2. School of kindness. Speeches for children (Osieva Valentina). Osieva. blue leaves


Little story

Nina Karnaukhova did not prepare her algebra lesson and decided not to go to school.

Just so that the people we knew didn’t get too embarrassed because she was busy reading books around the place at the hour of the workday, Nina stealthily went into the guy’s room.

Having placed the bag of food and a bunch of books under the bush, she ran to get rid of the burning snowstorm and rubbed it on the little one, who marveled at his kind, trusting eyes.

And the fragments in her hand, squeezing the alphabet from the pawn in his hand, then Nina got out of the bag on the right, and began to fry from him.

Unlucky truant! - Vona said suvoro. - And because of such young fates, are you already deceiving your father and school?

No! - I'm glad you're a kid. – I’m just going to class. And here the fox has a great dog walking around. She barked, and I got lost.

Nina frowned. This little one was so funny and good-natured that she had the chance to take him by the hand and lead him through the city.

And Nina’s bundle of books and snacks were no longer lying under the tabernacle, because raising them in front of the baby would now be disgraceful.

The dog blinked behind his lap, not finishing the books, but eating the food.

Nina turned around and began to cry. No! It was not a shame that the stolen goods were stolen. Once upon a time, the merry birds sang over her head. And it was very important on her heart, like a grizzly merciless conscience.

Arkady Petrovich Gaidar - Conscience, read the text

Here are short basic lessons from Valentina Osieva for children of senior preschool and junior school age.


Katya is small, two green olives. And Oleni has a thirsty one. Axis and ask Olena Katya:

Give me some green olives. And Katya says:

I'll ask my mom.

The next day, the offended girls will come to school. Olena asks:

Did your mother allow it?

And Katya sighed and said:

My mother allowed it, but I didn’t force it on my brother.

Well then, sleep like your brother, perhaps Olena. Katya will come another day.

Well, what, brother? - Olena asks.

Brother, having allowed it, I’m afraid you’re evil.

I'm careful, like Olena.

Marvel, like Katya, don’t fix it, don’t force it, don’t put it in your mouth. But don’t look too rich.

Men, - like Olena, - just paint the leaves on the trees and need green grass.

“It’s so rich,” says Katya, but her eyebrows frown. I was dissatisfied and dissatisfied. Olena marveled at her and left. Chi didn't take the sheep. Katya was amazed and ran after her:

So what? Take it!

No need,” Olena confirms. During class the teacher asks:

Why are the leaves on the trees blue in you, Olenko?

There is no green olive.

Why didn’t you take it from your girlfriend? Move Olen. And Katya said like a cancer and said:

I gave it to her, but I didn’t take it. The teacher marveled at both:

It is necessary to give so that you can take.


The dog barks fiercely, falling on his front paws. Just in front of her, crouched down to the parkanu, sat a little skujovdzhene koshenya. He opened his mouth wide and barked pitifully. Two boys stood nearby and wondered what would happen.

A woman looked out the window and ran towards the ganok. Vaughn drove the dog out and angrily shouted to the boys:

How shameful for you!

What's wrong? We weren’t afraid of anything! - the boys cheered.

It's bad! – the woman said angrily.


One day my mother said to my dad:

I immediately started whispering.

No! What is not possible, is not possible!

OSEEVA. Grandmother and Onuka

Mom brought Tanya a new book.

Mom said:

When Tanya was little, her grandmother read to her; Now Tanya is already great, she reads Grandma’s book herself.

Sit down, grandma! – Tanya said. - I will read you one speech.

Tanya read, grandma listened, and mother praised both:

How smart you are with me!


Mother had three blues - three pioneers. The rocks have passed. The war has ended. Mother saw off three blues - three fighters - to the war. One son beat the enemy in the sky. The second son beat the enemy on earth. The third son beat the gate by the sea. Three heroes turned to their mother: a pilot, a tanker and a sailor!


Shchovechora tato braz zoshit, olivets i podsidav do Tanya ta babushi.

Well, what are your incomes? - Pitav Vіn.

Dad explained to Tanya that all the goods and treasures that a person earns in a day are called achievements. Tanini reached the tato, carefully writing it down at Zoshit.

As soon as you have quenched the wine, call the ready-to-read sheep:

Well, what are your incomes?

Tanya washed the dishes and broke the cup,” said the grandmother.

- Dad said.

Father! - Tanya blessed. - The cup is rotten, it fell in on its own! It’s not good to write about her for our money! Just write: Tanya is a sweetheart!

Good! - Tato laughed. - Let’s punish this cup, so that next time, when washing dishes, you will be careful!


There were plenty of toys in the children's garden. Clockwork locomotives ran along the slats, flyers hummed in the room, and wicked dolls lay near the wagons. The children were all playing together, and everyone was having fun. Only one guy is not a gravel. You have collected a whole bunch of toys for yourself and protected them from the boys.

My! My! - he shouted, covering the toys with his hands.

The children did not fight - there were enough toys for everyone.

How are we doing well! How fun we are! - the boys of the sportsmen boasted.

I'm bored! - The boy screamed from his kut.

Why? – the whirler cheered. – You have so many toys!

But the boy couldn’t explain why he was bored.

“He’s not a gravekeeper, but a watchman,” the children explained.


Mom was hanging the stove on the plate. Grandma jingled her cups cheerfully. Everyone sat down at the table. Vova pushed the plate towards himself.

“Divide one at a time,” Mishko said sternly.

The boys hung heavily on the table and divided it into two cups.

Rivne? - By asking Vova.

Mishko looked at his purchase:

Rivno... Grandma, pour us some tea!

Granny served tea to both of us. It was quiet at the table. Cups of stoves were quickly changed.

Rozsipchasti! Licorice! - Mishko said.

Yes! - Vova sighed with his mouth full.

Mom and grandma were talking. When everyone was happily eating, Vova sighed deeply, splashed her belly, and crawled away from the table. Bear finished the rest of his clothes and looked at his mother - she was spooning unopened tea. She marveled at her grandmother - she was chewing a piece of black bread.

OSEEVA. pranksters

Tolya often walked into the yard and asked what the boys were like.

“Don’t be sarcastic,” my mother said, “you need to put yourself in a better position than your comrades, so your comrades can’t do anything to you!”

Tolya Viyshov go. On the Maidan, one of his krivdniks, the neighbor boy Sashko, is playing a prank.

Mother gave me a coin for bread, and I spent it,” he explained with a frown. - Don't go here, you'll trample!

Tolya guessed what his mother had said to him, and said casually:

Let's joke together!

The boys started shukati at once. Sashkov was spared: just as they were leaving, a coin flashed into the little corner.

Axis out! - Zradiv Sasha. - She teased us and found out! Thank you. Come out at the door. Guys, don't worry! I’m just running for bread now!

Vin went along the errands. From the dark passage of the gatherings came a cheerful voice:



Uncle sat on the suitcase and opened the notebook.

Well, who should I bring? - having drunk wine.

The children laughed and leaned closer.

I have a doll!

And I’m a car guy!

And I have a crane!

And I... And I... - The boys were vying with each other, writing it down.

One of the little boys sat on the sidelines and didn’t know what to ask... His house was full of toys... There were carriages with a locomotive, and cars, and cranes... Everything, everything the boys asked for, already It's been a long time since Vitya... You don't need anything... But uncle, bring every boy and every girl a new toy, and just like that, Vita, you won't bring anything...

What are you doing, Vityuk? - having slept my uncle.

Vitya sniffed loudly.

I have... everything... - he explained in tears.


The little girl's mother fell ill. The doctor comes and starts to talk - mom is touching her head with one hand, and tidying up the toys with the other. And the girl sits on her little chair and commands:

Bring the cubes!

Mom picked up the cubes from the tray, put them in the box, and handed them to the bottom.

And the doll? Where is my doll? - the girl shouts again.

Marveling at the whole doctor and saying:

Until my daughter learns to tidy up her toys herself, mom won’t see it!

OSEEVA. Who punished Yogo?

I pretended to be a comrade. I pinched the passerby. I hit the dog. I was rude to my sister. Everyone followed me. I lost myself and cried bitterly.

Who punished Yogo? - The lady asked.

“He punished himself,” my mother said.


The great black dog's name was Zhuk. Two boys, Kolya and Vanya, picked up the Beetle on the street. His leg was broken. Kolya and Vanya looked at him at once, and when Zhuk had dressed, each of the boys wanted to become his sole ruler. Even if Lord Zhuk, the stench could not be detected, then their super-hole would eventually end in welding.

As if the stinks came from the forest. The beetle was running in front. The boys fought more heatedly.

“My dog,” said Kolya, “I was the first to breed the Beetle and pick him up!”

No, my, - Vanya got angry, - I bandaged her paw and pulled out the tasty clothes for her!

Nobody wants to give up. The boys were really cooked.

My! My! - the offended people shouted.

Two majestic shepherd dogs rushed out of the forester’s yard. The stinkers rushed at the Beetle and knocked him to the ground. Vanya hurriedly looked up the tree and shouted to his comrades:


Ale Kolya scooped up chains and rushed to Zhukova’s aid. The forester came running in response to the noise and chased away his sheep dogs.

Whose dog is it? – Vin shouted angrily.

“Mine,” Kolya said.

Here are short basic lessons from Valentina Osieva for children of senior preschool and junior school age.


Katya is small, two green olives. And Oleni has a thirsty one. Axis and ask Olena Katya:

Give me some green olives. And Katya says:

I'll ask my mom.

The next day, the offended girls will come to school. Olena asks:

Did your mother allow it?

And Katya sighed and said:

My mother allowed it, but I didn’t force it on my brother.

Well then, sleep like your brother, perhaps Olena. Katya will come another day.

Well, what, brother? - Olena asks.

Brother, having allowed it, I’m afraid you’re evil.

I'm careful, like Olena.

Marvel, like Katya, don’t fix it, don’t force it, don’t put it in your mouth. But don’t look too rich.

Men, - like Olena, - just paint the leaves on the trees and need green grass.

“It’s so rich,” says Katya, but her eyebrows frown. I was dissatisfied and dissatisfied. Olena marveled at her and left. Chi didn't take the sheep. Katya was amazed and ran after her:

So what? Take it!

No need,” Olena confirms. During class the teacher asks:

Why are the leaves on the trees blue in you, Olenko?

There is no green olive.

Why didn’t you take it from your girlfriend? Move Olen. And Katya said like a cancer and said:

I gave it to her, but I didn’t take it. The teacher marveled at both:

It is necessary to give so that you can take.


The dog barks fiercely, falling on his front paws. Just in front of her, crouched down to the parkanu, sat a little skujovdzhene koshenya. He opened his mouth wide and barked pitifully. Two boys stood nearby and wondered what would happen.

A woman looked out the window and ran towards the ganok. Vaughn drove the dog out and angrily shouted to the boys:

How shameful for you!

What's wrong? We weren’t afraid of anything! - the boys cheered.

It's bad! – the woman said angrily.


One day my mother said to my dad:

I immediately started whispering.

No! What is not possible, is not possible!

OSEEVA. Grandmother and Onuka

Mom brought Tanya a new book.

Mom said:

When Tanya was little, her grandmother read to her; Now Tanya is already great, she reads Grandma’s book herself.

Sit down, grandma! – Tanya said. - I will read you one speech.

Tanya read, grandma listened, and mother praised both:

How smart you are with me!


Mother had three blues - three pioneers. The rocks have passed. She made a face. Mother saw off three blues - three fighters - to the war. One son beat the enemy in the sky. The second son beat the enemy on earth. The third son beat the gate by the sea. Three heroes turned to their mother: a pilot, a tanker and a sailor!


Kozhen tato bra sews, olives and podsidav to Tanya and Babusi.

Well, what are your incomes? - Pitav Vіn.

Dad explained to Tanya that all the goods and treasures that a person earns in a day are called achievements. Tanini reached the tato, carefully writing it down at Zoshit.

As soon as you have quenched the wine, call the ready-to-read sheep:

Well, what are your incomes?

Tanya washed the dishes and broke the cup,” said the grandmother.

- Dad said.

Father! - Tanya blessed. - The cup is rotten, it fell in on its own! It’s not good to write about her for our money! Just write: Tanya is a sweetheart!

Good! - Tato laughed. - Let’s punish this cup, so that next time, when washing dishes, you will be careful!


There were plenty of toys in the children's garden. Clockwork locomotives ran along the slats, flyers hummed in the room, and wicked dolls lay near the wagons. The children were all playing together, and everyone was having fun. Only one guy is not a gravel. You have collected a whole bunch of toys for yourself and protected them from the boys.

My! My! - he shouted, covering the toys with his hands.

The children did not fight - there were enough toys for everyone.

How are we doing well! How fun we are! - the boys of the sportsmen boasted.

I'm bored! - The boy screamed from his kut.

Why? – the whirler cheered. – You have so many toys!

But the boy couldn’t explain why he was bored.

“He’s not a gravekeeper, but a watchman,” the children explained.


Mom was hanging the stove on the plate. Grandma jingled her cups cheerfully. Everyone sat down at the table. Vova pushed the plate towards himself.

“Divide one at a time,” Mishko said sternly.

The boys hung heavily on the table and divided it into two cups.

Rivne? - By asking Vova.

Mishko looked at his purchase:

Rivno... Grandma, pour us some tea!

Granny served tea to both of us. It was quiet at the table. Cups of stoves were quickly changed.

Rozsipchasti! Licorice! - Mishko said.

Yes! - Vova sighed with his mouth full.

Mom and grandma were talking. When everyone was happily eating, Vova sighed deeply, splashed her belly, and crawled away from the table. Bear finished the rest of his clothes and looked at his mother - she was spooning unopened tea. She marveled at her grandmother - she was chewing a piece of black bread.

OSEEVA. pranksters

Tolya often walked into the yard and asked what the boys were like.

“Don’t be sarcastic,” my mother said, “you need to put yourself in a better position than your comrades, so your comrades can’t do anything to you!”

Tolya Viyshov go. On the Maidan, one of his krivdniks, the neighbor boy Sashko, is playing a prank.

Mother gave me a coin for bread, and I spent it,” he explained with a frown. - Don't go here, you'll trample!

Tolya guessed what his mother had said to him, and said casually:

Let's joke together!

The boys started shukati at once. Sashkov was spared: just as they were leaving, a coin flashed into the little corner.

Axis out! - Zradiv Sasha. - She teased us and found out! Thank you. Come out at the door. Guys, don't worry! I’m just running for bread now!

Vin went along the errands. From the dark passage of the gatherings came a cheerful voice:



Uncle sat on the suitcase and opened the notebook.

Well, who should I bring? - having drunk wine.

The children laughed and leaned closer.

I have a doll!

And I’m a car guy!

And I have a crane!

And I... And I... - The boys were vying with each other, writing it down.

One of the little boys sat on the sidelines and didn’t know what to ask... His house was full of toys... There were carriages with a locomotive, and cars, and cranes... Everything, everything the boys asked for, already It's been a long time since Vitya... You don't need anything... But uncle, bring every boy and every girl a new toy, and just like that, Vita, you won't bring anything...

What are you doing, Vityuk? - having slept my uncle.

Vitya sniffed loudly.

I have... everything... - he explained in tears.


The little girl's mother fell ill. The doctor comes and starts to talk - mom is touching her head with one hand, and tidying up the toys with the other. And the girl sits on her little chair and commands:

Bring the cubes!

Mom picked up the cubes from the tray, put them in the box, and handed them to the bottom.

And the doll? Where is my doll? - the girl shouts again.

Marveling at the whole doctor and saying:

Until my daughter learns to tidy up her toys herself, mom won’t see it!

OSEEVA. Who punished Yogo?

I pretended to be a comrade. I pinched the passerby. I hit the dog. I was rude to my sister. Everyone followed me. I lost myself and cried bitterly.

Who punished Yogo? - The lady asked.

“He punished himself,” my mother said.


The great black dog's name was Zhuk. Two boys, Kolya and Vanya, picked up the Beetle on the street. His leg was broken. Kolya and Vanya looked at him at once, and when Zhuk had dressed, each of the boys wanted to become his sole ruler. Even if Lord Zhuk, the stench could not be detected, then their super-hole would eventually end in welding.

As if the stinks came from the forest. The beetle was running in front. The boys fought more heatedly.

“My dog,” said Kolya, “I was the first to breed the Beetle and pick him up!”

No, my, - Vanya got angry, - I bandaged her paw and pulled out the tasty clothes for her!

Nobody wants to give up. The boys were really cooked.

My! My! - the offended people shouted.

Two majestic shepherd dogs rushed out of the forester’s yard. The stinkers rushed at the Beetle and knocked him to the ground. Vanya hurriedly looked up the tree and shouted to his comrades:


Ale Kolya scooped up chains and rushed to Zhukova’s aid. The forester came running in response to the noise and chased away his sheep dogs.

Whose dog is it? – Vin shouted angrily.

“Mine,” Kolya said.


Which is easier?

In one booth

Who is the ruler?

Three comrades

Blue leaves

Which is easier?

Three boys went to the forest. The fox has mushrooms, berries, birds. The boys went on a spree. They didn’t notice that the day had passed. To go home is to be afraid:

Let's drink it at home!

The stench of the stench began to sink in and think what would be better: stop talking or tell the truth?

I’ll tell you - like the first one - otherwise the wolf attacked me at the fox. Dad barks and doesn’t bark.

I’ll say, like someone else, that I’ll say Zustriv. Mother's health is good and you don't bark to me.

And I’ll tell the truth - maybe the third. “It’s easier to tell the truth now, because it’s the truth and there’s no need to guess anything.”

The stench went all the way home. Just as the first boy told his father about the wolf, the forest watchman is coming.

It doesn’t seem like these places have a wolf.

Dad got angry. I got angry for my wrongdoing, and I got angry for my lies.

Another guy about his grandfather Rozpov. And my grandfather is here - he has a guest.

Mother learned the truth. I got angry for my first offense, and I got angry for my lies.

And the third boy, as soon as he arrived, obeyed from the threshold. The aunt muttered at him and shook him off.

The dog barks fiercely, falling on his front paws. Just in front of her, crouched down to the parkanu, sat a little skujovdzhene koshenya. He opened his mouth wide and barked pitifully. Two boys stood nearby and wondered what would happen.

A woman looked out the window and ran towards the ganok. Vaughn drove the dog out and angrily shouted to the boys:

How shameful for you!

What's wrong? We weren’t afraid of anything! - the boys cheered.

It's bad! – the woman said angrily.

In one booth

Once upon a time there lived in the same cabin a boy Vanya, a girl Tanya, a dog Barbos, a jock Ustinnya and a curly girl Boska.

One day they all came out from the door and sat on the lava: the boy Vanya, the girl Tanya, the dog Barbos, the jock Ustinnya and the curly Boska.

Marveling at Vanya, who is right-handed, he glanced at the left-handed one and raised his head up. Boring! Taking and squeezing Tanya’s pussy.

Tanya got angry, she wanted to give Vanya away, but she said - the boy is great and strong.

Barbosa kicked over there. Barbos squealed, having formed himself, with his teeth brightened. If you want to taste it, Tanya, mistress, cannot taste it.

Barbos pinched the pitching Ustinnya by the tail. The jock cackled and smoothed her feathers. Kurcha wanted to hit Boska with a punch, but she changed her mind.

Axis and feeds Barbos:

Why are you, rocking Ustinnya, not bothering Boska? Win the weakest for you.

“I’m not as bad as you,” the jock confirms to Barbosa.

And the bad one is behind me,” the dog seems to point at Tanya. I felt Tanya.

And the fool is behind me, - even though Vanya is astonished.

Vanya looked around, and there was no one behind him.

Who is the ruler?

The great black dog's name was Zhuk. Two pioneers, Kolya and Vanya, picked up the Beetle on the street. His leg was broken. Kolya and Vanya looked at him at once, and when Zhuk had dressed, each of the boys wanted to become his sole ruler. Even if Lord Zhuk, the stench could not be detected, then their super-hole would eventually end in welding.

As if the stinks came from the forest. The beetle was running in front. The boys fought more heatedly.

“My dog,” said Kolya, “I was the first to breed the Beetle and pick him up!”

No, mine! - Vanya gets angry. - I bandaged her paw when I was a year old. Nobody wants to give up.

My! My! - the offended people shouted.

Two majestic shepherd dogs rushed out of the forester’s yard. The stinkers rushed at the Beetle and knocked him to the ground. Vanya hurriedly looked up the tree and shouted to his comrades:


Ale Kolya scooped up chains and rushed to Zhukova’s aid. The forester came running in response to the noise and chased away his sheep dogs.

Whose dog is it? – Vin shouted angrily.

“Mine,” Kolya said. Vanya moved.

Leaning back Yurik Urantsi. Marveled at the window. The sun is shining. It's a good day.

And I wanted to earn a lot of money for the boys myself.

The axis sits and thinks:

“What, if my sister was drowning, and I would have lied to her!”

And my sister is here:

Take a walk with me, Yuro!

Go, don't bother thinking! The little sister appeared and left. And Yura thinks:

“The wolves attacked the nanny from Yakbi, and I would have shot them!”

And the nanny is here:

Take the dishes, Yurochko.

Take it yourself - prick me!

The nanny stole her head. And Yurko thinks again:

“From Yakbi Trezorka fell into a well, and I would have been a hero!”

And Trezorka is right here. The tail wags:

"Give me a drink, Yuro!"

Pishov get out! Don't bother thinking! Having closed Trezorka I plowed, crawled near the bush. And Yurko to mama pishov:

What would I like to earn so much? Yurkov’s mother stroked her head:

Take your sister for a walk, help the nanny tidy up the dishes, give Trezor some water.

It's a sleepy day. Ice is coming. There were few people at Kovzantsi. The little girl, with her arms outstretched in a funny way, went from lava to lava. Two schoolchildren were putting up their knitting and marveling at Vitya. Vitya was spinning different tricks - sometimes riding on one nose, sometimes circling with his jig.

Well done! - one of the boys shouted to you.

Vita rushed like an arrow along the stake, smartly lit up and ran into the girl. The girl fell. Vitya got angry.

I inadvertently... - he said, brushing the snow off her fur coat. - Is it clogged? The girl chuckled:

Kolinka... Laughter erupted from behind.

“I have to laugh!” - Vitya thought and turned away from the girl with annoyance.

It's incredible - it's crazy! Axis is a crybaby! - he shouted, passing the shouts of the schoolchildren.

Come to us! - called the stinks.

Vitya will go before them. Holding hands, all three of them happily walked on the ice. And the girl sat on the bench, rubbed her sore knee and cried.

Three comrades

Vitya has spent his food. At the great break, all the boys ate, and Vitya stood aside.

Why aren't you? - By feeding Yogo Kolya.

Snidanok spent...

“It’s rotten,” Kolya said, tasting a huge piece of white bread. - It’s still a long way until lunch!

And how much did you spend? - By asking Mishko.

“I don’t know...” Vitya said quietly and turned around.

“You, perhaps, have kishenі nіs, but you need to put it in the bag,” said Mishko. And Volodya didn’t sleep anything. You go to Vitya, break open a piece of bread and butter and hand it to your friend:

Take it, honey!

Two women were taking water from a well. The third reached them. And the old kid prefers to sit on the fireplace.

The horse jumped onto its hump, warmed its green back and rubbed its paws, cracking:

- P-r-e-red day!

- Ogidny! - calling himself a wooden worm, burrowing deeper into the dry ground.

- Yak! - Having trimmed the conic. - There is a cold gloom in the sky. Sonechka is baking so nicely. Kozhen says: what a wonderful day!

- No! Dosh and kalamutny warm Kalyuzhi – it’s a wonderful day.

Ale konic was no good for him.

“We’re feeding the third,” the stench roared.

At this hour, the goosebumps weighed down the pine head on its back and seemed to stand up.

“Tell me,” looking up at the new horse, “what is today: a beautiful day or a wonderful one?”

Murakha wiped his paw and said thoughtfully:

– I’ll let you know after the sun goes down.

The horse and the worm fluttered:

- Well, let's check it out!

After the sun set, the stench became overwhelming.

- Well, what day is it today, shanovna murakha?

Goosebumps pointed to the deep passages, rubbed into the goosebumps, to buy pine heads collected by him, and said:

- Today is a miracle day! I’ll do a good job and then I can calmly accept it!


Three magpies sat on a branch and bobbed so that the oak tree was cracking and waving its green tails in front of the bobbers.

A hare jumped out of the forest.

- Girlfriends, nerds, trim your tongues. Don’t tell the Mislivtsevs that I am.

Siv hare for bush. The magpies started moving.

Axis ide myslyvets. Impatience for the first magpie. It spun around and began to splash with krills.

- Kra-kra-kra! You ugly bitch, it hurts your tongue!

Marveled at the Myslyvets mountain. The magpie could not stand the other one - it opened wide:

- Kra-kra-kra! Talk!

Looking around, Mislyvets. I couldn’t stand the third forty:

- Tr-rum! Tr-rum! Behind the Tabernacle!

Vistriliv myslyvets near the bush.

- Damn the bastards! - the hare shouted and ran as fast as he could.

Without catching up with your mislivets.

And the magpies marveled for a long time:

- Why are you barking at us?

Good sir

Once upon a time there lived a girl. And she had a pyvnik. The Frenchman gets up and falls asleep:

- Ku-ka-re-ku! Good morning, sir!

Run up to the girl, peck from her hands, and sit down with her in order to win. The feathers are different colors and oiled, and the comb on the sunflower is painted with gold. Garniy buvnik!

The girl seems to have raised a chicken from her neighbor's house. The chicken deserved it. Ask for a subsidy:

- Give me the chicken, and I’ll give you my chicken!

Feeling the sting, hanging the comb to one side, lowering the head, there is nothing to do - the mistress herself gives.

The lady was kind enough - she gave her a chicken and took the stump.

The girl and the chicken became friends. The chicken is fluffy, warm, and the day brings a fresh egg.

- Kudi-kudi, my sir! Good luck to your egg!

The girl eats an egg, takes the chicken, strokes it, gives it some water, and cooks it. Only once in a while do guests come with a rocking chair. The girl deserved to be a rocker. Ask for a subsidy:

- Give me your rocker - I’ll give you my chicken!

The hen sensed it, lowered her feathers, became embarrassed, but there was nothing to do - the mistress herself said.

The girl and the jock became friends. Go to the river and swim together. The girl is pouring - and the rocking is going well.

- Tas-tas-tas, my sir! Don't pour too far - the bottom of the river is deep!

A girl comes out onto the bank and a rock follows her.

Come as if susid. We know for our nashinik tsutsenya. The girl said:

- Oh, what a garnish! Give me the price - take my rock!

The girl sensed the rocking, fluttered her wings, screamed, but did nothing. Take this sauce and put it under the smell and water.

The girl stroked the tsutsenya and said:

- I had a chicken - I took a chicken for him; there was a chicken - I gave it for the exercise; Now I've traded the rock for a tsutsenya!

It felt like a puppy, tucked its tail, sank under the lava, and at night it pawed at the door and flowed out.

- I don’t want to be friends with such a government lady! There is no way to value friendship.

The girl snapped - there’s no one in her!

Who is the baddest of all?

Once upon a time there lived in the same cabin a boy Vanya, a girl Tanya, a dog Barbos, a jock Ustinnya and a curly girl Boska.

One day they all came out from the door and sat on the lava: the boy Vanya, the girl Tanya, the dog Barbos, the jock Ustinnya and the curly Boska.

Marveling at Vanya, who is right-handed, he glanced at the left-handed one and raised his head up. Boring!

Taking and squeezing Tanya’s pussy.

Tanya got angry, she wanted to give Vanya away, but she said - the boy is great and strong.

Barbosa kicked over there. Barbos squealed, having formed himself, with his teeth brightened. If you want to taste it, Tanya, mistress, cannot taste it.

Barbos pinched the pitching Ustinnya by the tail. The jock cackled and smoothed her feathers. Kurcha wanted to hit Boska with a punch, but she changed her mind.

Axis and feeds Barbos:

- Why, you, rocking Ustinnya, don’t bother Boska? Win the weakest for you.

“I’m not as bad as you,” the jock confirms to Barbosa.

“He’s the worst one after me,” the dog points at Tanya.

I felt Tanya.

“And the fool is behind me,” she seems to marvel at Vanya.

Vanya looked around, and there was no one behind him.

Charivna golochka

Once upon a time there lived a handmade little Mashenka, and she had a charming little head. Masha makes cloth - she washes and irons her own clothes. Decorate the tablecloth with gingerbread and zucchini, lay it on the table, marvel - and indeed malt appears on the table. Masha loved her little baby, took care of it more than her eyes, but still did not save it. I supposedly went to the forest for berries and spent them. She poked and poked and scoured all the grass - as if she didn’t have a little head. Mashenka sat down under the tree and let’s cry.

Having pinched the girl, Izhachok crawled out of the hole and gave her his head:

Masha yelped, took the little one, and thought to herself: “My bula is not like that.”

And I say let’s cry again.

The tall old Pine shed her tears and threw her head at her:

- Take it, Mashenko, you might need it!

gastroguru 2017