What is cotton wool rolling. What does it mean to Roll Vatu, Watakat? See what "cotton wool roll" is in other dictionaries

where did the expression "roll cotton wool" come from and what does it mean? why cotton wool, and why roll and, most importantly, why? and got the best answer

Answer from Maxim Chertkov [guru]
The roots of the expression are from there "from places where life is not a pity to live" :). The expression itself has a dual meaning
1. Roll up the mattress. Well, when you change your "place of residence" (the mattress, as you know, is wadded).
2. There is a "folk technology" that allows you to make fire with the help of a certain way of rolled cotton wool :). It helps a lot in conditions when, well, there is absolutely nowhere to light a cigarette. Would have a pea jacket with me or the same mattress :). The process itself is quite lengthy, and in addition, a smooth, dry surface is required, preferably a wooden one, such as a board. They ride along it :). The process can take from 10 to 20 minutes :).

Answer from Violetta Kalashnikova[guru]
"ROLL THE WOOL" ______________
Rolling cotton wool * - doing something vague (zarg.)

Answer from Bibliophilist ™[guru]
This thing is from the times of the Soviet Union, there was cotton wool, but there were no tampons. On the eve, or in expectation, they sat down, or rather, sat in front of the TV and rolled.
Viktor Erofeev has a story called Vatka, it is short, the ending: The dead man on the table.

Answer from Lonely[guru]
And this is the first time I have heard such a thing, that is, I read it. I think it means the same as "throwing beads under the pigs."

Answer from Alexandr[active]
drive the demon. there is an expression devil-roll up cotton wool or roofing material))

Answer from Karkusha[guru]

Answer from Curanderos[guru]
And most importantly)) - where?

Answer from All the best. Hope.[guru]
I also heard this for the first time, it seemed to me that it meant doing an empty, useless business. We have a felt factory where wool is rolled to make felt, for example. And probably, no matter how much you roll, nothing good will come of it. The most ridiculous was from such "deep" thoughts.

Answer from ® ~ A "ntonito B" Alestro ~ ®[guru]
something easy and unnecessary)

Answer from Doll with a human face[guru]
probably like not forging to do

Answer from Gum Thief[guru]
when you have nothing to do you skate

Answer from Isok[guru]
To roll cotton wool - to delay making a decision, to behave indecisively. Doing an empty, worthless business that will not give any results

Answer from DonVito[guru]
simply put, x .. and kick

Answer from Nailya Borisova (Utebova)[guru]
Maybe it's about felt boots? Just guessing. "To roll cotton wool" - boots roll too. But they roll out of felt, and it is somewhat similar to cotton wool. Why do they ride? To be denser.

Answer from Lorein[guru]
and what, now on the hair dryer to work - Also Style ..))
After "wet in the toilet" and so on. - it even looks politically correct ..))
I don’t know about cotton wool, honestly .. And what is it?

Answer from Lee L-1[guru]
Then, so that it was not so fluffy.

To tell you about such an interesting expression, which is quite rare, Vatu. What does Vatu mean? What does Watakat mean? However, before I tell you about this ambiguous expression, I would like to acquaint you with several useful articles, for example, what does it mean, how to understand the word Shazam, what the abbreviation means, what, etc. In general, there are several versions of the origin of the phrase "Roll Vata" ... For example all medicusjust convinced that root causethe appearance of this famous phrase was exactly they, although criminalsare convinced of the opposite, since they believe that the honor of the "discovery" belongs to them. So:

Roll cotton wool means messing around, just wasting your valuable time, doing something that will not bring any tangible results


  • Well, what was the meeting?
  • As usual, Katali Vatu!
  • And did you manage to roll a lot?
  • Almost a sofa !!!
This expression is used even in the case when a certain individual begins to "slow down" and "dull", has no idea what needs to be done now, or noticeably hesitates in making a decision.

The origin of the expression Katat Vata

During the nurse's studies, there are times when there is nothing to do, and so that the youths do not kick the "bully" in vain, the dressing or procedural nurse comes and gives a roll of cotton wool so that strong male hands do not stand idle. I had to do special " turunda"from cotton wool, which should subsequently be sterilized and then used during dressings or injections.

Therefore, when such a student sits for himself, and rolls cotton wool, and flirts with the nurses and calls " Roll cotton wool".

However, in prison"Rolling cotton wool" is a completely different process. It happens this way: cotton wool is rolled out on the floor in a thin layer, then plaster is scraped off the walls, it should be in the form of fine dust, and then this "economy" was wound on a pin or wooden stick, with a diameter like a knitting needle. They twisted it very tightly and began to carry it across the floor with their foot or put slippers on their hand and continued roll cotton wool... All this was done in order to call the open one to light a cigarette. In this case, it is necessary as a kind of abrasive to increase the heating.

You can also light a cigarettefrom a light bulb, for this it is not necessary to do anything particularly difficult, just attach a dry cotton swab to an electric light bulb, near the base, and then fix this cotton swab with a piece of rag. After a while, a flame appeared. Sometimes, you can hear in the cell: " Damn, roll up some cotton wool!".

TGK / AK-47 Dangerous Region

Roll cotton wool 1.

To hesitate in making a decision, to behave indecisively.

A quick answer is required from him, and he has been rolling cotton wool for three days.

Youth slang


Has a prison origin. The process of rolling small pieces of cotton wool into thin sticks to ignite tobacco products from an incandescent lamp in a chamber. Usually criminals of the lower caste are engaged in this, hence the phrase: "Damn, roll up cotton wool!"

Prison slang


Doing something useless.

What are you doing? I roll cotton wool.

Youth slang

Dictionary of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang. 2014 .

See what it means to "roll cotton wool" in other dictionaries:

    Roll cotton wool - Do something useless. Syn .: soar the brains. What are you doing? I roll cotton wool ... Dictionary of the criminal and semi-criminal world

    Roll cotton wool - Zharg. pier Shuttle. iron. or Disapproved. 1. Carry out repetitive, boring work. Vakhitov 2003, 74. 2. Talking nonsense, deceiving someone. h 98. 3. Sit back. Maximov, 55. 4. Behave aggressively, provoke a fight. Maximov, 55 ...

    WATA - rolled. Zharg. pier Disapproved. What is L. nasty, fake, falsified. Maksimov, 55. Roll cotton wool. Zharg. pier Sit back. Maximov, 54. Roll up cotton wool. 1. Zharg. pier Get away, get away from where l. h 98. 2. Zharg. corner., they say. Light a cigarette. ... ... A large dictionary of Russian sayings


    Vatilin - Cotton wool. Cotton wool (Japanese 綿, wata unprocessed cotton, Japanese 木 綿, momen, kiwata processed cotton) is a fluffy mass of fibers, loosely intertwined in different directions. Vata (jarg.) Nothing special. For example: rolling cotton wool is nothing ... ... Wikipedia

All day long Vaska did what he was lying on the couch, sleeping, eating and lazily stretching. And all would be fine, whether he was a cat or at least a dog. But he is, after all, he is a very real person, with arms and legs, only on the way without a head, figuratively speaking.

Such Vasya and Petit, apparently he is the successor of the great traditions of those same Vaneks who spent half their lives lying on the stove and waiting for everything to work out for them, and miracles burst into their lives. It happened to some of those same Vaneks, and these lucky ones were captured for us by Russian fairy tales. History is silent about who miracles have passed, so we cannot draw up a schedule or determine the percentage of the minions of fate for those times. But we can say that if the percentage of those who wait for miracles without leaving the oven has remained unchanged, then the number of those who did not wait for these miracles has become much larger, in direct proportion to the growth of the population.

So what are they waiting for, these darlings of the Russian oven?

The point is clear, they are waiting for the right moment. If you start to act earlier, nothing will come of it, and if you are late, then nothing good either. But more often than not, this is just an excuse, and the reason for "fumbling on the stove" is simply not a desire to do something.

Where does this inability or unwillingness to act come from? (for me specifically, this question is very relevant)

Life is pain

The first thing that comes to mind in this case is dissatisfaction, any of the areas of life. For example, work, if it is boring, does not give any pleasure, it entails only degradation and turns life into continuous hard labor. I've never understood such a job as a security guard, walking around all day, wrinkling buns, moving from place to place, having fun with the phone or scanwords. Family life may not be satisfying either, if your wife and children become your jailers and imprison you in a cozy, family nest. But sometimes you really want freedom of action, thoughts and desires. And when these or other factors turn life into torment, all that remains is to go into the dream world or just climb onto the stove and wait. You can, like Ilyusha Muromets, say that your legs have failed so that no one touches you at all. Life is pain.

On the other hand, how can you lie on the stove or beat your thumbs when something doesn't suit you in life? Isn't that what most often serves as a motivation for action? You don't like something - go and do it so that you like it. It turns out that this is already something else.

Maybe a loss of taste for life? Laziness and boredom. Let's talk a little about them.

“When you are still a child, all this appears before your eyes, knocks on your ears and makes an amazing impression. Always like the first time. Now you know all the names, titles and categories. This is good, but this is bad, here is a table, there is a chair, a car, a house, a flower, and so on. Gradually you get bored, because the surrounding objects exist for you only as names. Dry and narrow concepts of the mind throw a veil on you, making it difficult to perceive. Now you look at everything through the veil of associations, regarding things. It seems to you that you have already seen all this! It's like watching the same movie for the 20th time. You get bored. Because you only see memories of objects. Boredom is a fundamental inability to be aware of life. Therefore, before you can regain your senses, you must completely lose your mind. " Dan Milman

I don't know how about losing your mind, but you have to do something about it. Losing your mind sounds too abstract and sounds more like a literary device than a solution. But there is something else, a much clearer and more accurate understanding of why many people roll vata.

What does "roll cotton wool" mean?

In general, the expression "roll cotton wool" or "vatokat" is more typical for youth slang. Although in fact, this phrase or, more precisely, the concept, like many others that we use in everyday life, has a prison origin. The process of rolling small pieces of cotton wool into thin sticks for igniting tobacco products from an incandescent lamp in a chamber. Usually criminals of the lower caste are engaged in this, hence the phrase: "Damn, roll up cotton wool!"

I think the fault is our mentality, one of the most surprising features of which is the cult of idleness. It is not that in the USA or in other countries the people are very hardworking, but nowhere is idleness cultivated, not approved, they are not bragged about it, as it is done in Russia.

Having worked a little in public catering, I can say that there was, and even now most likely there is, some special chic to “extinguish” or skip work, shifting it to another. The funniest thing was listening to people in smoking rooms and in kitchens. These people talk about their victories on the fronts of idleness as about military exploits. Will not will, you begin to adjust, so as not to be the one who is blamed for all the work that can be blamed on.

How cool were bosses, teachers, parents, stupid clients and how cool it turned out without doing anything to snatch a good piece for yourself.

The ideal for these people is a person who sits at the workplace all day at the computer and ruled the situation around him so that he is paid a salary for this, despite the fact that there is no benefit from him.

At the same time, the listeners quietly admire such stories, and when trying to insert something like "I've been plowing for half a year and I finally managed to put the machines in the Renault plant" they answer with languid nods, saying why are you telling us about "work" us here now "life"!

Something to do to obtain a sponsorship contract or a contract with a backer is even considered somehow incorrect, in honor of those to whom the sponsors turned themselves, and they were lying on the couch accepted the offer.

I think it's easy to understand that this attitude permeates everything from head to toe. It is these people who have been producing the same Fiat model in our country for 50 years, killing their fellow citizens in accidents. They are the ones who build houses that begin to crumble 2 years after construction, saving on cheap labor from Central Asia. It is they who build roads that are more expensive than the American ones in quality, similar to the Egyptian ones. They everywhere.

It is these people who take bribes, and then, just as you tell how coolly you swiped the professor around your finger and cheated at the session, they also tell your acquaintances and friends how cool they stole. And no one spits in their faces, does not consider them insignificant, just as they do not consider a student who has bought a test to be insignificant. Reality changes, miserable insignificant actions become normal, accepted and correct.

In the country the cult of idleness. Whoever does something, and even more so achieves something, is considered a leper, he is not loved. The storytellers are honored about how great they sit in the office for 12 hours a day on VKontakte, and how cool they are to stay in this way at work for 6 months, receiving a salary.

Take action

And here, unlike the previous post, concrete actions are needed here. And nothing around will change until everyone takes responsibility for what is happening around. It's easier to blame everything on the government and do nothing. But even if our country has a super adequate government, it will not be able to change the people themselves.

It seems to me that a lot in this world becomes possible, or at least accelerates, if someone tries to contribute and encourage the movement. You have to get off your favorite stove, go and do something. The only way.

P.S. Oh, and I love writing postscripts lately. This time I will leave here a small form, in which the topic of excuses that a person comes up with just to do nothing is touched upon.

gastroguru 2017