Who can see the dead. The dead see us and hear ...

Question: My grandfather passed away two weeks ago. I would like to know: does he hear us and what we say to him when our family comes to his grave? If not, is it possible to make him hear us?

From the Koran and the Hadith, we learn that dead people do not hear the living. This means that at the grave of the deceased person it will be wrong to try to talk to him, thinking that he hears and understands you.

This is what the Almighty said in the Quran: “The living and the dead are not equal. Indeed, Allah bestows hearing on those whom He wills, and you cannot make people hear those in the grave ”(Sura“ Creator ”35:22).

Another ayat: “You will not make the dead hear and you will not make the deaf hear the call” (Sura “Ants” 27:80).

The fact that dead people do not hear the words of the living is the opinion of the scientists of the Hanafi madhhab. The statements of many of them are collected in the book “Al-Ayat al-Bayinat fi adm sama’ al-ambat ”(“ Clear signs confirming that the dead cannot hear ”). In this book, for example, the statement of the Hanafi imam al-Taftazani is given, who in his work “Sharh ul-Makasid” said: “We have no disagreement that the dead do not hear.”

From this we understand that such a common belief, as the fact that the soul of the deceased supposedly returns to his home and can hear the words of his relatives addressed to him, is not confirmed in Islam. The Quran unequivocally indicates that the dead after their death go into a completely different world, called "Barzakh" (intermediate state between our life and the Day of Judgment), and from there they can neither return to our world, nor talk with us, nor hear our words .

Despite this, Islam pointed to actions by which living people can benefit the dead. The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and welcome) said: “When a person dies, all his deeds stop with the exception of three: continuous alms, knowledge that other people can use, or a righteous child who will turn to Allah with prayers him ”(Muslim, 1631).

The greatest benefit after death and in the grave is a plea to Allah: pray for your father, ask for forgiveness and mercy for him, ask for Paradise and salvation from Fire, and also read other good duas.

The prayer of children for the forgiveness of their departed parents brings great benefits. The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and greet) said: “Truly, a Muslim will be elevated with a degree in Paradise, and he will ask:“ What is it for me? ”He will be answered:“ Your child asked for forgiveness for you ” ; Sahih al-Jami, 1617).

Also, the benefit of the deceased is brought in by alms filed on his behalf. It is reported that Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “One person said to the Prophet, may Allah bless him and welcome:“ My mother died suddenly, but I think that if she could speak, she would give alms. Will she get a reward if I do it for her? ”. He said: “Yes” ”(Al-Bukhari, 1388).

It is transmitted from Abu Hurayra (may Allah be pleased with him) that one person said to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him): “My father died and he had money left. He did not leave a will. Will there be a redemption of his sins if I give part of them as alms from him? ”The Prophet replied:“ Yes ”(Transmitted to al-Nasai).

As for the Hajj for the deceased, it can be done when you know that your relative had the opportunity to perform the hajj (physical and material), but something prevented him from going to Mecca, and therefore the hajj became a duty for him. If your relative did not have the opportunity to perform the hajj in life, it means that the hajj did not remain a duty on it, and therefore it is not necessary to perform the hajj for it. The same applies to other rites of worship, which remained as a debt to the dead, for example, fasting during the month of Ramadan or their oath (vow) to Allah.

In the hadith it is reported: once a woman approached the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and said: “It was my mother’s duty to repay one month of fasting, can I fast for her?” He replied: “Fast for her”. She said: "My mother did not do the hajj, can I do it for her?" He replied: "Do the hajj for her." Transmitted by Muslim, 1149.

Another act that benefits the dead is the fulfillment of their vows. It is reported from Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with both of them) that one day a woman came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and said: “My mother vowed to make a hajj, but she died without having done so. Can I do the hajj for her? ”The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:“ Yes, do the Hajj for her. If your mother had a debt, would you pay it? ” She replied: "Yes." He (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Then pay the debt to Allah, because the oath to Allah deserves to be fulfilled most of all” (Al-Bukhari, 7315).

It should be noted that if you pray diligently for your father, it will be better and more important for you, and will be of more benefit to the deceased than the thought of whether he hears or does not hear. So do what is good for both of you. Examples of what benefits the deceased are given in this answer on the basis of the Quran and authentic hadiths. And it should be noted that sometimes people themselves create certain beliefs, not basing them on the Qur'an and the Hadith, which is why people often have disagreements about the acceptability of a particular action. We believe that what has been said in the Koran and the Sunnah is quite enough for a believer and there is no need to follow various beliefs and rituals that are not confirmed in Islam.

I ask Allah to forgive your father and have mercy on him and all deceased Muslims, truly, He is Forgiving, Merciful.

Even the inveterate materialists want to know what happens after death with a close relative, how the soul of the deceased says goodbye to her relatives and whether the living should help her. In all religions there is a belief tied to the burial, funerals can be held according to different traditions, but the essence remains common - respect, reverence and care for the otherworldly path of man. Many wonder if dead relatives see us. There is no answer in science, but folk beliefs and traditions abound in advice.

Where is the soul after death

For centuries, mankind has tried to understand what is happening after death, whether it is possible to contact the next world. Different traditions give different answers to the question of whether the soul sees a dead person its loved ones. Some religions talk about paradise, purgatory and hell, but medieval views, according to modern psychics and religious scholars, are not true. There is no fire, cauldrons and devils - only an ordeal, if relatives refuse to remember the deceased with a kind word, and if relatives remember the dead, they are in peace.

How many days after death is the soul at home?

Relatives of deceased loved ones are wondering: can the soul of the deceased come home, where it is after the funeral. It is believed that during the first seven to nine days, the repentant comes to say goodbye to the house, family, and earthly existence. The souls of the deceased relatives come to a place that they consider to be truly their own - even if an accident occurred, the death was far from their home.

What happens after 9 days

If you take the Christian tradition, the souls stay in this world until the ninth day. Prayers help to leave the earth easily, painlessly, do not get lost on the road. The feeling of the presence of the soul is especially felt during these nine days, after which they commemorate the deceased, blessing him for the final forty-day journey to Heaven. Grief pushes loved ones to figure out how to communicate with a dead relative, but during this period it is better not to interfere so that the spirit does not feel confused.

After 40 days

After this period, the spirit finally leaves the body in order not to return again - the flesh remains in the cemetery, and the spiritual component is purified. It is believed that on the 40th day the soul says goodbye to loved ones, but does not forget about them - the heavenly stay does not prevent the dead from watching what happens in the lives of relatives and friends on earth. The second day of commemoration, which may already occur with a visit to the grave of the reposed, is marked on the fortieth day. One should not come to the cemetery too often - this disturbs the buried.

What the soul sees after death

Near-death experience of many people gives a comprehensive, detailed description of what awaits each of us at the end of the road. Although scientists put evidence of survivors of clinical death into question, drawing conclusions about brain hypoxia, hallucinations, hormone release — impressions that are too similar for completely different people, unlike either in religion or cultural background (beliefs, customs, traditions). There are frequent references to the following phenomena:

  1. Bright light tunnel.
  2. The feeling of warmth, comfort, safety.
  3. Reluctance to return.
  4. Visiting relatives far away — for example, from the hospital “peeping” into a house or apartment.
  5. Own body, doctors' manipulations are seen from the side.

When one wonders how the soul of the deceased says goodbye to his relatives, one should keep in mind the degree of closeness. If the love between the mortal deaths and those remaining in the world was great, then even after the end of the life’s path the connection persists, the deceased can become a guardian angel for the living. The hostility is softened after the end of the worldly path, but only if you pray, ask forgiveness from the one who has left forever.

How do the dead say goodbye to us

After death, loved ones do not cease to love us. During the first days they are present very close, they can appear in a dream, talk, give advice - especially often parents come to their children. The answer to the question whether dead relatives hear us is always affirmative - a special connection can be maintained for many years. The dead say goodbye to the land, but do not say goodbye to their close ones, because from the other world they continue to watch them. Alive should not forget about relatives, remember them every year, pray for the fact that in the next world they feel comfortable.

The older you get, the more you suffer losses. The most dear ones are dying, those who are used to, those who are not and will not be closer: father, mother, relatives, friends, neighbors - all those whom he knew and loved. And no one can do anything about it, and you will not turn back the clock, and you will not get used to it. They say time heals, but not always and not all. Our turn will come when the priest will sing over the coffin "death by death". And now, in this crazy at the speed of the century, perhaps only once a year you can see all your relatives - this is the day of Radonitsy. He will meet, remember the dead, talk to the living, be glad that they are ... and may God bless them for a long time ...
I always had a lot of interest, and I constantly asked my mother, mother, and why so many people on the Radunitsa Day at the cemetery? What she brought up in the "best Soviet traditions" terry disbelief in God could answer me? So she said furtively what her parents told her, and their parents told them, and so on from generation to generation. Maybe it's true, and maybe a legend, but I remembered it for life. It turns out that on the day of Radonitsa, from dawn until sunset, the dead are waiting for us near their graves, and even meet us immediately at the cemetery gates! They do not need to tell anything, they all know about us and see everything, constantly, because where they are, there are no hours, numbers and alarm clocks, there is only their Kingdom, the Kingdom of the dead. They tell from heaven and help us alive, how we live, how we act, we probably call it an inner voice. And be that as it may, on the Day of Radonitsy, we must come to them, because they are waiting for this day like no other in the year, waiting right at the gate.
Two years ago, I arranged with friends to drive to a semi-abandoned power-saw bench near the Mayak stop (along the Slutsk track). And there, not far from the sawmill a few meters away, is the village cemetery where my uncle is buried. The funeral took place in the winter, the grave was somewhere on the cemetery outskirts itself. A lot of people, a lot of wreaths, then several years of trips, searches, returns. All this time I remembered that my uncle was resting in this cemetery. He began to search, but the grave, a few years ago the last one, was “overgrown” on all sides by neighboring graves. I was searching for a long time, as if I had been driven or taken away from the grave, someone unknown, to me, alive, by force. From the car I was hurried, they say, we went home. Well, how is it, how embarrassing you are, nephew, you can't find your uncle's grave. I was about to leave, promising myself that the next time I would come early, I would pick up a bunch of flowers and be sure to find it. As I came to the meeting, a village woman. From some kind of despair or something, I am unfamiliar to her, and told how ugly of me for so many years and never appear !? I didn’t find a grave, a woman looked into my eyes in an unusual way and said, and you don’t blame yourself, you never know what happens in life, the main thing you are looking for, you are ashamed. You just call your uncle by name, see, he will respond. The woman appeared just as suddenly and disappeared among the crosses, monuments and graves, and my stupefaction was replaced by curiosity, but what if !? I began to call quietly out of the cemetery, Uncle Adam, forgive me for a good-for-nothing, forgive me and tell me where you are. You may not believe, I didn’t get used to it, but somewhere for the third or fourth time (I passed this place several times and up and down), something made me turn around, Adam Poteychuk rushed to my eyes ...
I told this story to many, my cousin (Uncle's daughter Adam's daughter) called me tonight, and Vova said that she remembered how you advised me, on the advice of a village woman, to find the grave. The cemetery grows from year to year, and no matter how hard I tried to find it, I still could not find the graves of my old neighbors. And then, following the advice given to you, I called her name, turned around and saw the inscription on the monument. She asked for forgiveness and remembered, brought order to Radonits, they already had no one left.
Why am I all this, to the fact that many of us on Radonitsa’s day will search for the graves of those we once knew. Try to do what the woman in that cemetery advised me ...
Vladimir REPIK

According to the views of some occultists, the souls of the dead constantly watch the lives of their loved ones. Invisible entities are aware of family problems, they are aware of family plans, and even read thoughts. But especially interested in love affairs ...

Souls in the marital bed

The recently deceased American occultist and clairvoyant D. Jebrailovich believed that the souls of deceased relatives flocked to the bed of lovers during conception, and it is they who decide what the soul of a child will be.

  The religious teachings of some peoples of Polynesia and Indochina speak about the same thing. In particular, in Polynesia, it is believed that only from the departed family members does it depend whether this marital affinity leads to the birth of an heir or not. Therefore, couples try to appease the souls of their ancestors with various offerings that are laid out near their bed.

The birth of a child is not just a fusion of male and female cells, but also the “entry” of the soul into a new organism. During copulation, a channel opens through which the soul, or the invisible ethereal essence, enters the fruit and forms man from it.

It is believed that the souls of relatives who have gone into the world of another are responsible for the sex of the child, for his appearance, character, ability, and much more that will determine his future life. Each soul gives the fetus a piece of its invisible body. From these particles and a new soul.

Some of the entities can give the fruit more than others. If relatives from the father’s side turn out to be more generous, then the child will be more like dad, if on the mother’s side, then, accordingly, mom. Often the top take the side lines of the family. Then the child will go to some of their uncles or aunts.

It happens that someone's soul completely takes possession of the fruit. And she may not be related. The deceased is reborn in the body of the unborn child, and what is called reincarnation occurs.

The old shaman in the new incarnation

Here is a story recorded as a legend in the 1950s in Siberia. It was before the revolution. Russian settler spouses, being childless, went to the old shaman. They traveled a long way through the taiga, found the strobe where the shaman lived, and told him about their misfortune. He gave them amulets and ordered them to wear them during the vicinity, promising that in two years they would have a boy. And indeed, in the specified time a son was born. My father came to the camp to thank the shaman, but he had already died a year.

Over time, parents began to notice the Yakut features in their son’s appearance. When he grew up, he went to the Yakuts in the camp where the old sorcerer once lived. Soon everyone in the district recognized that their former shaman had returned to them in a new incarnation.

The third in bed was ... ghost

In the late 1970s, a poltergeist settled in one of the houses in a Belarusian village: small things did not turn out to the places where they were put, electrical appliances failed, and then they began to work again, at night, steps and a cough similar to cough were heard deceased grandfather.

Gradually they got used to the phenomena, stopped paying attention to them. And in the summer, they let the familiar residents of the city into the house - a young couple. On the very first evening, during the proximity of the couple, steps sounded near the bed - as if someone invisible approached and stopped at the head of the bed.

In the silence, someone's breath was heard, although no one except the husband and wife was in the room. Frightened, they moved to another room and went back to the city the next day. But from that night poltergeist phenomena in the house stopped.

And after nine months, the couple had a son. He grew up a bit and began to talk about events that could not happen to him: the boy gave out episodes from the life of the late grandfather! By the age of seven, the child’s unusual memories had disappeared, but over the years he became more and more like a dead old man. The boy was his exact copy - both in appearance and in character.

Do not sleep with obsessed!

In the old days in Russia there was an opinion that otherworldly entities may affect the unborn child. For example, if a spouse was spying on a houseboy during a closeness, then a sorcerer would be born, and if a kikimora was peeping, then a witch. All sorts of deformities and abnormalities in children were attributed to evil forces, which took the habit of interfering with people. Not long ago, news agencies reported the birth of a boy in China with 15 fingers on both hands. Subsequently, the mother admitted that during the conception of the child in the house hosted evil.

In general, the influence of poltergeist on the birth of a fetus, its formation and further development has not been studied at all. We have to rely on popular beliefs and religious teachings. And most of them say that the execution of marital duties in the neighborhood with evil spirits does not promise anything good for the unborn child.

The same applies to intimacy with a man possessed by a demon. In the role of the spouse (or spouses) here, obviously, is not a person, but the invisible entity that has entered them. Children derived from this relationship may be physical freaks or have paranormal abilities, but in almost all cases the devil’s impact on the child is negative. This question is extremely complex and also practically unexplored due to the scarcity of available reliable material. But one case is described in the medieval chronicles.

An incredibly lustful demon entered the 75-year-old old man, having strengthened his potency so much and at the same time changing his character — making arrogant and shameless that the newly-minted Don Juan became interested in the Inquisition. Did he not report whether he managed to conceive a child?

“Is that you, Petrunchik?”

Obsession probably took place in the episode that occurred in the 1980s in Ukraine.

Alexandra S., a young woman, lost her husband Peter, who loved her dearly. He died tragically. After some time she married again. After the first night with the new spouse, Alexandra confessed to her mother that she constantly thought about Peter, and when it was time for lovemaking, she was amazed at how similar they were to Peter's caress. In the end, she even stopped understanding who was lying in bed with her - her second husband or Peter. And later it turned out that the newlywed remembered almost nothing from what was at night.

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