Sirno-apple diet. Syrno-kefirna diet for an emergency vagi drop Oatmeal, baked with apples

The syro-apple diet is often recommended for vaping. Offended by the product and good nasichyuyut. Apples avenge pectin and cellular tissue, which helps them to effectively refill the gut. The sir is the burden of a full-fledged squirrel. In 100 g of yakіsny low-fat syrah, there is up to 18 grams of protein. With this, for weight loss, it is better to use chicken breasts. All the same, to bring on a non-fat looking meat, to take revenge on the same amount of fats, and to that, the calorie content of yoga. In addition, sir that apples can work like a dessert, which means that even lasuni can lose weight. Іsnuє kіlka variantіv ієti іz tsimi dvoma products.

Syrno-apple diet for nine days

The first diet is covered for 9 days. In an hour, you can spend up to 10 kg of slaughter, get drunk and call for a delicious meal. Ale varto mother in the country, which is not similarly emaciated and not healthy - to save the results, have to sit on a diet for at least 2 months, but you can also have a different plan for approximately 1200-1500 kcal, with the help of a woman vipіchki and rich fats. On that day, after the nineteenth series, it is recommended to rule one day with cheese and apples for the next day.

Otzhe, following the scheme: the first three days - less than an apple. For one day, it is necessary to take five kilograms of fruit, or a drink of apples and a liter of apple juice. If you don’t like fresh fruit or you get a stink, you can cook apple puree without zucru or bake the fruit in the oven with cinnamon. The smut rule is not to increase the quantity of the main product. For some versions of the diet, there are three apples per day, approximately equal portions, according to another - for snacks and meals, eat whole fruits, and dine with juice, but the third version will tell you to distribute all the apples allowed for five or six servings of that kind eat for the duration of the day.

Three days will come and only Sir. A day is recommended 400 g of this product, the fat content is not more than 2%. In some cases, it is allowed to take up to 600 g of syrah or add 0.5 liters of 1% kefir to this product. 600 g of syrup is similarly divided into 3 hours for 6 servings.

For the last three days, you need to take 0.5 kg of apple and 400 g of syrup, you can replace the apple with half a liter of fresh apple juice without adding zucru. It is allowed to "zavazhat" products, but rather dorimuvatisya three-five times a meal scheme, and not to charge everything in two days.

Sirno-apple diet for three days

Another variant of the diet with apples and syrup can be made on the spot for making cocktails. For one meal, take 1 apple liver and 150 g of low-fat syrah. Products are refined with a blender. If you don't want a creamy consistency, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of kefir. Cinnamon is also allowed, and the axis of zukor and zukrozaminniki is better not to live. You are guilty of such a cocktail for a snack, insult that evening. You can also have a snack with fresh apples for the day. Dotrimuvatisya tsієї ієti recommend stretching for three days, and repeating її not more often than once a month.

Let's take a similar rank to rule the rozvantazhuvalny day on Syria and apples. Wanting to fight all the diets of protein and cellular tissue, it is not possible to lose weight to rational schemes. Nasampered, one-man eating can provoke a change. That and dorimuvatisya such diet dosit long time, sob povnistyu zabavitis zayvoї vaga, it is practically impossible. Vykoristovyte їх like a small “shock”, and do not forget about the need to eat properly at a good time during the diet.

Important: persh nizh systi on a syrno-apple diet, consult a doctor.

Especially for – fitness trainer Olena Selivanova

Syrah, kefir and apple are three products, as the basis of a rich diet, for everyone who wants to lose weight. There are many systems of eating that have been broken up, which include components and help not only to reduce the waist, but also to improve the body.

[w]Even effective mono-diet, if there is only one permitted product in the diet. The stench, as a rule, is rozrakhovanі for a few days and will help you to get on average 2-4 kg.

Dyuchi and more sparing, but require more than an hour of diet, which includes 2-3 main products. Popular be-like options: sir-kefir, sir-apple, kefir-apple. Who has the secret of their products?

Yak sir, kefir and apple help to lose weight


The secret of syrup in yoga storage is milk fat, a small amount of carbohydrates (galactose and milk zuccor) and easily digestible proteins, which are balanced in an ideal balance for the correct functioning of the body. It helps to lose weight.

The protein is necessary for everyday life, and the casein, which far away replaces the tvarinni proteins, is highly valuable and rich in life. And then you will get your hands on wine, and you will feel like you are hungry. Smaller populations need carbohydrates and fat. Ale still need it!

[y]Carbohydrates - tse dzherelo energії, and zavdyaki fat will get rich in vitamins and minerals.

Obviously, not varto sitting on a syrn diet, live sir with 10-20% fat content, but 3-5% full fat. Zavdyaki fat is absorbed by the body 12 vitamins, amino acids, folic acid, phosphorus, sodium, salt, zinc, fluorine, magnesium, calcium and other colors of speech, which can be found in Syria. Calcium, to the point of speech, also a disgraceful helper at the induced string. To cause a deficiency of yoga to a general herbal process and an incorrect distribution of fats, which will take the weight of the lost kilograms.

The calorie content of the syrup is to lie in the fat content. The minimum quantity is 86 kcal for dietary syrup with fat content of 0.6%, and for products with fat content of 5% 145 kcal. Sir іz vyschim vіstomom fat pіdіyde іn already not ієti, аnd tо pіdtrim vаgi.


Kefir is not without reason associated with rich people with weight loss. Another popular product for diets and romantic days. What is yogo melancholy?

  1. Calorie content. I will drink 100 g in fallowness with fat content of 30-60 kcal. Use kefir with zero fat content, however, it’s easier to pass later. Adzhe, yak і vpadku z syrom, body fat is necessary. The best way to drink is 1-2.5% for measles.
  2. Consistency priyaє svidkomu sichennu, and navit pose diet can be replaced by snidanok or in the evening with a bottle of kefir.
  3. Lacto- and bifidobacteria suppress the processes of decay, fermentation, reproduction of shkidlivih bacteria, which regulate the intestinal microflora. Kefir stimulates peristalsis of the intestines, cleansing the body with a natural rank of slags and toxins.
  4. A fresh drink (not more than three days from the date of preparation) swells up for the lungs of the lungs, the sechogenous and the carrying air.
  5. It is friendly to take in the intake, vitamin D and calcium, without which it is easy not to lose weight.

Tse, maybe, the most popular fruit in the world of diet and rozvantazhuvalny days. I will like the glory of an apple that has bulged with a number of dietic authorities:

  1. Calorie content of 100 g of the fetus becomes an average of 80 kcal.
  2. Cellulose and pectin are not allowed to be in carbohydrates, which can go into an apple, get wet quickly, which would lead to the establishment of new fat folds.
  3. Stimulates peristalsis, exchanges speech, helps improve etching, remove toxins. Without this zayva, the vaga will not last forever.
  4. The apple is full of vitamins, microelements in the body, lack of these is another reason for obesity.
  5. Cellular and pectin are practically not over-etched in the duct-intestinal tract, and they also accumulate in the body, having been saturated with water, which allows you not to feel hungry.
  6. Polyphenol, which is found both in green, and in red, yellow fruits, however, beneficially affects the body. This speech does not only protect people from early antiquity, but it increases m'yazovu strength, but it transfers fat into the division of internal organs. To that, however, the color is not less than the green of an apple, but whether there are some colors and varieties.

The terti of an apple will be conquered more quickly. It’s better not to look at the skins, in the richly brown speeches, like, vtim, and in the nasinn. Fruits are more beautiful than sirimi or biscuits, and, if possible, not one, but a sprat of sorts, bazhano osinnikh.


First, bring the diet, sprats of joy, yakі help to show them.

  • First, you can’t separate yourself in your homeland. Drink non-carbonated water obov'yazkovo, possibly herbal tea without zucru.
  • In another way, I’ll increase the norm more than split into 5-6 portions, you can get їsti skin 2 years without exceeding the daily limit.
  • Thirdly, as it is planned to continue the diet until the last hour, it is necessary to include other products (vegetables, berries, fruits, peas, honey, dried fruits of visivka, muesli, white plastic), take polyvitamins.
  • Fourthly, when self-consciousness is lost, especially on the very cob, don’t beat yourself up, rather, take a diet, or pick it up, urinating the diet.

Monodieta in Syria

For 5 days you can eat up to 400 g of syrah for doba in 5-6 servings. It is necessary to drink plenty of non-carbonated water, at least 2 liters. 500-800 rubles are spent for doba.

Monodieta on kefir

Zhorstka is a strict diet for 3 days, that doesn’t say anything, for a glass of wine 1.5 liters of kefir for a long day. Pide close to 2-3 kg. Continue the days of kefir for a long time not varto, to get rid of the problems of your health.

Monodieta on apples

Zhorstka apple diet will help you to say goodbye from 3-6 kg in 5 days. Start with 1 kg of fruit, increasing the daily intake to 2 kg on the third day, and then reducing to 1 kg on the fifth day.

Sirno-kefir diet

This diet is easily tolerated and lasts no less than three days. For a normal self-feeling, you can continue until the next day and more.

Kefir per day can be about 1.5 liters and 300-400 g of syrup with low fat content. Start and finish the day with kefir. It is permissible to add a little cinnamon to the sir, or greens to the crop.

Sirno-apple diet

The average loses 2 kg in 3 days. Trivality is different.

  • 3 days. Prepare and drink 3 times a day a cocktail from one baked apple and 150 g of syrup.
  • 6 days. Ration up to 1.5 kg of blue apple and 200 g of syrup per day, divided into 4-6 portions.
  • 9 days First 3 days 1.5 kg of apples, then 3 days up to 600 g of syrup, the rest 3 days 0.5 kg of apple and 400 g of syrup.

Kefir-apple diet

Vitrimati tsyu diet smoothly, ale won't help you get 6-8 kg in 9 days. Drink 1.5 liters of low-fat pershy kefir and stay for 3 days, between them 3 days for 1.5 kg of apples.

Leave from diet

It’s a lot of people to worry about the turn of kilograms, which are so importantly pozbulis. Most of the diets just weren't completed correctly. Finish the course of losing weight by step by step on a diet, without once turning back to the old system of eating.

Boroshno, licorice, fat, salty, gostra, gassed, alcohol under the fence. The product, which is getting used to the hour of the day, needs to be continued, and even today, to add to the new one. Start better from cereals on the water, low-fat milk. Then include light vegetables, fruit salads, vegetable soups, boiled meat, diluted natural juices, compotes and so on. In a similar rank, you can turn to the starry ration for a day, you won’t turn around with kilograms.


Similar diets are seen to be unbalanced in connection with the exchange of diet and may be contraindicated:

  • People with allergies and intolerance to dietary components.
  • Women in the period of pregnancy and lactation.
  • People with ailments of SHKT, slugs, liver.
  • Whether yakі іnshі serёznі ill, yakі can possilititsya. You need a doctor's consultation.
  • Significant deterioration in health.

Results and reviews

І nasamkinets deyakі vysnovki on the basis of reviews from thematic forums and sites in vid tried the diet on sirі, kefіrі, apples. Zhіnki znachayut, scho for the mind dotrimannya system of eating ide stіlki vagi, sіlki and it was declared plus or minus kіlka kіlogram_v _individually. Such a trend has also been noted: the greater the number of cob vaga, the greater the shvids and the great obsyagi out of the way. There is information about those who, in the event of a step-by-step exit from a diet of withdrawals, the effect is saved for a long time.

In addition, since not everyone knows how to eat such a system of eating, it is more important that it is easier to endure those, who often used food before. There were few of those who did not see even half of the trivality of the diet, and also did not try too hard, allowing themselves small liberties. Ale, if you want to take away a positive result, even if it’s a little less, it was planned to be lower. The accepted bonus to the change in obsyagiv for the bagatioh was the reduction of the hair, the hair loss, as well as the poisoned self-perception.

Today, I'll tell you about those who brought themselves to the form in front of the university after the all inclusive start of the syro-apple diet. Happy reading!

Even better, I have a better diet after I turned my back in Turechchina. All inclusive, do everything. I think that someone understands me a lot.

Just this past week, I gained 5 kilos! The names of those beloved speeches didn’t fit on me anymore, that summer already reached the end, and before that the university. It’s not like those who were scared to appear in front of classmates in such a look, it’s just that I didn’t have any speeches, like I could have, but I didn’t want to buy new ones.

It was necessary to get used to the term every time they came in, and on the eyes I drank the syrno-apple diet itself. Varto say that this diet is of the “terminal” category, otherwise I simply could not have seen it. And then, under the stress of zayvih five kilos, it went even more easily. That to the point, I don’t even like trival diets. My willpower is like a rotten one, I just swear.

Diet principle

For a day, you need to eat close to 1.5-2 kilos of yellow or green apples (shards of stench are the best) and a maximum of 500 g of syrup fat up to 2%. Everything else is fenced, including sour cream and various additives to syrah (navit!). I even loved the liver of an apple (I cut it dryly and put the khvilin at 30 in the oven), before that, the stench was richly curvy and savory for the zvichayn.

So you need to drink more than a lot of water. Raju is more drunk for a second liter a day, miraculously driving in appetite. Even more important, you can allow yourself a bottle of low-hundred kefir.

Raja you eat an apple one at a time through the skin of an hour (let's say, pivgodini), and not pile on a kilo. Otherwise, you may find yourself viruvannya at the shlonk, which is not even acceptable.

My diet is like this:

I ate 5 times a day, 100 g of syrup, and khvilin after 15, two apples with an interval at pіvgodini. I respect that it’s so much better, that it’s like an apple, like an apple, I’ll take it without sire, the body won’t be fed, and you’ll feel even more hungry, you can get sick on a boat.

It is necessary to sit on such a diet for three days.

happy method

If you don’t have a lot of terminology, then it’s better to come up with a sparing version of the syrno-apple diet. For whom it is necessary for you to choose one day on tizhnі and even if you eat only apples and one pack of low-fat syrah.

In me, a friend took this option herself. Naprikintsi of a skin day won for a kilo, and the total result for a month of slaves was 4 kg.

For me, it’s wonderful, seemingly large, like a whole kilo lost and not gaining for a day. But this method is already good, it is physically easier to endure, even if you are less than once a day, rudely seeming, you are hungry, then hunger is not felt.

My review and results

Well, what can I say, obviously, I didn’t bring myself a uniform in three days, but then I wasted my time. In three days I lost weight by 2 kilos, and then, after a diet, I sat down on the right food without beetroot, licorice, soda, salty, lubricated and other, and also changed my portion, which allowed me to throw off another 2 kilos for the next two days. Zagalom, I came to the university at my loved ones, they started to get on me, and I didn’t remember anything 🙂

Now I’m trimming the diet in my “bookmarks”, maybe I’ll try it again, or just spend one rosy day. Zagalom, as if it were a cicavo, then I will not hesitate to add my opinion. And I thank you for the garnet of the figure and the powerful self-confidence!

How to make a syrno-apple diet for weight loss, and also what is eating, allowed products, menus and contraindications.

On this day, there is an impersonal diet, as they will be followed by different numbers. Most of the representatives of the beautiful state win diet for weight loss. If your meta throw off the vaga yaknaishvidshe and s minimal vanity for the body, then the cirrus-apple diet will be one of the most appropriate. Tim more, that she won’t help lowering the vag, but also effectively cleanse the intestines and improve the camp of the shkiri.

What is a diet

As can be seen from the name of the syrno-apple diet, it is composed of two products in total - syrah and apples. Moreover, the next step is to take low fat or low fat content (up to 5%). And apples are due to be sour or sour-licorice, better than green varieties. This is due to the fact that sour apples contain less fructose and more enzymes that are necessary for the body. Ale for increased acidity of the shell, it is allowed to take and licorice fruits. Green apples are considered hypoallergenic.

The use of these two products is even more effective. Sir to take revenge on your own large amount of protein, essential amino acids, calcium, potassium, sodium salts, phosphorus and magnesium. Sour-milk protein is acquired by the body richer than it is more easily, lower protein of meat. Without a doubt, this is a great plus for diet, shards of abundance are growing fast, and almost no signs of hunger are given for a long time. The essential amino acid methionine decomposes fat, and significantly changes the texture of the non-fatty fat. Calcium replaces not only the teeth and brushes, but it will speed up the fat exchange, which will make you lose weight. Potassium miraculously copes with the appearance of the zayvoi of the native land and changes the risk of the settlement of the nabryakiv.

Apple is a low-calorie product. Stink pectin and cellular tissue. Two warehouses stimulate the work of the intestines and suppress appetite. In addition, pectin effectively reduces the amount of bad blood in the blood, thereby preventing the development of strokes, heart attacks and atherosclerosis. And organic acids and vitamins will surely speed up the exchange of speeches. To this very reason, apples, in order of low calorie content, always occupy a leading position in rich diets.

Indicated before zastosuvannya syrno-apple diet.

  • as it is necessary to throw off a kіlka of zayvih kіlogramіv without special zusil;
  • if it is necessary to work a small strand for the body, cleanse, sharpen, improve the hairline, nail and coat;
  • with emotional sights, a syro-apple diet will also be brown. Sir may have the power to restore the nerve fiber and myelin sheath;
  • for the prevention of heart and vascular and narcotic illnesses.

Allowed and harvested products during diet

It is not included, that such a diet can be given to such lasuns by an important and firm one. In order to relieve a little bit of their share, it is allowed to urinate the diet to supplement certain products. With a strong feeling of hunger in the day of the menu, you can add low-fat kefir, but not more than 0.5 liters per day.

It is also allowed to add wine. Ale won unequivocally change the speed of the vtrati vag. One mind - you can’t eat її in one meal with cheese. Let the vivsyanka come to the supper, as it will not be later than 18:00.

It is recommended to add a pinch of vanilla or cinnamon to the strain. Like an apple came, next replace them with an equal amount of apple juice. Non-carbonated water, water from herbs, greens and herbal teas can be drunk in an unobstructed quantity. Vodnocha water is guilty of becoming no less than 1.5 liters per day. And the axis tsukor, sіl that zukrozaminniki in such a diet in the region of negligence. The stench blocks the process of losing weight.

Menu for 7 days

Syrno-apple diet can be different for trivality - for 3, 7 or 9 days. The most optimal and effective option is a 7-day diet. The additional norm of the product is due to the addition of 200 g of syrup and 1.5 kg of apples. Qi kіlkіst needs to be divided into 5 meals. Bazhano to live in products and thermally not processed. It is important to comply with such rules, you can urinate the menu with permitted products and learn to prepare deacis stravi. The axis of the sprat is one of them.

Apple baked with cheese

Choose great fruits. Look at the top and carefully look at the core. You can rub the apple with cinnamon in the middle. Remind the death of the orphan, zmіshanim іz 1-2 table. l. kefir. Bake in the oven until done.

apple salad

Cleanse the fruit from the skin of that skin. Rub on terts. Zmіshati with a small amount of syru, pour kefir on the beast and sip the trimmed green crop.

Vivsyanka baked with apples

Peel the apple, cut | cut | small shmatochki i viklasti in a clay miner. Top with sipati with plastics and fill it with cold water. Put in an unheated oven and vipkati 40 min. When ready, you can add three drops of vanilla.

Apple stew

Take some of the middle fruit, clean it from the inside and cut it into pieces. Put it into the bowl of the multicooker or enamel the pan with the skin down. Sprinkle the beast with lemon juice. Pour on the bottom of the bowl 150 ml of water and quench 40 minutes.

Apple puree with cinnamon

A dekilka of green and yellow fruits should be cleaned from the skin of that skin. Cut into small pieces. Put in an enamel pot. Pour a small amount of water into the bottom. Boil the apple until soft. I'll get the water angry. Ready to wipe the chastochki through a sieve or refine with a blender. Add a little lemon juice and boil the puree for 5-10 more chills. In the end, add a pinch of cinnamon.

Chi can be zastosovuvat syro-apple diet for women

This variety of diet is important to make it sparing. To that, it is recommended to recommend someone to vagitnym, for some reason they have taken more from the vase, less is necessary. Ale її trivality can be revisited for 3 days. When it comes to obov'yazkovo, it is necessary to protect the fact that the syrno-apple diet is not complete. Otzhe, obov'yazkovoy umovoy will accept internal vitamin-mineral complexes. Under the hour of vagity, such a diet is guilty of admitting only a doctor, leaving the vagity camp.


A diet on orphan and apples cannot be taken with ailments of the intestinal tract, liver and nirok (for example, with gastritis, pancreatitis, gastroduodenitis, virazci, sechokamyanіy ailment, hepatitis). Especially in case of a hot trip. It is also necessary to be sure that an allergy to the menu components is possible. If you have a chronic illness, then before you get sick of the diet, consult a doctor.


Miracle diet! For the first three days I sat only on orphan and orphan apples. Then it became important and began to prepare the battles described in the article. Zavdyaki to whom it was easy to reach the diet. Lost 5 kg in 7 days!

Like a sire, so apples are often eaten in the diet, which helps to lose weight. Syrno-apple diet - on what recommendations is it based, what is the effect of building security?

Corisna information

Sir is a high-protein product. A great plus is those that the skin can choose for itself the optimal fatness - which is lower, the shorter is the fat for the figure. Shards in this fermented milk product are rich in protein, the process of losing weight does not appear on the mill of m'yazovoi tissue. One of the essential amino acids (methionine) is lipotropic speech (the amino acid speeds up the process of spalling fat). The protein is miraculously rich, which allows you to "reserve" the calorie content of the diet. The fermented milk product is easily absorbed by the body. Syria has a lot of calcium - this element doesn’t only make brushes and teeth, but it also speeds up fat exchange (chergovy plus weight loss). Potassium stimulates the appearance of the zayvoi rіdini, the reason for which the risk appears on the bryakіv commemoratively decreases. Є in syria vitamins, organic acids, saline salts, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium.

In apples, there is enough amount of cellular tissue and pectin speech, which normalizes intestinal activity and suppresses appetite. Organic acids break down metabolism, which is why apple diets are so popular among the poor brothers. To ensure the abundance of vitamins and minerals, as well as a low number of calories (47 kcal / 100 g), it is not important to understand that apples rightfully occupy a leading position in the diet menu. If you want to eat on apples and siri, then you can choose one of the options below.

Diet for 9 days

In this type of diet, sir, that apple is divided into 3 stages for 3 days of skin. The first stage may have less than an apple (1.5 kg per day). You can drink tea and water. If such a diet is like this, you can change the number of ingredients a little. During the day drink 1 liter of natural apple juice and drink about 0.5 kg of apples (fresh or liver). You can spread the produce as if it were always good - you can eat an apple in the day, and drink juice in the evening, or you can live it all in equal portions.

The next stage is attributed to the minimum fat content (0.4-0.6 kg). With a strong feeling of hunger, you can add 0.5 l of kefir to the diet. It is also allowed to drink water and tea. It is recommended to take equal portions (3-4 ten per day).

The final stage of the diet allows you to eat cheese (0.4 kg) and an apple (0.5 kg). Like an apple, you can replace the fruits with natural juice, extracted from them. All products should be divided into 3-4 servings. It is recommended to drink rich water. For 9 days you can lose weight by 5-8 kg.

Diet for 3 days

Such a technique can be thinned at its core, which is made up of apple cookies (3 pcs.) And syrah (450 g). Having offended the product, it is necessary to beat it with a blender, adding 1 tbsp. low-fat kefir and a little cinnamon. Otriman's masa should be divided into 3 servings. Mіzh їdoy you can take one fresh apple each. Rare standard diet (water, tea). Vaga loss - 1-2 kg / 3 days.

Diet for 3-5 days

Additional set of products for the diet: 1-1.5 kg of apple and 200 g of low-fat syrup. You need 5 times a day. Drink between you and before it you need water, nasty herbs, green tea. Vrat vrat for 5 days - 3-4 kg.


A diet on orphaned apples is not guilty of victoriousness for the manifestation of problems with nirkami (through a high concentration of protein). It is unacceptable to stigmatize poisoning organs for obviousness. There is also a risk of an allergic reaction to the components of the menu.

gastroguru 2017