The better snack between main meals. The best snack for weight loss

Eating right means not only watching you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, but also think carefully about all the snacks! And remember that snacking on proper nutrition is as important as any other meal.

Pp-snack - whether and why

And why is it needed, ask beginner pp-shnik.

This is also extra calories, and in general - think, prepare something there ...

There would have to deal with breakfast lunches, dinners.

And if there is also work in the office, then definitely not to snacking.

I will upset someone now, but I will please someone (who is like me - loves to eat) - snacks on proper nutrition are essential!

The meaning is as follows:

  • they warn of constant hunger and stress mode, when the body goes into the regime “on the nose, black times, we stock up with fat”;
  • snacking on pp provokes an acceleration of metabolism;
  • gives extra energy throughout the day;
  • eliminates night blights, because all day you have not experienced a lack of food;
  • allows you to easily gain the necessary, which, as we know, is very problematic when playing sports and building muscle.

What should it be

So, I think, the importance of snacking with proper nutrition is clear, let's move on to more specific things - how it should look.

Proper snacking is an additional meal between the main ones.

Snacks with proper nutrition in the standard menu - between breakfast and lunch (lunch) and between lunch and dinner (afternoon tea).

If you are a “crazy bird of a lark” (like me), then another one is allowed - an evening snack. That is 2-3.

They should be:

  • less breakfast, lunch and dinner, and in terms of volume and calorie count;
  • consist, like any other food, only from healthy natural products;
  • ideally fit into any diet and mode - between any meals should be at least 2-2.5 hours.

Sometimes it may seem that the time for a snack has already come - often after half an hour I want to eat something after half an hour. But this is not hunger! Most likely it’s just thirst or you have a late lunch and the time for a natural hormonal jump (I promise you a separate full article very soon) when it just seems like you are hungry. By the way, in more detail about the difference in appetite and hunger, and on products that pacify the appetite.

It can be any fruit, vegetables, protein, carbohydrates, fats. But there are small tricks, especially if it is snacking on proper nutrition for weight loss. Remember:

  • for lunch you can just carbohydrates, carbohydrates and fats, carbohydrates and protein;
  • the second snack, at midday, is only protein, maybe with a small amount of fat.

At night or even at night, if “Uncle Jora” suddenly caught up with you, you can only skim protein in any form: cottage cheese with fat content less than 5%, egg white, boiled kogorudy or lean fishveal

Options for pp-snack

Now in more detail, on examples, that it is possible to have a snack with proper nutrition.

Before lunch, snacking options with proper nutrition,  may look like this:

  • a pair of fruits (apples, tangerines, even bananas, if you do not lose weight);
  •   with any filling;
  • a pair or;
  • a portion of any smoothie;
  • small pita bread stuffed, etc.

You can add a cup of herbal tea, tea without sugar.

In the afternoon, that is, after lunch, nn recipes snacking  slightly different, more proteinaceous:

  • portion;
  • 2-3 with a small portion of fresh vegetable salad;
  • some pp-shny cottage cheese dessert, for example
  • in extreme cases - a portion.

After lunch, you often want something sweetie - have a protein snack with cottage cheese dessert with the addition of bitter chocolate, so you can warn of a possible breakdown.

What is forbidden for pp-snack

Correct snack with the PP excludes any harmful products, that is, everything is simple.

Also, do not get involved in carbohydrates - snacks should be something easier, not as hearty as porridge.

The calorie snack should be under attention, ideally less than the caloric content of the main meal, or at least the same. But no more! If you want to eat more during lunch or an afternoon snack, review the breakfast and lunch portions - maybe they are not enough.

Here are a few secrets from those who have been in paras for a long time:

  1. if you work, you should have snacks so that the latter is as close as possible to the end of the working day - so you are unlikely to eat at dinner;
  2. each snack should be planned in advance, so as not to go over the calories and not to intercept something forbidden;
  3. add fiber to the first snack - it nourishes well;
  4. if suddenly you find yourself far from your sudochkas and trays, but the principles of nn are important to you, you can almost always buy an apple, kefir, a banana - quite enough for a couple of hours.

I will share a short video, which describes the features of pp-snack, as well as gives good examples of snacks on pp-recipes, sandwiches, etc .:

A long time ago, someone said that snacking between main meals contributed to the recruitment overweight. Since then, many have abandoned small meals, which were stung by the feeling of hunger, suddenly surging at the most unpredictable moment.

Everything is good, but only a lot of years have passed, when suddenly nutritionists from the whole world unanimously declare that snacking is helpful and helps to maintain a stable weight and even lose weight. Who is right and who is not, still needs to be sorted out and it may be many more years before we learn a new truth.

But now is not about that. Suppose you are going on a long journey, and where and what you will eat during your travels you do not know. Catering places you either can not afford, or you do not know about their existence and location, and even if you get to them, then only a couple of times a day. And how to eat the rest of the time? Well, if you do not care about your body and can eat everything your heart desires. And if not? So, snacks we can not avoid, so let's make them useful.

Snacks are helpful

Fortunately, many slimming and not only frequent snacks are not only harmless, but also useful. Of course, snacks should not be anyhow, but quite definite. As it turned out, frequent consumption of food helps the body, which helps our body to constantly work and absorb nutrients in a timely manner and in the required amount.

Eating 5-6 times a day, you constantly feed your body with the energy that it needs. This allows you not to overeat at main meals and control your appetite. However, not all snacks are equally useful. Snacking with sweet candies or baking you risk not only upset blood sugar levels, but also provoke your body to overeat, because sweet, as opposed to the usual understand, provokes a big appetite, and does not dull it.

Frequent meals however limit the amount of food. This means that taking meals often, you need to reduce the usual portions. The most important thing for people who are losing weight is to create a calorie deficit, and for those who maintain their weight - to maintain the caloric content of food at the proper level. Be sure to count the calories, otherwise being carried away by snacks, you can inadvertently go over with calories.

Snacking benefits

Power frequency

Many who have ever dieted are well aware of this terrible feeling of an empty stomach rumbling and sucking us from the inside. We sit in front of the refrigerator and look at the clock with horror and mentally rush the hands. We are waiting for the coveted hour when you can have lunch.

How nice that those days are gone. Now you can eat often and without remorse of conscience on full rights and grounds. There are often, always, when the feeling of hunger interferes with normal life. Hooray!

First, frequent meals help the body not to feel hunger and stress, helping it to maintain a high metabolic rate.

Secondly, it is purely psychologically easier to know that in an hour you will be able to make a light snack than with horror to understand that lunch will not be soon, and you want to eat immediately after breakfast.

Moderate appetite

Importantly, frequent meals do not allow you to get very hungry, which means that the next meal will not be as abundant as ever. The feeling of hunger diminishes and the appetite becomes moderate. Even if you eat only once a day, you will surely eat more for this meal than the body needs, which means you will get extra calories, which, as unnecessary, are utilized into body fat.

A few years ago appeared, which based its principles on the fact that different foods are not combined with each other because of their chemical properties  and is not digested in the body or digested incorrectly. In some aspects of this food there is a true meaning. For example, it is known that fruits are generally poorly combined with other products and poorly digested. The rotting and fermentation of fruits in our intestines begins, which adversely affects our well-being and the digestive tract. Everyone knows that most nutrients and trace elements are absorbed in our intestines. But few people think that our intestines as a sponge absorbs not only good, but also bad.

If you eat fruit separately from the main meal, it will have a positive effect on your well-being and will relieve from such unpleasant symptoms as constipation, diarrhea, bloating.

Deep sleep

Good deep sleep is very important for our health and even for our appearance. Turns

Everyone knows from experience that it is rather difficult to fall asleep on a full stomach, and if it turns out, then sleep does not bring satisfaction and rest. In the same way, it will be very difficult to fall asleep on an empty stomach, and the sleep will be short and disturbing, I know by myself. In general, if you overeat or undernourished - a bad dream is provided to you.

That is why snacking helps to gain healthy sound sleep. Eating often, you will not overtake for dinner with the amount of food, and also be able to afford a snack before bedtime, which does not affect your figure.

Right Snack Rules

Snack quality

In order to have a snack, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of what products it consists of. Be sure to consider the calories and, when making snacks. Snacks should not be high in calories, but they should be nutritious. This means that its basis should be protein food, fiber, slow carbohydrates. This will not affect your figure and will moderate your appetite for a long time. If you are a woman, weighing about 60 kg., Then the caloric content of your daily diet (taking into account the calorie deficit) should be about 1600-2000 calories. Divide this amount into 5-6 servings and find out that each meal, including a snack, should contain about 300 calories.

Number of snacks

If we take into account that the person’s wakefulness is on average 16 hours, then the number of snacks during this time should be 4-5 times on average plus 2-3 main meals. Do not eat too often, so you may not notice how to gain extra calories. The main thing is to keep the distance between meals for no more than 3 hours. You can start to start an alarm clock for yourself, so as not to miss the snack, and then fly like a hawk at your dinner and sweep it all in one second.

Replenish stocks

It is very important to think over your snacks in advance so that the situation does not happen that you are hungry, and in your refrigerator there is nothing but smoked sausage and a piece of cake. Be sure to buy useful products for the future, you can schedule a snack and what it will consist of. Make sure that your refrigerator always has fresh fruit, cottage cheese, bread, eggs, boiled chicken meat or beef, dairy products, nuts, etc.

Wash down some snacks

Very often we confuse hunger with thirst. Therefore, always keep a bottle of water near you or take it on the road. If you feel that you want to eat something, try to drink some water. After a few minutes (15-20) you can go to a snack, if you want. In any case, drink more water, replenish the body so that its metabolic processes work without interruption.

Examples of quick and healthy snacks

Fruits and vegetables

The fastest and most convenient snack is what nature itself has created. Any fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber, which fills the stomach and swells in it, gives us a feeling of satiety. With you on the road you can take a banana, apple, pear, tomato, cucumber and much more. Also suitable dried fruit. Just do not confuse with candied fruit, only whole dried fruit. The main thing is to prepare a snack in advance and wash it so that you can have a snack anywhere. For example, I always have an apple in my purse, but this often brings me some inconvenience. At the entrance to the club will have time to say goodbye to his snack.

The nuts

Nuts are very high in calories, so be careful with them. Let nutty snack be just one of all your snacks in one day. But, despite this, the nuts are very useful. They contain omega -3, which improves lipolysis, fat metabolism in our body. The best nuts are almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts, etc. The most useful nuts are peanuts, they have the lowest amount of nutrients, especially if fried with salt and vegetable oil. All nuts in sugar or chocolate icing are also excluded.

Dairy products

Much has already been said about the benefits of milk. And about the benefits of sour milk - even more. Today, only lazy people are not noticed in the production of dairy products. And this is not in vain. Fermented milk bacteria that are contained in such products have a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract. First, they will give you a feeling of fullness, and secondly, they will eliminate possible reasons  digestive disorders, if you are out of the house and you do not have the opportunity to eat a full hot meal. However, do not overdo it with too sweet milk drinks and yogurts, with the addition of various fruit preservatives. They are high in calories and have a high glycemic index. Better choose traditional kefir or plain yogurt.


There is nothing better than eating boiled eggs on the train. Oh, this is a classic of the genre! So many pleasant and nostalgic memories. No wonder people always take boiled eggs on a long journey. First, they do not spoil for a long time. Secondly, it is very nutritious and at the same time the protein content in them is maximum with respect to other components. This means that no calorie will not go into excess fat. Boiled eggs give satiety for long hours. But do not get carried away, it is hard food for the stomach. Eat no more than 1-2 eggs per day.

Sports nutrition

Now very often in the malls you will meet the store sports nutrition. Do not rush to bypass them, even if you are not an athlete. There for you, too, there are a couple of products to have a snack with benefit and for a long time to feel satiety. On sale you can see the various and necks, which are implemented in a convenient disposable bottle. You can also buy a high protein protein bar. Ask the seller what product is right for you to have a snack, so as not to buy a weight gain product if you do not know it.

Useful and moderate should be not only snacks, but also all meals, so that your figure will delight you, no matter where and when you eat.

And for fans of chewing hunger with chewing gum, the following informative video. In the modern world, sometimes even drinking water is harmful.

Nutritionists convince all desperate to lose weight - snacks are useful, in addition, they help to maintain an optimal weight. Also, such a “fast food” is indispensable on trips, trips, at work, and study. However, the main condition is to comply with the regime and eat only healthy and nutritious foods.

Frequent fractional consumption of food allows the body to maintain a high-quality and fast metabolism, helps the gastrointestinal tract to work in correct mode, absorb nutrients in the right quantity and in a timely manner.

Eating at least 5-6 times a day, you will give the body the necessary supply of energy. This will not overeat during main meals and control your own appetite.

The advantages of eating healthy foods include:

  • Frequent and split meals  does not make sense of hunger. Many who sat on diets, "break" with the regime, as the constant feeling of an empty stomach does not focus on anything else. Frequent meals help get rid of hunger and the stress it causes. In addition, it is psychologically easier to stay on a diet, if you know that after an hour and a half you can make a light snack, and not painfully wait for lunch or dinner.
  • Moderate appetite. Snacks do not give much to get hungry, because you can do neobilnye meals, including the main. Even if you eat once a day, for this technique you will eat a lot more calories than your body needs, which means they will “go” into fat cells.
  • Good digestion. Principles became popular a few years ago. separate food. They are based on the fact that different products do not fit together due to their chemical properties. They can also be improperly absorbed by the body. For example, fruits are extremely poorly combined with any other products - they provoke the processes of rotting and fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract. This adversely affects the well-being. If you eat fruit separately from other foods, it will have a positive effect on health.
  • Deep sleep. Losing weight is well aware of how difficult it is to fall asleep with an empty stomach. However, if you go to bed immediately after a heavy meal, then sleep will not bring satisfaction and rest either. Therefore, the right snacks guarantee a healthy sleep. Eating fractional, you will not translate for dinner and can afford to eat a light product just before bedtime.

Basic rules for healthy snacks

Snacking is necessary according to certain rules. Frequent meals have not only advantages, but also the other side of the coin. It should reduce the amount of consumed portions. If you lose weight, it is important to create a calorie deficit. And if you just maintain weight, keep the calorie intake at the usual level. It is necessary to count calories in order not to go over with calorie foods.

In order for snacks to bring maximum benefit, follow these basic rules:

  1. Snack quality. To make the dish useful, you should clearly represent its composition. Be sure to consider not only the calorie snack, but also the glycemic index of foods that are included in its composition. A good snack should not be too high in calories, it should be nutritious. That is, it should be based on proteins, fiber, slow carbohydrates. It will not harm the figure and saturate it for a long time. For example, for women with an average weight of 60 kilograms, the amount of calories consumed daily should be about two thousand. Dividing this number into 5-6 meals, you get the average calorie content of each snack.
  2. Number of snacks. Average wakefulness healthy person  is about 16 hours. The number of meals during this time should be 2-3 times and 4-5 additional snacks. Do not eat too often, otherwise you can “get carried away” and eat more calories than you should. The optimal distance between meals - no more than three hours. To get used to eat so much, you can even set the alarm at first.
  3. Think of the menu in advance. It is important to know in advance what you will eat during the day, so that it does not turn out that you are hungry, and there is nothing useful in the refrigerator that could be used as a snack. Be sure to buy "healthy" products for future use. You can even make a schedule for yourself, what and when you eat. You should always have fresh fruit, bran bread, eggs, boiled chicken and beef, dairy products, nuts and so on.
  4. Drink enough water. Often the feeling of thirst can be confused with hunger. Therefore, regularly keep a bottle of water with you or take it on the road. If you suddenly feel hungry, try to drink, perhaps the feeling will pass. After 20 minutes you can have a snack if you want. In any case, use as much fluid as possible so that the metabolic processes run smoothly.
  5. Breakfast should be 30 minutes after waking up.. Blood sugar levels will also increase vitality. The perfect morning meal is porridge. It will help launch metabolic processes and the digestive system. To avoid monotony, mix: one breakfast with porridge, the second - scrambled eggs with toast. As a morning snack, you can use fruit. They are nutritious and have many antioxidants in the composition.
  6. Lunch should be five hours after breakfast. Loading the stomach too much is not necessary - you can eat salad and something protein. As a snack you can eat something nutritious - nuts, yogurt, cottage cheese.
  7. Dinner three hours after the last snack. The menu should be foods rich in carbohydrates, fiber and protein. The last snack before bedtime may be a fermented milk product, fruit.

What can be a snack with proper nutrition

Healthy snacks can include light carbohydrates only if there is no more than one to one and a half hours until the main meal. In this case, the drop in blood glucose does not have time to occur and the body "will not have time" to get hungry, so you will feel a repeated feeling of hunger only before the main meal. For such a light snack, any kind of fruit, berries, smoothies, dried fruits (pre-soaked in water), a cereal-nut bar, are suitable.

If you have about two hours left before the main meal, then the basis of the snack should not be based on extremely light carbohydrates, since they can cause a rapid jump of glucose in the blood with its subsequent fall. In this case, the feeling of hunger will return quickly, and before the meal will be far away. It threatens reinforced load  on the pancreas that can lead to development diabetes  in future. The “paired” snack - protein combined with light carbohydrates will be optimal. So you will ensure a smooth release of carbohydrates in the blood. Suitable products are: any fermented milk product + fruits (berries), low-fat cheese + vegetables.

If the main meal is planned no earlier than in three hours, then it is recommended to have a bite with products based on complex carbohydrates. These can be more complex combinations. For example, whole grain bread (without yeast), vegetables, greens; hard cheese chicken breast, eggs, lean fish, vegetables; sushi rolls; cottage cheese casserole; vegetables, whole-grain cereals that do not require long-term cooking - buckwheat, flax porridge. However, various muesli is not included in this category, since they contain a lot of simple carbohydrates, sugar, and often artificial fillers.

Dark chocolate can be included in this snack. However, it should not be consumed much (more than 25 grams) and as an independent dish.

If you do not have a bite to eat, then it is recommended that you have herbal or green tea. It can be packaged, but best bought at the pharmacy chain. This drink will protect the biliary tract from stagnation and soothe “hungry” spasms.

What can not be a snack on proper nutrition for weight loss

Many are accustomed to sandwiches as a classic snack. However, the traditional for some combination of "bread + meat" is an unacceptable option. These two products are extremely hard for the stomach to digest and consume at the same time. An alternative can be wholegrain bread in combination with cottage cheese, vegetables.

Also bad snacks are:

  1. Fast Food Products. This category includes various hamburgers, sandwiches, hot dogs, shawarma, and more. However, in many fast food places you can now find a “healthy menu” - sandwiches with greens, vegetables, salads.
  2. Pies. It is especially harmful to have snacks baked from yeast dough, as it can provoke fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract and belongs to the category of light carbohydrates - a lot of calories and a quickly passing feeling of fullness.
  3. Various bars, cookies, corn sticks, snacks, chips. These "dry" foods provoke dehydration, cause dysfunction of the biliary system. This leads to a feeling of fatigue, weakness, lethargy, decreases performance.
  4. Excessive fatty foods: fatty meat, caviar, red fish varieties. This type of food can be effectively absorbed by the body only if the digestive system is active. And this is only possible during a full meal.
  5. Dry soups, vermicelli fast food  And so on. These products contain a huge amount of chemicals. There are absolutely not recommended.
  6. Pure Nuts. They are dry and have a very concentrated composition. nutrients. If you eat them as a separate dish, you can provoke stagnation of bile in the bile ducts. It is best to use them in combination with juicy vegetables, for example, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell pepper  and others.
  7. Coffee. It can not be drunk on an empty stomach and as a snack, it is categorically inappropriate because it blocks the activity of the gallbladder, disrupts the digestive process. It is recommended to drink it not earlier than half an hour after the main meal.

Right Snack Recipes

Healthy snacks play a crucial role in the process of maintaining an optimal level of glucose in the blood throughout the day. Especially helpful to eat protein snacks. In addition, it is important that they are easily and quickly prepared, as well as easily transported to any place.

Right first snack

Excellent as a morning snack curd and fruit porridge. It is low-calorie - only 160-180 kilocalories per serving. But the protein in it is quite a lot - about 14 grams. Such a supply will give you the necessary vital energy in the morning. In addition, this useful snack will not lead to the deposition of unwanted fat cells.

Cottage cheese can take any fat, depending on whether you want to lose weight or gain muscle mass. To 100-150 grams of fermented milk product add a handful of berries, for example, strawberries or blueberries. They will bring a portion of antioxidants and vitamins to your snack. If the mass seems dryish, add low-fat kefir.

Such quick meal  especially useful after exercise. The cottage cheese contains the amino acid glutamine. It will promote muscle recovery after exercise.

Correct second snack

The second snack should recuperate and feed during the day. Excellent for this purpose cope energy cereal-fruit snack. Find the ingredients to make this simple meal at any supermarket. For a snack you will need: half a cup of dried cranberries, chopped almonds, dried pumpkin seeds, a quarter cup of walnuts, the same amount of raisins.

All components should be thoroughly mixed and divided into several portions - from four to six. Such convenient snacks can be worn throughout the week to work as a second lunch.

Snack options with proper nutrition on the road

Stick to the basics proper nutrition  important even on the road. For the trip you can prepare a lot of healthy dishes. Consider several options:
  • Rolls of turkey, hummus and avocado. Turkey is a dietary variety of meat. For rolls need pieces of brisket. Also in the avocado contains a healthy vegetable oil. In general, in one serving of rolls about 100 calories and 8 grams of high-grade protein. For cooking you will need: a couple of slices of boiled turkey meat, the same avocado, one tablespoon of hummus. Cut the meat into thin plates. Grease each with hummus and put avocado on top. Roll up in the form of a roll. Snack ready.
  • High protein smoothies. This drink can be poured into a thermos or bottle and take with you on the road. It’s easy to cook: just mix all the ingredients in a blender and beat for a minute. The ingredients needed for preparation are a glass of unsweetened coconut milk, a glass of baby spinach, one banana, a couple of tablespoons of almond oil, two teaspoons of vanilla extract, a quarter cup of whey, ice to taste.
  • Roasted chickpeas. This is a great snack for those who love various snacks. But, unlike most similar products, chickpeas, fried in spices, contain little fat and a lot of protein. In addition, spices improve metabolism, are good for the heart. To prepare, we take a couple of glasses of chickpea, a tablespoon of olive oil, one and a half teaspoons of chili, as much cumin, salt to taste, a little cayenne pepper. Wash chickpeas and dry. We preheat the oven to 200 degrees, mix the components in a large container so that the whole chickpeas are covered with spices. We bake on a baking sheet, mixing chickpeas from time to time. The finished product should be ruddy and crispy.

Snacks on proper nutrition at work

In addition to the main dinner at work, it would be good to have a snack. Of course, it should be easy to prepare and as useful as possible. You can try these options:
  1. Super Protein Chocolate Seed. This delicacy is easy to prepare and has an original taste. You can cook in store and keep in the fridge, taking with you to work on portions. Ingredients: 12 dates, a quarter cup of hemp seed, chia seeds, sesame, cocoa powder, raw cocoa nibs, a half-spoon of vanilla extract, a pinch of cinnamon, sea salt to taste. Place the pitted dates in a combine and grind to a paste. Add hemp seeds, sesame, chia, cocoa, vanilla, cinnamon and salt. Thoroughly mix and pour the cocoa nibs. The resulting mass should be sticky. We form small balls out of it and freeze them in the freezer.
  2. Banana Fritters. Fritters are not only good for breakfast, they can also be taken to work as a snack. They prepare very simply. You will need a pair of eggs, one banana, a handful of wheat flour (preferably with bran). All components are thoroughly mixed and fry pancakes in a pan, greased vegetable oil.
  3. Black beans in pita bread. Such a hearty snack can be used even as a full-fledged “working” lunch. For the preparation we will need: half a cup of canned black beans, half a teaspoon of cumin, a couple of tablespoons of canned corn, a quarter of avocado, a couple of pita breads or wholegrain tortillas. Grind the avocado and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Pour a thin layer of the mixture on the pita bread and twist it into a tube.
What can be a snack - look at the video

Proper snacking is an essential part of a healthy diet. If you want to lose weight or gain muscle mass, be sure to have snacks rich in protein and "slow" carbohydrates. They will provide energy, will normalize blood glucose levels and will not be deposited in the form of fat cells.

Speaking of proper nutrition, we mean not just eating healthy foods, but also nutrition. in small portionsevery 2-3 hours. Accordingly, the daily ration will consist not only of breakfast, dinner, dinner, but also to accommodate between small snacks. Our task is to make these snacks useful for our body. Proper snack should not be performed on the run, it should be regarded as a full meal.

What is so important snack

There are many and large portions harmful to the body. When a person eats 3 times a day and at the same time overeat very much, the metabolism can slow down. Food that enters the body is very slow and poorly digested. A person thinks that he enriches his body with vitamins, and as a result only harms him.
  It is much easier for the body to process food that comes to the body gradually. For example, it is advisable to eat about six times a day, but in small portions.
  With six meals a day, the volume of food decreases, the stomach does not stretch.
  Here is a simple example. The man came home from work hungry. In the morning I did not eat anything and did not have time to have lunch. He eats a large portion of food, and the body lays a certain amount of fat in reserve. And then a person is perplexed and indignant whence where does the side at all on his waist, saggy belly, because I only eat once a day.

With healthy eating  and snacks, there will be no painful feeling of hunger, especially since there will always be a light snack on hand.
  A person can plan his own diet. To be both useful and tasty.

When is better to eat?

Snacking is necessary correctly. This is done when you already want to eat, or between breakfast and lunch. For people who may forget to eat, you can use small reminder stickers, or just set the alarm for cellular telephone.
  It is not necessary to set aside too much time for a snack; Even if you have a lot of work, you need to get distracted and in such a way it will turn out that you will both rest and replenish your body with useful substances and vitamins.

Approximate power scheme:

  • 6: 00-9: 00 breakfast
  • 11: 00-snack (second breakfast)
  • 13: 00-15: 00-lunch
  • 16: 00-17: 00-snack (afternoon tea)
  • 18: 00-19: 00-dinner
  • 21:00 snack (second dinner)

What foods can be used to have a snack?

Nutritionists say that protein and carbohydrate rich foods should be used for snacking. They are not very calories, and will give you a lot of energy for a whole working day.

These products are:

  • cottage cheese, yogurt;
  • citrus;
  • nuts, dried fruits, berries;
  • eggs;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits.

But the most important thing is to look after the portion, and in no case overeat.

First snack or second breakfast or lunch

  If in the morning, in a hurry, when going to work, you did not have time to have breakfast and your breakfast consisted only of a cup of coffee, then during your snack you should definitely eat something substantial. The ideal option in this case would be the use of oatmeal, cheesecakes or scrambled eggs. But if the breakfast was dense, then you can eat some kind of fruit, fresh or in the form of dried fruit. They are good for snacking. For people working in the office, or in a crowded place, these products will be very appropriate, because they do not interfere with the surrounding odors.

A good option for snacking is boiled corn. It is useful and satisfying. During heat treatment, corn does not lose all of its useful properties. People like snacking while eating a couple of apples. This is better not to do, because apples cause the secretion of gastric juice, and you can feel the feeling of hunger. If you have enough free time, you can prepare snacks for yourself in advance. Apple, baked with cottage cheese, with honey; balls of cottage cheese with dried fruits and nuts; milkshakes with the addition of berries and cottage cheese and much more. Give your imagination a flight and you will be surprised to see how many tasty and healthy snacks it will give you.

Lunch or snack

The second snack is very important for people adhering to proper nutrition. It is especially important for those who have a habit of late dining or often linger at work until late. It is thanks to this snack you will not overtake the feeling of hunger by surprise. He will allow you to stretch the feeling of fullness before dinner and will not let you eat too much. For high tea well suited protein and carbohydrate foods with high fiber content. Fans of dairy products can please yourself kefir, ryazhenka, yogurt or low-fat cottage cheese. Vegetable salad  with cheese and olive oil, vinaigrette with a minimum content of potatoes, will serve as a source of fiber for your body.

Evening snack

Evening snack is the last meal before bedtime. Adhering to the principles of proper nutrition for an evening snack, it is desirable to use mainly protein food. Snacking should be no later than three hours before bedtime. It is advisable to go to bed with an empty stomach. For an evening snack, a glass of low-calorie kefir or unsweetened yogurt is perfect. You can eat boiled egg whites or make an omelet out of them by mixing a couple of egg whites with 40 grams of milk. Dairy lovers can afford a glass of warm milk as a snack. If in your refrigerator there is only milk with a large percentage of fat content, you can dilute it with warm boiled water, in the ratio of 1 to 1.

Snacks for people with limited time.

Many people who do not have enough time to eat safely, do it on the run. They run on the way to work at a fast-food establishment, throwing themselves into another burger, and after a while they are surprised that the feeling of hunger again overtook them. Products in such establishments are not only far from the principles of proper nutrition, but also extremely harmful. If you do not have time for a normal snack, you can eat a banana, a handful of nuts, or drink some yoghurt.

Wrong snack

The 21st century is the time of information technology. Time when people have less and less free time. The time when food materializes on your table in minutes. All you need for this is a smartphone with Internet access. But only unfortunately this food can hardly be called useful. And the wrong snacks harm our health with you. They give us a short-term feeling of fullness, and after a while our body needs to re-satisfy its needs. All those who care about their health and their figure should be avoided during snacking of such products as

  • fast food
  • soda
  • cakes, pastries, sweets and cookies
  • sausages
  • noodles, potatoes and instant soups
  • crackers, chips, salted nuts and salted fish

Proper snack can not only maintain health, but also the shape and nerves of a person. Adhering to a certain diet and not forgetting the right snacks, you will feel, every day, a person full of energy. Overweight  go, and health will be much stronger. Therefore, you need to eat properly and still have fun.

On the one hand, digestion needs rest and it is not recommended to load the stomach with new and new food processing tasks without stopping. On the other hand, the lack of snacks during the day can lead to overeating, when, having gone half a day hungry, you finally come to the refrigerator and destroy its contents. Eating strictly two or three times a day, or eating in small portions and having a snack during the day - the choice depends on our habits and on what makes up our diet, as well as on our physical activity and emotional state. In any case, if you have a snack, then do it consciously, and not under the hypnotic action of what you see eclair. Proper snacks can cheer up, add vitamins and add strength to new achievements, when there is no time to be distracted by a full meal.

  Olya Malysheva

Perfect snack

Fresh vegetables are combined with all categories of products, so they can eat after any lunch or dinner. They are easily digested and do not require special expenses from your digestion. Chop cucumbers and red peppers, peel fresh sweet carrots or turnips, wash cherry tomatoes and fresh radishes - in a couple of minutes you will have an excellent crunchy snack.

Fruit yes, but not always

Fresh fruits and berries are also a great option for a snack, but only if 3-4 hours have passed since the last meal (and it was not a banquet of seven dishes). Fruits, eaten before your lunch or dinner left the stomach, will cause fermentation processes, which will not affect the digestion for the better. Meat is digested longer, so after a meat dish it’s better not to eat fruit at all on this day. Fruits themselves, on the contrary, are absorbed quickly, and in 20-40 minutes after a fruit snack, you can go to lunch or dinner. The same principles apply to smoothies with fruit.

When snacks are friends with lunch

If you want to eat something more substantial than vegetables, choose snacks from the same category as your lunch or dinner. For example, if you are planning to cook fish for dinner, you can have goat cheese with vegetables before dinner. If you are planning for dinner buckwheat, quinoa or potatoes, in addition to vegetables for snacking before dinner, something from the category of starches will suit - for example, buckwheat or whole grain breads. The second option is also suitable avocado, which goes well with cereals.

Cooked vegetables are also well saturated and, if it is not french fries, they are great for snacking. Steamed, baked or steamed - those vegetables that you cook for dinner, you can prepare in larger quantities and use them for a snack the next day.

Nuts + dried fruits

As a snack, this option works best in a large gap between lunch and dinner. For example, if you have dinner at 13 o'clock, and you have dinner at 19, you may well have a snack at 16 o'clock with a portion of nuts or seeds with dried fruits. Try to choose nuts and seeds non-fried, and dried fruits are natural, without the addition of sugar and dyes.

One of the easiest and dessert options is dates plus almonds, pecans, walnuts or Brazil nuts. You can also make nut candies based on almonds and dried apricots, mix coconut chips with dates, add cocoa or cinnamon. Hazelnuts can be stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time and can easily transport from home to office.

Two options for such candies:

With such a snack it is important not to get carried away, as nuts are still quite a heavy product, and dried fruits contain a lot of sugar. If you know that it is difficult for you to stop, do not put on your desk a whole salad bowl with assorted nuts and dried fruits. One handful is the volume, which one should be happy to enjoy and restrict today. A lighter option would be nut milk mixed with honey and cocoa or cinnamon, vanilla and dates. It can also be prepared in advance - it can be stored in the refrigerator for about five days.

A few more options of my favorite snacks:

  • Herbal tea with honey
  • Goat Yoghurt
  • Avocado, cut in half and poured with lemon juice or sprinkled with salt and pepper. Love!
  • A piece of dark chocolate
  • Sliced ​​vegetables with soft goat cheese or avocado and mustard wrapped in nori sheets
  • Green smoothies:
      - 1 cucumber, peeled from the skin
      - 2 handfuls of fresh spinach
      - lime juice
      - glass of water
      - you can add honey or banana
    Mix the ingredients in a blender and ready!
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