Edward casey's predictions about other worlds. Casey's amazing predictions about Russia. Edgar Cayce: predictions about Russia. When the cataclysms predicted by Casey begin

Many prophets who are known all over the world promise a huge number of disasters for the first half of this century. Their predictions come true selectively: some predicted cataclysms that never happened, while others predicted crises and conflicts that we can observe in the modern world.

One way or another, the interest in predictions among people is now quite large.

One of the famous world prophets is Edgar Cayce. His paranormal abilities have long been recognized - the man possessed the gift of healing and clairvoyance.

Falling into a hypnotic sleep, Casey gave predictions for the future, among which were predictions about world wars and economic crises.

Edgar Cayce biography

This fortuneteller was born in America, Kentucky, in 1877. The personality of the prophet is shrouded in mystery - until the end it is not known for certain at what age he had the gift of clairvoyance and after what incident. According to those who knew Casey from childhood, he was a bit of a strange child and talked about meetings with the spirits of deceased relatives.

One of the versions about the manifestation of the gift of healing and clairvoyance says that Edgar was able to predict the future after an injury sustained during a baseball game. Then he hit his spine hard, as a result of which he began to behave inappropriately. He spoke incoherent things and grimaced.

After a while, Casey developed a fever. The boy suffered from a high temperature and asked his parents to make him a special compress. The parents decided to give it a try and the fever was completely gone overnight. After that, Edgar Cayce began to be recognized as a healer.

According to another version, Edgar suffered from laryngitis as a child. This disease could not be completely cured, due to which the child lost his voice. They tried to return it in various ways and in the end decided to turn to a hypnotherapist.

The doctor put Casey into a hypnotic sleep and the voice gradually returned. Once the boy was in this state with other patients of the doctor and began to voice the names of their diseases.

In the future, the healer often fell into hypnotic sleep in order to take advantage of his exceptional abilities. Often he would begin to prophesy while in this state. It was recorded because Casey himself could not remember anything after coming out of hypnotic sleep.

The fulfilled predictions of Edgar Cayce

Why is the name of this prophet so popular and trusted by society? The fact is that Casey predicted big events that took place in the 20th century:

  • the beginning of two world wars;
  • the fall of fascism and communism;

  • the development of China;
  • rapid scientific progress;
  • The Great Depression.

Casey's predictions for 2019

Like many other famous prophets, Edgar Cayce did not name the exact dates of the occurrence of this or that event. Therefore, it is impossible to say with certainty when those predictions that have not yet occurred in the world will come true.

First of all, the seer warned us about the threat of serious cataclysms. What exactly will happen cannot be said. Edgar talked about possible changes in the earth's crust. The cracks that will appear in it will cause serious changes around the world: some territories will rise from under the water column, and some, on the contrary, will go to the bottom.

The hardest hit may be the United States and Japan. Large tracts of land in these states will be completely flooded. Cities like New York and San Francisco are in danger of disappearing from the world's maps forever. Also, the danger lies in wait for the northern countries of the European continent. Floods can befall their lands too. Among the states that will be affected by the floods, Edgar Cayce includes Greenland.

In parallel with these phenomena, changes in the climate will occur. According to the prophet's forecasts, the Earth will experience global warming in the 21st century. In a number of countries, the temperate climate will change to tropical and people will have to get used to new conditions. Such changes will force the inhabitants of Europe and South America to leave their homes and seek refuge in those lands where climatic conditions remain milder.

All these natural disasters will lead to the fact that a part of humanity will improve and form a new race. Its representatives will be stronger. They will also have a highly developed ability to regenerate the body.

Predictions for Russia

In his prophecies, Cayce mentioned Russia more than once. First, the seer argued that it was from this country that a new worldview would enter the world, on which the political system would be built in the future.

He clarified that this is not about communism, but about a fundamentally new system, which is based on the freedom of the individual. The time will end when the rulers profited from the poor. But to achieve this, you will have to go through a difficult time.

Secondly, Edgar Cayce argued that Russian lands would become a refuge for many people after the cataclysms. The lands located beyond the Urals will not suffer so much from disasters, and therefore millions of people will find new housing there.

It is worth noting that other prophets voiced similar ones. For example, Michel Nostradamus argued that after large-scale cataclysms, the mass development of Siberia will begin, which in the future will become a new center of mankind.

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The article was written specifically for the site "2019 Year of the Pig": https: // site /

The desire to look into the future is one of the inherent traits of people. That is why all kinds of predictions and the words of "soothsayers" were always popular. And if the predictions of Nostradamus and Wanga are known to many, then the opinion of Edgar Cayce about what awaits us is not yet so replicated.


CASEY *** 10,500,000 BC: The emergence of ape-like people living in caves and dividing into families. They have shaped the bodies of modern humanity.

CASEY *** 200,000 BC: Arrival on the Earth plane of the extraterrestrial spirit entities that formed Atlantis. The entities "were thought forms" capable of "pushing out ... like an amoeba." They are hyperspace or non-physical beings.

CASEY *** 100,000 BC: Amilius, a spiritual entity at the time, notices an impending crisis. Thought-forming essences are separated from their spiritual roots and are able to “condense”.

CASEY *** 75,000 BC: Thought-form entities "condense or appear in the form of the present human body." On Earth, a hyperdimensional thought-form presence suddenly begins to occupy human bodies and the bodies of animals. The spiritual consciousness of mankind is born, along with this, the forgetting of its original heritage occurs. Amilius begins a global program for the liberation of hyperspace entities, joining them in physical form and teaching them who they really are. This incarnation of Amilius is called Adam, the “First Man”. [Note: The Cayce readings do not specify exactly when the "condensation" occurred; on the other hand, the Ra Materials indicate the date that we give.]

CASEY *** 50,000 BC: The first major human technological civilization on Earth perishes as a result of the pole shift. Almost complete destruction of Lemuria and partial flooding of Atlantis. The World Conference has just decided to use a radiant weapon designed to kill large numbers of predatory animals. After the pole shift, the inhabitants found that the use of radiation only exacerbated a cycle that was about to end anyway.

CASEY *** 25,000 BC: Second major flood in Atlantis. Civilization is dying again.

CASEY *** 12.500 BC: Third major flood in Atlantis. To partially preserve the archives, the Great Pyramid is being built.

CASEY *** Year 0 BC: Amilius / Adam returns to Earth in his last physical incarnation as Jesus Christ. He completes His commitment by providing humanity with the knowledge of how to get out of materiality through the Ascension process. This creates a pattern that all others must follow.

CASEY *** AD 2001: Earth's magnetic pole shift associated with the Second Coming of Christ.

As a result of considering the above chronology, a huge amount of interesting metaphysical information can be obtained. The reader is encouraged to ponder it, and in search of further details refer to many books about Cayce and Atlantis, such as Egyptian Heritage, Edgar Cayce on the origin and destiny of man, and Return to the mysteries of Atlantis. Now we are focusing on the discussion that the cycle we are looking for in the cosmology of the Cayce Readings is undoubtedly divided into roughly 25,000-year intervals. Thus, one can easily demonstrate the important connection between “the solar cycle or the passage of the Sun through various spheres of activity” (Casey) and the approximate value of the precession - 25,000 years.

Map of changes in the Earth's relief according to the prediction of Edgar Cayce

Since we have all the data right in front of us, it is useful to point out some other information in Cayce's cosmology that is now supported by modern science. In the Cayce timeline, the appearance of human bodies on Earth dates back ten million years ago. Which ties in exactly with the most recent research carried out by Thompson and Cremo regarding the historical cases of the discovery of complete human skeletons. The colossal work that codifies these discoveries is called Forbidden Archeology, and their claims are backed up by established science. The conclusion is this: Darwin's entire theory is wrong, and modern humanoid beings have existed on Earth in one form or another for about the last ten million years.

In the Cayce readings, the arrival of extraterrestrial spirit beings on Earth is dated 200,000 years ago. It is very interesting to note that modern geneticists have come to the conclusion that human DNA can be traced back to Eve, who lived about 200,000 years ago. This fact is most fully covered in the book of Zechariah Sitchin "Leafing through the Book of Genesis". The work of Richard Hoagland and others on the likelihood of extraterrestrial ruins at (which we have already explored in previous chapters) also points to a time of 200,000 years ago.

This was likely the last time Mars was cataclyssed by an asteroid collision that led to its destruction. There is overwhelming evidence that Mars once resembled Earth in the past with abundant oceans, blue skies, clouds and rain. Evidence from researchers such as astrophysicist Thomas Van Flendern strongly suggests that the colossal explosion caused by the asteroid is responsible for the death of Mars. Another source of information is found in the book The Mystery of Mars by Graham Hancock and Robert Bauvel. Interestingly, the most recent "Meteorite from Mars", investigated in Europe, revealed the presence of bacterial life on it, the age of which dates back 200,000 years ago. It is quite possible that exactly that planetary cataclysm served as the impetus for the meteorite to split off.

Returning to the essential point put forward in the Cayce readings: it seems that all modern humans "descended" from a more spiritual and energetic form of life. This form of life is described as "thought forms ... capable of being pushed into matter like an amoeba." The readings do not dwell on them in detail, but it is implied that they possessed an infinite intelligence sufficient to project themselves first into animals. The inevitable conclusion that we come to, based on the Cayce Readings: the intelligent energy of these creations caused a modification of the DNA of the hominids on the planet.

Entering bodies, they could have a certain effect on the structures of DNA. Cayce says that in turn, their final "densification" by 75,000 BC led to the emergence of modern humanoids. Hence, the modification of the DNA structure was the “compaction” or “placement” mentioned in the Cayce Readings. Cayce's view of history indicates that the vibrations of the entities themselves had a direct impact on the structure of human DNA molecules.

The above coincides with the interesting DNA facts we have already discussed. Scientists, including the discoverers of the DNA molecule itself, have repeatedly demonstrated that the DNA “blueprint” is too complex to be the result of random evolutionary processes supported by Darwin's model. Consequently, the scientific paradigm is shifting towards “smart design”. Moreover, as already established, Gregg Braden cited research proving that a DNA molecule, when placed in a cylinder of light, will attract photons and force them to spiral around itself. And we remember that he also said that the spiraling movement will continue after the DNA is removed. So, since we saw that the “spiraling line of light” is the main building block of the Consciousness Unit, and according to Seth, the Consciousness Unit is the structure of all intelligent perception, everything becomes clearer. Each of us is actually a “condensed” wavelength of a form of consciousness that was once a form of pure spiraling Light! Since we learned at the end of the 20th century that the DNA of modern mankind can be traced back to 200,000 years ago, it should be accepted that there is an increasing body of scientific evidence that closely aligns with Cayce's data, data ahead of the latest scientific discoveries.

There is one established fact: Casey's medical accuracy cannot be challenged. So for now, let's continue working on the timeline. The real connection of thought-form entities with the physical bodies of humanoids on Earth took place 75,000 years BC. Thus, it was then that the cycle of human incarnations began. We'll see a little later that the Ra Materials take this in great, great detail. Hence the conclusion: if the duration of the cycle is, roughly speaking, 25,000 years, then exactly three such cycles have passed so far. The fall of Atlantis 12,500 years ago would have been exactly half of the most recent 25,000-year cycle. Consequently, it appears that each cycle was divided into two halves, and the end of each half of the cycle could create stressful tectonic activity.

The sinking of a land like Atlantis could be explained through the idea of \u200b\u200ba magnetic pole shift. We have seen before that this idea was approved by none other than Albert Einstein after reviewing the work of Charles Hapgood. In Hapgood's model, the entire magnetic field of the Earth suddenly changed its polarity, causing both a sudden change in the position of magnetic north and south, and sliding of the Earth's outer crust over the liquid inner mantle. Obviously, this process on Earth created an urgent and very serious problem for those who were still in third density - and this is the catchphrase. Researchers such as Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky, in his book Worlds in Collision, specifically associate the Pole Shift concept with the instantaneous death of most animal life on Earth in the past. Velikovsky's data includes the discovery of a huge number of prehistoric animals that lived in temperate climates and were found entwined, crippled and dead in the Arctic regions. Carbon analysis has determined that the timing of these catastrophes coincides with the time of the pole shift. The facts collected by Velikovsky and others indicate that everything that happened on Earth happened so quickly and so catastrophically that the surfaces of the Earth itself turned from the tropics into the Arctic in just minutes, depending on the location of the surface. In other words, the Earth has completely shifted its position in heaven.

Moreover, the most recent major pole shifts on record are generally known to have occurred roughly 75,000, 50,000 and 25,000 years ago. Once again, we see a very close correspondence between the dates of death of significant lost civilizations in the Cayce Readings and the actual dates of the pole shift. The Cayce readings state that the death of civilizations was due to the "shift of the magnetic poles of the earth." Not surprisingly, they point to another pole shift expected in 2001. Michael Mendeville's epic work, available from Laura Lee's store, contains strong geological evidence to support the idea that Casey's predictions will come true. Note that we are not predicting anything fatal in this book. Later studies of the Great Solar Cycle indicate that a fundamental shift in the nature of consciousness and energy itself will naturally take us to a level where we will not be affected by the cataclysm.

Who is Edgar Cayce

Edgar Keyes (1877 - 1945), one of the strangest predictors in the history of mankind, who became famous in the Western world no less than Wang in the Slavic.

Both Casey and Wanga hosted hundreds of people a day. Many famous people came to them, including presidents and ministers. Neither one nor the other saw their visitors: Wanga was blind, and Keyes predicted in a dream - he closed his eyes, naturally fell asleep and broadcast in this state. Therefore, he was nicknamed "the sleepy prophet." By the way, when he woke up, Keyes claimed that he did not remember anything of what was said through him. The words of the seer were recorded by a stenographer.

The "early" Keyes was primarily a healer. And he surprised his contemporaries with the fact that, without a medical education, he made accurate diagnoses and prescribed treatment in terms familiar only to narrow specialists.

Keyes predicted two world wars, giving the dates of their beginning and end, prophesied the economic crisis of 1929, describing in detail the catastrophic events on the stock exchanges, and saw the subsequent rise in 1933. He voiced the defeat of the Germans at the Kursk Bulge, the end of fascism and the victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War. A few months before his death, when the Red Army marched victoriously across Europe, the soothsayer announced that the Soviet Union would disintegrate in the near future. “Before the twentieth century is over, the collapse of communism will come,” Kees said. "The communists will lose their power there." He also said that a crisis awaits Russia, which has freed itself from communism, from which it will happily come out "thanks to friendship with the people, on whose banknotes it is written" We believe in God. " “From this country, hope will come to the world,” the fortuneteller said. - Not from the communists, not from the Bolsheviks, but from free Russia! It will take years before this happens, but it is the religious development of Russia that will give the world hope. ” And then "those people who will be in close relations with Russia will begin to live better, gradually changing and finally establishing the conditions for organizing life throughout the world," the American noted.

Quite recently, many experts considered Keyes' forecast that in 2010 the Soviet Union would be revived. However, now, this prediction is gradually starting to come true. The first candidate for unification, as you know, is Belarus. And then, Kyrgyzstan, Eastern Ukraine, Armenia and Kazakhstan can catch up with us. And even Georgia, which is stubbornly and unsuccessfully trying to live independently, may take a step towards Russia. And how can we not recall Vanga's prophecy that our homeland "will again become a great empire"!

Case also had other predictions. In particular, he prophesied the growth of China's political power. “More and more adherents of the Christian faith will come into politics,” said the American. - One day China will become the cradle of Christianity ... By human standards, a lot of time will pass, but this is just one day in the heart of the Lord. For tomorrow China will awaken. " The third world war, according to Keyes, is not expected, but the Earth will be seized by something no less catastrophic - natural disasters. So, back in the 1930s, when no one really thought about climate change on the planet, the predictor predicted global warming. “Areas with cold or subtropical climates will become more tropical and ferns will grow there,” Case said. - New York, Connecticut and other areas on the east coast will shake so that they disappear from the face of the earth. The waters of the Great Lakes will merge into the Gulf of Mexico ... Volcanoes in Hawaii will wake up, and a wave so strong that the southern coast of California will disappear under water in three months ... Open waters will appear in the northern regions of Greenland, new lands will appear in the Caribbean Sea. South America will shake from top to bottom, and in Antarctica, not far from Tierra del Fuego, the earth will rise from the bottom and a strait with raging waters will appear. "

According to Case's forecast, climatic and seismic cataclysms will affect the entire planet, causing it to change dramatically. But Russia will suffer less than others and will lead a reviving civilization, the center of which, surprisingly, will be Western Siberia. True, the prophet was already mistaken with the timing: he assigned all these misfortunes to the end of the 20th century, guessing, in fact, only the process of global warming itself. But it is not excluded that Keyes determined the trend precisely: for ten years now, scientists have been frightening us with forecasts that the intense melting of ice in Greenland and Antarctica can provoke violent tectonic activity on Earth and, as a result, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis and floods. By the way, here, too, Keyes's prophecy resembles Wanga's prediction. “Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain intact - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia,” she said in 1979. “She will sweep everything out of her way and not only survive, but also become the ruler of the world.”

During his lifetime, Keyes himself declared that he would be reborn again in 2100 in Nebraska and personally verify the truth of his prophecies ...

The world awaits the most tragic of all of Cayce's prophecies: a surge of earthquakes that will destroy continents and transform the globe.

Casey predicted by the end of the century the destruction of New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco. He said that most of Japan would be submerged and that Northern Europe would be transformed in the blink of an eye. He went on to say that even many of the places where battles are raging now will be oceans, seas, bays, lands, where there will be a new order in which they will trade with each other. With regard to North America, he said that many geophysical changes, to a greater or lesser extent, would occur, with a significant transformation of the North Atlantic coast. In 1934, Keyes said that the Earth would break in many places. First, the west coast of America will be transformed. In the northern regions of Greenland, open waters will appear, new lands will appear in the Caribbean Sea ... South America will be shaken from top to bottom; and in Antarctica, not far from Tierra del Fuego, there will be land and a strait with raging waters.

Later, Case spoke in more detail about the American cataclysms: “Look at New York, Connecticut and the like. Many areas on the east coast will shake, as will many areas on the west coast, as will the central United States. Los Angeles, San Francisco, most of these cities will be destroyed even before New York. Areas of the east coast near New York, and possibly New York itself, will practically disappear. And this will happen earlier. The waters of the Great Lakes will merge into the Gulf of Mexico. "

Cayce's prophecies span the period from 1936 to 1998, from the first minor earth vibrations to the destruction of New York. He stated that the earth's axis will be displaced by 2001, followed by a change in climate.

The noted increase in volcanic activity and an increase in the number of earthquakes in the 60s has already made skeptics think, who chuckled at such assumptions. As if indulging Keis, Mount Etna erupted in 1964 and 1971 with greater than usual intensity, and on August 4, 1979, the eruption was the most significant ever. Residents of the nearby village of Fornazzo were evacuated, and the eastern Sicilian city of Catania was littered with ash, coals and stones, something that has never happened in 20 years. A terrible catastrophe could be observed in mainland Italy 46 miles to the northeast.

The 1964 Alaska earthquake - the strongest ever recorded on the North American continent - caused the Antarctic to wobble. An earthquake in China killed more than 655,000 people in 1976, and in the same year more than 22,000 people died in Guatemala. In the 70s, earthquakes occurred all over the world, from Peru to Pakistan, from Yugoslavia to the Philippines. On August 6, 1979, the northern coastal Rift Valley was shaken by the worst earthquake in 68 years. On October 15, 1979, tremors swept through the Imperial Valley, leaving many casualties and $ 10,000,000 in damage.

Keyes' most interesting and at the same time unlikely prediction is that a free Soviet Union will "be reborn." In the religious transformations of Russia, he saw "the greatest hope of the world." Keyes foresaw her alliance with the United States, which later helped Russia in difficult times for her, saying that the USSR "will come out of the crisis thanks to friendship with the people, whose banknotes read" We believe in God. " Keyes also foresaw the unprecedented spread of Christianity in China: “Here will one day be the cradle of Christianity that will enter life itself. May a long time pass on earth, but only a day in the heart of God. So, tomorrow China will wake up. "

Today, as Keith predicted, his work continues to live on under the auspices of the Research and Education Association, a Virginia Beach charity dedicated to spiritual growth, psychological research, and the practical application of Keyes' 14,256 recorded prophecies. Edgar Cayce is no longer with us, but his spirit is in the AIP. And he will come again to see the successes of his followers - as he predicted that he will return in 1998, possibly as the "liberator of the world."

"The mission of the Slavic peoples," said Edgar Cayce, "is to change the essence of human relationships, free them from selfishness and rough material passions, and restore them on a new basis - on love, trust and wisdom." Edgar Cayce. He believed that it was: “Hope will come from Russia to the world - not from the Communists, not from the Bolsheviks, but from free Russia! It will take years before this happens, but it is the religious development of Russia that will give the world hope. ”

According to new documents uncovered by the Association for Research and Education (ARE), Edgar Cayce predicted the emergence of the Fifth Root Race on Earth in 2004. This information sounded in an interview with Dr. Gregory Little, which he gave to Mitch Battros on the television program "Earth Changes". Dr. Little, who has published three books on the paranormal and holds a PhD in Psychology, is the Associate Editor of Alternate Perceptions and a researcher on Edgar Cayce.

Mitch emphasizes that this prophecy of Keyes is consistent with the prediction of the Hopi Indians, which says: "At this time we will enter the Fifth World."

In his interview, Dr. Little also spoke of the three Halls of Testimonies. According to him, one of them is located under the right paw of the Sphinx in Giza. Another is in Pasadena, Bahamas, and the third is in Piedras Negras, Guatemala. Piedras Negras, home to several ancient Mayan pyramids and palaces, is the birthplace of the modern Mayan elder Carlos Barrios.

Dr. Little believes that the children of the Fifth Root Race will have:

· More developed DNA with unique self-healing properties; · A higher level of vital energy; · Higher content of phosphorus in the body.

Talking about the last point, Dr. Little points out that the word "phosphorus" literally translated from Greek means "luminiferous" or "light-bearing".

Casey is a 20th century clairvoyant. Casey's predictions for 2020 also apply to Russia. The clairvoyant was able to predict the future of our country and the whole world.

Edgar Cayce's predictions for 2020

Fulfilled predictions

Edgar Cayce is an American prophet who saw the future, the author of many articles. He gave answers to questions and helped to heal the sick, plunging into a trance. A list of clairvoyant predictions that came true:

  1. The prophet in 1944 predicted the collapse of the USSR. His prophecies literally sounded like this: "Before the twentieth century ends, the collapse of communism will come." He foresaw the First and Second World Wars.
  2. He said that Hitler would live a short life. In a state of hypnosis, he foresaw the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy and described the killer's appearance.
  3. Edward Casey managed to name the exact date of the Battle of the Kursk Bulge. He also predicted the Great Depression in the United States.
  4. Saw the Vietnam War and the global currency crisis. He foresaw the formation of Israel and India as independent states.
  5. He said that China will become world leaders, and then wartime will come in this country, he indicated the exact date of this event. He also talked about democracy in China, which turned out to be a mistake.
  6. Knew the Qumran Scrolls would be found. These manuscripts, discovered in 1947 in the caves of Kamrana, are the most important find that can help in the study of the history of Hebrew.

The medium told the world about the previously unknown Atlantis and the history of Ancient America. He argued that there is an ancient storehouse in which household items are located. The items in the vault were also described by Casey:

  1. Decorations from the Temple of the Day.
  2. Surgical instruments.
  3. Seals.
  4. Musical instruments.
  5. Medicines.
  6. Gold.
  7. Jewelry.
  8. Fabrics.
  9. Banners.

Casey predicted that power would pass to a new ruler. This person will possess intelligence, the ability to diplomacy and qualities that will lead the country to prosperity.

Reasons for Casey's popularity

The prophecies of the American clairvoyant Edgar are numerous. The predicted future was confirmed many times by contemporaries. A feature of his predictions was an accurate description.

  1. Edgar saw in his dreams the eruption of Vesuvius in Italy, and within three months after the eruption of the volcano in the United States there will be an earthquake. Most of California will be in the floodplain. The map of America will change.
  2. He helped businessmen to make deals, and they ended well.
  3. Predicted the 2000 earthquake in Turkey. The reason for this, he called the displacement of the axis of the Earth.
  4. Often in his teachings the prophet mentioned Russia. He said that the consequences of the split of the Soviet Union would affect the whole world. He also said about Russia that it will revive the world.
  5. In 2010, Edgar Cayce predicted that the USSR would reunite again. After that, Belarus, formerly part of the USSR, wanted unification. A commonwealth of independent states emerged.
  6. Two great oceans - the Atlantic and the Pacific - will change the shape of the coast. The coastline will become the ocean floor. People will be resettled and life will change significantly.
  7. The clairvoyant predicted an earthquake in Japan.

Predictions for Russia for 2020

Edgar Cayce's predictions for 2020 regarding Russia were related to the fact that the country had to overcome difficulties and become great. On February 8, 1932, he said that countries that will be on good terms with Russia will live in abundance and without problems.

Edgar wrote that there would be a revolution. Russia will become the one that will change humanity's vision of the world. This will affect the policies of all countries. Society will focus on individual freedom.

The number of poor people will decline in 2020. Times won't be easy. Russia will be a place where everyone will be saved from natural disasters. According to his predictions, the Trans-Urals will become the safest place to live. Disaster won't get here. This is due to the fact that Russia has an advantageous geographical position, rich natural resources, as well as the fact that the people here are united.

The clairvoyant Edgar saw what would happen in the Crimea. Relations with the United States will deteriorate. Problems will be resolved over time.

Prophecies for 2020 say the climate will change. Southern cultures will grow in Siberia and the Far East. Trees will replace palms. According to the forecast, Africa will become the northern continent.

Why THIS prediction was banned in Russia: Edgar Cayce's prophecies about Russia are maddening


Edgar Cayce: Predictions about the Future of Russia and the United States. The Prophet Who Gave an Accurate Prediction about Russia.


American clairvoyant predictions for 2020 suggest that America and Russia will mend relations. Russia will be the initiator. Many of the prophecies of the great seer came true and come true to this day.

The prophecies of this famous American thinker have not lost their great importance even now. They are often quoted by various astrologers and esoteric specialists.

Edgar Cayce had extraordinary abilities since childhood... It all started with the appearance of stigmata on his body. Soon after, he felt a genuine connection with the Cosmos and used it to gain a glimpse into the future. The seer dictated his predictions to a stenographer, who then reprinted them.

The most interesting predictions made by a soothsayer

These prophecies are of undoubted interest today. They are of particular importance because not only the secretary was present at their birth, but a number of persons who are ready to testify that Edgar Cayce does not use any additional means.

The fortuneteller was born in 1877 and, having lived a short but eventful life, died in 1945. He became famous as one of the leaders of prophecies for the future, made not only about individuals, but about the whole world.

While receiving information about the future, he fell into a transcendental state and made his predictions without realizing them, because he communicated with higher forces. He was asked leading questions, which he then covered in the most detailed way.

Edgar Cayce left to descendants about fourteen thousand different predictions received over more than forty years of meditation.

They first saw the light at the beginning of the twentieth century. Even then, the soothsayer predicted wars that engulfed the entire European continent. Moreover, the exact years of their beginning and end were named.

Edgar Cayce made predictions about individual major battles in World War II, Hitler's defeat and Russia's triumphant march across Europe.

He also foresaw the Great Depression in the United States, which gave way to the flourishing of the country in the early thirties.

Subsequently, even skeptics had to admit the obvious correctness of his words. The American predictor made prophecies about the war unleashed by Hitler, about the collapse of the Soviet Union, about the emergence of China on the world stage as a key figure and about other major events in history.

Therefore, it is very important to highlight the most basic questions of what Edgar Cayce's deep prophecies speak of. They are truly significant in light of the fact that the vast majority of them have already been fulfilled. Therefore, it is very important to understand the pillars of his reasoning.

What predictions came true

We can give an example of the most famous predictions of the thinker, which have already come true:

Edgar Cayce Predictions by Years

If you structure his prophecies by individual years, you get the following picture:

Edgar Cayce turned out to be surprisingly shrewd, slightly shifting only the time frame of his predictions. However, their general direction, guessed by him, is striking in its amazing accuracy.

It is very important that the predictor saw the danger posed by environmental disasters. He was sure that there are few corners on Earth that would not be covered by them, and our country will suffer less than others.

He even foresaw a decrease in ice cover in the Arctic and Antarctic, an increased danger of earthquakes and huge volcanic activity.

He also predicted the absence of the danger of a new world war, which, nevertheless, would be replaced by an even more terrible threat of the consequences of the negligent attitude of people to nature.

He saw the threat of climate warming as quite real, moreover, carrying an undoubted danger to all life on Earth, since it will lead to an increase in seismic activity and severe consequences for mankind.

People will also face difficulties with fresh water, the transformation of the southern territories into uninhabited ones, as well as the emergence of new continents and islands.

E. Casey's prophecies about Russia

He made a lot of predictions about our country. Even during his lifetime, he considered the Russians to be God's chosen people. He was of the opinion that they embody the light of Christian civilization. Therefore, the seer believed that Russia's achievement of prosperity is a blessing for all countries of the world.

Edgar Cayce, in his rather distant time from our time, already predicted the collapse of the socialist system before the onset of the new millennium.

He also foresaw the protracted economic difficulties for Russia. He saw a way out of them only in a sincere appeal to God. He provided a fairly long period for achieving such a goal, but considered it unambiguously achievable both for our country separately and for the whole world as a whole.

Of great interest is what he predicted about a new unification of the former Soviet republics. He believed that the United States should provide tremendous assistance.

Edgar Cayce also predicted the emergence of the new leader of our country. He foresaw that a person with a rare intelligence and a genuine diplomatic gift would eventually come to power in it. He will actively develop the technical component of Russia and put it into the center of the world arena.

The seer predicted the events in Crimea and the aggravation of the confrontation with the United States. However, he predicted that the difficulties would only be temporary.

About the new year, Edgar Cayce even then spoke like this:

  • Political and economic relations between our country and China will gain new strength;
  • the role of Russia in the East will increase;
  • relations with Europe will become more complicated;
  • economic cooperation with the West will deteriorate;
  • the eastern part of the country will flourish;
  • the cultural role of Russia in the world will increase;
  • there will be an opportunity for fateful accomplishments in relation to the rest of the powers.

E. Casey foresaw a great danger of natural disasters on all continents, which, however, would bypass Russia. The most favorable for human life, in his opinion, will be the west of Siberia


Forecasts for the future of the United States

He also made predictions about the United States. At home, the thinker was not highly appreciated because of the many negative prophecies about her fate. The mere fulfilled vision of the death of two presidents has already made him not a very popular figure.

American historians believe that he gave predictions about the coming of Obama and his coming reign.

He also predicted that the forty-fourth Head of State would also become the last in his office.

E. Casey thought that the future of the Americans lies only in cooperation with Russia and will become inevitable. Moreover, a large number of them will move to our country for permanent residence and Siberia will become their stronghold.

Difficult tests await his home country, which it can only withstand on condition of the closest cooperation with Russia.

In the mid-thirties, Edgar Cayce made unambiguous predictions about such events. He foresaw popular unrest in the United States, the decline in the role of individual leaders in world politics and the disappearance of individual states from the face of the Earth.

He was of the opinion that in relation to America, these tendencies would affect very painfully, up to the end of the existence of entire states.

The predictor foresaw severe natural disasters for the entire western continent, which in many ways would make life on it unacceptable for everyday existence. Such disasters will be a heavy payback for the many sins of the country's inhabitants. If Americans do not remember God, they will face severe shocks.

He saw the role of the messiah only in Russia.

Today E. Casey's predictions have not lost their sharpness at all, despite the fact that most of them are not rigidly bound to a certain time frame. They can be fulfilled even for a hundred or more years.

His greatest merit lies in drawing the attention of world leaders to environmental problems that require urgent solutions.

Many of them have already become reality. The number of natural disasters around the world is increasing, which speaks of E. Casey's amazing insight.

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Grade 5

Edgar Cayce was often called the "Sleeping Prophet" because his predictions were usually made during his trance. At that moment, he told such things about the future of the planet, the reasons for various events, which shocked many at how terrifying his speeches seemed. But the worst thing is that almost all of them came true ... 1 Who is Edgar ..

Summary 5.0 excellent

Edgar Cayce was often called the "Sleeping Prophet" because his predictions were usually made during his trance. At that moment, he was telling such things about the future of the planet, the reasons for various events, which made many shiver at how terrifying his speeches seemed. But the more terrible thing is that almost all of them came true ...

Who is Edgar Cayce

Edgar Cayce was born in the second half of the 19th century in Kentucky, USA. Until the age of 9, his special gift did not manifest itself in any way, he grew up like an ordinary kid, later he began to study at school. His teacher was his own uncle, but he did not indulge his nephew, he was strict, and besides, he always told his brother about how Edgar behaved in class. One day the boy forgot how to spell the word hut, and by evening it became known at home. The father was terribly furious with his 9-year-old son for such stupidity and at 10 pm, when all the other pedagogical measures were taken, and the son still could not write the ill-fated word, he slapped the child. From a strong blow, the baby fell from the chair and lost consciousness.

In his head, he heard a voice advising him to sleep in order to get help from someone or something that did not introduce himself. In the morning he already knew all the spelling rules and in the future he could put a textbook under his head so that after sleep he knew its contents by heart. However, this skill could not help him in real life - he hardly learned to write and read, and was rather tight on his head until he fell into a state of trance.

The next strange thing happened during a child's play, when a boy was hit in the head with a ball. He began to behave strangely, jump, make faces, the guys had to take him home. When mom and dad put him to bed, he wriggled all over, but at one point he said quite seriously: “I’ll go crazy from hitting the ball on the back of my head if you don’t put a lotion on me for the night.” The parents were shocked, but decided to be careful and made a poultice. In the morning little Edgar remembered nothing, but he was completely healthy.

After that event, he was able to calmly finish school and worked for the same uncle in a bookstore. At 23, he and his father made their own business selling insurance. He no longer thought about his secret friends. But, as they say, there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped ...

Edgar Cayce fell ill with laryngitis. The disease was so severe that his voice completely disappeared. He could no longer work, he was at home, later he began to earn money as a photograph, because he could not speak, clicking frames ...

Once a well-known hypnotist, to whom he took a photo, found out about his trouble and said that for $ 200 he would cure his illness. Edgar agreed. During the hypnosis session, he was actually able to speak, but after coming out of the trance, his voice disappeared again. The hypnotist Hart left to give performances. never having finished treating Casey, but the local Al Lane, who also gave hypnosis sessions, decided to try his luck.

He put Edgar into a trance and asked what was hurting him. And Edgar replied - he said that "they have" paralysis of the muscles of the larynx, partly - of the vocal cords, and improved blood flow could help. Lane was able to convince Casey that the blood flow increased and thus healed him.

Lane and Casey talked, deciding to try to heal others in this way. Lane put Edgar into a trance and he replied that the person in the room was in pain, how he could be cured ...

Later, they did not even invite a person into the room. Casey only needed to know the person's whereabouts and his name to make a diagnosis. This was the first experience of extrasensory work by correspondence.

Soon people began to write to him by mail, addressing their questions and problems, and he answered them. His fame became all-encompassing, letters came from all over the world.

And Casey answered and helped all those in need. In general, he was a kind Christian who could not refuse people to help. But in his church parish there could be no question of reincarnation, when Casey heard from his voices about such a phenomenon.

Why did Edgar Cayce have this gift?

Moreover, the voice told Edgar why he received this gift - he told how in one of his incarnations Edgar was a soldier during a bloody battle. He was mortally wounded, but no one was in a hurry to help - take out the body or provide first aid. In hellish torment, the soldier lay not one day. He could not leave this world, bleeding very slowly. And around him remained hundreds of corpses ... And in these torments, the mind of the dying warrior ascended above the body and then dwelt to death in the astral world. The soldier was able to learn how to use bioenergy to turn off pain in his body, and when he was reincarnated, Edgar's soul also had this ability.

The voice also said that in 2100 Edgar will be reborn again, and then he will be able to personally know everything that he has predicted today. But this is not the only reason why Casey's body became a haven for a strong-willed soldier.

Speaking about Edgar's gift, one must first remember about his mother, who was also a rather strange person - she understood her son like no one else, because she also heard voices. She said that they were whispering to her from the worlds beyond. Those strange echoes of the parallel advised how to deal with difficult situations.

But the gift inherited from the mother was not the only one. Edgar Cayce received no less enveloping power from his grandfather. The grandfather was a man of the Earth, he could find water without even resorting to dowsing (), what he planted in the ground sprouted in a riotous color, sometimes even one touch of it was enough for the dried sprout to be saturated with energy and start growing. Such miracles were the simplest in his life - he owned telekinesis, could move tables and chairs without touching them, but he never used his magical abilities in order to enrich himself.

Probably because he did not possess commercial abilities, but only helped his fellow villagers, no one really knows about him, except for the researchers of the genetic inheritance of Edgar Cayce. The researcher Sjugru, who very carefully studied the genes of the healer Casey, drew attention to a very special braid of the genocode, where two double helices of DNA molecules, charged with special paranormal abilities, intertwined. The abilities were different from each other and only in tandem of the single code of Edgar Cayce's DNA they were able to charge this person with paranormal information, which is being studied to this day. Some genes came to him from his grandfather, who possesses a special living force, and the other from his mother, who received information from other worlds.

Thomas Sugryu also talks about how as a child Edgar saw a lady at the edge of the forest, who said, "What you want the most is what you get." Edgar said that more than anything in the world he dreamed of treating people, and the lady flapped her wings and disappeared. Perhaps it was some kind of vision or fantasy of a boy, but many great seers, for example, IN or Martynov, mention how a winged lady came to them. A 7-year-old boy could not know about this, so this event just warned the child that he was going to have a life full of extraordinary and amazing events. And so it happened.

How Casey made his predictions

All his predictions and healing abilities manifested themselves only in a trance, into which he was introduced by hypnotists. The first of these was Lane, who cured him of laryngitis. But later he learned to go into a trance on his own, and other people who Edgar could trust recorded.

The fact is that in a trance, Casey did not remember himself and what he was saying. And people tried to use his abilities to achieve their goals. When Edgar, together with one of the pharmacists, opened a case called "Miraculous Healings" (he called the diagnoses of the people who came and made appointments in a trance), then after a while the pharmacist fired the stenographer and said that he would write in her place.

At first, things went well, but later Casey noticed that the new entries are not similar to the previous ones, but look like ordinary medical prescriptions, though not very literate. He pinned the pharmacist to the wall and he admitted that he had not even thought about treating people. Introducing Casey into a trance, he did not ask questions about sick people, but asked the results of the competitions and matches, and then ran to the bookmaker's office. He made diagnoses to people himself.

The pharmacist confessed that he earned mountains of money in this way and asked Casey to leave the stupid treatment and earn millions with his gift. Edgar was furious, "Miraculous healings" were closed, and later his wife and son wrote down his statements - he could trust them unconditionally.

In 1925, Edgar Cayce was already a full-fledged medium and had his own office in Virginia, USA. After 4 years, he founded the hospital with the support of Morton Blummenthal.

Much of what he said was vehemently rejected by skeptics, and after a few years they watched in bewilderment the disasters or political events he was talking about.

The very last words of Edgar Cayce were: "How our world needs God now." He died on January 3, 1945. By the way, the predictions of the famous Great Martyr Matronushka of Moscow, made for 2016-2017, also indicate that complete Atheism reigns in the world. You can read more about what she predicted in

Casey's predictions

Many of Edgar Cayce's predictions have already come true. Among the most famous are the following: the year of the outbreak of World War II, which he named ten years before this event, the number of victims of this war and the country that will be engaged in battle. "There will be Russia, the United States, Japan and England or Great Britain."

Then he named the date and generally an unprecedented event in the past - the founding of the state, which became Israel, noted the assassination of the famous American President Kennedy John when India gained independence.

In addition, in his readings, he outlined the content of ancient scrolls that were found in Palestine in the Qumran caves 20 years after his readings and were translated only in the 70s. The translation and its readings are identical, although he could not even know about the existence of these scrolls without the intervention of a Higher Power.

The rise of China's power

"For tomorrow China will awaken."

Physical disasters in Japan

»Again with regard to physical changes: the earth will be split in the western part of America. Most of Japan is to be submerged at sea. The upper part of Europe will be changed in no time. The lands will appear off the east coast of America. There will be changes in the Arctic and Antarctica, leading to volcanic eruptions in hot areas, and there will be a pole shift - so that cold or subtropical climates become more tropical, and moss and ferns will grow there. These changes will begin between '58 and '98, and this will be the period when His light will be seen in the clouds again. (reading 3976-15) "

Edgar Cayce's predictions at the end of the 21st century

At this time, Edagr Cayce promises a change in climatic conditions so that bananas will grow in the Far East, and mangoes in Western Siberia. They have been talking about global warming for a long time and everyone who has lived at least twenty years in this world sees its fruits. South Africa will turn into an ice block. China, America and Russia will begin the process of colonizing the Moon and the nearest planet Mars (and the Mars-3000 program has already begun to exist, you can read about this in the article « « ).

By 3000, colonization will end, and not without the participation of extraterrestrial civilizations.

The acquisition of immortality by people: the prophecies of Edgar Cayce for the year 3000

Edgar Cayce's predictions for the third millennium are altogether similar to some fantastic stories, however, there is no reason not to believe him.

He talks about the fact that each person, at his will, can live up to 800 years, or even until the end of the universe, but for this he will need to enter the Coalition of Wanderers in Time.

Casey also drew the emblem that would become the identity of the Wanderers. With white gouache on a black sheet, he depicted a ball, and inside this translucent sphere - a man next to a woman.

Could it be that Edgar himself travels around our world to this day? Indeed, in America there is a rumor that the grave of Edgar Cayce is empty, and he himself has become an ethereal silver haze.

Edgar Cayce on Atlantis

“Chronicles about Atlantis since the Spirit took form, or flesh on this earth, and about the subsequent development of people; about the first destruction of the mainland and the changes that took place; about the life and various works of Atlanteans in other countries; about a meeting of representatives of all nations, all countries to work out joint actions in connection with the cataclysms in Atlantis; about building a pyramid for initiation rituals; about who, how and where the records will be found, which are copies of the originals, resting in the bowels of the sunken Atlantis. For this continent must rise again in times of change. "

Edgar Cayce talked a lot about Atlantis, and all this was sounded as if we were talking about an ordinary country, America or Italy. He talked about Atlantis from 1924 to 1944, that is, until the very end of his life, practically every day. He said that the inhabitants of Atalntida were a fairly developed people and noted some of their inventions, for example, remote photography and reading inscriptions through walls. He also talks about the electric knife that can be used for microsurgery these days. There are already similar laser devices now, but there was nothing like this in the 1930s.

Casey further notes that there were people who could
There is reason to believe that those who survived from Atlantis brought to Egypt “electronic music, in which color, vibration and liveliness helped to tune in to the emotions of individuals or peoples. This provided the opportunity to change their morals. The same was applied in general to change the temperaments of individuals for the sake of the treatment of mental illness. The music corresponded to the natural vibrations of the body. "
Keyes spoke of "a deadly ray that emanated from the very womb of the Earth and, when used with power sources, caused the destruction of parts of the land."

This "deadly beam" could be a laser: the author of Atlantis research reported in 1933 that the beam "would be discovered within the next twenty-five years." He spoke of "electrical appliances used by these people in beautiful buildings." The inhabitants of Atlantis were skilled “in the use of electrical forces and influences, especially in connection with their effect and in view of this effect on metals. The same impact was used for the beneficiation of metals and the discovery of other deposits. They were equally adept at using various forms of transporting electrical forces and influences, or transforming them through these influences. " escape from Atlantis and they brought some of their knowledge to Egypt. For example, in his words, “electronic music in which color, vibration and liveliness helped to tune in to the emotions of individuals or peoples. This provided the opportunity to change their morals. The same was applied in general to change the temperaments of individuals for the sake of the treatment of mental illness. The music corresponded to the natural vibrations of the body. " That is why it is necessary to look for fragments of Atlantean cultural monuments in Egyptian burials.

»The location of the cache is where a line of shadow (or light) will fall between the paws of the Sphinx when the sun rises over the waters. The Sphinx was erected later as a sentry or guard, who would not allow anyone into the connecting chambers located behind his right paw, because they cannot be entered until the deadlines are fulfilled and the times of changes in this cycle of human existence come. The cache is located between the Sphinx and the river "(378-16; October 29, 1933).

On our site there is an article dedicated to the inhabitants of Atlantis and the tragedy that sank the whole continent. You can read.

Edgar Cayce about Russia

Surprisingly, Edgar Cayce spoke about Russia as well. Moreover, it was in the Slavic peoples that he saw the salvation of the world.

Many of his predictions about Russia carried hope for the revival of mankind.

“What about the nations? Hope for the world will come from Russia; this is not what is sometimes called communism, or bolshevism, no; but freedom, freedom! Each person will live for his fellow man! This principle was born. Years will pass for it to crystallize, but from Russia there will again come hope for the world. Guided by what? Friendship with the people, whose money is written: "We believe in God." (Do you use it in your heart when you pay your debts? Do you use it in your prayers when you send missionaries to other countries?) (Reading 3976-29) "

Edgar said that Russians have a special mission on this planet - to make human relationships healthier, relieving them of their thirst for money, selfish considerations, material dependence. To be able to restore relationships on kindness, wisdom, generosity. And such Noah's ark, where all living and sincere on Earth will be saved, he saw Siberia. More specifically, its western part.

It is also particularly interesting that other soothsayers say similar things about Russia. For example, the Bulgarian seer Vanga notes: "Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain intact - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia"

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