Oriental dances are good for the figure. Oriental dance lessons: reveal natural femininity and sexuality. Oriental dance myths

A real oriental dance is a truly bewitching sight! It seems that you can look at this beauty without stopping. The famous Indian films, where the characters danced, gained immense popularity immediately after their release. Talented oriental dancers don't just move beautifully, they live, breathe, express their emotions, tell stories ...

Watching this magical action, many dream of learning how to dance as gracefully and gracefully. If you are not an exception, then it will be curious to know about the most important aspects of oriental dance classes, which will help you to correctly navigate in choosing a studio and a teacher.

Oriental dance myths

Some believe that only the owner of a slender figure can practice dancing. Belly dancers with very curvaceous forms do not tire of debunking this myth. If excess weight stops you, then cast aside doubts - this is just the case when a plump woman will look extremely harmonious.

The second myth concerns age. A lot of women give up their dream of mastering the art of dancing just because they consider themselves elderly. In the case of oriental dances, this is not only not a hindrance, but it can also be an important advantage for you. This is due to the fact that it is often older and experienced dancers who demonstrate a higher level of skill. There are many among them who have stepped over a very solid line.

If you do not have serious contraindications for health reasons, dream of dancing and shining in your circle, oriental dances are open for you.

Why are oriental dances useful?

Soon after the start of oriental dance classes, women realize that they have begun to feel better.

First, regular exercise is beneficial. Here it is important to strictly follow the instructions of the teacher and carefully listen to the reaction of the body. Do not give in to temptation and strive to master all the wisdom in the initial classes.

If you feel tired, be sure to pause and rest. The increase in the load should be carried out gradually, in accordance with your health condition and physical capabilities. To effectively tune the body to physical activity, a professional teacher will offer warm-up and stretching.

Can't perform complex movements? A competent teacher will offer simpler alternatives. Over time, the body will get used to moving in a certain rhythm, and you will not need to make much effort to demonstrate the dance steps.

Secondly, you are in high spirits. As you begin to engage with your body, you will feel how it responds gratefully to your efforts. You will better realize your beauty and uniqueness, increase your self-esteem, and, possibly, get rid of many complexes that interfere with your life. It is known that dance has psychotherapeutic properties. With its help, you can, for example, get rid of stress, fear, anxiety.

Thirdly, by learning to dance, you will understand that life has become brighter and more interesting. Now you can express yourself not only in your usual ways, but also through body language, movements and gestures. Through dance, you have the opportunity to communicate with people, tell stories, tell literally everything that worries you. It often happens that classes in a dance studio psychologically help people get out of the most difficult situations in life, teach them to look at the world with burning eyes again.

Having a hard time coming to a dance studio after a busy day at the office? If you do not suffer from serious illnesses, then several times you bust fatigue, feel a surge of strength and vivacity. The body itself will feel the need for regular physical activity.

Often, a woman who starts attending dance classes suddenly blossoms before our eyes, causing the admiration of others. What is the secret after all?

From the point of view of medicine, this can be explained in an elementary way. Dance movements increase blood flow. The pelvic region is most actively involved during oriental dances, causing active blood circulation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe female reproductive system and intestinal region. All metabolic processes are enhanced. The condition of the skin, nails and hair, which is responsible for the lion's share of female beauty, depends on this.

In addition, dancing straightens posture, and, consequently, the state of such an important organ of the human body as the spine. He gains greater flexibility and joint mobility. And this, mind you, in our time, when a huge number of people are seriously suffering from osteochondrosis!

And that's not all - oriental dances perfectly train the cardiovascular system. Do you suffer from headaches, dizziness, vegetative-vascular dystonia? Check with your doctor, he may recommend dancing.

If you suffer from chronic diseases of the skeletal system, joints, etc., this does not mean that dancing is contraindicated. The doctor will select sparing options for physical activity.

The important question regarding the possibility of becoming slimmer worries many. Oriental dancing can be one of the factors of weight loss in conjunction with proper nutrition, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise. And even if the fight against excess weight is delayed (in this matter, everything is very individual), the body will become more fit.

Tatiana came to a dance studio with the aim of losing weight, and then she got so carried away that she became a professional belly dancer. What about losing weight? She realized that this problem existed only in her own imagination. And she rediscovered herself - and fell in love with this real beauty! Now, at the age of "well over thirty" Tatiana is a soloist of a popular dance group. She has a lot of fans who come to the performances only to contemplate their favorite in the rhythm of magical movements.

Choosing a studio and teacher

Now there is an opportunity to purchase various video courses of oriental dances. But you should not think that you can perfectly master the art of dance using only them. They, of course, will help, but subject to regular classes with a teacher. Only a specialist will be able to put you movements and control the correctness of their implementation. In addition, a professional will be able to competently convey the amazing atmosphere of this art, tell a lot about the culture and spirituality of oriental dances.

If your goal is to learn how to dance for your own pleasure and a narrow circle of family and friends, you can choose the hall closest to you. Take a trial lesson, see the people and the atmosphere. If you like everything, start classes.

If you have certain ambitions and plans related to oriental dances, consider the choice more carefully. Find videos on the Internet with dances of different teachers and their students, thematic sites. Check out feedback on forums and social media. It makes sense to chat with friends who visit a dance studio.

After choosing a teacher, go to a trial lesson. Chat in person. Share your class expectations. Listen to what will be offered to you. And only then make your choice.

It is not surprising that there are men among the teachers of oriental dance. Do not be prejudiced about this: they know their business as well as women. And some of them are very successful in their own dance career.

Thus, if your dream is to learn how to perform oriental dances, cast aside unnecessary doubts and start practicing. There are no doubt many interesting discoveries awaiting you. Remember: every realized dream makes a person happier!

Added: 07/30/2013

Due to the growing popularity of belly dancing, you need to know some important contraindications. First of all, consult your doctor before exercising. Although he does not know the intricacies of belly dancing, he will still take into account all your diseases and how physical activity will affect your well-being. Some teachers require a health certificate from their students in order not to assume a lot of responsibility.

Here are the main contraindications for belly dancing classes:

- flat feet;

- intervertebral hernia, or if you have a displacement of the vertebrae, but here you need to be guided by a specific case, sometimes, thanks to classes, they are adjusted. Be sure to listen to your body, if at the end of classes you have pain in the back, immediately visit a doctor;

- ovarian disease, hypertension, tumor, acute cholecystitis, fibroids, intrauterine tubes, cyst, exacerbation of stomach ulcers, as well as liver disease;

- varicose veins, heart disease;

- aggravated and obstructive bronchitis;

- pregnancy, etc.

Various shaking is contraindicated for children, from the age of five you can start making waves. From the age of eight, it is allowed to do punches, light shaking and eights.

I would especially like to note the contraindication to belly dancing by pregnant women. Some experts recommend attending classes for the first few months, but some of them say not. If you do this, you put yourself and your child at unnecessary risk. Before pregnancy, belly dancing strengthens your body and prepares you for pregnancy, but after conception it is better to stop doing it. Now there are many belly dancing lessons for pregnant women, but in advance, weigh all the arguments in favor of these activities, is it worth the risk.

It is known that oriental dances have many advantages, and they help to get rid of many problems. Also, belly dancing is surprisingly conducive to pregnancy. Here is a list of diseases that dance will help get rid of:

- erosion (dance movements contribute to the contraction of the vaginal muscles and a cure may occur);

- gastritis;

- the initial stages of scoliosis;

- not exacerbated inflammatory processes;

- adhesive disease;

- prolapse of the uterus, etc.

A few more recommendations, the implementation of which will benefit you. It is undesirable to practice barefoot, it is better to do it in Czech shoes and watch your posture. Curvature of the spine or scoliosis is common in women. Oriental dances will help improve the situation. In order for this to happen, try to watch your back during all exercises - do not slouch. For correct posture, take your shoulders back, push your chest forward and tighten your buttocks, try not to bend your lower back too much. Take care of your health!

The ideas of different people about oriental dance do not always coincide. But the majority immediately recalls film shots, mistakenly believing that there is nothing complicated in this dance.

Sometimes women see the performance of dancers in a restaurant or while traveling to the countries of the East and begin to think about how to learn how to move in the same way. And only a small part decides and comes to the dance studio to understand this art form. They are the ones who get a relatively correct idea of \u200b\u200bthe dance.

If you have long dreamed of becoming one of them, but something confuses you, the site offers to read about the pros and cons of oriental dance classes, as well as how to choose the right studio and teacher.

Why are oriental dances suitable for most women?

Many of us believe that a dancer must be slim. This myth can be debunked primarily by belly dancers. Even among professionals, there are many curvy women who perform regularly and are in great demand. Therefore, if excess weight bothers you, remember that in oriental dance you will look quite harmonious.

The same goes for age. It is a myth that an oriental dancer must be young. Among the women who are engaged in dance studios, there are many who have reached retirement age, and some of them are making progress and even taking the stage.

If you want to dance and your health condition allows it, nothing should confuse you.

What is the use of oriental dances

Any moderate physical activity is only beneficial. If you regularly attend classes, carefully follow the instructions of the teacher and know when to stop in everything - that is, listen to your body and not overstrain - then in a few weeks you will feel an improvement in well-being, and your endurance will increase. And most importantly, from the very first days of classes, you will receive a charge of vivacity and a good mood.

Don't have the strength to come to the gym after a working day? Scientists have proved that those who have overcome their fatigue and laziness come to workouts in the evening, their efficiency increases. After a while, you will need to exercise regularly.

So what are the health benefits of oriental dance? And why do women who start doing it seem to blossom?

It's simple. Dancing movements help accelerate blood circulation throughout the body, especially in the pelvic area, thereby having a beneficial effect on the organs of the female reproductive system and the intestines. The metabolism is stimulated, and the condition of the skin, hair, nails depends on it - what is so important for any woman. In addition, posture is corrected, joint flexibility is increased, and the cardiovascular system is trained.

Can dancing be harmful to health?

Any physical activity can be harmful to health if you do the exercises incorrectly or come to classes during illness.

Therefore, if you are sick, you have serious problems with the spine, chronic diseases, inflammation of internal organs, and so on, a doctor should choose a physical activity based on your capabilities.

Is it possible to lose weight by doing belly dancing?

Like any physical activity, oriental dances contribute to weight loss, but only on condition that you eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle and do not skip workouts.

Even if you do not lose all those extra pounds, your figure will definitely become more toned.

Oriental dance: truth and myths

How to choose a studio and teacher

Many people believe that you can learn oriental dance at home from video. This is not true. Video tutorials, of course, will help you, but only in conjunction with classes with a specialist. The correctness of the execution of the movements can only be controlled by the teacher, on whom a lot depends.

If you do not set yourself a goal to go on stage, then you can go to study at any nearest studio. Take a trial lesson, and if you like the environment, take a subscription - it's cheaper than paying for each lesson separately.

If you have far-reaching plans, then before making a choice, watch on the Internet a video of how a particular teacher dances, how his students dance, read reviews on the forums, find out where those you like teach, attend classes and do choice.

By the way, there are men among the teachers of oriental dance, and they dance and teach no worse, and sometimes even better than women.

So if you dream of learning to dance, drop all prejudices, do not be afraid of anything and try. And if you are still in doubt, read what the professionals say.

Belly dance: expert comments

Andrey Turkin (Ratkhan), professional dancer and teacher of Bellydance and Trible, head of the BELLYWOOD studio:

Oriental dance: truth and myths

“For 10 years of my teaching, women from school to retirement age have come to my lessons with completely different complexions. Some of them not only perform today, but are already teaching dance to their students. Therefore, age and weight do not matter.

A competent teacher must necessarily take into account your capabilities - that is, do not require you to do what you cannot do physically, or what is contraindicated for you. For example, I try to offer my students alternative, simpler exercises and movements if they cannot perform one or another element of the dance.

However, if you are going to the ballroom, then you yourself must take into account the state of your health, and ideally, consult a doctor first. Don't overdo it and overestimate yourself, especially if you're a beginner. If you are tired, take a break! It is necessary to increase the load gradually, which is why warm-up and

Many people know that dancing is good for health. Doctors also confirm this, but with a caveat: if there are no serious contraindications. There is a whole area of \u200b\u200bhealing with the help of dance - dance therapy. After all, any of its types refers to physical activity, which, undoubtedly, is the main component of a healthy lifestyle, has a useful, healing effect on the body.

During the dance movements, the muscular system, heart, lungs are trained, and the blood is enriched with oxygen. In addition, the body actively produces the hormone of happiness endorphin, which contributes to a good mood for a long time.

How do por de bra dances and oriental dances affect the body, the benefits and harms to health, what are they? Let's talk about this in more detail. Let us dwell separately on the methods that will help enhance the effect of classes:

Dancing por de bra - health benefits and harms

In general, Port de bras translates as “hand and body movements”. It is a relatively new direction of fitness, which includes elements of choreography.

More precisely, this is a combination of strength training, stretching exercises, classical cardio, Pilates with dance "steps". In addition, directly, physical training of the whole body, Por de Bra exercises teach you to move smoothly and harmoniously. This direction was developed by the Russian choreographer Vladimir Snezhik.

It is very convenient that this type of fitness does not require prior choreographic knowledge or special physical training. There is a set of dance exercises for different levels of body fitness. Therefore, everyone can do it.

What are the benefits of dancing for women?

The main effect of training, which is important for many, is rapid, active weight loss. Since the exercises do not involve jumping elements, the movements performed are smooth, and most of the deep muscles are involved.

For one lesson, about 450 kcal is spent, so after a month of training you will noticeably lose weight, by about 2-3 kg, and get the first skills to control your own body. Regular exercises in this type of dance will improve posture, coordination of movements, make the body flexible, correct the figure: the waist and hips are noticeably reduced.

Therefore, for overweight people, pore de bra dancing is an excellent opportunity to quickly reduce weight without overloading the cardiovascular system.

In addition, due to gentle training (vibration) of blood vessels, the exercises will gradually get rid of cellulite. Exercising your lungs will help you learn how to control your own breathing and relax during the dance movements you perform.

Of course, during dance classes, mood improves, irritation goes away, and the general psycho-emotional background improves.

Is there any harm?

Immediately, we note that everyone can do it, even people with spinal disorders. If the person has experienced minor trauma, exercise can help them recover faster. However, serious injuries and pathologies of the skeletal system, in particular, the spine, are a limitation for training. In any case, the decision on the possibility of dealing with Port de Bras must be made in conjunction with the attending physician.

If you want to get serious about this type of dance, it is best to practice in a group with a coach. You can also train yourself, but getting a real, high-quality video with exercises is quite difficult, you can run into a useless fake. However, for the training to be effective, you need to master the correct exercise technique. Therefore, look for recordings of master classes by the developer himself - Vladimir Snezhik.

Belly dance - health benefits and harms

The popularity of oriental dances is growing all over the world. They are not only extremely beautiful, graceful, feminine and erotic. They are known to be very beneficial for women's health and beauty. Many of them have an important element - belly dancing. Just like aerobics, shaping, oriental dances help to reduce weight, contribute to the formation of a proportional, flexible, beautiful body.

What are the health benefits?

Regular exercise can help eliminate excess body fat. Training the muscles of the body improves the shape of the buttocks, tightens them, makes them elastic. During training, the pelvic muscles are strengthened, posture improves. In addition, a pronounced therapeutic effect arises: muscles, all parts of the spine are trained, which makes painful sensations in the back, lower back, neck and shoulders disappear.

Women practicing oriental dances are distinguished by a regal bearing. They always have a proudly raised head, beautiful high chest, thin waist, seductive movable hips. The back is straightened, the gait is smooth, light and free, as well as elastic skin and a healthy complexion.

Belly dance improves coordination of movements, actively trains the muscular system, including the internal muscles of the abdomen, perineum, pelvis, lower and upper diaphragm, which are important for maintaining women's health. It helps to improve reproductive health, prepares the body for childbirth, and also helps to recover faster after childbirth.

In addition, during the dance, the effect of "internal" massage occurs: the work of the diaphragm, shaking, stretching stimulate the work of internal organs, including the intestines. Therefore, after training, there is a feeling of lightness, cheerfulness, an influx of energy. Since during movements the body actively produces endorphins, the mood improves, the general tone rises.

Will oriental dancing be harmful?

Unfortunately, not everyone can practice oriental dances. There are contraindications for exercising. In particular, classes can harm a woman's health with varicose veins, angina pectoris, heart defects.

You can not practice in the presence of peptic ulcer disease, significant pathologies of the spine, for example, severe spinal hernia.

Oriental dances are contraindicated for such diseases: fibroids, inflammatory, tumor and purulent processes, ovarian diseases. You can not train with exacerbation of bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis.

In general, a complete ban on oriental dances is rare. But in any case, it is better to consult a doctor before starting a visit to a dance group. Perhaps he will recommend a less agile variety, such as Por de Bras.

How to speed up the process of losing weight and healing?

Here cleansing of the body and proper, balanced nutrition will help us. Let's talk about this in more detail:


The intestine performs not only a cleansing function, it is responsible for the normal functioning of the entire immune system. Therefore, it is very important for health that it functions well. This is facilitated by deep cleansing, which always begins with an enema.

For effective cleansing, you can use a variety of folk recipes. The mildest effect has an infusion of oats:

Grind the oatmeal using a coffee grinder. In the morning, pour 1 tbsp. l. ground grains 200 ml. boiling water. Close the dishes with a lid, leave until evening. Before going to bed, make an enema with a strained infusion. It is recommended to carry out 10 treatments every night.

Use a juicer to juice equal amounts of carrots and spinach. Drink a glass three times a day.

Melted water will help to get rid of constipation, improve digestion, improve overall health. In the morning, on an empty stomach, drink half a glass (you can find out on the website).

Cleansing the liver

The normal functioning of this organ directly affects the overall well-being. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically carry out procedures to cleanse it. There are many folk remedies used for this purpose, some cannot be carried out without medical supervision.

The safest, but no less effective remedy is to cleanse medicinal herbs:

Mix together 2 tbsp. l. dried plants: plantain, mint, nettle, wormwood, immortelle herb, celandine and yarrow. Add the same amount of chicory, chopped rose hips and. Mix everything well. Now you need to fill in 4 tbsp. l. mixture with half a liter of boiling water for 3 hours. It is better to use a thermos for cooking. Drink the filtered infusion little by little throughout the day. The cleaning process takes place within a month.

Vegetable oil has a good cleansing effect: before bedtime, on an empty stomach, drink 1 tbsp. l. quality not refined.

Remember that any body cleansing can be carried out in the absence of chronic or acute diseases of these organs. If any, you should consult your doctor.

Proper nutrition

To enhance the effect of dancing, in particular, to speed up the process of weight loss and the formation of a beautiful figure, experts recommend reducing the consumption of high-calorie foods, fats, carbohydrates.

Moreover, it will not be difficult to maintain such a diet if you attend classes of por de bra or. After all, training is great, so there is no need to improve your mood with the help of another portion of sweets.

Products that cleanse the body

To cleanse from toxins, eliminate body fat, include vegetables, fruits and cereals boiled in water in the diet. Substitute your traditional morning coffee. Drink during the day, and drink a fresh fermented milk drink before bed.

To get rid of hunger, cleanse the body of toxins, bran will help. Just add 1 tsp. bran to the evening portion of kefir. If you do this regularly, excess weight will soon go away, the condition of the liver, gallbladder, stomach and intestines will improve.

Increase your intake of foods that contain fiber, including fresh fruits and vegetables. If you want to eat, and it's still a long way to lunch, you can afford to have an apple snack or eat.

When composing your daily diet, remember that artichokes, olive oil, fresh parsley leaves, apples, tomatoes, and cucumbers improve liver function. Sorrel, oranges, rosemary and improve the condition. Well, nettle, dandelion (roots and leaves), onions, garlic will help cleanse the blood, improve its quality.

And one more thing: quit smoking, reduce alcohol consumption to a minimum, even the lightest. This is very important, since bad habits greatly undermine health and no amount of dancing will help fix it. And simply, if you smoke, you are unlikely to be able to actively train. Try to drink less carbonated water.

Remember that maintaining a healthy lifestyle, observing a work and rest routine, eating healthy food, cleaning the body and maintaining its physical activity should not be from time to time, but throughout life.

So, dance, lose weight, shape and shape, but do not forget about a healthy lifestyle. So, in the aggregate, you will very soon lose those extra pounds, improve your physical and mental health. Be healthy!

Svetlana, www.site

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It is very exciting to watch belly dancing. They are becoming more and more popular not only in their homeland, but also in many parts of the world. Belly dance differs from other dance styles in that it is based on movements that are natural for the female body: swaying the hips, lifting the chest, active work of the abdominal muscles, etc. In addition to the indescribable aesthetics, belly dance has beneficial properties for human health. Let's talk about some of them.

Many people are surprised to learn that this type of dance involves more than just the abdominal muscles. But this is so: almost the whole body participates in the dance, which brings him considerable benefit. In addition to the abdomen, the quadriceps femoris, hamstrings and gluteal muscles are especially active. Although the lower body moves more during the dance, the force on the knees and ankles is minimal. The emphasis here is not on the legs and feet, as in most other dance styles, but on the joints.

Belly dancers use their torso much more than ballet dancers, hip-hop dancers, or tap dancers. Only the jazz style is close to oriental dances in terms of intensity and type of movement. Belly dancers have a good sense of balance, feel better about their bodies and have less joint problems. During belly dancing, provided that all movements are done correctly, the risk of injury is minimal. The benefits of this dance can be enjoyed by both women and men of all ages.

Improving posture and toning muscles

The human spine contains more bones, cartilage and ligaments than any other part of the body. Every movement of the trunk depends on the health of the spine. Muscle groups attached to the vertebrae and ligaments create movement in both the vertebral and pelvic regions of the trunk. Belly dancing tones and develops these muscles well, improves joint flexibility and is the safest for the spine.

Frequent movements of the hips, abdomen, and entire body can help produce synovial fluid, a natural lubricant for joints. When done correctly, the movements help prevent lower back problems. These dances reduce the strain on the back by counteracting the constant compression of the spinal discs that occurs due to sitting and sedentary lifestyles.

Muscle toning improves posture and prevents back pain, especially for those with lordosis. The hip muscles are also well strengthened, which increases the flexibility of the hip, improves balance when walking. Belly dancing also actively involves the arms and shoulders, which perfectly tones the muscles of these parts of the body.

Because dancers do most of their movements while standing, they do many exercises called "weight-bearing" exercises in which tendons and muscles are stretched over the bones. This stimulates bone cells to produce more bone, which helps prevent osteoporosis and strengthen bones.

According to Western studies, belly dancing can burn up to 300 calories per hour. The exact figure will depend on the intensity and correct execution of all movements. When combined with a healthy diet, oriental dance can be a very effective part of any weight loss program.

But more often than not, dance classes in a group with an instructor are held once or twice a week. It is helpful to focus on stretching, aerobics, cycling, and swimming between sessions to boost the effects of your diet and improve cardiovascular function. Then the slimming of the body will become more noticeable, and dance exercises will be given much easier.

And another bonus from belly dancing in the matter of losing weight is their beneficial effect on digestion. The active work of the muscles of the abdominal region, swaying and turning the torso in different directions, helps food move well along the digestive system.

The benefits of dancing in preparation for childbirth

Belly dancing features a range of exercises that strengthen the muscles actively used during childbirth. Usually, in courses for expectant mothers, they teach to train the abdominal and pelvic muscle groups so that childbirth is less painful and more successful.

It is no less useful to continue exercising after childbirth in order to quickly restore shape and reduce unwanted consequences. However, it is important for expectant mothers and women who have recently given birth to perform dance exercises gently and smoothly, under the supervision of experienced instructors, in order to avoid injury.

One way or another, any kind of dance helps fight stress. But with its smooth, repetitive movements, belly dancing is soothing and one of the best things to do for relieving stress. It is important to take into account that during a stressful period, the body is often pinched, muscle cramps occur in the neck, shoulders or back. At the same time, lactic acid accumulates, the blood flow to the affected muscles decreases, which causes pain in them.

Belly dancing is great for relaxing and at the same time stretching the muscles, stimulating an improvement in blood flow, which washes away excess lactic acid. By relaxing, the muscles become more obedient and the body supple and supple. The back and neck hurt less. In addition, belly dancing is very cheerful and fun. They allow a person to unleash his creative potential, tune in to natural body movements. With these activities, you can have a great time and forget about everyday troubles.

Rehabilitation after trauma

Often, doctors recommend doing belly dancing as rehabilitation for those whose body has been injured. However, without the advice and advice of the attending physician, it is impossible to engage in any kind of physical exercise after an injury. This is especially true for people over 40 years old, with health problems and pregnant women. In order to avoid pain and new injuries, it is important to warm up the muscles with a simple warm-up with stretching elements. In order not to harm your body, learn to listen to it, calculating its strengths and weaknesses.

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