How to lose fat in the upper abdomen at home - exercises for men and women. Why we get fat: All about the mechanism of fat storage Fat accumulates in the upper body

30.09.2017 115008

Fat deposits on our body are a normal indicator of the body's defenses. Not so much a defensive reaction as, more correctly, a natural survival mechanism. From time immemorial, it was fat that allowed a person, and any living creature, to survive in severe cold, when it was necessary to wait out the time from harvest to the next. But today there is no such need, and fat continues to accumulate. What is the mechanism of its deposition? How not to gain fat in excess of the norm?

First of all, carbohydrates, especially simple sugars, are processed into fat cells. Of course, carbohydrates are necessary for the body, as well as many other substances. They are deposited in the muscles - and this is the main source of energy for strength work, and for any physical activity. But the most that can accumulate in muscle tissue is 60 to 90 grams of carbohydrates, and about 70-80 grams more can be deposited in the liver. There are no more "reservoirs" for their storage in our body. Therefore, if you consume carbohydrates in excess of the norm, they will be transformed into fat deposits and "settle" in the abdomen, thighs, upper arms and legs, and in women - also in the chest area.

And fat can also be scooped from fat itself. Yes, fats are also needed by our body, especially the female body for the normal functioning of the hormonal and cardiovascular system. But 1 gram of pure fat contains about 10 kcal. That is, in 100 grams of fat - already 1000 kcal, and this figure is already very close to the daily calorie intake of a losing weight person. Calories from fat are stored by our body even easier and faster than calories from carbohydrates, since fat is difficult to break down and is the last to be wasted as energy.

Where does fat accumulate?

Many people are used to thinking that fat is deposited only under the skin, because it is these deposits that are visible to us with the naked eye. Yes, indeed, most of it will accumulate here, but the skin and fatty tissue is not only immediately under the skin, but also inside, enveloping the internal organs - this is necessary to maintain them in the right place and protect them. This fat is called visceral or abdominal fat because the most important internal organs are located in the abdomen and sternum. But if the visceral fat is more than the required norm, it is already fraught with obesity, problems with the cardiovascular system, including heart attacks and strokes, the formation of blood clots in blood vessels and varicose veins, diabetes and other serious diseases.

How to determine if there is a lot of internal fat?

As we said above, everyone has it in the body, because it is a necessity. Visually, abdominal fat can be recognized when you cannot remove the abdomen by any means - it still sticks forward, pushing out the abdominal muscles with itself. Measure your waist - for a woman from 20 to 40 years old who has a normal height to weight ratio, the waist should be about 70-80 cm in circumference. For a man with the same indicators - about 80-90 cm. If the volumes are larger, it means that visceral fat accumulates in the abdomen. But it is better to make a diagnosis of the body, or at least get on the analyzer scales - they can almost accurately measure the percentage of internal fat in the body.

How to remove fat?

If getting rid of subcutaneous fat is not so difficult, then visceral fat will go away more slowly and harder. But it is necessary to fight its excess in order to maintain a healthy state of the body and the normal functioning of all its systems. The first commandment is proper nutrition, not physical activity. It is believed that success in losing weight depends on 50% of training, and 50% of nutrition. But in the fight against internal fat deposits, nutrition plays a role by as much as 70, or even 80%.

Be sure to start by counting calories. You can eat well, eating proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, but you need to reduce the calorie content of your diet and consume about 1500-1800 kcal per day for women, and about 2000-2300 for men. Of course, first of all it is worth giving up a lot of fatty foods. The amount of fat in the body can be replenished with natural vegetable unrefined oils (olive, flaxseed, etc.) and sea fish (red trout, salmon, salmon). Reduce to a minimum or completely eliminate simple and unhealthy carbohydrates (white sugar, sweets, sodas, packaged juices, baked goods and white flour pastries), replacing them with complex and healthy - cereals and cereals, cereals, whole grain breads, fruits and dried fruits.

Movement is also important, especially aerobic exercise (cardio exercise), as it is these that provide a sufficient supply of oxygen to the body. And oxygen is the main aid in burning fat in cells. Walk more, run in the morning, swim, do aerobics or dance, jump rope, ride a bike, ski, snowboard, roller skate, etc. It is desirable that aerobic exercise lasts less than 30-40 minutes, since the first 20 minutes, our body draws carbohydrates from muscles, and only then the actual fat.

Fat deposits on the human body

Why do people store fat on different parts of the body? The most annoying fact about losing weight is that fat is the most difficult to remove from the fattest areas. They stubbornly resist the most diligent attempts to get themselves in shape.

Efforts to burn fat can take months, if not years, while other people have no fat traps in similar areas of the body. Around the world, three hundred million people have what can be described by the medical term "clinical obesity" and only one Russian out of three has all a little more than ideal, but even those citizens who are in relatively good physical shape have fat deposits on certain areas of the body - under the arms, in the lower abdomen, on the thighs, around the waist and on the buttocks, which makes them very anxious about their appearance.

In fact, almost no one is immune from the accumulation of adipose tissue in such a problem area, which is difficult to drive away. This is a very demoralizing dilemma, especially for women, and someone with a cool head will definitely convince them to spend their hard-earned money on vibration machines, anti-cellulite massages and creams to get rid of fat traps - all in the hope of getting rid of localized fat deposits on the stomach and back.

Obesity phenotypes

Obesity is not uniform and can manifest itself in many ways. You may have noticed in the gym or on the beach that overweight people are not alike - they have fat traps on different parts of the body. Typically, women store fat differently than men - but even among people of the same sex there can be significant differences.

Just as there are different types of bodies, the ways in which the human body stores adipose tissue differ. One of the major discoveries in the modern study of obesity and local body fat is that certain forms of obesity are associated with higher rates of metabolic disorders and higher mortality rates, while other citizens do not have similar health risks.

To distinguish between these categories or phenotypes of obesity, the researchers identified four main manifestations caused by combinations of external influences (a fashionable term for diet and level of physical activity) and genetics. These four phenotypes describe how people accumulate adipose tissue in their bodies and develop fatty deposits on the abdomen, back:

  • Excess fat is distributed equally throughout the body
  • Excessive subcutaneous fat is concentrated in the trunk and abdominal region (android or male obesity)
  • Excess subcutaneous fat is found in the trunk, thighs, or buttocks (gynoid or female obesity)
  • Excess subcutaneous fat is found in the abdominal region (visceral abdominal fat)

Equal distribution of body fat

Plus-size models are a great example of individuals who have relatively similar fat distribution, but slender models may also have this type of obesity.

Similar to the somatic types that are used to categorize body types (mesomorphs, ectomorphs, and endomorphs), these phenotypes are by no means absolute and humans tend to fall into more than one category of fat distribution in the abdomen and other areas of the body.

The first phenotype is easily recognizable among those whose adipose tissue accumulates relatively evenly without noticeable accumulations in any part of the body. The lack of visible fat traps in such people makes it seem that their weight is not too much over the norm, and many citizens of normal and low weight can fall into this category.

Popular media personalities, most actors and actresses, and those who excel in fitness-based competitions. Fitness and bikini models also fall into this group, as they rarely have more fat in one body area than another and tend to lose weight more evenly while dieting or exercising.

Plus-size models are a good example of how you can be overweight and have the same body fat distribution.

Runway and fashion brand models also fall into this category because they have a fairly high percentage of body fat and little muscle mass, but they are still lean (called “fat thinness” syndrome).

Unfortunately, many of this category pay little attention to their excess weight, since the even distribution creates the illusion of good physical shape, while they suffer from the same health problems as people whose excess weight is noticeable "to the eye" - you You don't need to have a large belly or noticeable fat traps to be at risk for metabolic disorder.

In fact, this misunderstanding is the reason why there are so many cases of undiagnosed type 2 diabetes among many normal weight people. Society may have a "fad" about being thin, but this is not necessarily an indicator of good health. In fact, research has shown unequivocally that health risks are more related to what you do than to your appearance.

The reality is that many overweight and belly fat people (who are physically fit) should not try to live up to some superficial social ideal. However, as we age, this form of excess weight becomes less common as diet, hormones, genetics, and external factors such as stress tend to be more localized unless factors such as regular diet or exercise are intervened.

As a result, people tend to complain of being overweight as they get older, but not realizing that their body fat percentage was high all the time, but over time, the fat concentrated in the "fat traps", thus becoming more visible.

Genetics play a major role in the formation of localized fat deposits on the abdomen, as some people retain a high percentage of fat throughout their lives despite being inactive and not dieting, without accumulating fat anywhere in the body. However, as mentioned earlier, this does not necessarily mean better health, as the dangerous number of accumulations of visceral abdominal fat can be high, but simply not to the extent that it is cosmetically noticeable.

Fat deposits of the android (male) type

Obesity of the android type is characterized by the accumulation of excess fat in the abdominal and trunk regions - but is not limited to men only.

This obesity is more common in men than in women and this phenotype manifests itself with age. It is often said about this obesity and local fat deposits on the abdomen that it is tied to a person's sex and is characterized by the fact that relatively little fat accumulates in the lower torso. But a disproportionately large amount accumulates in the abdominal region (forming the classic "beer belly") or in the upper regions of the trunk. While android obesity is often considered a male phenomenon (as the name suggests), this is not always the case.

Women also experience android obesity, most often after menopause, when estrogen levels drop. Android obesity is also associated with individuals (both males and females) who are exposed to chronic stress. Our internal reaction to prolonged stress is a key factor in where fat deposits appear in our bodies - on the stomach, back, arms, regardless of gender.

Thus, women whose stress hormone (cortisol) is higher than normal tend to accumulate fat in the android type. Women with higher than average levels of male hormones (androgens). They can also store adipose tissue according to the male type, and it is interesting that the displacement of local fatty deposits in men from the lower body (especially the abdomen, buttock-femoral region) is partially caused by the action of the male hormone testosterone, this is one of the reasons why some women use steroids.

Gynoid (female) body fat

Gynoid obesity is the second type of fat accumulation, the so-called "gender" (although it should be noted that the distribution of body fat is not necessarily linked to gender).

The female type of obesity is very specific - fat is deposited in the thighs and buttocks, in addition to the lower abdomen and on top of the triceps under the arms. Gynoid obesity is associated with fewer potential health complications than android obesity, as increased accumulation of abdominal fat is a significant sign of an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and inflammation in overweight adults.

Despite the reduced health risk in people with this form of obesity, many are puzzled by the fact that fat traps on the legs and buttocks are much more difficult to "drive" fat than localized fat deposits on the abdomen - which is another reason why it seems that men lose weight faster than women (although a higher percentage of muscle mass and a faster metabolism also play a role).

Visceral abdominal fat (beer belly syndrome)

Excess fat concentrated in the abdominal region is undoubtedly the most dangerous form of obesity in terms of potential health risks. Accumulations of visceral fat in the abdominal cavity increase with age, regardless of gender, in both slim and obese individuals.

Since many underweight people do not understand that there are potentially dangerous fat traps, they mistakenly believe that their underweight is somehow a guarantee that they will not have health problems due to obesity. Men are more prone to the accumulation of adipose tissue in the abdominal region and those who are obese are more prone to the accumulation of visceral fat than women who are thinner.

Research suggests that genetic factors play an important role in how much visceral abdominal fat you store, and women with high cortisol levels are also prone to fat traps (belly fat, back fat) of this particular type.

Differences in local body fat in men and women

It is often believed that it is easier for men to lose weight, and in terms of numerical criteria, there is some truth in this opinion. Net muscle mass (excluding fat) is responsible for the lion's share of the calories burned during the day, and men naturally have a higher percentage of muscle mass than women.

The male pattern for the distribution of excess body fat (android obesity) is usually different from the female pattern (gynoid obesity), which is more or less self-evident. What's less obvious is the differences in hormones, hormone receptors, blood flow, and the way in which adipose tissue changes can create very distinct differences in how quickly and where women lose fat compared to men.

One rigorous, controlled study compared a group of men and women who underwent a six-month training program (anaerobic exercise and resistance exercise) to determine the discrepancy in how, depending on gender, muscle gain and body fat percentage are reduced.

Unlike other studies, this project included both X-ray and magnetic resonance imaging scans to assess changes in body weight. The changes that have taken place provide us with an opportunity to penetrate the essence of the differences between the sexes in this regard.

The rate of fat loss in men and women

Women find it harder to get fat off their legs

The study found that, on average, women have less muscle mass in their arms than men both before and after 24 weeks of training, which is nothing new to us, but what is curious is that women have lost 31% of body fat in their arms. but without a corresponding increase in lean muscle mass.

Despite this, the women gained an average of 5.5% leg muscle mass without a corresponding reduction in leg fat. The lack of changes in local body fat in the legs among women is an extremely important finding, and it is in line with the experience that for many women it is extremely difficult to remove fat from the lower torso (thighs and buttocks).

In the study, the participants averaged 8 kg of body fat on their legs - 34% (about one third) of their total body fat. And not on X-rays or magnetic resonance imaging, there was no decrease in adipose tissue. It should be noted that during the training period, women drove 12% of their fat traps in the trunk area, but without increasing muscle mass in this area.

A feature that is more common in women than in men, since they have more body fat deposited in the thigh-gluteal region (gynoid obesity), while men have relatively fewer fat traps on the legs (android obesity).

Why, then, is it so difficult to get rid of fat from your legs? We don't know for sure, but researchers attribute the femoral adipose tissue's resistance to several factors - localized blood supply and weak endocrine stimuli to expend fat.

Correction of local fat deposits

Another study evaluating weight loss by gender tracked changes in body mass index in the US military of both genders during a calorie deficit. This led the researchers to identify the following patterns of weight loss in women and men.

Men shed body fat in the following order - belly, back, then arms, legs, and lastly legs and buttocks.

Women lose fat in the following order - arms, abdomen, and finally legs.

Before the training cycle, the female leg fat percentage was similar to that of the men, but after the training cycle, the woman's leg fat percentage was higher than that of the men. Sex differences in fat movement are attributed to complex interactions between local adipocyte receptors and differences in testosterone and estradiol concentrations.

The curious data obtained, including the loss of upper arm fat in women with the highest percentage of body fat in their bodies, also lost most of the fat from their arms compared to those with the lowest percentage of body fat.

Women tend to have the largest localized fat in their arms, and in military research (although women were able to flush off the fat in their arms), the resulting obesity in the arms is still, on average, much stronger than that of men in this test group.

This study, however, was intended to improve the functional ability of soldiers and the increase in muscle mass was not the ultimate goal of the project itself.

The women in the test also did not do biceps and triceps exercises - however, other research (and personal experience with female athletes) reinforces the fact that women can actually increase the size of these muscles by 20% or more when participate in targeted training programs where the goal is to build muscle.

The study also highlights that without the use of topical androgens (anabolic steroids), on average, women who do weights intensively are not able to build arm muscles at a level comparable to men participating in similar training programs. Compared to their male counterparts, the women experienced a low percentage of gains in net arm mass before and after exercise.

This decreased distribution of muscle mass is of great importance in partially explaining the differences between the sexes in terms of variations in upper torso strength and physical strength gains. The results of this study emphasize the importance of focusing on fat loss from a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe body, rather than lowering the percentage of body fat as a measure of the success of a weight loss program, for both men and women; measuring total body fat loss is not an indicator.

Too often, we use the wrong parameters to highlight our success when it comes to losing weight. We look at the numbers on the scales, numbers that tell us little about whether it was a loss of body fat, fluid, or muscle mass — these numbers are misleading to say the least.

Finally, we are looking at the traditional gold standard - the test of body fat and changes in body fat - a tool often used by personal trainers and various weight loss professionals as a barometer of progress or lack thereof.

As mentioned, even a subcutaneous fat test can lead to some disappointment, as these tests cannot always detect fat loss from certain areas of the body - which can convince you that you are not progressing when, as in certain areas of the body, progress is quite noticeable. ... Progress that cannot be detected with a caliper (a tool for measuring skinfold thickness).

Genetic factor in fat distribution

Some people are naturally gifted with a low percentage of abdominal fat and have "cubes" on their belly without any exercise.

As much as we like to think that certain aspects of reality are predetermined, the reality is that our problem areas depend on who your parents were. Research shows that genetics plays a big role in why some people store fat in certain parts of the body, whether they are overweight or not.

In my work experience, ranging from moms, seated at home and office workers, weight loss and bodybuilders, and fitness models preparing for competitions or photo shoots, I have seen some individuals who were noticeably overweight, but with pronounced "cubes »Abdominal muscles, while other people were heavily dieting and could hardly achieve such a press.

The genetic nature of these differences in fat storage sites has been highlighted in several studies, including male twins, which found strong familial similarities in terms of body fat distribution among brothers.

Localized body fat - a health risk?

In addition to the four phenotypes mentioned above, the study also revealed the existence of a paradoxical subgroup of people who are overweight and lacking marker indicators of an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other metabolic syndromes associated with obesity.

In contrast, these individuals had an overall better metabolic profile than normal weight people with metabolic syndrome, with better cholesterol profiles, a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, liver fat, and fewer previously undiagnosed diabetes.

A Finnish study found that the prevalence of obese individuals, but the number of healthy individuals was higher among women than among men (16.4% versus 49.2%) and that 10% of obese citizens fall into the metabolic healthy category despite their weight. ...

The rate at which local body fat appears in different people

Some people find it more difficult to shed fat from certain problem areas than others, but this does not mean that they cannot lose weight and improve their physical shape, it means that they have more work on themselves.

Many people seem to be struggling with waist fat and fat accumulation in problem areas, while others are relatively immune from it, and research involving twins sheds light on how much of a role genetics plays in where and how individuals store fat.

For the experiment, 112 pairs of identical (monozygous) male twins were put on a 1000 calorie per day diet to find out how many calories their bodies need to maintain their initial body weight, 6 days per week for 100 days without additional exercise. ...

Of course, with such a relatively high number of calories consumed, they gained significant amounts of body fat - but there was significant variation in how much weight was gained and where excess fat was stored in pairs of twins.

But there were significant similarities among the couples. For example, there were three times more differences among couples than within pairs in terms of weight gain, body fat and lean muscle mass, and in terms of where fat was stored, there were 6 times more variation between pairs than between twins in a pair.

Overall, there were strong similarities among identical twins in terms of trunk weight gain and visceral abdominal fat. These findings go a long way in demonstrating that some people are more at risk of gaining weight than others when calorie intake remains relatively the same for everyone and when subjects are sedentary.

What is most striking is that genetics have an impact on total body fat percentage, the effect of inherited traits is more pronounced in relation to where it is stored. Understanding this leads us to take a critical look at our family members, to identify possible patterns for our potential weight gain, but genetics determines the initial opportunities for us, not the final ones.

A proper diet and exercise - as time shows, they are able to overcome the most problematic fat traps. It takes time, some more than others, but in the end, it’s not how much time you spend, but whether you achieve the end result!

Fat deposits in men in the abdomen are called differently: "beer belly", "callus" or simply "belly". We make jokes, calling it Danlos' disease ("His stomach is falling out of his trousers"), or we hang some kind of label, for example, "fat folds at the waist." But there is nothing funny about such deposits. They pose a serious health threat that can lead to complications such as cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, hypertension, type II diabetes and erectile dysfunction.

To better understand the risks of excess belly fat, let's take a look at the processes involved in the accumulation of fat in men.

About the ratio of fat and muscle mass in men

When most people think about whether they are fat or thin, it is based on their weight. Although your absolute weight is undoubtedly important and provides some information about your health, it is still more important for you to determine the ratio of fat to muscle tissue in the body, that is, how many kilograms of fat you have and how much muscle. The table below shows which group a man belongs to, depending on the percentage of fat in his tissues:

Most men believe that with age and hormonal changes associated with andropause, the ratio of fat and muscle mass in them inevitably changes: fat becomes more. Indeed, the tables in health articles, on the Internet or in the doctor's office reflect this very point of view, which explains the higher "healthy" percentage of body fat in older people. But men should not put up with deposits that accumulate in their middle age and in subsequent years. The amount of fat is directly related to diet and exercise.

It is unlikely that a 70-year-old person will have a fat percentage of 11, but this does not mean that he can give up on himself. It's never too late to tackle improving your constitution with proper nutrition and exercise. And, I might add, it's never too early. I've seen men in their twenties and thirties - in sports like American football, where weight is important - who have a high percentage of body fat.

If the ratio of fat to muscle mass accurately indicates whether you have a normal constitution, then your absolute weight does not really give an accurate indication of whether you are obese. Let's take a look at two athletes weighing 110 kg.

The first, bodybuilder John, has 10% body fat; the rest is in muscle mass. His metabolism is efficient, since muscle tissue is metabolically active. He looks strong and muscular, with a thin waist and a flat stomach. He is in excellent health, his lipid profile (triglycerides and cholesterol) is in the normal range, and he feels energized and alert throughout the day.

The second man, Paul, is 40% fat and looks and feels completely different. Although he plays in the National Football League, his metabolism is not as efficient as it should be, since fat is metabolically inert. He looks overweight, his waist is 122 cm, and his stomach is falling out of his trousers. His cholesterol and triglyceride levels are dangerously high. Since much of his fat is concentrated in the abdomen, he is at serious risk of developing type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease (if he is not already suffering from these undiagnosed diseases). Despite the fact that he is a professional athlete, he looks inadequate, and due to his huge belly, there is tension in the lower back. He often complains of pain in his back, knees and lower back, which is explained by the excess fat that he wears on himself.

It is not how much fat that matters, but where it is deposited

It should now be clear that the most important thing is not how much fat you have, but where it is concentrated and at what point it becomes a problem.

The classic fat model in men corresponds to the android form, or the apple form - fatty deposits above the waist. Therefore, the waist size in men is one of the most accurate indicators of how predisposed he is to various diseases. When the American Association for the Study of the Human Heart published a revised Guide to Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in Circulation in 2002, it warned that waist measurements in men of 101 cm or more indicated an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. ... Dr. Sydney Smith, Senior Fellow at the Association, said: "It turns out that waist size is as good an indicator of risk as body mass index."

Over the course of my Program, I have found that waist measurement is an even more reliable indicator of risk than BMI. For example, it is very good to assess changes in tissue composition by the size of the waist. I have seen many clients in their 60s and 70s who have not gained weight over the years, that is, their BMI has not changed, but they had extra centimeters in the waist, indicating a decrease in muscle mass and an increase in fat. Some people consider the ratio of fat to muscle mass to be an excellent indicator, but I always look at the size of a man's waist first. If his fat is deposited in a female pattern, then the ratio of fat to muscle can remain constant for years, although he actively accumulates a considerable amount of fat in the lower body.

Even a man with a waist size of less than 101 cm can be vulnerable to certain diseases.My doctors usually suggest that most men with a waist volume of at least 94 cm undergo a glucose tolerance test or A1C hemoglobin test (with its help, sugar content is monitored in human blood for 2-3 months). It depends on the clients' performance in the initial assessment of their health or on the ratio of their fat to muscle mass. This proposal is due to the fact that the presence of excess body fat on the abdomen is largely associated with insulin resistance, a harbinger of type II diabetes.

I also noticed that there is a direct relationship between erectile dysfunction and belly fat. A 2000 study by the National Cancer Institute found that men with a waist size of 107 cm or more were twice as likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction as men with a waist size of 81 cm. those leading a passive lifestyle are more prone to this problem than men who exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.

These findings were confirmed by a 2003 survey of 32,000 men between 53 and 90 years of age and published in the Annals of Internal Medicine. The researchers found that one in three older men suffered from erectile dysfunction. However, men who were not obese and did regular exercise were 30% less likely to suffer from this condition.

Other hazards from belly fat deposition: metabolic syndrome X

Obese men often have a group of symptoms that doctors call metabolic syndrome X. These include a waist size of 101 cm or more, triglyceride levels above 150 mgdl, HDL (good cholesterol) less than 40 mgdl, fasting glucose above 110 mgdl, and blood pressure above 13585 mm Hg. Art. Anyone who has three or more of these symptoms is diagnosed with metabolic syndrome X.

In an article recently published in the British Medical Journal, Dr. Jean-Pierre Despres (Quebec Heart Institute) called metabolic syndrome X hypertriglyceridemia and confirmed that the likelihood of heart disease is greater when the above symptoms are combined with a waist size greater than 101 cm.Dr. Despres also points out the fact that the ratio of the waist to the hip is not a reliable indicator of predisposition to disease, since men whose fat is deposited according to the female type often continue to accumulate fat on the waist and hips, although this ratio does not go beyond the "safe" range.

Don't give in to the beer belly

Many men justify the deposition of fat in the abdominal area with their DNA: "All men in the family have a huge belly, and therefore I, too, are doomed to this 'genetic' obesity."

I noticed that in most cases this is not true. Obese people almost always grow up and continue to live in an environment - family, friends, spouse - that is characterized by negative dietary and physical activity habits. They are fat because they lead a sedentary lifestyle and have unhealthy eating habits, and not because of some mysterious gene for "obesity."

However, in a small proportion of men, scientists have discovered what they call the "beer belly gene." A recent study at the University of Naples, published in the Annals Internal Medicine, found that out of 959 men between the ages of 25 and 75, some did indeed have a genetic variation that promotes fat storage in humans. abdominal area.

However, this genetic predisposition is not a verdict. It was found that the increased tendency of these men to accumulate excess fat in the abdominal area only manifested itself if they led an unhealthy lifestyle. None of them developed a "beer belly" as long as they ate properly and exercised regularly. And they were just as likely to lose fat and build muscle as men without the beer belly gene. The only difference was that this group had to be a little more careful in their habits to avoid obesity.

We've looked at the many health threats associated with belly fat. Now the good news: Getting rid of this fat is the easiest way.

Fat is stored in cells as triglycerides. You've heard that exercise increases your body's ability to burn fat, but you probably don't know why this is, or, for that matter, why you need to exercise if you've already switched to a healthy diet. Isn't eating the right diet enough? In fact, adequate exercise significantly increases your body's ability to burn stored fat.

Epinephrine is a fat-mobilizing hormone secreted by your sympathetic nervous system. Studies show that the concentration of this hormone in your body increases markedly during exercise. When epinephrine binds to specific receptors on fat cells, it stimulates hormone sensitive lipase (HPL) to break down triglycerides inside cells and release them into the bloodstream where they can be used as energy. And this is exactly what you need. You want the fat not to be at rest in your body, but to be mobilized.

When you do aerobic exercise, HSP becomes even more susceptible to epinephrine as your body temperature rises. The more aerobic endurance you have, the less epinephrine is required to activate HSP and release stored fat. However, if you are obese, significantly larger amounts of this hormone are required to break down triglycerides.

Another hormone affected by exercise is lepton, a peptide hormone produced by adipose (adipose) tissue; it also plays a role in fat storage and overall energy balance. A recent study published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry indicates that exercise in conjunction with diet is the most effective way to reduce lepton levels in the body, ultimately helping to shed excess fat.

A cell receptor can be thought of as a parking lot where a hormone “parks” to start or stop cell function. There are two main types of cellular receptors that epinephrine can bind to to act on the cell - alpha receptors, which inhibit triglyceride breakdown, i.e. fat storage, and beta receptors, which stimulate fat burning.

Studies show that in both men and women, most of the beta receptors are located in the abdomen, which means that fat in that part of the body is easier to get rid of. But women have more alpha receptors in the pelvic and hip areas than men, which explains why they tend to store more fat in these areas.

The basic exercises in this article are tailored so that you can mobilize your body's ability to burn fat to get rid of abdominal fat.

Why is the reverse fat model in men dangerous?

The most dangerous areas for a man to store fat are the thighs (pelvis) and buttocks. In these parts of the body, fat is most often stored in women, which is why this fat pattern is called the reverse fat pattern. By the time a man has fat in the reverse fat pattern, his waist is usually 127 cm or more, and his fullness becomes painful. As mentioned, it is much more difficult for a man to mobilize fat in this part of the body than in the abdomen.

I work with many men who have a female pattern of fat deposition. Many of them suffer from serious hormonal disorders. They produce less testosterone, the level of estradiol - the main hormone in women - is higher than normal, they are characterized by decreased sexual desire, erectile dysfunction and weakening of the thyroid gland. Decreased testosterone levels and elevated estradiol levels often lead to gynecomastia, in which a man's breasts become soft and similar to a woman's, and his body becomes "feminized" due to excess fat. His percentage of muscle mass is much lower than average, such a man suffers from loss of strength, irritability and chronic exhaustion.

A classic example of a man whose fat was stored in a reverse fat pattern is Douglas Danielle, 41, a nightclub entertainer in the French Quarter of New Orleans. When Douglas started my program, he was so morbidly overweight that our doctors did not guarantee him more than five years of life. Here are the indicators of his health before he started my Program.

Note that Douglas' hips were 13 cm larger than his waist, which indicates an inverse fat pattern: his fat was concentrated not only in the abdomen, but also on the hips and buttocks.

Douglas smoked two packs of cigarettes a day, which further increased his risk of heart disease and cancer; suffered from sleep apnea, a disease that can affect the heart if left untreated. He had to take glucophage, a type II diabetes medication. He suffered from low testosterone levels and hypothyroidism. He was a walking time bomb, and I knew I had to motivate him to save his life - and quickly.

Our doctor immediately prescribed medication for hypothyroidism and included him in our cardiac rehabilitation group at the Ochsner Clinic, where he began working to improve his aerobic capacity. During this period, he performed exercises with light dumbbells and exercises to strengthen the body. One of his most important steps was a drastic change in his diet: then he consisted of a large number of fatty fried foods and hearty high-calorie pasta dishes prepared for him by his mother and bride. Douglas and his girlfriend learned how to cook delicious, low-fat Italian meals and the healthier New Orleans meals. They also loved the low-glycemic, low-saturated fat meals that nutritionist Molly Kimball and I came up with for our customers.

Six weeks later, Douglas, continuing to follow his dietary program, began a set of exercises designed to train the heart, which had to be done periodically (it supplemented all other types of exercises). I've also provided him with tools to reduce stress and keep him motivated.

At the end of the 12-week Transformation Program, hosted as the Health Cops New Orleans TV show on Discovery Health, Douglas's scores were:

Douglas has quit smoking, no longer snores at night, and no longer takes diabetes medication. He strictly follows the Program while still shedding weight and gaining muscle mass. 20 weeks after the start of the program, he got rid of another 15 kg, thereby losing a total of 42 kg of absolute weight!

If my Program helped even in such a neglected case as that of Douglas, then it can help you too. If he and hundreds of other obese men and women, and therefore putting their health at serious risk, can completely change themselves using the Program outlined in this article, do you have to wait? There is no excuse for the postponement.

Wanting to lose weight, a person wants to get rid of exactly excess fat. However, if a person does this incorrectly, then along with fats he loses muscle mass, or only gets rid of it. To lose weight correctly, you need to understand how fat is burned in the body, and by what processes it happens.

Fat is found in fat cells, the amount of which in humans does not change regardless of the amount of fat. That is, losing weight, we get rid not of fat cells, but of the fat in them. The more it is in the cells, the larger their size and weight. Fat cells tend to stretch a lot.

Recently, scientists have shown that the number of fat cells can change throughout life, but this change is not significant.

The first thing that happens when fat leaves the body is its release. To do this, you need to create a deficit of energy in the body. Then special hormones and enzymes are released into the bloodstream, which are transported through the bloodstream to the fat cells and release fat from them.

To create an energy deficit, without which fat does not burn in the human body, you need to spend more energy than you consume. For this, dietary restrictions and physical activity are used.

Second process. Transporting fat to muscles and burning it

Once released from fat cells, fat is transformed with blood into muscle. Reaching the muscles, it must be burned in the mitochondria, which are the so-called "power plants" of a person. And it needs enzymes and oxygen to burn fat. If there are not enough of them in the body, fat will not be able to transform into energy, and will be deposited in the body again.

That is, in order to break down fats in the human body, they need to be released from fat cells through enzymes and hormones. Then they are transported to the muscle and burned by reaction with oxygen and enzymes.

It is this process of breaking down fats that is natural weight loss. Therefore, in order for it to be correct, the body needs physical activity, accompanied by the consumption of a large amount of oxygen, and at the same time the presence of all the enzymes necessary for burning fat. To do this, you need proper nutrition with a sufficient amount of protein food, since it contains enzymes to a greater extent.

Features of the process of burning fat in the body

The body has two main sources of energy - glycogen and fat. Glycogen is a more potent source and is easier to convert to energy than fat. Therefore, the body first tries to burn it, and only then comes the turn to fat.

Hence, it is important that the workout lasts at least an hour, because otherwise the body, burning glycogen, may not reach fat.

Exercise with high oxygen consumption - aerobic exercise, that is, running, cycling, swimming, and so on. It is these types of loads that contribute to the active burning of fat, so if you want to lose weight, focus on them, and not on strength training. Strength training, of course, will help train your muscles, but they simply won't be visible under the layer of fat.

Ideally, a combination of aerobic and strength training is recommended., since running or cycling alone will not help to get the desired result - the body is inclined to adapt to monotonous loads. It is thanks to the alternation of loads that the desired result can be achieved. Moreover, the more muscles in the body, the more actively fat is burned, so proper weight loss should include strength training.

In simple terms, fat breaks down into carbon dioxide and water, and at the same time energy is released. Carbon dioxide is excreted through the lungs, water is excreted in urine and sweat, while the body uses energy for work. This is the answer to the question of where fat goes when a person loses weight.

And one more point that misleads many. Fat is a source of energy and is evenly distributed throughout the body. Can't burn it in just one area - on the stomach or legs. Therefore, when losing weight, the whole body loses weight, and in the future you can correct problem areas with strength exercises.

You also need to take into account that each person has genetic characteristics, due to which fat in specific areas can go better than others.

How body fat is stored

You also need to understand how fat is formed in the human body. The presence of fat deposits on the human body is a normal indicator of the body's defense reaction, or rather, the natural mechanism of survival. In ancient times, it was thanks to fat that a person could survive in severe cold. Today, there is no such need anymore, but fat still accumulates. How does this happen.

First of all, carbohydrates, especially simple sugars, are transformed into fat cells. Of course, like other substances, the body needs them. They are deposited in the muscles, and this becomes the main source of energy for strength work, and for any load in principle. But the maximum amount that can accumulate in the muscles is 60-90 grams of carbohydrates, and another 70-80 grams can be deposited in the liver. There are no other places to store them in the body. Therefore, when carbohydrates are consumed in excess of the norm, they are transformed into fatty deposits and "settle" on the stomach, hips, legs and other parts of the body.

Another point - fat can be scooped directly from fat.... Fats are also necessary for the body, especially for women to maintain the functioning of the hormonal, reproductive and cardiovascular systems. However, a gram of pure fat contains about 9 kcal, respectively, 100 grams of it - 900 kcal, and this is not so far from the daily calorie intake of a person who wants to lose weight. Calories from fat are stored more easily and faster by the body than calories from carbohydrates, since fat is difficult to break down and is the last to be spent as a source of energy.

Where and how does body fat accumulate? Many people think that it is deposited only under the skin, since these deposits can be seen with the naked eye. Most of it really accumulates here, but skin and fatty tissue is located not only directly under the skin, but also inside, enveloping the internal organs, which is necessary to protect them. This fat is referred to as visceral or abdominal fat.because the most important organs are located in the abdomen or sternum. But if the amount of subcutaneous fat exceeds the norm, it is fraught with obesity, disturbances in the work of the cardiovascular system and the numerous negative consequences ensuing from this.

Features of proper fat burning

Subcutaneous fat leaves quickly enough. But visceral fat is burned more difficult and slower. But fighting with its excess is very important to maintain the normal functioning of the body and all its systems.

Proper nutrition is initially important, as fat is burned when there is a lack of energy. You need to start by counting calories. You can eat well, using all the necessary substances, however, reduce the calorie content to 1500-1800 kcal per day for women, and 2000-2300 kcal for men. First of all, of course, it is important to cut back on the amount of fatty foods in the diet. Healthy sources of fats: sea fish, vegetable oils, nuts... It is also important to limit simple carbohydrates such as sugar, sweets, baked goods, sugary waters. Sources of carbohydrates should be healthy - cereals, fruits and vegetables, whole grain bread.

Very important for proper fat burning training, namely aerobic exercise. They provide the best supply of oxygen to the body, and it is he who is the main assistant in burning fat. And do not forget that cardio training should last at least 30-40 minutes so that the body uses up glycogen and has time to get to fat.

Basically, any exercise will be effective for burning fat, and you can choose the one that you like best. How much you burn will be determined by the intensity of the workout, physical fitness, age - the older the person, the longer the storage systems work, the muscle mass. Training frequency is also important.

If we are talking about cardio training, then you can add to them such effective exercises as running in place with a high rise of the knees, jumping with swinging legs and arms, and others.

Even exercises like squats and push-ups can be done in cardio mode if done at an accelerated pace. You can do a certain amount per set or practice for a while, each time improving your results. This will turn your workout into high intensity interval training.

Regardless of the circumstances, you need to give all the best. The more and more actively you work, the more energy is consumed. But the whole process of fat burning, in fact, is reduced to the ratio of received and spent energy. If you eat right, you will get results as quickly as possible.

Another option for burning fat is running. Also remember that strong muscles cause the body to expend more energy, so strength training is also needed. It is important to alternate the load and make the training varied so that the body does not get used to the monotony.

Knowing how fat is broken down and burned will help you achieve better results. Remember that the most important thing is to exercise regularly and eat in moderation so that the body does not receive excess, which it hastens to store in fat.

About fat in the body on video

Be that as it may, I am getting fat in different ways. There are several theories beyond lifestyle reasons for this fat distribution.

Possible options:

In addition to these factors, nutrition is equally important. Because regular, uncontrolled eating of fatty foods leads to the formation of fatty folds on the abdomen in all people, regardless of gender and age.

Problem areas

There are certain problems due to which the problem may affect more than one area on your body. And in this case, you need to deal specifically with the localization of your extra centimeters.

What the deposits say:

What to do?

As one can infer from the main reasons for the accumulation of fat in unnecessary places, the situation is not a win-win. You haven’t had time to despair yet, have you? Everything can be dealt with!

Video: “It's great to live! Thank you, fat! "

How to fix the problem:

I hope this article gave you an answer on how fat appears in some places and how to get rid of it. If you have knowledge, you are armed!

gastroguru 2017