Dolphin therapy for pregnant women. Giving birth with dolphins in the wild: a new trend or a dangerous hobby? The Wilcox story

Pregnancy for any woman is a pleasant event in life. This is not a disease, as many believe, so you should not lie and grab your stomach all the time during pregnancy. In modern gynecology, doctors advise expectant mothers to lead a moderately active lifestyle, unless, of course, there are no contraindications. Girls in a position with enlarging tummies more easily tolerate loads in the water. Therefore, a visit to the pool will be a great way to keep your body in good shape.

A visit to the pool for a healthy lifestyle for pregnant women

Swimming for pregnant women is almost irreplaceable, because it is a process that has a beneficial effect on the entire body of a woman in position. Her mood rises and her health improves. This is for the reason that it is well suited for pregnant women.

In water, the body is as if in weightlessness. Because of this, expectant mothers do not experience strong physical stress. Even with minimal activity during swimming, the body will remain in good shape and at the same time relaxed. At the same time, the load is removed from the lower back, back and thoracic region, and the muscles are strengthened. With regular visits to the pool, the manifestations of varicose veins and swelling gradually disappear.

In the water, expectant mothers can do exercises that are contraindicated on land. The earlier a woman in position starts to visit the pool, the better her health will be throughout the entire period of waiting for the child. Swimming for pregnant women is the best way to keep fit and healthy.

How to choose a swimming pool for pregnant women?

Expectant mothers should take their choice seriously as well as choosing an instructor. This person should be a high-level professional and have experience in similar work. After all, swimming for pregnant women is a special process that requires special training and knowledge from the instructor.

How to choose a swimming spot? Of course, you need to pay attention to how the pool water is disinfected. The disinfection method must be safe for the expectant mother.

It is better not to swim in chlorinated water for women in position, it is worth paying attention to when choosing a pool. It is best to have running water or sea water in it.

Modern pools tend to have alternative methods of disinfecting water with chlorine-free products. These are systems based on ozone, ultraviolet radiation; it is also possible to use ionizing units or oxygen-containing reagents.

In a swimming institution, pregnant women, like ordinary visitors, must definitely ask for a health certificate from a dermatovenous dispensary.

for pregnant

Swimming is very beneficial for humans, and for future women in labor and the fetus, this benefit is twofold. Water procedures have a positive effect on the body of the mother and her baby. So, what is swimming good for pregnant women? When practicing in the pool, you can observe such changes as:

  • strengthening the muscles of the body;
  • increasing the body's endurance to stress (this is useful during childbirth);
  • improvement of blood circulation, elimination of blood stagnation in the lower extremities and pelvic organs;
  • the load is removed from the lumbar spine;
  • the respiratory system is trained;
  • the likelihood of the baby taking the correct position in the womb increases.

As you can see, swimming for pregnant women is beneficial for all systems of their body and the health of the unborn baby.

During a visit to the pool, not only the body and spirit are strengthened, but also immunity is increased. Water procedures are known to temper, and pregnant women are vulnerable to infections of various kinds. Thus, additional stimulation of the body to develop immunity is another plus.


As with any physical activity, swimming in the pool may be contraindicated for pregnant women. The benefits and harms of exercise may depend on the individual characteristics of each woman in the position and her well-being. This, as a rule, may be the threat of termination of pregnancy. In this case, the woman will be shown bed rest, and it is better to postpone classes until complete recovery.

There are a number of diseases that are contraindications to swimming:

  • manifestation of toxicosis;
  • the threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • bleeding;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • pressure instability;
  • tuberculosis;
  • exacerbation of a chronic disease;
  • placenta previa;
  • infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • an allergic reaction to the components of the disinfectant compound in water;
  • infections of a different nature.

Before visiting the pool, you should consult your doctor.

Swimming in the pool at different stages of pregnancy

Swimming is beneficial throughout pregnancy. You can start practicing in the pool at any time, but it is better to start this useful process in the first weeks. Swimming in the pool for pregnant women in the later stages is also not too late to start, if there are no contraindications and the doctor knows about your decision.

  1. In the first trimester, you can practice starting from 20 minutes, a couple of times a day.
  2. In the second trimester, there is no need to shorten the class time. Despite the fact that the fetus is growing, swimming has only a beneficial effect on the body. In this case, the ligaments and muscles do not feel increased stress in the water.
  3. The third trimester is not a contraindication. Swimming improves mood, relieves fatigue and trains the respiratory system, as well as the entire body for future stresses during childbirth. It is worth considering buying a looser swimsuit.

Dolphin therapy

Swimming for pregnant women with dolphins, or, as it is also called, "dolphin therapy for expectant mothers", is a kind of meditation that has a positive effect on the psychosomatic state of the expectant mother. Dolphins are known to be animals with the unique ability to recognize the state of pregnancy in women from the very first days. They treat the expectant mother carefully, supporting her in the water. This mammal will never touch the stomach or cause discomfort or pain.

Dolphin therapy, according to the latest research by scientists, is useful because dolphins, while swimming with pregnant women, emit ultrasonic signals, which, in turn, have a beneficial effect on the body of the mother and child. Such waves can prevent the occurrence of heart defects in the fetus, as well as a number of deviations in the development of the unborn baby. For example, the formation of hearing organs in a baby is better under the influence of "ultrasonic songs" of dolphins. Also swimming of pregnant women with dolphins has a beneficial effect on the psychological state of the mother. Anxiety decreases, mood improves, muscle tension and general overexcitement are relieved. The mother-to-be becomes calmer, more confident and not burdened by negative thoughts and emotions.

Water aerobics

Water aerobics is a water fitness activity accompanied by rhythmic music. Such physical training is the best type of stress on the body to prepare for childbirth. Water aerobics promotes a surge of vivacity, gaining health and improving mood.

When training in water, all muscles are stressed, while the water environment lightens them. contains exercises with a slight or light load, so you should not worry too much.

During water aerobics, the body is actively saturated with oxygen, and the heart system begins to work harder, dispersing blood throughout the body. Thus, the fetus receives essential trace elements and oxygen in the required amount. This contributes to its correct development and excludes the occurrence of pathology. During the mother's vigorous activity, the baby also moves and strengthens its body.

Exercises on the water

Pregnant women should adhere to a certain program, such recommendations are given by experienced trainers. There may be special courses in the pool - swimming for pregnant women. Exercises in this case will be selected accordingly.

You should not start your classes with easy and simple exercises. For example, this could be stretching exercises. It is done by facing the sides and wall of the pool. During the lesson, the expectant mother tries to sit on the so-called longitudinal or transverse twine. Exercises of this kind do not require execution according to all the rules, you just need to try to perform it with maximum comfort for yourself.

Standing next to the side, you can make turns in different directions. These can be exercises with bent legs, various squats in the water, the so-called "bicycle" with turns and other similar exercises.

The ability to relax will come in handy for the expectant mother during labor. After all, between contractions, a woman will have to be able to rest. Also, such a course of classes makes it possible to relieve tension from the back. You can simply lie on the water with your arms outstretched in different directions, or accompany the exercises with breathing exercises. Learn to relax by lying on the water surface and swaying on the waves.

If there are other pregnant women in the pool, group sessions can be organized. You can, for example, play a kind of "trickle". All participants stand in a row and spread their legs wide. Then each mother-to-be swims down the makeshift tunnel in turn. Such activities can be done if the woman is in excellent health.

The pool is a great place to train your respiratory system. Correct breathing exercises can be performed in a group or alone. You can hold your breath for a few seconds. This exercise will help in labor and prepare the baby's body for the possibility of delaying or reducing the flow of oxygen. Such situations can happen during contractions and the passage of the baby through the birth canal.

Each exercise or simple swimming exercise performed for pregnant women is the best kind of physical activity. It is better to do it to start with simple exercises, the performance of which is designed for short periods of time, gradually increasing their intensity. If any activity in the water causes discomfort, you should stop exercising and rest.

Requirements for the quality of water in the pool

According to the rules, the air temperature should be 2-3 degrees higher than the water temperature. This ratio is optimal when leaving the pool on land. At the same time, the temperature indicators of water for swimming for pregnant women are 21-26 degrees Celsius.

As a rule, the water in the pool is subject to systematic cleaning and disinfection. But for pregnant women, some formulations of cleansing mixtures can be harmful. So, for example, products containing chlorine are contraindicated during pregnancy, and expectant mothers should avoid them. Modern mixtures for sanitizing pool water contain silver ions, oxygen compounds and other harmless and non-toxic components. There are also ultraviolet water purification systems. These do not change the composition of the liquid and, therefore, do not cause allergic reactions in the visitors. They do not have a toxic effect on their bodies, which means they provide safe swimming for pregnant women.

In Minsk, for example, in each pool, all norms and standards for water quality are observed, and its temperature regime is strictly observed. That is why the pools of the capital of Belarus are the best place to provide comfortable swimming for pregnant women. Krasnodar is also no exception in this respect. In the city, each pool is carefully monitored systematically.


In conclusion, it can be noted that a woman preparing to become a mother can visit the pool throughout her pregnancy. The exception is periods of deterioration in the health of the expectant mother and the prohibition of doctors. Observing all the rules of behavior on the water and adhering to the training program compiled by the trainer, you can be sure that swimming is safe for a woman in position and her unborn baby.

If the expectant mother chose swimming in the pool as a form of physical activity during this interesting period, then she did the right thing. After all, as it is now known, swimming for pregnant women is good for mother and child. Such classes will not be in vain and will be able to prepare the female body for all the trials and stresses that it will face during childbirth. And these can be ruptures of the pelvic tissues, ligaments, or severe pain. Water breathing exercises will prepare the lungs and set them up to function correctly during childbirth. That is why, in the absence of contraindications, swimming in the pool is a great way to prepare your body and keep it in shape.


Severe physical changes during pregnancy are usually most noticeable in humans, but some animals also have a difficult time. New research shows that pregnant female dolphins are forced to carry around a rather heavy load during pregnancy that prevents them from swimming quickly.

"The body of a pregnant female becomes wide, and she is also forced to hold a heavy load in herself, which pulls her down, - says the author of the study Shawn Noren of University of California in Santa Cruz. - Because of this, she is forced to swim more slowly. "

It is possible that due to the extra effort that animals take to swim faster, their survival depends. If pregnant dolphins can't escape predators quickly or fall into the hands of tuna hunters, that explains why their numbers aren't increasing as quickly as expected, Noren says. Schools of dolphins and schools of tuna live close to each other, so dolphins can also be caught in the net along with fish.

Dolphin mobility

Noren filmed two pregnant female dolphins in the Hawaiian Islands. They were almost in demolition. The researcher then compared these videos to a video 2 years after giving birth, he noticed that females who were pregnant could not swim quickly, and their swimming technique changed due to the appearance of a belly.

The analysis showed that the belly of pregnant women occupies a fairly large area, which means that dolphins have to push out a larger volume of water while swimming. During pregnancy, their belly increases in size by about 50 percent compared to what it was before pregnancy.

Due to the fact that the cub is located next to the mother's tail during development, the females lose flexibility in the late stages of pregnancy. They cannot move their tail up and down as far as they can after birth, so they have to wag their tail more often by about 14 percent.

"It is the tail of the dolphins that helps them swim, but the cub does not allow them to move as well. We tested the swimming technique of dolphins after the birth of the cubs, and it turned out that when they are not pregnant, they can raise their tails higher."Noren says.

The threat of predators

Heavy pregnant female dolphins cannot successfully escape predators (or fishermen) in the wild. Therefore, due to the fact that their main enemies (sharks and whales) develop a higher speed, females are easily caught in their mouths. During the hunt, young, sick and pregnant dolphins lag behind the group and become victims. This explains why the dolphin population is not growing at the expected rate.

The problem exists not only among dolphins, but also among other representatives of the animal world. Birds and land animals (sometimes even insects) have to fight gravity in order to move, and if their body mass increases, they have to exert more force and this does not allow them to move quickly. In any animal, mobility is reduced during pregnancy.

The information is now completely different: contradictory and pleasing to the ear, understandable to the logical mind, and not clear to us at all, we often get confused in it, make mistakes and, over time, gaining our experience, become wiser and more careful and, despite what is happening around, we women , we continue to give birth, and at all times, in various difficult situations, our intuition helped and helps us out.

What is intuition? What do we know about her?

This is something from the left hemisphere - they usually say.

This is something beyond logic - I hear the answers.

We know that the ancient philosophers were interested in this question, they distinguished between two methods of knowing the world - intuitive and logical.

Intuition (late Latin intuitio - "contemplation", - direct comprehension of truth without logical analysis, based on imagination, empathy and previous experience, "flair", insight.

The word comes from the Latin verb intueri, meaning "to peer", "to penetrate with a glance" (sight), "to instantly comprehend")

Dolphins have developed precisely this method of knowing the world, they are great specialists in the field of intuition, as we humans are in the field of logic, is it possible?

Is it possible to explain this to a logical mind?

Why not? You can prove it as a theorem, but all the same, even having proved it, you need to feel it for full understanding, on your own experience, in direct communication with them.

During pregnancy, our intuition is most manifested, and during this period we hear and understand dolphins better.

Only I ask you not to confuse intuition with mysticism:

Mysticism (from the Greek μυστικός - "hidden", "secret") - belief in the existence of supernatural forces, with which a person is mysteriously connected and able to communicate; also - a sacred religious practice aimed at experiencing direct union with God (or gods, spirits, other non-material entities). The totality of theological and philosophical doctrines dedicated to justifying and understanding this practice is called mysticism.

Intuition is our most faithful helper in childbirth for many centuries.

In Russia, roots, ties with ancestors, traditions and knowledge about childbirth have been lost. They tried to destroy our people, to exterminate many times, but we live and continue to live, remaining a Great Power. Perhaps this is also related to the strong intuition of our people.

The next generations depend on us, women, and the main responsibility for this lies with us: we bear, give birth, and the first years of babies pass mainly with us, and after all, at this time the whole basic foundation of perception of a new person is laid. At the same time, we have almost completely lost information that should be transmitted from mother to daughter. What mother in our time can boast that she received all the necessary knowledge about motherhood from her mother? We collect everything piece by piece, I heard something somewhere, someone showed something, understood something myself.

The main situation of our time now is as follows: first of all, we listen to doctors (pregnancy is a disease in our modern society) and are faced with something that begins to beat with a strong stream from within, causing internal contradictions, our intuition begins to speak to us, one might say - screaming from within, we listen to it or not, in any case, we begin to hear it, while events happen to us, and we gain experience. And, it happens, we sigh softly: "Why didn't I listen to myself?" And, it happens that we are proud of ourselves: "It's great that I did exactly the way I wanted!"

It happens in different ways, there is nothing in common for everyone, we are all individuals with our own life path and purpose.

When life arises in us, logical thinking becomes weaker, we go into the area of \u200b\u200bleft-brain consciousness, and many questions and misunderstandings are associated with this. Do not be afraid, in fact, our mind simply switches to another perception, more suitable for us, for our survival and purpose during this period.

Thanks to intuition, women are looking for new answers and new ways to solve them.

And they choose one and only one from a variety of options, and are rarely guided by logic in the choice.

Now, in our time overflowing with logic, where can we learn to think intuitively? I thought about it a lot ... I listened, looked, watched, waited ...

But dolphins are telepathic and intuitive, and they willingly share this with us.

Dolphins have long been in our life, they swim close to us in the sea, they are not afraid of humans and never cause harm, in all situations for centuries dolphins have been friendly to us.

The history of human-dolphin interaction begins from the moment these animals were first mentioned. It has recently been discovered that dolphins' body language is largely consistent with the rules of human verbal communication. Communication with dolphins has a positive effect on the human body, especially on the child's psyche. British experts came to this conclusion back in 1978. Since that time, the development of "dolphin therapy" began. It is now used to treat many physical and mental illnesses, including autism, and other ailments. Dolphin therapy today solves the following tasks: psychoemotional correction of children, rehabilitation after stressful situations, reduction of neurotic and vegetative-vascular reactions, development of cognitive activity in children with neuropsychiatric disorders. Swimming with dolphins relieves chronic pain, boosts immunity, and even helps speech development.

Communicating with dolphins, like our mammals, during pregnancy brings new sensations, impressions, knowledge and understanding of oneself. All processes in dolphins are similar to ours, they bear, give birth and feed their cubs with milk, but at the same time, the dolphin is the only mammal whose birth literally begins from the tail, not from the head! Young dolphins stay with their mother for 2 or 3 years.

The friendly attitude of dolphins towards humans is a unique phenomenon that causes positive changes in the psychoemotional sphere of a person communicating with a dolphin. Positive emotions experienced when communicating with dolphins reduce the possible influence of traumatic stress factors on the psychoemotional sphere of a person, and, of course, a pregnant woman.

Water allows easy and free movement, a feeling of flight, a different space, a feeling similar to the feeling of weightlessness - all this has a beneficial effect on the expectant mother and her baby. The dolphin experience provides you with the opportunity to learn relaxation skills. This will enable you to use these techniques during childbirth and during postpartum adaptation.

The influence of the expectant mother on the development of the child in the womb is indisputable and is determined not only by heredity, but also by the characteristics of the emotional state during pregnancy. The anxieties that affect her own nervous system cannot but affect the child. The baby continuously catches the sensations, feelings, thoughts that the surrounding world evokes in the mother.

Dolphins have long been one of the most beloved ocean animals. They have high intelligence and a cheerful, friendly disposition. Most of us associate dolphins with funny acrobatic performances in the dolphinarium. However, some countries are seriously concerned about keeping dolphins in captivity and are even enacting laws to protect them.

Why did dolphins among many peoples deserve such respect and become an integral part of human culture?

For reflection on this topic, here are the facts:

Dolphins communicate easily and friendly with other animals, and they reciprocate. The brain is the largest organ in a dolphin's body. During sleep, part of the brain is awake, allowing the dolphin to breathe in its sleep so as not to drown! The life of a dolphin is directly dependent on access to oxygen. Dolphins have a weak sense of smell, but excellent eyesight and an absolutely unique hearing. Emitting powerful sound impulses, they are capable of echolocation, which allows them to perfectly navigate in the water, find each other and food.

An absolutely unique feature of dolphins is that they can "look inside" a person, like an ultrasound device - for example, they quickly detect a woman's pregnancy. The feeling of "new life" often excites dolphins very emotionally, they react violently and joyfully to pregnant women, and, as a rule, pregnant women are not allowed to swim in open-air cages (although, perhaps, this is the best time for communication), so as not to take away the attention of animals from other visitors and avoid an involuntary "emotional attack" on the unborn baby.

We are currently cooperating with the Nemo Dolphinarium in Sochi, where classes with dolphins will be held for pregnant women and those who are preparing for pregnancy. Classes are held with the joint participation of a perinatal therapist, a dolphin trainer and the dolphins themselves. You can learn more about classes and sign up in the VK group or by mail [email protected]

R. S. Dolphin in the aviary

India became the fourth country to ban captive dolphins. Earlier, Costa Rica, Hungary and Chile took similar measures. The Indians call dolphins "a person or person of a different origin than" homo sapiens ". Accordingly, the “person” must have his own rights, and its exploitation for commercial purposes is legally unacceptable. Scientists analyzing animal behavior (ethologists) say that it is very difficult to determine the line that separates human intelligence and emotions from the nature of dolphins.

I am presenting this information to raise this issue with you. Now we have the opportunity to communicate with dolphins in the dolphinarium, where they cooperate with us and show a keen interest in us, people who work with them treat them well, they are well fed. In captivity, dolphins live much longer than in freedom, and in captivity, dolphins find mates and breed, but at the same time, given their intelligence, one must understand that they are imprisoned and cannot leave on their own. This issue should not be hushed up, we need to establish cooperation and be useful to each other, dolphins are good at making contact also in freedom.

Having visited the dolphinarium, I felt that the dolphins cooperate with us, they study us, as we study them, while they are very optimistic by nature, they infect everyone around with this optimism, and the people who work directly with them are cheerful , calm, friendly and gentle.

Childbirth with dolphins was "discovered" back in 1970. It happened like this: obstetricians provided medical assistance to a woman who decided to give birth to a baby in the waters of the ocean. Soon, several dolphins swam up to her, which "ousted" the doctors and themselves helped the baby to appear on the account. The child turned out to be healthy, and the woman's childbirth was almost painless.

Today, childbirth with dolphins is the subject of controversy between medical experts and scientists. Let's find out about this unusual phenomenon in more detail.

The Wilcox story

3 years ago, a woman from the United States, Christine Wilcox, decided to give birth on the seashore with the dolphins. Her husband was only "For". The baby was born quickly and without complications, and the woman in labor was able to boast of excellent health.

The Wilcoxes began to popularize their example of "water birth" and soon a professional midwife became interested in their case. The woman was shocked by such carelessness of the Wilcoxes and noted:

“It is very dangerous to give birth in the open ocean with wild dolphins. Few realize that dolphins that defied training are bloodthirsty animals. Male dolphins often rape females and may eat their young. "

The midwife also said that in the history of medical practice there have already been cases when a dolphin inflicted injuries on a “brave” woman in labor.

“They can easily hit with their tail or bite - don't forget about that,” added the specialist.

Is birthing with dolphins safe?

The opinions of doctors on this issue were divided. Some experts argue that birthing with dolphins ensures the birth of an intelligent, healthy and peaceful baby.

“All children who were born this way have an IQ of at least 150 points. They grow up calm, physically and emotionally strong. The stress of a mother-in-labor with dolphins is minimized. " - said Igor Charkovsky, President of the world association "Aquaculture".

Indeed, when dolphins find themselves near a woman in labor, they secrete a special substance - sonar. It helps a woman to relax, calm down and overcome anxiety. Dolphins show increased attention to children and pregnant women. It seems impossible to assert that these harmless animals can cause any harm to humans.

“Childbirth with dolphins allows the birth of a perfect person who will be more intelligent than children born in the clinic. Even Tsiolkovsky once said that in the future people will live in space and have a more perfect mind. Childbirth in water is carried out in zero gravity - count the same way as in space. " - added Charkovsky.

The opponents of giving birth to dolphins have their own weighty arguments. They consider this practice to be dangerous for the health of women and babies.

“You can't give birth in a 'wild' environment. If you really want to go through this with the dolphins, then the event should be performed in special places. Animals must be trained. "

It is important to note that a woman should prepare in advance for childbirth with dolphins. At 3-4 months of pregnancy, she is shown to spend some time with animals in order to overcome fear and panic.

While childbirth with dolphins is carried out in European countries, as well as in the United States. We have such a medical practice at an early stage of development.

Created on 07.19.2013 13:04
Dolphins emit sounds in their environment and listen for the returning echo. Through this process, they manage to determine the shape of objects and their location. A similar technology is used by doctors to obtain images of a developing person. In both cases, it is necessary - high-pitched sound impulses outside the range of the human ear.
“Can dolphins see an embryo? I think this is very likely to happen, ”says Laurie Marino, a neuroscience researcher at Emory University in Atlanta, USA, who studies the intelligence of cetaceans. But at the same time, she warns that more definite conclusions require very deep research.

Dolphin ultrasound
Unsystematic research indicates that they are very interested. This interest is manifested in the fact that they swim up to the pregnant woman and make buzzing sounds near her belly. This buzzing is a form of very concentrated echolocation. When a dolphin wants to focus on something or arouse interest from its relative, it presses its nose to the skin and starts buzzing, says Lori Marino. According to her, the sounds resemble the creak of a door.
Malcolm Nicholson, professor of medical history at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, agrees that dolphins may be able to recognize pregnancy in women. For example, a dolphin swimming with a female trainer before her pregnancy and after she becomes pregnant may well reveal a difference in her echo profile, that is, the set of sounds returned after echolocation. What's more, dolphins may have the ability to recognize the heartbeat of an embryo in a woman that they have never encountered before. But Nicholson, who wrote a book on obstetric ultrasound, emphasized that these are only speculations.
At least one study has shown that dolphins are able to perceive the shape of objects through an opaque obstacle such as a box. “It's logical to assume that they can differentiate between human pregnancies,” notes Mike Walsh, a veterinarian at the University of Florida, USA, who specializes in aquatic animals. After all, water is an excellent medium for ultrasound. However, dolphins may not know that the education they see inside a pregnant woman is a human being.
According to Lori Marino, dolphins "see" some image of a child. “We know from other studies that they are excellent at transitioning from visual to acoustic and vice versa,” says the scientist. Just as echograms give humans a baby, echolocation can provide dolphins with a mental image of a baby.
By analogy, it’s safe to assume that dolphins are capable of detecting the pregnancy of other dolphins, says Marino. Indeed, they saw how these animals buzzed around their pregnant relatives. Dolphins use echolocation for many different tasks, such as communicating in groups and raising their offspring.
Dolphin abilities
Obviously, echolocation is not an innate ability of dolphins, but develops over time. For example, baby dolphins babble before learning to make more complex sounds. Scientists suggest that echolocation develops in the same way.
Even if dolphins are capable of recognizing pregnancy, scientists warn that having a baby near them is not a good idea, as these marine predators can sometimes be aggressive.
Some argue that dolphins are capable of diagnosing various diseases or treating humans for them, but these assumptions are much less substantiated. For example, dolphins are said to behave strangely around a cancer patient. However, there is no evidence for this claim, says Lori Marino, just like there is no reason to claim that these animals can heal people using echolocation.

gastroguru 2017