Egyptian symbol of eternal life. The Ankh Cross is a symbol of secret knowledge. The Ankh cross in modern occultism

Egyptian culture is characterized by an amazing relationship between word and image. Hieroglyphic writing has become a symbolic system that brings the patronage of the gods, knowledge and protection. Many powerful amulets were closely associated with this letter; among them is the famous symbol of the life of the ankh. As a hieroglyph, this sign means "life", but as a symbol it indicates immortality. It unites the cross, a symbol of life, and a circle, a symbol of eternity, together they denote eternal life. And, nevertheless, the ankh is something incomparably more than just a symbol of life, since it is associated with the transformation of ordinary life processes. Its form can be seen as a combination of male and female symbols, Osiris and Isis, as a union of earthly and heavenly. "Ankh is another form of Venus (Isis) + and means, esoterically, that humanity and all animal life came out of the divine, spiritual circle, and a fall into physical male and female generation took place" (H.P. Blavatsky, "The Secret Doctrine") ...

This sign can represent a magical bond that unites all things into a single Knot of Isis, the Goddess of Love and Life, who, according to the myth that has come down to us, connected the scattered parts of her divine consort Osiris, symbolizing Mystery. In the same way, a person joins the higher knowledge, developing his will, making efforts to unite with his higher, genuine “I”, where the consciousness of his own immortality lives.

Its shape can be interpreted as the rising sun, and also as a key (one of its names is “the key of life” or “the key of the Nile”). Ankh is a magical symbol of wisdom gained as a result of initiation, the key to secret knowledge, strength, power.

Associated with the concept of eternal life, the ankh was widely used by Egyptian artists and is found on all kinds of art monuments. "The Ankh is the most sacred cross of the Egyptians - a sign of life, living, oath, covenant held in the hands of their Gods, pharaohs and mummies of the dead" (H. P. Blavatsky). All gods were depicted with this sign in their right hand; the life of any creature, both divine and mortal, depended on its possession. The gods bestowed this sign on kings and souls, who were justified in the Hall of Judgment - and the one who acquired it lived for "one hundred thousand million years."

As a symbol of inexhaustible vitality, the ankh sign was applied to the walls of temples, to monuments and utensils. The Egyptians depicted ankh on amulets in order to prolong life on earth; they were buried with this amulet, confident that life in another world awaits the departed. There was an idea that this is what the key looks like, which can open the gates of death. The ankh was associated with air and water as elements of life. With air - in the context of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "breath of life" that the gods give to humanity through the king. In sculptural images, the gods bring this symbol to the king's nose, or (on the reliefs) the anthropomorphic sign of life itself carries a fan behind the king, sweeping him around and giving him eternal life. There are images in which sacred water in the form of miniature signs of life flows down onto the king from the vessels of Horus and Thoth during the rite of purification. The shape of an ankh was sometimes given to vessels for libations. From such vessels Isis, Nephthys, Thoth and Anubis wash the deceased with water that brings him revival. The magical power of the life sign passed into a liquid that was poured into this vessel. Finally, the form of the sign of eternal life was often given to a variety of offerings intended for the souls of the departed, ranging from loaves to bouquets of lotuses and papyri.

The Ankh cross is an ancient Egyptian symbol. It consists of two parts. The bottom, two crossed lines, is a symbol of life. The upper part, an oval loop, speaks of eternity. Thus, the Egyptian sign ankh is a symbol of eternal life, immortality of the soul. It was given by the gods to the Pharaoh, the sign was depicted on the walls of the pyramids, temples.

They wear a cross with a noose even now, it gives strength, nourishes the body and soul with energy, and protects against diseases. It can often be seen in the photo of the emblems of various esoteric societies.

The meaning of the ankh in ancient Egypt

According to many Egyptologists, the original meaning of the ankh is related to magic. It was used by the ancient priests as a magical knot that gave strength. It was considered the key to secret knowledge, the wisdom of the gods, power and strength. It is not for nothing that in many images the gods pass the cross with a noose to the pharaohs as a sign of immortality and eternal power, wisdom and power. The types of meanings of the Egyptian crosses changed from era to era, but the essence remained the same.

Another meaning of the symbol is the combination of masculine and feminine principles. Ankh is the sign of the union of Isis and Osiris. According to legend, the goddess Isis connected the scattered parts of her murdered husband Osiris and revived him. Thus, the ankh cross is a divine knot that combines rebirth to life, loyalty and devotion, heaven and earth. It means human life, which rises on the noose of immortality, if the spirit and thoughts are pure. The ascent to the sky along the ankh loop leads to eternity and immortality of the soul, contributes to its transition to a new level of being.

Often, the Egyptian ankh cross was called the key of the Nile, which opened the door to secret knowledge, sources of strength and power. With this sign in hand, they depicted the goddess of truth and truth, Maat. He can be seen next to the drawings of the god Anubis. Often the eye and the mountain were depicted there as symbols of power and knowledge. The looped cross is also held by the goddess of music, love and fun, Hathor. In later times, the ankh cross becomes one of the symbols of Set, chained. He can also be seen in the hand of Aten or Akhenaten, the sun god.

How the ankh was used by the Egyptians

The ankh mark can be seen on many monuments in Ancient Egypt. The oldest images of the sign are more than 10,000 years old. Temples were built in the shape of a cross with a noose. He was painted on the walls of tombs and places of worship. The shape of the ankh was given to ritual vessels, from which symbolic outpourings were made. As a symbol of the Nile, the sign was depicted on the canals to save the land from floods. From the walls, images migrated to footboards and steps, and then even to shoes. This has given rise to the misconception among some archaeologists that the ankh cross is just a strap on sandals.

The looped cross was often worn as an amulet. He had to protect the immortal soul from evil forces and evil influences. The energy of the ankh, which merged with a person's own energy, intensified it many times over. Initially, the wearing of the ankh was the prerogative of the priests. It was made exclusively from silver, a metal considered the privilege of the servants of the gods. Then the symbol migrated to the pharaohs and the nobility, in this environment, amulets began to be made of gold, because rich people first of all wear things that emphasize their status.

ANKH Egyptian cross, a symbol of eternal life

ANKH. Spatial ANKH

03 Cross of Life Ankh

Cross of Life Ankh

In later eras, the common people began to use the talisman. Especially this practice spread when the ankh cross began to be associated with the god Set. It was worn around the neck of patients to speed up recovery. Also, the sign can be seen on many ancient Egyptian mummies. The amulet was supposed to protect the immortal soul from demons, speed up its transition to the realm of the dead. According to the ancient Egyptians, the key that opened the gates of death had the shape of a cross with a noose.

The meaning of the ankh in Christianity and modernity

There are theories that the ancient ankh cross is directly related to the Christian cross. In fact, this connection is rather contrived, because the Christian cross is the crossbeams on which Christ was crucified. This method of execution was widely used in the Roman Empire. The crossbeams were shaped like a cross for greater stability.

But in the Christian tradition, the ankh is found as a symbol. It is used by the Coptic Church, which originated and continues to exist in Egypt. Obviously, as in other territories, Christians adopted many of the symbols and customs of the pagans. In their tradition, the Egyptian ankh cross became a sign of Christ's sacrifice, his death and Sunday. Images of the ankh can be seen on the tombs of Coptic Christians of the 6th-9th centuries A.D. e. In other Christian churches, these types of crosses have not received distribution.

The symbol received a new life already in the twentieth century. It was used by hippies in the 60s as a sign of peace, truth and truth. Now, representatives of various esoteric groups often wear the ankh cross. For them, it means ancient wisdom, secret knowledge and power. Ankh helps to find happiness, maintain health of body and soul. Symbolizes the key to other, unknown worlds.

Talisman ankh

They wear the ankh cross and an amulet with it to gain strength, additional energy, confidence, to make mystical and esoteric practices more effective. This is the key to answering many questions that have troubled humanity for centuries. It is often used as a talisman against diseases, loss of strength, both physical and mental, depression. For the Egyptian amulet to have an impact, the following conditions must be met:

  • The amulet for women is made of silver.
  • The male amulet is made of gold.
  • You need to wear the badge only on a leather strap, not on a chain.
  • To fully reveal the ankh symbol, it must be activated.

For the amulet to become active, it must be rinsed well under running water. On the night of the full moon, they go out into the street, raise the ankh above their heads and ask the goddess Isis to breathe strength into him. During the day they do the same exercise, only they turn to the god Osiris. The weather during the performance of the ritual must be sunny and clear, otherwise it will not bring results.

At first, the ankh amulet is worn for several hours a day. The time is gradually increased. Those who wear it around their necks report some discomfort during the first two weeks. This is due to the fact that the energy of the amulet merges with the person's own energy. Until they come to unity, dissonance can arise between these forces. If a person has pure thoughts and noble desires, the ankh symbol will become a great helper. The talisman is not suitable for evil deeds: it will either be inactive, or will take revenge on its owner, take away his strength.

Ankh tattoos

The human body is perishable, it serves only as a temporary shell for the soul, therefore a tattoo with an ankh is not the best way to use a symbol, because it is a sign of eternity, which cannot be said about rapidly aging skin. It is much better if the cross with a loop is embodied in metal, silver or gold. But many people put tattoos on their bodies with this sign. How does the ankh work in this case?

After applying a tattoo, the sign begins to act on a person for 24 hours a day. Not everyone is ready for such a powerful charge of energy, such a strong influence. The ankh cross is able to change the life of people. Whether these changes will be beneficial or harmful depends largely on personal aspirations, readiness to learn new things. The ancient symbol is able to introduce its owner into the unknown world of spirits, ancient wisdom and knowledge.

Often, people with ankh tattoos start having unusual dreams. Their plot can take place approximately according to the following scenario:

  • Complete strangers appear in a dream.
  • The characters speak an unknown language.
  • The events are bright, a person takes an active part in them, can smell, taste food.
  • Sometimes dreams cause vague anxiety, or even real fear.

Dreams can reveal past lives to the owner of a symbolic tattoo. It happens that the talent of a predictor, a mystic wakes up in people. The amulet becomes a guide in the spirits habitat, unexplored mystical worlds. Do you want to plunge into the secrets of the universe? If so, you can get a looped cross tattoo. But before that, you should prepare well so that new abilities do not come as a surprise, do not negatively affect life. Those who do not want to change anything in their life, who are satisfied with everything, should not draw this powerful sign on their bodies.

The ankh symbol, the meaning of which at the moment causes a lot of controversy (and not only among Egyptologists), is often associated with ancient Egyptian culture, which is not entirely true. The fact is that the so-called cruxansata (the original Latin name) is found not only on the territory of modern Egypt, it was used by many peoples of the ancient world, in particular, we can find the ankh sign even on the megaliths of Easter Island, which is really surprising.

Today the Egyptian ankh has many names, including the ankh of Isis, the key of the ankh (meaning “the key of life” or “the key of immortality”), the key of the Nile, and so on. In fact, with regard to semantics (after all, it is logical to look for the meaning of the ankh in its original definition), only the original hieroglyph, which looks like a "cross with a buttonhole", matters. The name ankh is a transliteration (roughly speaking - it is read as it is written), in the Coptic language the "cross of immortality" is called onkh, and the most common reading is ankh (here the reading of the first vowel is very arbitrary, because we do not know how the vowels sounded in ancient Egyptian).

But what does ankh mean? In fact, the ankh of life (the ankh of Isis) has a very vague interpretation. For the culture of Ancient Egypt (Upper or Lower Kingdom - in the context of the question it does not matter), this symbol was one of the key, obviously religious symbols. It is clear that there was no such thing as an "ankh amulet", that is, there are no images or written instructions that a pendant of a similar shape could exist, which would have protective (protective) functions. On the other hand, many ancient Egyptian amulets (the meaning of which is unambiguously determined by archaeologists) have an image of the ankh hieroglyph on them. The ankh symbol can also be found in the painting of ancient Egyptian temples (pyramids), pharaohs and gods are often depicted with this symbol in their hand (or in their hands, many sculptures (pharaohs, but not gods) hold ankh in both hands).

Ankh, "the cross of immortality" is often associated with eternal life, the processes of rebirth, the cyclical nature of the universe. Probably the semantics of the ankh cross speaks of the connection between Duat and Tuatha (the world of the living and the world of the dead, the other world, in the mythology of Ancient Egypt). Often the ankh is a symbol of wisdom, probably - a symbol of power and belonging to the "caste" of the enlightened, people who realize the essence of the basic laws of the universe. At least, such an interpretation of the meaning of the ankh of Isis looks meaningful, proceeding from the fact that in ancient images this sign is an integral attribute of many gods (not all, in particular, Osiris does not have ankh). Then why do we see two ankhs in the hands of the statues and monuments depicting the pharaohs? Again, associations arise with the keys, the key from the world of the living (the pharaoh ruled this world) and the key from the afterlife (the pharaoh is the governor of the gods (their embodied will), their named son, and therefore comes (returns?) To their world, as in my own).

Why this sign is sometimes called the ankh of Isis, also remains unclear, because the ankh symbol is equally applicable to almost any god, in particular, representing the Heliopolis Ennead. This is probably due to the strengthening of the cult of Isis in the era of the Upper Kingdom, then the "mother of the gods" became a symbol of esoteric truth, the highest wisdom that unites both worlds (already mentioned Duat and Tuat).

The ankh, whose image is also found in early Christian manuscripts, was widely used in Coptic culture. Copts, as already noted, called this symbol "onkh", which means "life". That is, the symbolism of life and immortality is still prevalent here. The Vedic interpretation of the ankh symbol is also not unfounded. According to this version, the Ankh cross personifies a person (and indeed, in shape it resembles a human figure spreading its arms to the sides), or rather, the position of the main energy centers (chakras) in his body. Actually, if you perceive the ankh symbol as a kind of scheme, then in fact it is not difficult to find all seven chakras on it (or all nine energy centers in accordance with the Slavic system).

How can the cross of life be used? The ankh amulet, as noted above, in essence is not a talisman, at least this version is not actually confirmed in any way. The version about the key "to immortality", or rather about the key that allows you to open the door connecting the two worlds, looks more likely. Ankh (a photo of this symbol or interpretation of this image can be found everywhere today) has never been applied to weapons and armor, that is, we are still talking about specifically, let's say, a priestly, if simpler - a magical symbol that never had protective functions. The Egyptian ankh cross, the meaning of which, as we have seen, is not defined even to a relative extent, is often used in the tattoo industry. Ankh tattoo in this sense is likely to become just a pattern on the skin. In the worst case, it will cause irreparable harm to its owner, elementary because no one can say for sure how the ankh tattoo affects a person. It is hardly worth counting on "opening the chakras" after applying this sign to the skin. At least, there is not a single case of using the ankh as a tattoo in the ancient world (although in the same Egypt, tattoo as such was practiced).

Thus, the cross of immortality, the crux ansata, the bow of life, the ankh of Isis (and further down the list) is an ancient esoteric sign that would be known to many cultures. His image is found both in Africa and in Asian countries, even in Buddhist treatises one can find symbols that strongly resemble the Egyptian ankh. But what did our ancestors want to convey to us in this symbol? There is no definite answer. But maybe the cross of life is not yet ready to reveal its secrets to us? Or are the answers waiting for us in the Duat? Who knows…

Sacred geometry. Energy codes of harmony Prokopenko Iolanta

Ankh - Egyptian immortality and modern patterns

Ankh is the most sacred cross of the Egyptians - a sign of life, living, an oath, a covenant held in the hands of their Gods, pharaohs.

E.P. Blavatsky

In Egyptian culture, there was an amazing relationship between image and word. Hieroglyphs have become a symbolic system promising the favor of the gods, their protection and knowledge. One of the main Egyptian symbols is the Egyptian cross - the ankh.

The form of the Egyptian cross ankh (crux ansata) has several interpretations.

1. The symbol of Egypt, in which the oval denotes the delta of the Nile River, and the rest - the river itself, the source of life in the dry lands of Egypt. One of its names is "key of life" or "key of the Nile".

2. Rising sun, signifying a new day. In the "Egyptian Book of the Dead" there are many images of the ankh as a symbol of new life, a symbol of power and rebirth.

Egyptian cross ankh

The illustrations from the "Egyptian Book of the Dead" show the transportation of the dead across the "Styx River", that is, across the Mediterranean Sea. Ancient Greek myths tell of the carrier of the dead, Charon, who in his boat ferried the dead to the Kingdom of the Dead. That is, as we now understand, to Egypt, to the Nile Valley. Ankh in this case denotes at the same time the immortality of the carrier and the life of countless dead people entrusted to him for some time.

Illustration "Egyptian Book of the Dead"

Ankh supporting the rising sun, Isis and Neftis. Fragment of Ani's papyrus

There is also an image of a tree trunk supporting Osiris with kneeling Isis and Nephthys on both sides. An ankh emerges from the tree with human hands that hold the sun disc.

3. The merger of the male (phallic pole) and female (oval-womb) principles, symbolizing Osiris and Isis - Heaven and Earth. A symbol of a new birth, a new life, a symbol of fertility. In some interpretations, we are talking about a magic knot where sexual relations play a role.

Alpha and Omega on the Ankh cross (symbol of life). The image on the pediment field of the tombstone "Rhodia" in Fayum. Egypt, VI century.

Pharaoh's headdress. Fragment of the painting of the tomb of Seti I. XX dynasty. Thebes, Avenue of the Kings

Thus, the ankh sign denotes a magical bond that unites all that exists into a single knot of Isis, the goddess of love and life. It was she who connected the parts of her divine consort Osiris together. Their union, the union of the gods, according to one version, is presented in the form of an Egyptian cross.

Isis was the wife of Osiris. They loved each other very much. Neftis was Seth's wife. Seth was jealous of Osiris because Isis was very beautiful and loved her husband. Seth wanted to marry Isis, but she refused. Then Seth decided to take revenge on Osiris.

He made a golden sarcophagus and invited all the gods to try it on. Seth said that he would give the sarcophagus to the god who would fit it. The gods lay down in the sarcophagus, but it did not fit anyone. When Osiris lay in the sarcophagus, Seth slammed it shut. Set cut the body of Osiris into 42 pieces and scattered them throughout Egypt.

Isis missed her husband very much. She turned into an eagle and flew to find Osiris. She found him in a Lebanese palace. Isis told the Lebanese king what Set had done to Osiris. The king gave the body of Osiris to Isis. She connected her husband's body parts and resurrected his spirit. Then she conceived from him a son, Horos.

Osiris in the form of a king. Drawing from the tomb of Nath. Osiris on the throne. His companion, Isis, holds an Egyptian cross

Image of "sprouted" Osiris (below - ankh). Drawing on papyrus

Egyptian gods were often depicted on the walls of tombs and reliefs with an ankh in their hands. This symbolized their immortality, new life, their power over the world. This brings us to the fourth interpretation of the ankh symbol. The life of any creature in the Universe, both divine and mortal, depended on the possession of the god of the ankh symbol. The gods rewarded kings with this symbol. The souls justified in the Courtroom have lived for a hundred thousand million years.

4. The sign of the ankh combines a cross, a symbol of life and a circle, a symbol of eternity. Therefore, the gods, one way or another connected "by duty" with human life or death, were depicted with an ankh in their hands.

The oval, a symbol of eternity, connects with a cruciform extension. Some researchers suggest that this could mean a transition from infinity to space, life in all possible spaces and planes, at all possible levels.

5. Ankh is a magical symbol of wisdom gained as a result of initiation, the key to secret knowledge, strength, power.

Memphis triad: Ptah, Sekhmet and Nefertum

Anubis, patron saint of necropolises and cemeteries, guide of the dead to the afterlife

"Ankh is another form of Venus (Isis) and means, esoterically, that humanity and all animal life left the divine, spiritual circle, and a fall into physical male and female generation took place."

The Egyptians wore amulets to prolong their lives; they buried their loved ones with these amulets to ensure their afterlife. According to one of the traditions, it was worn around the neck of a newborn so that he would survive. The Egyptians believed that the ankh, placed on the walls of the canals, kept them from flooding. The ankh was applied to the walls of temples, monuments and household items as a symbol of inexhaustible vitality.

The marriage of Shu and Tefnut (in the hands of the ankh gods). Drawing on papyrus

Often in Egyptian culture, the ankh denoted the key to the otherworldly worlds, the key to the gates of paradise. The Ankh was closely associated with the elements of air and water, which signified the elements of life. The air symbolized the divine spark, the breath of life, which the gods give to humanity through the king-mediator. In some sculptural images, the gods bring the ankh to the king's nose, or the ankh himself carries a fan behind the king, and thereby gives him eternal life. There are images where sacred water flows in the form of an ankh onto the king from the vessels of Horus and Thoth during the ritual of purification. Sometimes the vessels themselves were shaped like an Egyptian cross. Isis, Nephthys, Thoth and Anubis pour water on the deceased from these vessels and grant him revival. The shape of the vessel gives magical power to the water it contains. In addition, the shape of the ankh was often given to various offerings that were intended for the souls of the departed - bread, lotus bouquets, papyri.

Persian-Egyptian king Cambyses

In later times, the ankh was used by sorceresses for rituals, fortune-telling, divination, as well as herbalists and healers for healing and helping women in labor.

Until now, the ankh is considered a symbol of immortality, a symbol of a long and happy life. This symbol was borrowed by Coptic Christians as a traditional cross, as well as modern subcultures that glorify the idea of \u200b\u200bimmortality and the afterlife in their worldviews. In the late 1960s, the ankh was a popular symbol of peace and truth during the hippie movement.

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The Ankh cross (bow of life, Crux ansata, cross with a loop, Egyptian cross) is such an important occult and sacred symbol for ancient Egypt that it is difficult to find any religious image of the Egyptian gods where this mysterious sign would not be present. As a rule, he was depicted on the walls of tombs and reliefs. But why? What made it so important to the ancient mystics?

What does the Ankh cross look like

The Ankh Cross outwardly completely duplicates the no less famous occult - the Tau cross, but unlike it, a loop or circle is added to the top of the horizontal crossbar. This is one of the oldest sacred signs that have deep symbolic meaning, it is not for nothing that the house at the temple for the high priests was called Ankh, and the servants themselves were called Ankhs.

Cross of Ankh - relay race of ancient civilizations

The Ankh Cross appeared in Ancient Egypt, becoming almost his "esoteric business card". But some researchers and theosophists argue that in fact he came from even more ancient times, from the "lost" civilizations - Atlantis, Lemuria, and so on. Therefore, the Ankh cross can be viewed as a kind of "baton" of hundreds of thousands of generations of mystics and as a secret cipher transmitting sacred knowledge to all who are able to penetrate into its deep symbolism, to those who have the key to understanding sacred signs.

Symbolic meanings of the Ankh cross

Literally, the term "ankh" in translation from Egyptian means "life", or "who lives."

In the unusual cross, Ankh, two symbols are combined: the cross is a symbol of life, and the circle is a symbol of eternity. As a result, we get a deep symbol denoting an immortal, a person who managed to revive himself in eternity. This is the Ankh cross.

The combination of a circle and a cross is also a sign of the fusion of the spiritual and the material, a symbol of initiation, rebirth, and also a symbol of the vision of the subtle worlds.

Some researchers of esoteric symbolism interpret the base of the Ankh cross (Tau cross) as a symbol of the descent of spirit into matter, and the circle as a "divine eye" pouring out light on the world of people.

In addition, the Ankh cross symbolizes the union of the male and female deities, Osiris and Isis, and thus the union of the earthly and heavenly.

Ankh cross in Egyptian mythology

The Ankh cross was associated with the solar deities Aten and Ra. The solar disk with rays, at the ends of which were placed the hands holding the Ankh, was interpreted as a symbol of the fact that life is given to plants, animals and people by the sun.

Also, the Ankh cross was associated with Osiris, the god of the productive forces of nature and the king of the afterlife.

Sometimes the goddess of truth Maat was depicted with the cross Ankh in her hand.

Ankh cross in Egyptian magic

The ancient Egyptians depicted the mysterious Ankh cross on amulets in order to prolong life on earth. With such an amulet, Ankh was buried in order to be sure that life in another world awaits the departed. And this is no coincidence, since they were convinced that the key with which to open the gate of death looks exactly like the cross of the Ankh. For this reason, the Ankh cross was an obligatory accessory of the gods and pharaohs. God, the guardian of the body, put the Ankh cross in the mouth of the pharaoh - this means that the key must be inside a person, since it is associated with breathing.

The Ankh Cross even in its shape resembles a key and at the level it is. It means "a tool" that allows one to penetrate beyond the limits of ordinary human perception, therefore the mystics considered it to be the key to the gates of paradise.

Also, the ancient mystics believed that the Ankh cross enhances the strength of a person to superhuman, to divine.

The Ankh cross was used by initiates of the Egyptian Mysteries during initiation - the subject passed through all the trials, holding such a cross over his head, which drove away the forces of evil.

Ankh cross in other cultures

The Ankh cross was used by the Copts, who also associated it with the afterlife, and was a symbol of eternal life in Christ. Some researchers even suggest that it was the Ankh cross that became the prototype of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe golden key from heaven or Paradise in the Holy Apostle Peter.

In Babylon, the Ankh cross was a symbol of heaven and immortality.

The Ankh Cross was also known as a mystical symbol to the Indians of Central America. They associated it with water.

Among the Scandinavians, the Ankh cross was a symbol of rejuvenation.

Ankh and the occult tradition

In esoteric traditions, the Ankh cross acted as a key to divine, secret knowledge, to hidden wisdom, to strength and power. It is formed from a combination of male and female symbols of Osiris (Osiris) and Isis (Isis), as a union of Heaven and Earth, Life and Death.

Ankh cross - a symbol of life

The traditional interpretation of the symbolism of the Ankh cross is life and rebirth. Moreover, it is interesting to note that the unusual symbol of "life" has a very specific implication. So, according to some interpretations, the upper part of the Ankh cross (circle) symbolizes the delta of the Nile River, and everything else - the river itself, which for arid Egypt is really what feeds its life. Thus, the Ankh cross literally personifies the “key of life”.

Ankh cross - a symbol of rebirth and dawn

Another interpretation of the Ankh cross is a symbol of dawn. The cross itself personifies being, life, the movement of time, and the circle above it is the sun, which rises above the earth every day and initiates the beginning of a new day. We find confirmation of this in the sacred test of Ancient Egypt - "The Book of the Dead", where there are many images of the Ankh cross in the context of rebirth and dawn, both literally and figuratively.

Moreover, the Ankh cross was placed in the tomb of the pharaohs so that she could use its magical power and continue life in the afterlife.

It is interesting to note that the early Christians of Egypt also associated it with the world of the dead, using it to denote the afterlife side of life.

Ankh cross - a symbol of harmony

Many esotericists argue that the Ankh cross also symbolically denotes a harmonious combination of the male and female principles of nature, personified by the gods Osiris (Osiris) and Isis (Isis). So, the cross itself is associated with the masculine principle and Osiris, as an image of the phallus, and the circle is associated with the feminine principle and Isis - the symbol of the womb. Therefore, the Ankh cross itself is nothing more than a sexual intercourse of two creative forces of the universe, the harmonious combination of which gives rise to life. Thus, the Ankh cross is a graphic designation of a constantly reborn life, due to the endless dynamic balance between female and male energies, between passivity and activity, between yin and yang, Earth and Heaven.

To summarize the above, we can say that the Ankh cross is a symbol of fertility, as the apotheosis of the fusion of the sexual energies of the male and female principles of nature. As a result, no matter what we talk about, we all the same, one way or another, constantly point to the symbolism of life and rebirth, with which the cross of Ankh is personified.

Ankh cross and being

If we look at the mysterious Ankh cross from the point of view of universal symbolism, then we can distinguish two main elements in the image of the sign - the circle and the cross.

The cross in many cultures symbolizes life as such, a combination of masculine and feminine principles (the vertical line - masculine, active, yang energies, and the horizontal line - feminine, passive, yin energies). In other words, the cross is a symbol of human existence, which has very specific boundaries. The points of intersection of the crossbeams are the “core”, the essence of the human spirit, the “point” of being.

As for the circle, it symbolizes eternity, something unknown, infinitely cognizable.

If we combine these two symbols into one sign, then we see that it is a symbol of the combination of the divine and human, eternal and perishable. At the same time, which is characteristic, above the cross (man) is the sphere of eternity, divinity - that is, where the human spirit goes - the area of \u200b\u200bits infinite knowledge, perfection, love.

Thus, the mysterious cross Ankh is a deep metaphysical code indicating the true meaning of human life as a kind of “point” that comprehends its eternal nature, cognizing the true essence of its being.

Ankh cross - world tree

It is interesting to note that some researchers believe that the Ankh cross was also a symbol of the Tree of Life mentioned in the Old Testament, which is known to draw heavily on the ancient Chaldean scriptures. And in almost all traditions the Tree of Life, the World Tree, the World Mountain is a vertical that connects all the worlds, therefore, traveling along the "trunk" of such a tree, the mystic can penetrate into any spheres of life. All this fits very organically into the symbolic concept of the Ankh cross.

Cross Ankh: the magic of life and death

The Ankh cross symbolizes life and death, therefore the ancient mystics perceived it as a "key" to the gates of paradise and a pass to the afterlife. Therefore, in magical practice, it is necessary to work with him very carefully, since on the one hand he can bestow vitality, and on the other, open a portal to the afterlife, from which negative essences and energies can come to a person. Simply put, the Ankh cross is capable of both giving life and taking it away.

Other uses of the Ankh cross in magic

In magical practices, the Ankh cross was also used to attract positive energies, achieve, protect, heal from infertility, prevent natural disasters (the Ankh cross was placed on the walls of water channels in the hope that it will save from floods), divination, sexual magic, some types of healing and fortune telling.

Ankh cross in modern occultism

In modern magic and occultism, which has been strongly influenced by the Newage tradition, the Ankh cross is viewed as a vertical of life, in relation to a person it is his spine, since the cross itself symbolizes a person with his arms out to the side. Thus, a straight line going from bottom to top is the spine, on which the chakras are located, and the circle above the cross is the symbol of the sahasrara chakra - the highest energy center of a person.

Based on this representation and interpretation of the Ankh cross, modern magicians and occultists use it to work with the energy centers of a person - opening the chakras, modifying the human vibrational circuit, healing the aura, and so on.

The question of whether the unusual Ankh cross was used in Ancient Egypt for such cases remains open, since there is neither direct refutation of this, nor evidence.

Alexey Kupreichik

gastroguru 2017