Schemes for knitting crochet caps. Hats, berets, and other hats. Openwork beret for teenage girl

The hat with the ears looks great and original at any time of the year, which means you should learn how to knit it and stock up on such hats. It is best to knit a hat with crochet ears with soft yarn and preferably if 100% wool is used. Now on the market there is a lot of good yarn, which is not prickly at all, and keeps its appearance very well during

This is the perfect time of year to start making warmer hats. Materials: Bulky thread 5 in any fiber you choose. Hook for hooks 5-7 mm or size required for proper calibration. Note: At the beginning of each round you will cling. This is considered your first double crochet. At this point you can try to see if everything is fine with height. If you need more, just add another round. Fasten and weave the ends. When you are finished with a hat, you can leave it as it is, or add your favorite flower.

For several seasons in fashion caps - caps or caps-bini. It is not difficult to knit such a hat in both crochet and knitting. Crochet hat beanie knits in a simple way  - tie the pipe around the head and sew one end. Cap ready! It is necessary to knit across the cap with any dense pattern that will stretch in length. But this method has

This hat can also be made for a man. You can try to use the same template if the person behind whom you are doing has a smaller head. I hope you enjoy everything! Feel free to ask if you have any questions.

Now it's nice and colorful

Now we have knitted colorful heads. If he is free outside, we look forward to the time. With them, we not only keep warm, but we can also quickly cheer up. This is crocheting by hand by crocheting or crocheting from the top edge and adjacent territory.

Black is knitted of Pekhorka Narodnaya yarn 100gr 220mt, consumption of one ball in two threads for a head girth of 57cm, crochet No. 3. Emerald is tied from a diamond diamond consumption 200 g hook number 2. Tied two rectangles 110cm long and 10cm high (you can adjust the parameters from 100 to 120cm and in height from 9 to 12cm). Fastened with a needle from a thread

Individuality is always important. Everything that you can freely define yourself. Crochet beautiful Boshi caps - you can do it too. We wish you to have fun at the cheshki! Chain, low point, high point and shrimp. . Time to complete: several hours.

The difficulty of execution: very easy. Before you start: the glasses are very simple, first make a strip using crochet number 4, and then the actual part of the hat, with alternating high points in the bow and chain with hook number 4, the seams are a point with a low point and shrimp.

The hat-beanie is crocheted for a girl of 10-11 years old, on an OG 54 cm. The height of a hat is 25 cm. Yarn: Safina Verona 100% bamboo, 405m / 50 g. It took us a hat in the spring, but not tight-fitting head, but with an overlap to fit pigtails and tails. I thought that the best option is a bini cap. I found a suitable model on the Internet, I had to improvise.

Strip with a crochet number. Each line replaces the top point with three chains. Use the needle to close the strip. Starting from the band, now crowned with crochet No. 4. 5, there are 3 chains, 2 points in height at the top point under one point, 1 chain, 3 points above, passing 1 top point below.

At the end of the row, near the very low point, always reach the bow of the chain with a very low point and start working as the bottom line. The 3 top points will be processed in the “arkhetto” space created by the chain on the knees below. Manufacturing detail. Work 18 lines without increasing or decreasing. Close with a very low cut and pull out.

Good time of day !!! I knitted this hat according to this description only took the yarn thinner than indicated in the description. red yarn (VITA Coco 100% cotton) 50g / 240m (it took me somewhere 260m on a hat and a tuft) crocheted with a hook No. 1.10 of the yarn color (I have Vita Coco) yarn white color  (Pekhorka Children's Novelty (for peepholes) and Vita Coco (for

Knitted hats are often presented to relatives, friends, colleagues for holidays or for no reason. If the cap is not purchased, but is connected by itself, then the delight of the present is much greater. Why not to please your child, girlfriend or mother, creating a beautiful original headdress with the help of a hook and thread? But how to crochet a hat? Even if knitting for you is a new thing, it is not a problem. Having available detailed scheme  mating, a little inspiration and perseverance, it is easy to get an excellent result.

Step-by-step knitting instructions with diagrams

Beautiful knitted hats are always in fashion, regardless of the season and age. You can knit a cool autumn set that includes a hat and scarf for your sister, an unusual summer hat for your son, and a hat for your beloved grandmother. Find out how easy it is to crochet a hat, having spent a little time on this event, it will turn out to be ready-made schemes. See clear and simple patterns to create a knitted masterpiece, and then experiment.

Women's hat made of thick yarn

Create a hat with a large knit even a novice. Thick thread is much easier to knit, and in addition it is easier to immediately see the mistakes, it is important for an inexperienced knitter. Headgear that uses this type of yarn, suitable for both adults and children. Large knitting style looks great with autumn and winter coats, jackets, cardigans. How to knit a fashionable hat made of thick yarn? We acquire a hook (No. 4), 150 g of thick woolen threads and begin to knit a cap according to the proposed scheme. The main thing is to strictly follow all the nuances of creating any knitted item:

  1. We knit loops in a circle, adding in ten places.
  2. On the 3rd row we create “leaves” with the help of columns of different height.
  3. The first “sheet” fits around the loops of the third line.
  4. It is better to start from column b / nakida, continuing with a strong column with one, two and three.
  5. "Leaf" is attached to the base of the 1st column of the next five with a semi-column.
  6. Pull the loop to the height of the CCH (double crochet) and place it at the top of the column with a semi-column.
  7. We knit the next "leaf" around this column (so it is necessary to knit the entire chain of loops to the end).
  8. We make the fourth and fifth lines of the future cap with 10 increments, so that in the fifth chain we have 50 columns (we knit ten “leaves” in this row).
  9. We continue to knit in the same way, creating "leaves" in odd lines.
  10. Direct mating without an increase will begin when the width of the folded headgear will be 27 cm.
  11. Knitting ends near the "leaves".

Spring Knitting Pattern

A lot of people are interested in learning how to crochet, how difficult it is to master this craft? If there is a detailed clear scheme at hand, there is nothing complicated. For example, try to tie a simple headpiece for spring. Such a hat will be enjoyed by every fashionista, blends in any color and decorated to your own taste. To do this, you will need cotton threads of medium thickness (80-100g), a hook (No. 3.5). The step-by-step knitting process of the spring cap pattern will be understandable to everyone:

  1. It should immediately be said that the mating will be double and its density will be 10 cm (18 loops).
  2. We collect the line - five air loops, close the connecting column (as well as the following).
  3. According to the scheme, we knit seven chains, from 8th to 15th we duplicate the 7th row of the sample.
  4. Knitting the 16th row is as follows: from each crochet of the lower line knit one pillar without nakida; from arches created with the help of 2 air loops, knit two poles without throwing.
  5. The 17th strip is knitted with double crochets.
  6. Cap ready. At will the headdress is decorated with a brooch, pebbles, beads, appliqués, beads, or similar decorative elements.

Children's hat bear with ears

Many people saw unusual and funny hats in the form of animal muzzles, cartoon characters and fairy-tale characters. If you want to please your child with such a gift, then you should figure out how to knit a hat of this style. Try to create a funny bear cap with ears. The following materials should be available: yarn - 100 g (preferably acrylic), hook No. 6, a needle with colored threads (for stitching parts). Mating density: two air loops on two columns - 2.5 cm. Knitting will be carried out in a circle - from the bottom to the bottom of the product:

  1. First row. We knit a ring - five air loops (VP) - so that it can be corrected.
  2. Second line. We make two loops without single crochet, knitting each in columns (10 loops are obtained).
  3. The third looped chain. Create a single crochet loop in one column, then two non-crochet loops in the second column. Repeating in a circle. The result will be 15 loops.
  4. The fourth in a row. We tie on the 1st loop in next couple  posts. After that, two loops without crochet in each next column. On such a system, we finish the strip, getting 20 loops.
  5. Fifth row We make through the initial three columns on the 1st loop without nakida. In the 4th we knit two loops. Finish the chain of loops.

The binding of subsequent strips depends on the volume of the baby’s head:

  • up to three months: 6-12 chains are knitted one loop without crochet, which are knitted in each of the posts;
  • from three months to six months: the 6th strip - one loop without nakida is knitted in the next 4 columns, two loops b / nakida - in the 5th column, we repeat; From 7th to 15th pigtails - knit one loop at a time, knitting in columns;
  • age from six months to one year (1.5 years): the seventh line of loops - in the first five columns we knit one b / nakida each, in the sixth column - two loops (we complete the looped chain); 8th-19th lines - through previously bound posts, one loop each.

Ears for a bear-cap are made as follows:

  • the initial strip - the first loop hook (air), 10 b / nakida, one air, turn;
  • the second row - through each column nine times to knit one loop, we repeat;
  • the third chain - eight times knit on one loop through the columns and unfold;
  • the fourth line of loops - seven times one through each column, we repeat;
  • 5,6,7 strips - we knit 6, 5, 4 times in each column;
  • the eighth chain - we make three loops without a nakida and finish making the ear for a bear cub.

We knit the second eye in an identical pattern. We take a needle, we carry out basting on the auricle. We bind both ears and sew to the cap. Ties for a headdress we do, using a pair of ribbons connected by air loops, we attach them to the cap. If you want, make eyes and nose, taking bright buttons. Let your baby be stylish and fun, regardless of weather conditions.

Summer panama with flowers

Want to know how? It is easy to please the younger sister or daughter with a bright and beautiful new clothes: tie a cute panama for the baby. Crochet summer hat for a girl will not require much time and deep knowledge in the field of knitting. We prepare threads from organic cotton (100 g, 50 g each in different colors), hook # 2. Carefully focus on the scheme and proceed to the process of mating headgear. Stripes of different colors alternate or arrange as shown in the photo next to the diagram. We make several flowers for decoration.

Cap for boy

To tie a hat to a male child is no less pleasant. Boys also love to look good, and bright colors in clothes only improve the mood of the karapuz. For a knitted cap, we take 100 g of multi-colored yarn, focusing on the child's favorite colors, and hook No. 2. Looking at the tips in the scheme, we knit a hat:

  • a circle of necessary sizes (diameter of a child’s head);
  • then do 5 lines of loops without additions and additions;
  • the cap for the kepi is also created according to the pattern, with a uniform decrease of the loops on each of the two sides;
  • if over time, the product will stretch, then on its edge, insert an elastic band to match the color of the cap.

Openwork beret for teenage girl

Knitted hats  for girls are appropriate in almost any style and in every season. Pamper a young fashionista with an extraordinary, charming headdress. Be sure that even a capricious teenage girl will be delighted with an unusual gift made by the hands of a mother or grandmother, elder sister, godmother. Special jewelry and lace will make the thing stylish. For work, we purchase 50 g of yarn consisting of viscose and cotton (the colors of threads — on request) and hooks No. 1.4. Looking at the scheme, we change the thread colors in turn:

  • from the 1st to the 6th, from the 8th to the 11th, 14-17th, 20-22 strips - one of the selected colors, and the 7th, from 12th to the 13th, 18-19 lines - second color;
  • 18 and 19 stripes knotted with crochets, tying together 8-9 columns;
  • 20 loop chain - mesh of CCH and VP;
  • We make rows 21-22 of a single crochet (sc), reducing the bars to the required size;
  • openwork beret ready.

For originality, decorate the headpiece with a juicy satin ribbon, butterflies, flowers made of threads, sequins, beads, or any other accessories. The girls love everything bright and stylish, because such a hat model will have to go to the courtyard and the yoke, and the modest girl, having eclipsed other headdresses and turned into a favorite part of the dress.

Video tutorials for beginners knitting crochet caps

If you really want to learn how to knit with a hook, not knitting needles, you can help you with useful videos as free lessons. After reviewing interesting videos, you will understand the rules - how to crochet for beginners. In the proposed entries you will find detailed instructions  making a deep cap-pipe (stocking), and still see how the winter hat-scarf fit, how to make a cap or cap for a newborn. A simple but fashionable headdress for a man will come out stylish: try it - and you will definitely succeed.

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