me proof” or “Be kind, read.” You can also use the expression “Up to your information”. You will be victorious in order to inform the owner about those who will be informed. In the business electronic listing, it is clear that the manager wants to inform the owner, but in this case the information is not communicated to the employees and does not imply the conclusion of any actions directly related to the information. Yum.

    10. Indicate a deadline for the topic of the sheet

    If you have a lot of information in the body of the sheet, but you need it to respond to the appropriate terms, indicate them in the topic of the sheet. This will significantly increase the chances of reading and promptly responding to information. For example, you can say: “Be kind, give evidence on this sheet before the end of the working day on Friday.”

    11. If you have guided you to the point of victory, give it to the nobility

    If you are in contact with some kind of partner, client, colleague, then enter his name directly in the topic, and not in the sheet itself. First of all, I know I have to respect you. In another way, here is a manifestation of an obsession about the food project, with which you can be brutalized to no end.

    12. See those you want to promote

    If you overpower the “cold sheet”, you don’t know how to put your proposal to your master. Therefore, indicate in the topic what you are promoting, and also tell about bonuses - discounts, special offers.

    13. Enter the owner's name or company name

    It is your responsibility to know who you are forcing the leaf. The owner is also responsible for immediately understanding that this sheet is intended for someone else. Kip Bodnar states that one of the best ways to show value is to include your name or company name in the subject of the sheet. For example, you can write like this: “Volodymyr, look at these numbers: the company’s sales have increased by 25%.”

    14. Vickory the words that intersperse the term on the worksheet

    If you want to pay respect and convey the message to you, then in the topic of the sheet, indicate the term of your proposition. For example: “Registration of obvoyazkova today”, “A lot of the place is closed - hurry up and make an appointment.”

    15. Do not start a proposition at the topic of the sheet that will end at the sheet itself

    As soon as you begin to write a proposition or proposal on the topic of the sheet, then finish it at once without continuing with the sheet. Once you get hold of it, the fragments of the paper will become dirty, unscrew the sheet and continue reading. Think about it: is it possible for a short meal to use a messenger or a ringer?

    16. Re-read the information on the topic sheet

    Amanda Augustine Please re-read the topic of the sheet before submitting. What's the matter? Quite often, when the sender sends a whole “pack” of sheets to different parties, he forgets to change the name or company name in the subject of the sheet. You can try to remove it or create something new. Therefore, first of all, send the sheet, re-read it and turn it over to be sure.

    17. Do not write in uppercase

    The use of words written in upper case gives respect, but not directly to the wrong person. This way of making the sheet important for reading will keep you from getting overwhelmed. In fact, you can use dashes and doublings to draw a line between words and create an accent.

    The translation of the statistics was prepared by Katerina Nikitina based on materials from Business Insider

    Why bother if you weren’t allowed on the sheet. How to write so that they will tell you in the future.

    In other countries, a folded sheet of paper is pure mysticism. Each person uses words that do not fit into the routine, easily discusses the weather, elicits from the addressee an idea about the beauty of natural phenomena, and then moves on to the information. Everything is simpler with us. If you don’t say what you want in the topic of the sheet or the first paragraph, your sheet should be tedious and drawn out, and quit reading. How to write sheets of paper so that they will be confirmed in the future?

    Why don’t they show you on the sheet? Pomilki u listi

    The recipient may have any reason to deprive you of your list without confirmation. There is no need to immediately suspect him of hostility or unwarranted spitting.

    It would be better if I could contact you by phone or speak to you in a special way. Or having accepted your letter with respect, with respect, so that confirmation is not required. Sometimes people don’t respond to a sheet immediately, but wait until the correspondence accumulates. It’s even easier to send a message, but not to send one at a time.

    If your sheets are lost without confirmation more and more often, this will lead to confusion. How kind of favors do people hesitate when putting together a message?

    1. Pardons have a literal meaning. More grammatically. You may be missing a lot of divisional signs and the propositions will become unreadable. Guess the famous phrase “strati cannot be pardoned.” It’s completely unclear what the author wants to say. At the same time, spelling corrections can change words beyond recognition. I need more energy and energy to read the letter with the treats. It is easier for our dynamic world to throw out a “rejection” sheet and correct it
    2. Your list looks like spam. This happens when you forget about the addressee and write to someone who is “statistically average.” Such a sheet should not be used for food or individual food. But the faceless outlet is not accepted
    3. You can’t figure out the firebrand. Between details and other details, the topic can be ruined. Perhaps the person read your sheet, but still didn’t understand what you want

    What kind of leaves represent the pattern? What needs to be added to the sheet in order for it to be respected and accepted?

    The famous publicist Glib Arkhangelsky shares his knowledge: which leaves do you want to resemble?

    • The good messenger's idea may be clearly formulated and stated on the topic of the sheet. Try to “squeeze” the text to two or three paragraphs. For any required details, please refer to the page below.
    • Don’t forget to punctuate the proposition with a period and a capital letter, put down paragraphs. If you haven’t figured out how to go to the spivrozmovnik - on “ti” or on “vi”, it’s better to choose the remaining option. And most importantly: do not forget to remove the gate contacts in the body of the sheet. Possibly, your return address is simply ruined
    • If you need to attach this to the letter, put it in the text and briefly describe what information is there. To engage, know, open and look at the file is the same procedure for the recipient. You're still trying to make a fuss

    If you email or mail as you have contacted this person first, do not hesitate to call back and clarify: what is the best sheet? Some types of anti-spam settings can “clog” your list. Nothing is said anymore about our famous (not on the bright side) Russian post office.

    The brightest first row: It’s too late!

    Leaves often begin with the phrases “It’s too late!”, “Important information!”, “Respect is here.” True propositions will always gain respect. That's why they've been abused a million times already. This is the beating. It is more effective to briefly and clearly formulate those that are on the sheet itself.

    Long text of the sheet: if you don’t want to read your sheet for a long time

    Previously, entire novels were made from leaves. The stench was striking with the depth of thought of the spiritualist, the sophistication of his language, the sophistication and erudition. Now, if the rhythm of life has greatly accelerated, the recipient will appreciate the consistency more.

    Think about the leaves. Then briefly formulate each point of your plan. These will be paragraphs. If, in addition to the basic information, you also want to talk about life, delete all the “lyrics” for now.

    How to write a sheet correctly so that you can remove the evidence first: for the sake of it

    Most of the leaves have the same structure. Once you master the technique of putting the message together, the pages will be easy to read. This means that you shouldn’t get too drunk. The structure of qia taka.

    1. Vitannya. On the Internet, the phrase “Have a good day!” It is permissible both in a special situation and in a business setting. Guess the name of the birthday party. So we know that vin is not a part of the great fork, but a list of assignments for you especially
    2. Podannya. Don't forget to write not only your name, but also anything you can do to help your peer identify you. “This is Mary” - such a phrase does not tell a person anything. “This is Maria Ivanova from the court office. We got there together in a taxi last Friday” - and your addressee has already accurately guessed you
    3. Main part. Apply viklasti briefly. Since this is a special sheet, you can add a few roasts or send it, as you can handle it. Don't vikorize too many words. You easily get lost in punctuation, and your companion gets tired of reading. Most often vikorist food
    4. Instead of writing: “Send me photos from the corporate event,” write the phrase: “When can you send me photos?” Now your spouse has an incentive to write to you, even if it is obscene to deprive you of food without evidence. Don't be mischievous with opening words
    5. "Lyrics". Now you can discuss nutrition, which is in between. This may be worm food: what is your mother like? How do you like the weather for the beginning of spring? Guess what, worried: have you already filled the boss’s new crib? you don't know when they replace the broken cooler for us
    6. Farewell. Before you put a dot, don’t forget to add the phrase to the script “behind this for confirmation”
    7. Complete the sheet with your contact information. Do not separate your email and address. Perhaps people would like to call you back or write an SMS

    Povaga - locking a secure shutter

    Sometimes people don’t show on paper what happened to them: you didn’t show due diligence. The skin has its own criterion of goodness.

    • pardons. The lack of writing or lack of scientism of a text can be considered disgraceful. Є people who basically do not read the sheet, where there is no space after the coma and the dash is replaced with a hyphen
    • The daily life and farewell
    • Other forms of attentiveness. If you have a curse, accompany him with the word “be kind”

    To avoid becoming a victim of an embarrassing situation, carefully re-read the sheet after writing. At this time, try to please the recipient. Check not only the instructions, but also the address, topic, correctness of the message and the insert. Quit it, as the sheet about “the boss’s new crib” is not written to the boss himself.

    Motivation before graduation: encourage those who have a good reputation

    To improve communication, you can start by discussing the spivrozmovnik “saddle the horse horse.” Rough butt: if you want to borrow some pennies from your mother, try her recipe for branded borscht right away, and only pull in the next leaf that you don’t have for a good nutmeg.

    The trickiest thing is to motivate people to tell you better. Then, once communication is already established, the alert will be sent to you “on autopilot.”

    However, there was no evidence

    • Check to make sure your list reaches the recipient. For this purpose, use other links. If it has been removed, you can find out more quickly by contacting us not by email, but through social media or Skype
    • When writing an upcoming message, try to set a deadline, such as a specific date by which the message must be sent.
    • Example: “Be kind, send me a schedule of lectures. The holidays will end on Monday. I don’t know how long it will take me to go to university. You can earn money until Friday
    • And the main thing: make it a rule to write on the sheets addressed to you. Which starts with etiquette and business rules. 10 coins per day - and your correspondence will not accumulate

    Competent examples of writing texts “with evidence”

    Special sheet

    Hello, dear Mishko! Tse Oleg. We were at the summer camp on Lake Solon at the same time.

    Remember, we had a discussion about the “Kino” group? Having said that you can send me a message to the site, where you can download their songs from the karaoke format. This coming year we are looking forward to the evening of the military song. I want our class to sleep on “Blood Type.” But we need a phonogram. Can you give me the gift of this year?

    Before the speech, where is the ore Katka, with whom did you dance at the disco? They didn’t move you to the same desk? How do you mean the past New River? I traveled from Moscow and was on the Kremlin Square. As it is, I will tell you about this on the next page.

    Napivofitsiyne listing

    Good morning, Irino! Tse Oleksiy. We were stuck with you at the elevator last year, remember?

    I still want to give you the site address. Do you remember, you said that they canceled the bowling session there for a great discount? These Saturdays are my day off. I'm trying to figure out what kind of sport it is. Before speaking, what is the situation there? Is it enough? Who do you see when I'm up?

    I still. I have a proprietary technique that allows me to hit the first time, not the strike, then the first. I can tell you the report. Or I’ll show you on the butt. I will be glad if you arrive before the end of Saturday.

    Until then.

    Video: etiquette rules for email

    gastroguru 2017