If the child has an allergy. Allergies in children - types, symptoms, what to do, how to treat. Prevention of allergic reactions in children

What is allergy in children? What are the symptoms? How can a child's allergy be avoided, and how to treat it if it hasn't been avoided.

Children from wealthy families are more likely to have dermatitis, urticaria and other manifestations of allergies. This disease does not appear from a bad life, but from a very good one.

Clean hands, thoroughly washed clothes, an abundant and varied diet…. We are used to considering all this as a guarantee of health. It turns out that the same thing can cause allergies in children.

How to get your immune system back on track?

What is allergy in children?

Allergy is one of the "youngest" diseases. Earlier, when most of the world's population lived from hand to mouth, dressed poorly, was often freezing and rarely washed, no one had even heard of this ailment. Most children are now reliably protected from dirt, disease and hunger. But the body is designed in such a way that it constantly strives to protect the baby from threats. And if there are no threats, he takes harmless things for very dangerous, and begins to defend himself against them.

Allergy is an inadequate response of the immune system to some irritant - an allergen. It enters the baby's body in different ways.

It depends on the type of allergy. She may be:

  • Food... The earliest test is to identify a child's allergy to formula or cow's milk protein. 90% of food allergies are a reaction to 6 foods: eggs, soy, wheat, dairy, peanuts, seafood.
  • Medicinal... As a rule, this is a reaction not to one drug, but to an entire group.
  • Contact... This can be a rash from washing powder, dye in clothes, or even irritation from the cold.
  • Respiratory... Reaction to what we inhale. A child's allergy to cats is the most striking example of immune failure. Toddlers may have problems with house dust, pollen, or harsh perfumes.
  • Insect bite reaction... Most often it is an allergy to wasps or bees. It is especially dangerous for young children as it causes severe swelling. A child's airways are so narrow that swelling can easily block them, causing suffocation.

Signs of allergies in children

There are several phenomena that can be easily confused with allergies. If a baby coughs heavily and sniffles from tobacco smoke, this does not mean that his immune system has malfunctioned. It is a natural defense against a really harmful stimulus.

On the other hand, if a one-year-old child has eaten a pound of tangerines and is "sprinkled", this does not mean that he is allergic to citrus fruits. It's just that the baby's body is not able to assimilate so much. Next time, start with one wedge, and if there is no reaction, increase the serving to a reasonable size.

Causes of allergies in children

It is impossible to list all the causes of allergies.

Doctors say excessive hygiene may be affecting the widespread prevalence of the disease. The abundance of chemical products in our lives may also matter. For example, household chemicals, dyes and synthetic fibers in clothing, or dyes and food additives.

Allergy has been linked to heredity... If the parents are susceptible to this ailment, then the child is likely to inherit it too. And yet, scientists emphasize: allergies are associated with these factors, but there is no causal relationship.

Food allergies in children

Food allergies in children are often the result of banal overeating.

The famous pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky comments on it this way: “When we eat any food, we need to break down the protein that is part of this food. In order to break down protein, you need enzymes, or enzymes. If there are a lot of enzymes, but there is not enough food, then there is no allergy. But more often the situation is completely opposite, when a mother and two grandmothers with spoons rush after one child, and he shouts: "I don't want to!" Why doesn't he want to? Because intestinal juices have not been produced, there are not enough enzymes. He is fed, food is not split, and everyone says: poor child! "

Video: Food Allergy

Allergy in a child to cats and other animals

The reason contact allergy dry air and intense heat in the room where the child lives can become. In such an environment, the skin and mucous membranes lose a lot of moisture and become sensitive. As a result, laundry detergent, poorly rinsed out of clothes, causes severe itching and hives. A hamster, or a cat, caught in the respiratory tract, causes a cough, and leads to allergies to other animals.

A dust allergy is more likely to occur in a home where there are many "dust collectors" - carpet on the floor, stuffed animals in all corners, books in the sideboard, displayed "for decoration."

And the cause of drug allergy is often the uncontrolled use of antibiotics.

Allergy symptoms: how to recognize an immune failure

Treatment for allergies in children depends on the symptoms. By the place of their manifestation, one can judge the route of the allergen entering the body, which means that it is easier to identify the allergen itself.

The main symptom of a respiratory allergy is a runny nose, sneezing, and nasal congestion. If the allergen is not eliminated, and the reaction progresses, then the symptoms go further into the respiratory tract. There may be bronchospasm, shortness of breath, shortness of breath. All this leads to asthma.

Often, an allergic person, upon contact with an irritant, reddens and hurts his eyes. This is allergic conjunctivitis. Hearing may be impaired, there is pain in the ears.

The most telling symptoms of contact allergy are skin rashes. This can be eczema, dermatitis, or hives. Pay attention to the places where "poured". It happens that the baby's whole body itches, but it is clean under the diaper. This means that the problem is in washing powder or poor-quality clothing fabric. After all, the skin under the diaper is the only protected place. Are the rashes symmetrical on the bends of the elbows, tummy and groin? This is how food allergies manifest themselves.

Allergy symptoms in a child. A photo

The most serious consequence of allergies is anaphylactic shock. It can develop a few seconds after a bee sting or mistakenly eaten peanuts. First, there is severe pain, swelling and redness at the site of contact with the allergen. Then the itching spreads throughout the body, the pressure drops. This can lead to fainting, coma, and even death.

In the case of food allergies, the first symptoms may be vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, and oral swelling.

If the doctor cannot recognize the allergy by symptoms, he or she will order tests. This can be a blood test or skin test. But you need to know how to get tested for allergies in children correctly. For example, blood should not be drawn from babies under three years of age. At this age, immunity has not yet formed, and the result may be inaccurate. For skin tests, several tiny incisions are made on the body, and allergens are injected into them. Which of the samples will give a reaction, that will show the cause of the allergy.

Allergy treatment in children: pills or healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle)?

Doctors can suggest different drugs and medicines for allergies in children. They differ in the form of release. These can be tablets that relieve general reactions, and ointments that relieve local reactions. There are drugs in injections that are necessary to relieve edema in anaphylactic shock. Hormonal infections are very effective, but they cannot be used for more than three days due to the severe side effects. Inhalers are indispensable for allergy sufferers suffering from bronchial asthma and severe forms of respiratory allergies.

Drugs and medicines for allergies in children

The mechanism of action is distinguished:

  1. Antihistamines
  2. Hormonal drugs
  3. Cromones

Antihistamines reduce the effect of histamine, a substance that gives rise to most of the manifestations of allergic inflammation. Cromones strengthen the cell membranes that contain this histamine and prevent it from being released.

Hormone medications have a different mechanism, depending on the hormone used.

Probiotics and beneficial bacteria for allergies in children

In the past, one of the main treatments for food allergies was an enema. Now in the arsenal of doctors there are

preparations with probiotics that will help restore the disturbed microflora in the intestine without such radical remedies. By the way, they also help with other types of allergies.

In children suffering from this disease, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is more often upset. Science has established this long ago. But relatively recently it was found that if the disturbed balance in the intestine is restored, then the immune system will get stronger, and the manifestations of allergies will become less frequent. For this purpose, probiotics and other beneficial bacteria are used.

Treatment of allergies in children with folk remedies

This is the arsenal of medicine. Treatment of allergies in children with folk remedies is difficult, because traditional medicine was formed when no one knew about this disease. But traditional medicine knows many ways to combat the common cold, conjunctivitis and itching.

Milk with birch tar helps with a cold. The drink is drunk in the morning before meals. the first portion is prepared like this:


  • half a glass of milk
  • one drop of birch tar

Within 12 days, the number of drops of tar is gradually increased, bringing to 12. Then during the same time it is reduced to one drop. The course is designed for 24 days.

RECIPE: In case of allergic conjunctivitis, it is recommended to rinse the eyes with a decoction of millet. This should be done daily half an hour before bedtime.

RECIPE: An unusual recipe for itching - an infusion of Jerusalem artichoke leaves. With skin allergies, it can be taken internally, compressed and even added to the bath.

Home treatment for allergies in children

Much depends on the lifestyle. Parents themselves can help the baby without resorting to pills and ointments.

The best way to combat allergies is to eliminate the irritant. If this is not possible, make the environment in which the baby grows as healthy as possible. Monitor the temperature and humidity in the nursery. Do not overdo it with soap and household chemicals. Be outdoors more. Do not be afraid to temper the little allergy sufferer. Immunity training is what he needs.

Allergy is an immune malfunction. Its causes can be very different, but its connection with heredity, excessive hygiene and an abundance of chemistry in the surrounding world is obvious.

Itching, redness of the skin, runny nose, sneezing, stomach upset and even anaphylactic shock - this is how allergies manifest in children.

Parents' advice and testimonials say this is a disease that needs to be learned to live with. In order not to turn to the arsenal of medicine every time, pay attention to the baby's immunity. Make your home as comfortable as possible for a little allergy sufferer.

Video: Preventing Food Allergies

Allergy in children is an urgent problem in modern allergology and immunology. For parents of an allergic child, it is first of all important to know the factors that affect the development of allergic diseases. This will help prevent chronic complications and dangerous consequences.

The World Health Organization calls allergy "the disease of the 21st century." Unfortunately, in Russia, allergy is still not perceived as a serious disease. And parents are in no hurry to examine a child with obvious allergic symptoms. Meanwhile, the number of Russian children suffering from various types of allergies is growing rapidly every year. The increase in morbidity is influenced by changes in the quality of food, lifestyle, air and water pollution, poor hygiene of living quarters, an abundance of hygiene products, cosmetics, household chemicals, and frequent use of drugs.

Allergy Signs

How do allergy symptoms in children manifest on the skin?

  • Rash. They can be of a different nature: redness, small rash, urticaria. The skin becomes dry and rough. With a long process, compaction, keratinization of some areas of the skin may be noted. Also, after scratching, weeping wounds, cracks, sores, eczema on the skin may appear. This is what a chronic allergy in children looks like, with signs of an inflammatory process that requires medication.
  • Puffiness. It occurs with an acute, instant allergic reaction, for example, after an insect bite, taking medicine, less often after a meal. Severe swelling with allergies is called Quincke's edema. First of all, the lips, eyelids, cheeks, mucous membranes of the mouth and genitals swell. With such signs, urgent help is required.
  • Itching, burning. This is one of the most unpleasant symptoms. Itching can be severe, the child is scratching the skin, and this can lead to bacterial infection, a long healing process.

How does allergy to mucous membranes manifest in children?

  • Rhinitis. With allergic rhinitis, there is difficulty in nasal breathing, nasal congestion, swelling, dry mucous membranes. There may also be profuse, clear nasal discharge.
  • Conjunctivitis. Signs of allergic conjunctivitis: redness, lacrimation, pain in the eyes.
  • Cough. The child may complain of a sore throat, which causes a cough. A dangerous symptom in allergies is hoarseness, shortness of breath, which may be associated with swelling of the laryngeal mucosa.

Respiratory symptoms are most often provoked by plant, animal, food, drug, chemical allergens.

Signs of an allergy in a child from the gastrointestinal tract (GIT):

  • bloating, colic, rumbling in the intestines;
  • abdominal pain, nausea;
  • belching, vomiting, heartburn;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • signs of dysbiosis.

When does a child have a fever with allergies?

  • Insect bites.
  • Reaction to food.
  • Intolerance to the drug.
  • Pollen intolerance.

In most cases, with allergies, there is no temperature or subfebrile condition is noted - it does not rise above 37, 5 ° C. But with some types of food, drug allergies, severe intoxication with a high temperature can be observed.

Localization of rashes

Allergies to the skin of a child can be localized in different places. What are the most common areas of rash, redness, peeling, swelling of the skin?

  • Allergy on the face. The skin on the face is the most problematic and sensitive to external stimuli, often chapped, dry out in the sun. Most often, when using highly allergenic foods, there is an allergy on the cheeks. Also, the cause may be a contact allergen: water when washing, skin treatment with hygiene products, climatic conditions. Read more about a child's allergy to cold in our other article. Typically, allergies start on the face and then spread to other areas of the body.
  • Allergy on the neck. May be associated with local exposure to an allergen, for example: woolen, synthetic clothing, dyes, jewelry made of metal and other materials. But also neck allergy is a sign of a systemic manifestation of food, drug, respiratory, sun allergies. In infants, rashes on the neck are often associated with overheating and are called prickly heat.
  • Allergies on the legs and arms. Most often, rashes occur on the folds - in the elbow and knee joints, on the elbows and knees, the inner thighs, forearms. The rash occurs where the skin sweats or dries up the most. A rash on the arms and legs can be a reaction to external stimuli: synthetics, wool, dyes, cosmetics. Also, food, drug allergies are often the cause.
  • Allergy to the pope. Rashes on the buttocks do not always indicate an allergic nature. In infants, changes in the skin can be associated with a violation of the rules of hygienic care, overheating, and diaper dermatitis. If the rash appears simultaneously on the face (another part of the body) and the buttocks, it may be an allergic reaction to a product or household allergen.

Also, rashes can spread throughout the body, appear on the abdomen and back. If a rash develops, you should definitely see a doctor. Indeed, often a profuse rash all over the body can be a sign of viral and bacterial infections - measles, rubella, scarlet fever, chickenpox, sudden exanthema. Only a doctor can differentiate rashes.

One of the most dangerous types of allergies is insect allergy - a reaction to insect bites, contact with their metabolic products. The reaction develops quickly and can lead to anaphylactic shock, angioedema and suffocation. If there have previously been cases of unexpected reactions to stings of bees, wasps, hornets and other insects, immediate relief of the allergic reaction with antihistamines and emergency treatment is required.

Provoking factors

What can a child be allergic to? This is the main question that doctors and parents are asking. What are the categories of allergens and where to find them?

  • Food allergens. This is a large group of allergens. Sometimes it is difficult to identify which particular product a child is allergic to, so the doctor prescribes a strict hypoallergenic diet. The most highly allergenic foods: whole milk, soy, nuts (especially peanuts), eggs (especially protein), fatty meats, chicken, seafood and fish, red, orange fruits, berries, vegetables, bee products, cocoa, all citrus fruits. Sweet, spicy, salty, fermented and smoked foods, carbonated drinks, dyes, flavor enhancers, emulsifiers - all these can provoke acute food allergies.
  • Lactose intolerance. This type of food allergy is most often diagnosed in the first year of life and usually resolves by the age of three. Lactose is milk sugar that enters the child's body with breast milk, formula, during complementary feeding. With a lack of the lactase enzyme, milk sugar does not break down, enters the intestines and causes fermentation, disrupts the work of digestion, intestinal microflora, and causes an allergic reaction. Read more about lactase deficiency and its treatment in our other article.
  • Gluten intolerance, or gluten. Another common type of food allergy in children under three years of age. Although gluten allergies can be detected at a later age, even in adolescents. Distinguish between congenital genetic gluten intolerance, which remains for life and requires adherence to the strictest gluten-free diet. But most often there is a temporary gluten allergy, which is explained by the immaturity of the enzyme system. Gluten is a protein of some cereals, namely wheat, rye, barley, oats. If you are allergic to gluten, white and black bread, pastries, confectionery made from wheat, rye, oat flour are prohibited, and you should also not give your child semolina, wheat, barley, or oatmeal.
  • Indoor air. In living quarters, a huge number of household allergens of various natures: bacterial, fungal, chemical. The most harmful and hazardous to health are dust mites, mold with high humidity in the room, varnish coatings and paint on furniture and walls. Also, dry and hot air in the room, overheating and a constant lack of fluid in the child's body can aggravate allergic manifestations.
  • Water. Untreated chlorine-contaminated tap water is a common cause of contact allergies in children. This provoking factor must be eliminated first. The most effective solution to the problem is to install a filter.
  • Household chemicals, clothing and body care products. If there is an allergic child in the house, it is recommended to exclude household chemicals as much as possible. Washing powder should be hypoallergenic, and rinse aids should also be abandoned. Body care products (shampoos, gels, soaps, creams) must be hypoallergenic and certified.
  • Plant pollen. The cause of seasonal allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, bronchitis can be pollen from flowering trees and herbs. There are about one hundred types of plant allergens. Most often, allergies are caused by: ragweed, quinoa, wheatgrass, wormwood, dandelion, nettle, corn, poplar, birch, linden, pine, oak, alder, chestnut, most garden flowers, flowering fruit trees. Depending on the time of flowering of plants, there are several peaks of exacerbations: spring, summer, autumn.
  • Medications. Drug allergy in children is a frequent and unsafe phenomenon. Taking certain medications can lead to sudden anaphylactic shock, angioedema, when emergency care is required. What medications can most often trigger an allergic reaction? Antibiotics, vaccines, insulin, sulfa drugs, anticonvulsants, anesthetics. Allergic reactions are often caused by dyes and additives in children's syrups, medicinal herbs.
  • Pets. The fur, epidermis, feathers and down of pets can cause a sudden allergic reaction. After contact with a cat, dog, guinea pig or budgie, a child may experience nasal congestion, hives, and itching within 15-20 minutes. The most pronounced reaction occurs with direct contact with an animal, but passive allergy to animal hair and bird feathers is also possible. The most powerful "provocateur" is considered to be an allergen of cat hair and epidermis.

Treatment methods

Allergy treatment in children is carried out in a comprehensive manner. The speed of recovery depends on eliminating the cause of the allergy in children. To do this, you need to carefully examine the child's living conditions: nutrition, hygiene, air, water, animals, climate.

Medication methods

  • Antihistamines. They are prescribed as symptomatic treatment for acute allergic reactions in children, as well as for prophylactic purposes. Children are allowed antihistamines that do not sedate - do not cause lethargy, lethargy and drowsiness. These drugs include second and third generation antihistamines. For babies under 3 years old, antihistamine drops and syrups are recommended, older children can be given pills.
  • Means for normalizing digestion. Often, against the background of allergies, the child has gastrointestinal disorders: constipation, increased flatulence, belching, nausea, dysbiosis. In this case, the doctor prescribes sorbents, enzymes, choleretic drugs, drugs with lactulose for chronic constipation, probiotics.
  • Hormonal topical preparations. It is the most effective remedy for severe, chronic skin lesions. Hormones quickly eliminate rashes and itching, improvement can come after two to three uses. But it is important to know that these medications can have dangerous side effects, they can be addictive, they can be allergic. They are used strictly according to the doctor's prescription. The most famous hormonal ointments that are used in pediatrics: Advantan, Avecort, Gistan N, Elokom, Skin-Cap, Skinlight, Silkaren, Uniderm.
  • Non-hormonal drugs. These are safe antiseptic, moisturizing, regenerating ointments and creams. Most often appointed: "Desitin", "Gistan", "Bepanten", "Losterin", "Pantoderm", "Protopic", "Solcoseryl" and others.
  • Local antifungal and antibacterial agents. They are prescribed only for secondary infections that develop against the background of a chronic inflammatory process on the skin. They must be used strictly according to the indications and prescription of a doctor.

Read about antiallergic drugs for children in our other article.

Climatotherapy and other complementary methods

Allergic diseases in children are well treated with sea water and mountain air. If the child is not allergic to seasonal flowering of plants, he can be safely sent to the village, away from house dust and urban living conditions. Often, children with allergies experience improvements, their skin becomes much clearer in the summer when they are in the fresh air and sun. Additional methods of therapy include: physiotherapy, mud therapy, carbon and mineral baths, ultraviolet radiation, herbal medicine. It is also known that childhood allergies are successfully treated with homeopathy.

Diet therapy

Diet is the only effective treatment for food allergies. Also, hypoallergenic food is prescribed for the diagnosis of the disease. The course of dietary nutrition should be prescribed by an allergist. Energy age requirements are necessarily taken into account. The menu is also being thought out so that the child receives the required amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, trace elements, vitamins. Read more about food allergies in children, its diagnosis, prevention and treatment in our other article.

Traditional methods

For the treatment of skin with allergic dermatitis, decoctions of a string, sage, celandine, yarrow, chamomile, calendula, nettle are often used. Medical baths with sea salt will be safe and beneficial. In case of inflammation on the skin, you can make antiseptic lotions from tea tree oil. Itching and swelling relieves potato juice well. Before using any folk remedies, you need to make sure that the treatment does not cause a new allergic reaction.

It is also important to pay attention to the psychological state of the child. After all, allergy refers to psychosomatic diseases and often happens in vulnerable, impressionable, withdrawn children.

What to do if a child has allergies? You can't start the disease. With frequent skin rashes, child complaints of itching, prolonged rhinitis, cough not associated with ARVI, you should consult an allergist. Allergy treatment begins with the elimination of the provoking factor. Medicines are used as adjunctive therapy.


Allergy in children is a special immune response. It is caused by a foreign substance from the external environment, perceived by the body as irritating. In most cases, children's allergies are not life threatening, but sometimes the reactions are dangerous to the baby's health.

Scientists agree on the existence of a number of factors that provoke the appearance of allergic reactions at an early age. All these causes of allergies in children lead to the development of hypersensitivity.

  1. Heredity. The tendency of even one parent to such reactions creates a 35 - 40% likelihood of their occurrence in the child's immune system. The genetic predisposition of the baby can be identified by such diseases of the parents as asthma, rhinitis, conjunctivitis.
  2. Improper nutrition of the expectant mother. If a pregnant woman does not follow a diet and is prone to bad habits, the baby's body will react negatively to many substances at birth.
  3. Feeding disorders. Many women choose not to breastfeed their baby, but rather choose an artificial formula. However, complementary foods are often introduced too early or poor quality food is bought for the crumbs.
  4. Infections. Various diseases in childhood increase the load on the immunity that has not been fully formed. But, the prescribed medications are quite capable of provoking allergies. Often, the sensitivity of the body is associated with dysbiosis and somatic diseases.
  5. Poor environmental situation. Altered humidity indicators, harmful gas vapors in the atmosphere and the lack of high-quality water also lead to allergic ailments.


The types of allergies in children, first of all, should be distinguished by the forms of reaction and irritation.

  1. Hives. Together with edema of the angioedema type occurs most often. In childhood, both specific allergens and general physical factors act as irritants. The reaction occurs within a few minutes after contact in the form of redness, as well as blisters, resembling itchy nettle burns. Sometimes there are laryngeal edema, conjunctivitis, vomiting and abdominal pain.
  2. Atopic dermatitis . A chronic skin disorder typical of people with a genetic predisposition. Food allergens, dysbiosis, vitamin problems, bad habits, mental stress and frequent infections are usually provoking factors. The appearance of the dermatitis may resemble papules, rough spots, or vesicles.
  3. Respiratory allergy. This includes a group of diseases that are associated with respiratory problems. Allergies affect young and preschool children. Irritants are animal hair and fluff, as well as pollen, molds, viruses, vaccines.
  4. Bronchial asthma. The most severe form of allergy. It is based on the increased sensitivity of the body, leading to inflammation. There is a blockage of the bronchi with spasms, mucus waste, wall edema. Sudden allergic attacks are similar to choking.
  5. Pollinosis. A disease caused by plant pollen. It manifests itself as conjunctivitis and lesions of the mucous membranes. Itching of the eyelid, rhinitis are observed.

Allergen classification

Today, there are certain forms of allergies that are most common in children.

For medications

As a rule, in childhood, there may be a reaction to different medications.

  • Antibiotic sensitivity. Drugs that treat inflammation in childhood often cause severe allergies due to a weak immune system. In this case, antibiotics provoke anaphylactic shock within 20 to 30 minutes after administration. With a sharp withdrawal of the drug, drug fever is observed. Allergy to antibiotics in a child often occurs in a mild form, when everything is limited to local skin reactions: Quincke's edema, rash, urticaria.
  • Allergy to Aquadetrim. The drug is prescribed for children to increase the proportion of vitamin D in the body, including breastfed babies. An overdose of the agent, combined with sensitivity to its components, leads to the development of an allergy to Aquadetrim. It manifests itself as a rash, redness, bloating, and stool changes. The baby becomes restless, sleeps poorly and eats little. Today, the disease is treated with antihistamines, but the allergy to Aquadetrim completely disappears only after the drug is discontinued or replaced with safe analogues with vitamins.
  • Reaction to Nurofen. Allergy from the drug occurs due to the active substance - ibuprofen. This allergen strongly affects the digestion of a small child. Within two hours, symptoms develop: flatulence, heartburn, vomiting, light stools, bitterness in the mouth. Further, signs of skin changes appear.

On the mold

Mold reactions often occur in babies with poor heredity. Fungi of this kind are found in damp and damp rooms, in rotten leaves and soil in garden plots, in the substrate of indoor flowers. The specific type of irritant with which the mold is infected is determined by specialists on the basis of its scraping.

This form of allergy most often worries children from March to September. Its main symptoms are cough, watery eyes, runny nose, shortness of breath, dermatitis and conjunctivitis. Allergy in children to various molds can lead to serious consequences, for example, mycoses, oncology, diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Food reaction

It is not associated with metabolic disorders, but is caused only by intolerance to certain foods. Skin reactions and stomach upset occur. In severe forms, respiratory symptoms are possible. In newborns, such allergies are caused, as a rule, by the mother's milk due to her inappropriate diet or artificial formula substitutes. With age, children are more often allergic to mushrooms, eggs, nuts, fish, honey, citrus fruits.

To dust

In children, this form of the disease often develops into chronic asthma. There is a cough, tears in the eyes, shortness of breath, sneezing. The reaction to dust is caused by organisms that live in accumulations of dirt - microscopic mites. Wet cleaning and damp removal often relieve the baby's condition.

Into the cold

Prolonged exposure to the street leads to swelling and redness if the baby's heat exchange is disturbed. In rare cases, it leads to tachycardia and hypertension. Such a disease is not seasonal, since it is provoked not only by frost, but also by wind, dampness, and the use of cold foods. The skin suffers around the eyes and lips.

For pollen

When plants bloom in summer or spring, their pollen is released into the air. Babies with weak immunity have a negative reaction to such an allergen. Most often, the disease occurs due to the sensitivity to the ragweed plant (amborizia).

Allergy to chamomile occurs periodically. Its pollen irritates the mucous membrane and respiratory tract, especially in infants. Plants cause a reaction in the form of lacrimation, swelling of the eyelids and a persistent runny nose. An allergy to chamomile can cause anaphylactic shock as early as 2-3 minutes after exposure to pollen.

To Ambrosia

Children, in whose body there is a lack of vitamin D, are more susceptible to allergies to this plant than others. Such a problem can arise in winter, when the amount of this vitamin decreases due to the lack of sunlight by the body.

To prevent such a situation, it is required to give the child various vitamin complexes that are available at any pharmacy. But it's not worth making a decision on taking these drugs on your own, see your doctor.

Allergy to ragweed in children is manifested by the following symptoms: itching in the throat and mouth, circles under the eyes of a bluish color, cough, wheezing, conjunctivitis, fever (hay fever), severe runny nose, lacrimation.

The treatment goes well with standard folk remedies and vitamin complexes, for more information, read the treatment section below and consult your doctor.

For regular powder

Chemicals are often irritating to the body. Children, first of all, come into contact with clothes that can be washed by different means. After a couple of hours of wearing clean linen, a child with an allergy to the powder will experience redness, itching, rash, blisters. The skin becomes dry and flaky. At the age of 12 years, lesions are possible not only in the area of \u200b\u200bcontact with the tissue, but on the face and limbs. In this case, nasal congestion and dry cough occur. The safest is considered a powder, in which no more than 10% of harmful surfactants.

Reaction to Mantoux

Finding a tuberculosis infection in a child's body can be diagnosed with the help of preventive vaccination. If the reaction to the administered drug is positive, then this does not always indicate an illness. Sometimes this is how a child is allergic to Mantoux.

  1. Among the reasons for the appearance of such a reaction can be noted the presence of another allergy, or dermatitis. Food, drug irritants can be guilty. Allergies in children after the test also appear due to recent infections, worms, or skin sensitivity.
  2. If the allergy is caused directly by tuberculin, then almost immediately after the vaccination, changes will be noticeable on the skin at the injection site. Redness, severe itching, and even blisters. In other cases, for 1-2 days of allergy, a high temperature, cough, swelling of the nasopharynx appear. It is difficult for the baby to breathe, he is feverish and nauseous, the skin becomes covered with pimples or red spots all over the body.
  3. When the baby is prone to allergies, the doctor must be notified before the Mantoux test. The procedure has a number of contraindications, and if they are violated, the consequences can be serious. Take your child to an immunologist and allergist in advance.

Elevated temperature

Fever is not one of the most common allergy symptoms in children. However, fever is possible as an immune response even with seasonal irritations. Today, high fever is more often observed in the following forms of the disease:

  • food allergies
  • allergies to animals, pollen and dust;
  • drug allergy;
  • allergies to vaccines and serums;
  • irritation from the bites of poisonous insects.

Often, children's allergies are accompanied by concurrent diseases, for example, common ARVI. In this case, the high temperature will relate precisely to these health problems. It is not recommended to bring down the temperature of the baby with antipyretic drugs if it has not reached 38 degrees. Instead of medicine, it is better to give milk with honey or tea with lemon.

Allergies in one year old children

When a baby reaches one year of age, many forms of allergies should go away. He is already getting used to artificial formula or breast milk. However, babies from one to three years old still develop allergies to new foods, as well as those things that were not available until they could crawl and walk around the apartment. Animals, dust and pollen can affect the baby in different ways. As they age, babies react to allergens in new ways. Runny nose and sneezing, lacrimation appear, but red spots and itching become rare symptoms. Anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema are possible. Fortunately, a child from a year and older can already take allergy medications internally.


It is not difficult to find out the sensitivity of the baby's body. It is best to go to the doctor if you have the slightest suspicion and get tested for allergies in children. The doctor prescribes the following procedures:

  • blood test. It allows you to determine an allergic reaction by the presence of eosinophils in a large volume. To exclude other diseases, it is recommended to pass an analysis for helminths in parallel;
  • skin tests or blood tests. These procedures are carried out only during the period of remission of the disease and make it possible to identify a specific type of allergen;
  • carrying out a provocative test. The method is the introduction of an allergen in the form of a solution into the forearm. Today, taking an allergy test is considered a quality diagnostic method. However, for young children under 4 years old, the procedure can be dangerous, since the reaction is too violent, up to the development of shock. Please note that an allergic test is possible up to 4 weeks from the moment the first symptoms appear, if the patient has not taken antihistamines. Taking a sample for allergies has such advantages as the absence of blood and syringes, and the absence of pain. In addition, the procedure is less expensive than laboratory tests for allergies in young children.


Many parents do not know what to do if a child has allergies. The best option is to go to the doctor right away. He will prescribe drug therapy, which will remove all irritations on the skin and remove toxins. There are the following groups of drugs for the treatment of childhood allergies:

  • antihistamines - means to reduce the production of antibodies. They reduce the body's response to an irritant by restoring the impermeability of the vascular wall. These drugs relieve itching and inflammation. The course of taking such drugs is several days, but in some cases it is necessary to extend it up to a couple of weeks. Such funds are divided into new, first and third generation drugs. The new ones include those that do not have strong side effects. The first generation of remedies helps in the early stages of illness. The last group of drugs allows you to drown out severe allergy symptoms for a long time;
  • antibiotics - drugs aimed at relieving signs of intoxication and reducing the risk of developing sepsis. Antibiotic therapy is prescribed if the allergy is associated with any infection on the skin or inflammation on the body accompanied by a high fever;
  • ointments - help in the presence of a pronounced skin rash. They have antipruritic, anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effects;
  • enterosorbents - allow you to remove harmful substances from the body, especially with food allergies. These drugs are taken 90 minutes after other drugs. The most effective are activated carbon and Smecta. The second agent has an enveloping effect and is in the form of a suspension with a pleasant taste, which makes it easier to use. Speaking of the safety of drugs, Smecta is preferable for a baby, since it is not absorbed into the bloodstream and is easily excreted from the body. It is customary to give activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 5 kg of weight. "Smecta" is not allowed for children with fructose intolerance, and activated charcoal, if taken for a long time, leads to hypovitaminosis.


How to treat an allergy in a child is up to the parents themselves. A popular method today is the introduction of an irritating factor into the body. This area of \u200b\u200bmedicine is called homeopathy. Specialists are guided by an individual approach and try to eliminate "like like". To combat various reactions to the allergen, homeopathy offers preparations based on chamomile, ephedra, euphrasia, sodium chloride and quertecin. It is important to consider that homeopathy is often complicated by the side effects of drugs. Be sure to use all products in small doses and for a short time.

About nutrition

  1. Treatment of allergies in children should be primarily aimed at eliminating irritants. Much attention must be paid to nutrition. A small child should be breastfed, not formula-fed. For older toddlers, it is better to opt for a hypoallergenic diet, which can shorten the flare-up period. Foods such as nuts, milk, sweets, honey, fish, bright fruits and vegetables should be excluded from the diet. You can even keep a food diary describing the process of adding new ingredients to your diet. By the way, it is recommended to introduce only one product per week, moreover, you should start with small portions.
  2. If the baby develops an allergy to cow's milk, and breastfeeding is impossible, it is better to purchase medicated mixtures. They are classified as dairy-free and are used along with prophylactic ones. Healing mixtures have a wide range and allow you to enrich the child's body with all the necessary substances without risking metabolic processes. There are several types of such mixtures: based on soy protein and the breakdown of milk protein.
  • The first category is made up of sweet medicinal mixtures that are suitable for children over 5 months old.
  • The second category includes mixtures of hydrolyzed casein and whey protein. They are more bitter, but it is not difficult to teach a baby to them.

It is important to know that medicinal mixtures need to be replaced with prophylactic ones after symptoms subside. Otherwise, the child simply will not develop a persistent reaction to dairy products.

Bathing question

Parents often think that bathing a baby with allergies is harmful. However, doctors do not give sharp recommendations on this matter. In some cases, you should not bathe your child in natural springs, or use cosmetics. To avoid increasing allergies due to water procedures, you need to heat the water to 37 degrees.

During an exacerbation, hard towels and washcloths should be excluded. If you need to bathe your child, choose a refreshing shower rather than a long relaxing bath. If a baby has developed such a rare form of the disease as an allergy to water, then it is necessary to exclude the possibility of contact with chlorinated liquids, choosing boiled or mineral water.

Folk remedies

  • The usual decoction of bay leaves helps to remove allergens from the child's body. This plant contains several types of acids, as well as phytoncides and trace elements. The broth recipe is simple: send 20 g of lavrushka in 500 ml of boiling water. Keep on fire for 3 minutes and let it brew for 6 hours. A decoction of bay leaf can be taken from 3 months, 2-3 drops three times a day. D the dosage should be increased with age, reaching a tablespoon by the age of three.One course of decoction treatment is usually six months.
  • You can also cure allergies with eggshells. It acts as an absorbent. It is necessary to take a white chicken egg, wash it with soap and remove the contents. When the shell is dry, it is ground into powder. It is allowed to get rid of egg shell allergies for children from 6 months, with a portion at the tip of a teaspoon is enough. From 7 years old it is allowed to give a whole spoonful daily. The course of treatment lasts 3 months.


If the body's defenses have a strong sensitivity, an allergy in a small child can begin even after a short contact with things dangerous for him. Today, irritants that cause an allergic reaction in childhood include dust and mold, food, animals, pollen, chemicals, insect bites. Such responses of the immune system are strongly influenced by the genetics and lifestyle of the baby.

Each type of allergy is a unique reaction of the body to an irritant. However, there are similar signs of allergies in children. Usually such symptoms are present in the complex. These are, first of all, skin irritations, which are treated with antihistamines and ointments: rash, itching, edema, hyperemia. Respiratory changes include nasal congestion, mucus discharge, and sneezing. Itching in the nose is possible due to strong odors or particles of pollen and dust. Finally, digestive problems can be cured with a course of intake of enterosorbents and proper hypoallergenic nutrition.

A strong reaction of the body to a stimulus is often accompanied by anaphylactic shock. It is characterized by swelling of the face and throat, pallor of the skin, low blood pressure and wheezing.

Few of the parents are lucky enough not to face such a problem as the sudden appearance of a rash on the skin of a child or nasal congestion after a walk in a blooming garden. A pediatrician examines a desperately sneezing baby with watery eyes, calling the diagnosis an incomprehensible word "allergy".

Allergic diseases are common in children. Their pathogenesis is based on an overly pronounced reaction of the immune system to any irritant (allergen), which is a substance foreign to the body. The term "allergy" was introduced in 1906 by pediatrician Clemens Pirquet, who made a great contribution to the study of the patterns of development of the interaction of an allergen with immunity.


According to a simplified classification, a child's allergy can develop acutely or gradually. In the first case, the disease is based on an immediate hypersensitivity reaction (anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema) and requires urgent medical attention.

Pollinosis, or hay fever, has a similar pathogenesis. It is not so aggressive, but it is capable of delivering a lot of unpleasant sensations to a little patient. The second option is called a delayed-type reaction and manifests itself mainly in the form of contact dermatitis - an immune-mediated inflammation of the skin.

In addition, allergies can be classified as true or false. Despite the same manifestations, immunoglobulins do not participate in the development of pseudoallergy.

The hallmark is dependence on the concentration of the allergen.

A true allergic reaction is provoked by contact with the smallest particle of it; in case of false allergies, the principle "the more, the worse", in other words, the severity of symptoms and their presence in general is determined by the amount of the substance.

To understand how to cure allergies in a child, you should know the most common types of allergies:

We must not forget about the high likelihood of allergies in the presence of helminthiasis. Worm infestations are provocations of allergic reactions as a result of the release of helminths' waste products into the blood.

They become a triggering factor for primary allergies or aggravate the course of existing reactions. Helminthiases inhibit the intestinal microflora, thereby leading to dysbiosis.

Persistent allergic reactions can be caused by foci of chronic infection in the oral cavity, gastrointestinal tract and other organs and systems.


Among the manifestations of allergy, several main groups of symptoms can be distinguished:

  • respiratory;
  • gastrointestinal;
  • dermatological.

Respiratory symptoms include rhinitis (runny nose), itching of the nasal mucosa, cough, hoarseness, shortness of breath, rough "barking" cough, noisy breathing as a result of laryngeal edema.

Allergic laryngitis, or false croup, is one of the most dangerous diseases, since the increase in edema leads to suffocation (asphyxiation).

Such an allergy in a child should be treated as an emergency and a doctor should be called at the first sign.

Gastrointestinal allergy symptoms are a consequence of damage to the gastrointestinal tract as a result of immune reactions. Their appearance is initiated by various products (milk, nuts, soy). Acute symptoms include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea following ingestion of the allergen.

In addition to them, colic is observed in infants as an allergy to cow's milk protein, which is difficult to cure due to late diagnosis. Gastrointestinal allergic syndrome also includes eosinophilic esophagitis, gastritis, gastroenteritis, colitis and enteropathy.

Cutaneous or dermatological manifestations are common in pediatric practice and are mainly caused by food allergies. Hives are characterized by pink blisters that rise above the surface of the skin and excruciating itching.

Contact dermatitis is possible in contact with an allergen in the composition of a hygiene product in the form of redness, rashes of various sizes.

You need to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe alarming symptoms, the appearance of which means severe disorders as a result of exposure to an allergen.

This is severe pain or itching at the injection site or insect bite, accompanied by increasing pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, sharp pain in the abdomen combined with nausea and vomiting, swelling of the lips, larynx, cheeks, manifested by difficulty breathing, loss of consciousness.


The larger the range of possible provocateurs, the more difficult it is to treat allergies in a child. The key to successful therapy is comprehensive diagnostics. The following methods are used:


The first measure in the treatment of allergies is to eliminate the effects of the allergen on the body, that is, to stop contact with it. In addition to a hypoallergenic diet, toys with a filler that causes a reaction and detergents are withdrawn from everyday life.

It is impossible to treat allergies in children as a transient process. If you are susceptible to household allergens, frequent wet cleaning and replacement of the feather pillow are necessary.

Contact with pets should be avoided or minimized. A spa treatment or a trip outside the "allergic" zone during flowering plants is useful for a child with hay fever. In the presence of foci of chronic infection, their sanitation is required, i.e., proper treatment.

H1-histamine blockers (cetirizine, erius) and glucocorticosteroids (fluticasone, beclamethasone) are used as antiallergic drugs. Children over five years old prescribe drugs from the group of mast cell membrane stabilizers (zaditen, nedocromil sodium). Intestinal dysbiosis is corrected by taking probiotics (bifidumbacterin, linex).

How to treat an allergy in an infant? First of all, you should consider the question of the mother's nutrition if the baby is breastfed, as well as the likelihood of dysbiosis. Probiotics may be needed to regulate the indicators of intestinal microflora, a hypoallergenic diet for a lactating woman.

If it is impossible to remove the allergen and the risk of constant contact, allergen-specific immunotherapy is required. The method is implemented by introducing allergens with reduced activity into the blood, digestive tract, nasal cavity, by inhalation.

In this case, specific antibodies are formed that have the ability to bind allergens and block the release of histamine, the main mediator (mediator) of an allergic reaction. This procedure is contraindicated in severe bronchial asthma, cancer, under the age of 5 years.

Timely first aid for allergies can save a person's life. After all, this is a rather serious disease, which is often accompanied by dangerous symptoms.

Therefore, if any signs that threaten life appear, you should call an ambulance and take the necessary measures before her arrival.

Forms of manifestations

Allergies can have a different course, and this has a direct impact on the symptoms of the disease.


Mild allergies usually manifest in the following forms:


Severe forms of allergic reactions pose a real danger to human health and life and require urgent medical attention.

These include:

How does the mild form manifest, and what to do

With the development of mild allergic reactions, the following symptoms usually appear:

  • slight itching on the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bcontact with the allergen;
  • watery eyes and slight itching around the eyes;
  • unexpressed redness of a limited area of \u200b\u200bthe skin;
  • slight swelling or swelling;
  • runny nose and nasal congestion;
  • constant sneezing;
  • the appearance of blisters in the area of \u200b\u200bthe insect bite.

If such symptoms occur, you need to do the following sequence of actions:

  1. rinse thoroughly with warm water the contact area with the allergen - nose, mouth, skin;
  2. exclude contact with the allergen;
  3. if the allergy is associated with an insect bite and a sting remains in the affected area, it must be carefully removed;
  4. apply a cool compress to the itchy part of the body;
  5. take a drug against allergies - loratadine, zyrtec, telfast.

If a person's condition worsens, you should call an ambulance or get to a medical facility on your own.

Common symptoms in which it is imperative to call an ambulance

There are allergy symptoms that require immediate medical attention:

  • breathing disorder, shortness of breath;
  • cramps in the throat, a feeling of closing the airways;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • hoarseness, the appearance of problems with speech;
  • swelling, redness, itching of large areas of the body;
  • weakness, dizziness, anxiety;
  • increased heart rate and palpitations;
  • loss of consciousness.

Symptoms of severe forms

In acute forms of allergy, there are very specific symptoms that require urgent medical attention.

This is a fairly common form of allergy in humans, and most often it occurs in young women.

The patient has edema of the subcutaneous tissue and mucous membranes. When the throat is swollen, there are problems with breathing and swallowing.

If medical assistance is not provided in time, a person may die of suffocation.

The main symptoms of Quincke's edema include the following:

  • breathing disorder;
  • hoarseness and cough;
  • epileptic seizure;
  • asphyxia;
  • swelling of the skin.

With the development of hives, blisters of a bright pink color appear on the skin, which are accompanied by burning and itching.

After a few hours, they turn pale, and then completely disappear.

Along with the development of these symptoms, headaches and fever appear.

This process can continue continuously or have an undulating course for several days. In some cases, it lasts for several months.

Anaphylactic shock

The symptoms of this condition can manifest themselves in different ways - it all depends on the severity of the allergic reaction.

As a rule, anaphylaxis is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • red rash accompanied by severe itching;
  • swelling around the eyes, lips and limbs;
  • narrowing, swelling, spasms of the airways;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • feeling of a lump in the throat;
  • metal taste in the mouth;
  • a feeling of fear;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure, which can provoke dizziness, weakness, loss of consciousness.

Severe rash

Severe skin rashes can manifest as eczema.

This condition is characterized by inflammation of the upper layers of the skin. Usually eczema is accompanied by severe itching and has a prolonged course with periods of exacerbations.

Also, a severe rash can manifest as atopic dermatitis.

This disease is characterized by the development of erythema with bright redness of certain areas of the skin and severe tissue edema.

Subsequently, such dermatitis can lead to the appearance of blisters, which, after opening, leave weeping erosion.

First aid for allergies at home with:

Quincke's edema

Treatment of this disease should never be postponed, as it may precede anaphylactic shock.

An ambulance for allergic reactions accompanied by Quincke's edema should consist in the implementation of the following measures:

  1. cessation of the intake of the allergen into the body.
  2. refusal to eat.
  3. the introduction of antihistamines. Loratadine or cetirizine can be used orally, suprastin or diphenhydramine is usually administered intramuscularly.
  4. the use of sorbents. In this case, enterosgel, activated carbon, smecta are suitable. You can also give a person a cleansing enema.


When symptoms of urticaria appear, you need to act according to the following scenario:

  1. stop taking medications;
  2. in case of an allergic reaction to food, take a sorbent - white coal or enterosgel. You can also drink a laxative and rinse the stomach;
  3. with an insect bite, you should get rid of the source of the poison;
  4. when a contact allergy occurs, the irritant must be removed from the surface of the skin.

Tavegil, suprastin, or diphenhydramine can be administered intravenously.

If large areas of the skin are affected, intravenous prednisolone is indicated.

Anaphylactic shock

If the necessary medications are not available, you need to flush the stomach, make a cleansing enema, and give the patient activated charcoal.

Also, in the area of \u200b\u200bcontact with the allergen, you can lubricate the skin with an ointment containing hydrocortisone or prednisolone.

You should also carry out the following sequence of actions:

  1. stop the access of the allergen;
  2. to lay the person in such a way as to exclude the sinking of the tongue and the swallowing of vomit;
  3. apply a tourniquet above the insect bite or use a medication;
  4. intravenous or intramuscular injection of adrenaline, mezaton or norepinephrine;
  5. intravenously inject prednisolone with glucose solution;
  6. intravenous or intramuscular injection of antihistamines after normalization of blood pressure.

Video: All about anaphylactic shock

Severe rash

Before determining the allergen, you can resort to local remedies for the treatment of allergic rashes.

Therapy should be aimed at eliminating puffiness and reducing the sensation of itching of the skin.

To do this, you can moisten the affected area with cold water or use a cool compress.

To avoid the spread of an allergic rash, you need to protect the affected skin from external factors.

You should also limit contact of affected areas with water. It is very important that the skin only comes into contact with natural cotton fabric.

What to do if you react to:

The sun

If an allergy to the sun has led to a loss of consciousness, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Before the arrival of doctors, it is necessary to provide the victim with assistance:

  1. try to bring the person to consciousness.
  2. it is important to keep the clothing loose and not irritate the skin.
  3. provide enough water to replenish fluid deficits in the body.
  4. if the temperature exceeds 38 degrees, you need to apply a cool compress on the forehead, legs, groin. If possible, it is necessary to use antipyretic drugs - paracetamol or ibuprofen.
  5. when vomiting occurs, a person must be turned on their side.

Insect bite

A bee sting allergy occurs in about 2% of people. Moreover, at the first bite, the reaction may not appear.

If there is a tendency to allergies, anaphylactic shock may develop in a person with insect bites.

In this case, an urgent appeal to an ambulance is necessary, and before its arrival, the following measures must be taken:

  1. to lay down and cover a person;
  2. give the victim several antihistamine tablets;
  3. in the absence of swelling of the pharynx and tongue, you can give him strong sweet tea or coffee;
  4. if breathing or heartbeat stops, artificial respiration and chest compressions should be given.

Food allergen

The rules for helping with food allergies depend on the severity of the reaction. If symptoms appear that are life-threatening, you should immediately call an ambulance.

In other cases, you can:

  1. use sorbents - white coal, enterosgel.
  2. take an antihistamine - cetirizine, desloratadine, loratadine.
  3. with significant skin lesions and severe itching, antihistamines of the first generation are used - suprastin.
  4. in severe allergies, hormonal drugs are indicated - dexamethasone, prednisolone.
  5. to eliminate skin manifestations, ointments are used - fenistil, bepanten, skin-cap. In difficult cases, you can use topical hormonal drugs - hydrocortisone or prednisolone ointment.

How to help a child

First aid for allergies in a child is to implement the following measures:

  1. sitting the baby upright - usually this position helps to breathe easier. If dizziness occurs, he must be placed on the bed. If nausea is present, the head should be turned to the side.
  2. give the child an antihistamine in any form - syrup, tablets, capsules. If the baby cannot swallow or has lost consciousness, the tablet must be crushed, mixed with water and poured into his mouth.
  3. if the child has lost consciousness, you need to constantly check his pulse, breathing, pupils. If the child is not breathing or his pulse cannot be felt, resuscitation should be started immediately - artificial respiration and heart massage.

What to do if you have a sharp reaction on your face

Emergency care for rashes on the face consists in:

  1. cleansing the affected area;
  2. then a cool compress based on a decoction of sage, calendula or chamomile should be applied to the cleansed skin;
  3. the gauze needs to be changed every two minutes;
  4. the total duration of the procedure should be ten minutes;
  5. after that, the face can be dried and sprinkled with potato or rice starch - these funds will help eliminate redness and puffiness;
  6. the procedure must be repeated several times within an hour.

Antihistamines should not be neglected either. When allergies appear on the face, you can take tavegil, suprastin, loratadine. If the reaction persists, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What should always be in the medicine cabinet

The following medicines should always be present in the medicine cabinet of a person prone to allergic reactions:

  1. general action antihistamine - cetirizine, loratadine, etc .;
  2. antiallergic agent for local use - hydrocortisone ointment, elok;
  3. hormonal anti-inflammatory drug for relief of acute allergy attacks - prednisone.

For people who have at least once suffered anaphylactic shock, doctors recommend that you always have a syringe with adrenaline with you.

This will allow others to help the person with the development of severe allergies.

What to do if a first aid kit is not at hand

In case of a mild allergic reaction, it is sufficient to exclude contact with the allergen.

To eliminate rashes and reduce puffiness, you can use folk remedies:

  • broth of sage;
  • chamomile;
  • calendula.

If there is a severe allergy, in no case should you self-medicate.

In such a situation, you should urgently go to an ambulance or take the victim to the hospital - any delay can be fatal.

What is strictly forbidden to do

With the development of anaphylactic shock and other severe allergic reactions, it is impossible:

  1. Leave a person alone.
  2. Give him something to drink or eat.
  3. Place objects under your head as this may worsen respiratory distress.
  4. Give antipyretics for fever.

If the allergy is related to intravenous medication, you do not need to remove the needle from the vein. In this case, it is enough to stop the administration of the drug, and use the syringe in the vein to inject the remedy for allergies.

Correctly and timely assistance in case of an allergic reaction can save a person's life.

Therefore, when it appears:

  1. severe skin rashes;
  2. respiratory failure;
  3. drop in blood pressure

You need to immediately call an ambulance and take all the necessary actions before her arrival.

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