Skladne rechennya. Foldable propositions with separate splits 2 propositions with separate splits



1. Understand the SSP. Classification of SSPs based on potential collateral storage: foldable propositions of open and closed structure (V.A. Biloshapkova).

2. The traditional classification of BSN is classified into semantic groups of words.

2.1. SSP with special splints of open and closed structure.

2.2. SPP with sectional splints.

2.3. SPP with long-lasting splits.

2.4. SPP with added splints.

2.5. SPP with explanatory notes.

2.6. Gradation SSP.

3. Dividing signs in the SSP.

Skladne rechennya(SSP) – this is a more complicated sentence, parts of which are connected by coordinating conjunctions and, as a rule, are equal grammatically and in place. Spilkov's unions are not included until the end, they are members of the proposal.

All SSPs are divided into two types: open and closed structures.

Parts of foldable rivers hidden structures are an open series, the stench is of the same type. Separate the binding - the moisture-resistant and split splits that can be repeated. Such propositions can be divided into an unlimited number of parts and can be continued over time. For example: So here the bird of the night screamed. Let's try to continue this proposition. The water splashed quietly, So here, squealing the bird of the night, So something more broke in the tabernacles(Little Queen). A BSC with an open structure may have more than two predicative units (PU): That fasten a long bitch around the neck with a rapt, That From these gold earrings, the power is strong; That The tendon snow has a wet boot from the bottom of its cute boot; That let the hustka out...(P.).

In propositions closed The structure of the part is a closed series, consisting of two parts, structurally and semantically interconnected, interconnected. The other part of them stays low and does not convey the obviousness of the third. For example: The need to make people happy A their wealth is shared; I wanted to tell you, ale Tovstun has already died(R.). Assemble the link - non-repeated splices: ale, prote, ta th; not just a little bit ta in.

Behind the words and behind the meanings, the complex sentences are divided into six groups.


List of successful lists (same and repeated): i, so, same, also, and also; like... so i, so... so, i...i.

Composite propositions with happy The splints can open and close the structure.

2.1.1. SSP of a closed structure

Similar SSPs display different meanings in the words between PEs ( P reductive e units). Unions I (І…I), НІ…НІ, SO (SO… SO).

In such SSPs, the predicative parts express themselves as “spontaneous-pererahuvalnye vidnosini”; they tell you about:

A) simultaneity of appearances: No [Kaluna Not growing between numbers], neither [herbs Not green] (I. Turgenev); І [ sunshine], і [ green herbs], і [ the birds are sleeping like spring]. As a rule, in this type the connections between the parts of the SSP are autosemantic, so they can act as independent simple propositions: (div. first proposition) Kalina is no taller than them. The grass is not green.

b) about their passage one by one, sequence: [Upload-three great purchase board], and [raptom Bliskavka flashed] ( I. Goncharov ). [Doors across the street to a brightly lit store blurted out], і [with it collapsed huge man] (M. Bulgakov). This meaning can be specified in words then, then, next.

Successful SSPs of an open structure (one-piece warehouse) can be folded into two, three or more PEs.

Such BRPs may have a back-alternative member of the proposition or a back-alternative part-determinant (in this case, a coma is not placed between the parts of the BRP):

In the distance dark and dark(I. Bunin): union I united a non-specialized single-warehouse PE Dark that double warehouse Gai suvori. Determinant (ultimate member of the SPD) in the distance clearly shows that the same facts will be overreacted.

(When the sun has fallen), [the dew has dried]і [the grass turned green]. P_dryadne rechennya When the sun has fallen to be brought immediately to both PEs, tied with the same containers, that one should not be put in front of the union.

The simultaneity and consistency of the recounted facts is often supported by the additional type of species-hour forms of adjectives in different PEs (as a rule, adjectives are expressed by words of the same type): Tiye hvilini [above the hill flew immediately dozens of missiles]і [crazy fast-moving flooded kulemeti] (Sivich). In both parts of the SSP the words and adjectives are clearly visible. Zagalny member of the proposition (obstavina chasu) tієї hvilini reinforces the lines of simultaneity and shifts the position of the coma between PEs.

2.1.2. SDR closed structure

The predicative parts are connected here by unique conjunctions I, SO, SO, SO, SO, as they are accompanied by words that specify the meaning. The stinks add up less than two PE. The connections between parts of the SSP are synsemantic, meaning that one proposition after another is connected with another, especially when it comes to concreteizing words.

Seen six types SDR closed structure.

1. Propositions with meanings consequences - result, mind-consequences, result, quick change. The stench often gets used to the words that specify the meaning so, so, so, so(specifiers are words and phrases that are connected to the word and clarify their meanings). The other part informs about the result, consequence, conclusion, which emerges from the place of the first part: We were starving and[that] My mother decided to send me and my sister to the village(V. Kaverin). Now there are no names for you, you are outsiders, And then You can't live in one booth(O. Ostrovsky). Know how to create different minds, and you will live a rich life(Intellectual-inheritance notes: If you know how to create your mind, then finish...). The artist raised his bow and it made a smear.

2. SSP z to all the meanings: The other part has the character of an addition to what is found in the first part. The other part often contains concretizing words - anaphoric borrowers and adjectives (standing on the cob of 2 PU), which indicate a person, sign, object, situation, which are discussed in the first part of the SSP: Now it’s completely dark on the street, and this it was amazing(V. Kaverin). On the cob, 2 PE can also be synonymous or a repetition of the same word as in part 1 of the SSP: New schedules have been introduced, and this is an innovation significantly increased the productivity of the business.

3. SSP z agreeable and opposite meanings from the union І: parts superprint one by one behind the real place Possible words-clarifiers it's all the same, unworthily on tse, prot ta in: a) The Germans reached Moscow, and after all They were kicked out(V. Nekrasov). b) I tried to get it out, but nothing happened.

4. SSP z otozhnyvalnym meanings(conjunctions TEZH, TOOZH), parts of which inform about two similar, identical ideas that arise simultaneously: The people were very hungry, the horses tezh demanded a fix(Arsenyev). The wonderful little boy spoke in a drawn-out manner, the sounds of his voice also they greeted me(Turgenev).

5. SPP iz spolno- additional values ​​( splits SO, I): On the other hand, there are additional information. The role of words-specifiers is moreover, besides, before that and p_d.: To compare you with men, so more and remember old images(Sholokhiv).

6. SPP iz spolno- interim values. The stage of the other part encloses the fullness of the manifestation of the stage named in the first part. Concretizing words less, only and p_d.: Still the same door, the same laughter, and less you don't get a lot of money(L. Oshanin). There were no visible marks on his body, and only small scuff on the crown(O.M. Tolstoy). Words less You can turn off the Split function.


List of separate splits: otherwise, otherwise, otherwise, not those, but not those; abo... abo, abo... abo; chi... chi, chi... chi, want... want, what... what, be it... or; otherwise y, not... so, yakscho (i) not... then; chi this... chi this, chi... chi that; then... then;analogues of splits : and maybe (buti), and maybe (buti) i; maybe (buti)... maybe (buti), maybe (buti)...:

These are propositions of an open structure. The main connections between the PEs in the SSP with divisional splints – these are the lines of interconnection and drawing:

1. Vidnosiny Interconnection: splits either, or else, not the same... not the same; chi to... chi: Abo sir, or else znik. Chi winter, chi spring, chi autumn(K. Simonov). Or the plague would succumb to me, or the frost would ossify me, Or a barrier would slam into my forehead. Unsightly disability(A. Pushkin). I won’t turn back to you again, or maybe I’ll lose myself in love with you(Misto 312).

2. The divisional SSPs have zi values Cherguvannya You are informed about the sequence of steps that you need to change one by one, without going to the hour: That The sun shines on the darkness, That hmara black hang(Nekrasov).

SELF-ANALYSIS TASK (recheck during lecture)

Zavdannya 1. Give a characterization of foldable propositions of an open structure on the side of their everyday semantics. Enter the color value. For example: Either you are bad or you are deceiving me. This SSP consists of 2 PE: 1 PE You're stupid ta 2 PE You are deceiving. Formal connection - a divisional union that is repeated either or else. There is mutual connection between the parts of the SSP.

1. During the night the sea calmed down, the wind died down, and the fog began to unfold.

2. Let us go, or else we will go.

3. Every bird doesn’t chirp on a tree when there are cogs.

4. The pines rose, and Margarita quietly walked through the winds to the gravel level (Bulg.)

Zavdannya 2. Characterize the BSC with conjunction I, indicating the structural type (open and closed structures), the structural-semantic category (the lines between the parts of the BSC) and the types of meaning (semantic varieties). For example: The shells were grim,and the guns whistled, / I loudly scribbled the gun, / and the girl Mashafrozen overcoat / The fighters with ears led into the attack. This is the SSP of an open structure, the fragments here are over 2 PE and more can be added. Structural-semantic category: SPP iz vlasno-spoluchnymi vіdnosinami. The shade of meaning is the meaning of simultaneity.

1. They gave him an apartment, and he settled near the fort (Lerm.).

2. The night was windy and dry, and it was a success.

3. It was completely silent, and only in the mountains there was a dull sound of water on the rifts.

4. One cut and the lion is already on the buffalo’s head.

5. The river was often carried over by swimmers, and, therefore, it was always possible to easily cross from one bank to the other.

6. Only six fur coats were given for Nadya, and the cheapest of them, according to the grandmother, cost three hundred karbovantsi (A.P. Chekhov)

7. I have a squad of two girls, and besides, my squad is a sick woman (A.P. Chekhov)

Zavdannya No. 3. Learn a new syntactic analysis of SSP.

A quick look at the analysis.

And the smell of the grass was withered, and the frost of crystal was clear, and the light was dark, and the mirror was no longer shining.(V. Tushnova)

1. Observation of the method is more specific.

2. Behind emotional barbarism - neoklikuvalne.

3. Foldable, because adds up to 2 PE: 1 PE: І[smells like mucky grass, looks like crystalline frost]. 2 PE - І[the ice is dark, the sun is shining]. PE are connected among themselves by the collateral conjunction I, which is also a collateral proposition (CSP). The union is spochniy, so in its most striking appearance, the SSP can be characterized as spochniy. Parts of the SSP are an open series, i.e., a proposition of an open structure: it can be extended by the way of adding other PEs with these very grammatical meanings (enumerative ones). The words are autosemantic. The situations experienced by PE are considered by the speaker to be overnight. A grammatical way of expressing simultaneity is the form of non-conforming adjectives: smell - shine.

Scheme: i, i.

4. Analysis of skin PE.

1 PE: And it smells like mucky grass, and it smells like crystalline frost.

grass smell

b) Outside.

c) Wider: grass (yak?) slut

under the frost of Krishtaleva, expressed as a notebook in stale words.

2 PE: And, noticeably, the star shines like a sum.

a) Dvoskladove river. Extends zirka expressed by the name in I.P. Just a simple addition shine expressed by the word present. vr. nesov.v.

b) Outside.

c) Wider: zirka (yaka?) sumna - Uzgodzhene vyznachennya, virazhene prikmetnikom.

d) Folded with wider and stronger dimensions Pomіtna Ledve, turn decent turnover.

Propositions for syntactic analysis

1. You don’t want to think about anything, your thoughts wander about, your thoughts wander, your thoughts wander, your thoughts wander and are unclear, like a dream (A. Serafimovich).

2. The kick is short and the ball is at the goal.


Foldable propositions of closed structure h opposite Splints: oh yeah, yeah(= ale), prote, prote, so, so(at the significant ale).

Due to their peculiarities and basic grammatical meanings, all collocated speeches with protracted spellings are divided into two groups: 1) equal and 2) opposite speeches.

Dressing trays characteristic of SSP with interchangeable splints a (m_zh tim), a(conjunction-part), where seemingly dissimilar objects are presented, but with all the eminence of the stench, they do not touch one another, but as if they are in agreement: The need to make people happy A their wealth is shared(The need to bring people together, wealth and They share). The comrades were extremely hostile, but the comrades loved(Kuprin). Notes are often based on antithesis (antonymy). The presence of typified lexical elements in the predicative parts of the verbs - verbs of the same thematic group.

The broadest among such propositions are those with the broadest meaning and stylistically neutral conjunction A. For example: The bottom of the bashti is stone, and the top is wood.(Chekhiv); You are already over forty, and she is thirty...(Chekhiv).

Union and, tying oneself to one’s quest with the subsistence part and, Saves its visible and significant meaning; The approach to this union shapes his position; not between the predicative parts, but after the first word of the other parts, seeing him. Such propositions are called equal-visual. For example: The comrades were increasingly hostile, the soldiers and truly loved(Kuprin); From our battery Solony goes on barges, we and with a construction unit(Chekhiv).

Propositions with opposite wedges behind the semantics (that is, the nature of the connections between the parts of the SSP) are based on the superfluousness of the meanings that are found in the predicative parts, and are divided into several groups.

1) opposite-intermediate propositions (conjunctions however, hello, so) In each of the manifestations of the other part, the feasibility of the activity, the effectiveness and the completeness of the manifestation of the phenomenon named in the first part are determined. The most clearly grammatical meaning can be seen in constructions with forms of the mental or “non-functional” (often bulo) methods, with additional words want, want and p_d.: Perhaps I b z'iv a little bit of snow, ale on Sukharivtsi the snow will be heavy(V. Kaverin). Vin becoming a bulo pour I'm having tea, ale wona zupinila(V. Kaverin). In other cases, inter-relations are formalized using lexical means: Garna kvitka, and the island of shipok.

These SSPs are close to the semantics of propositions with succesful-intermediate meanings, such as the word only Changes the function of the splint: Garna kvitka, only the island of thorns.

Union otherwise, not the same ones correspond to the meanings of the words otherwise, differently; The words with them are called to vikorist in the Rozmovno-Pobutovo language: 1) Ti, Tisha, please come,otherwise Matusya is calling to bark in the camp(Sharp).2) Tell the truthnot the same you will be left behind.

2) At the disgusting-ledged The SSP is very important to be folded progressively (so the SSP can be replaced with a foldable row proposition, the appendage part of which has splices wanting, not caring about those ): [I had my own room at home], ale[I live in the courtyard in a shack](A.P. Chekhov ). – (Wanting I had my own room near the house), [I live near the courtyard in the hut] . Possible words-specifiers all the same, unimportantly at this hour, in front of everyone ta in.: The bird told you something stupid, anyway she's a good person(N. Ostrovsky) .

3) U opposite-flow blowers SSP (union here you go) the categories are given an assessment: in one part it is positive, in the other – negative: Rust in the arsenals of Harmati, then shine the cover(K. Simonov). Kover is a hard, tall headdress of military parts.

4 V opposite-roses SSP friend part complements first. Just as in well-known utterances, the other part is wary of the concretizing word this: I've turned my back, alas this, it seems, made him suspicious(V. Kaverin).

Skladne rechennya - this is a complex proposition, in which simple propositions are connected with compositional conjunctions and, as a rule, are equal grammatically and in place.

Compounds that connect simple propositions are between simple propositions and are not included in one of them.

Behind the spilks and behind the meanings foldable propositions divided into six groups.

1. Composite propositions h happy Splints: Yes, yes(= i), no- no. They talk about a) the simultaneity of these phenomena, and b) about their following one after another, and c) about the intelligibility of one thing to another. For example: a) Ні [ viburnum is not growing between them], not [ grass Not green] (I. Turgenev)- Neither nor; І [ the wind blew swidky in the Buryans], and [with sheaves sparks flew through the fogs] ... (A. Blok)- І, і; [Tilki ivol gi scream], So[Zozuli head on get health insurance to whom unlivable fates] (M. Sholokhov)-, So;

b) [Two or three fell great drops board], and [raptom Bliskavka flashed]. (I. Goncharov) - [], і ; [Doors across the street near the brightly lit store blurted out], і [with it showing Xia hulk]. (M. Bulgakov)- , і .

V) [Life is given once], i [ I want to live It’s bad, it’s meaningful, it’s beautiful] (O. Chekhov)(another expression expresses the result, consequence, outcome from the place of the first) - , i ; [Tell these are two words], and [ won vryatovana] (A. Chekhov)(In the first, the speech indicates the mental action (I will become) in the other) - , i ; [It was getting weird], and I hurrying up to home] (M. Lermontov)(In the first, the sentence indicates the reason for the action in the other) - , i ; [Vilnikh mist didn't happen], і [їм happened to stand] (V. Rasputin)- , і .

2. Composite propositions with separate Splints: abo (abo), abo, chi- or else- then, not those- not the same ones- chi. Voni vouches for Cherguvannya appearance, possibility (vibir) one phenomena z two or else kіlkoh. For example: [The dog barks Budinkovy], or [ the wind rustles the leaves are dark fly over] (N. Mov [], il, il; Those [ sun Tmyane shine], That [ Khmara chorna hang(N. Nekrasov)

Those, those; Not those [ it was shining], not those [ it was getting dark] (Yu. German)- Not those, not those (in propositions with splices chi- what, what, what- not the same Interconnection is complicated by the values ​​of the compatibility and by inserting on the fold the choice of the exact designation of the situation).

3. Composite propositions h opposite Splints: oh yeah, yeah(= ale), prote, prote, only. One thing is revealed to another, and it appears to be different from another. For example: [Cini people are given], A [people can get fooled] (A. Griboedov)- , A; [Perekonannya move in theory], [ behavior and being molded butt] (A. Herzen)(Union and combines two meanings: the protagonal union and the subsiluvial part; that is why it stands not between simple sentences, but after the first word of another sentence, seeing that word) - , [Already]; [Stinks, initially, don't know me], that \I їх I know] (F. Dostoevsky)-, So; [Fedya no without crying], then [ knew in the wild close] (I. Turgenev)-, Zate; [Vaughn didn't collapse], Only three rubles eyebrows went up] (V. Rasputin)-, Tilki; [Buv It's already spring month Berezen], prote [at night the trees were cracking in the cold, like in the chest] (O. Chekhov)- However. (The opposite conjunction “prote” always stands on the beginning of a simple proposition, but can be replaced by the conjunction “ale”, but is not placed after it. Homonymous to the conjunction, the word “prote” does not stand on the beginning (either in the middle or at the end) of a proposition and on The leaves appear lumpy. We all checked for it, but it didn’t come.- We all checked for it, but it didn’t come.)

4. Composite propositions h in gradational-dimensions: not only... ale, not that... but (ale), as not... those, not those... ale (a), not so much... how much. Such propositions require the arrangement and placement of boxes behind a row
significance: it appears from another river, it is presented as from another one, which is more significant, more significant, even more equal than what is discussed in the first one (those about which is discussed in another river, may be for the sake of speaking more the highest level of significance). For example: [ Cmnot the same brute, ale [vin over de yat new character] (L. Tolstoy)- not the same, but; Not just [ Sonya without farbi couldn't vitrify Whose look], ale y [old Countess and Natasha drew red, Noticing this look] (L. Tolstoy)- Not just a little bit.

5. Composite propositions h priednuvalnymi Splints: same, same, same, before that. Another proposition in them has the character of an additional or incidental respect, often unsatisfactory, that suddenly fell on the mind. [I felt in front of her baby], that [ she won Yogo for the child] (F. Dostoevsky)- , Ta y; [Bidny Nadi is no longer here a little bit quiet words], that [to no one vimovlyatiїх] (Ah, Chekhov)- , Ta y; [Exposingїї it was damned], [lightly open ruin tezh got crazy] (I. Turgenev)- ., [tej] (conjunctions tezhі just like that behind the meanings they are approaching the union і, to stand between simple propositions, but in the middle of another).

6. Composite propositions with explanatory Splints: tobto, and yourself, Vony points out the sameness, equivalence of the situation, while his friend’s speech explains, concretizes the idea expressed by the first. For example: [So the axis itself lived at the local Lozishchi and I don’t like Osip Lozinsky], then [ lived, to tell the truth, it’s not important] (V. Korolenko)- , tobto ; [Man's room the servants were brought we have to a minimum], and herself: [for everyone's budinku there were no more than two lackeys available] (M. Saltikov-Shchedrin)- , and yourself.

Syntactic analysis of a compound proposition

Scheme for analyzing a foldable proposition

1. Consider the type of proposition in order to indicate it (opovial, motivating, spontaneous).

2 Characterize the proposition of emotional cessation (optional or non-accusatory).

3. Consider the number of simple propositions in the folding warehouse and know their boundaries, see the grammatical bases of the simple propositions that enter the folding warehouse.

4. Indicate by what kind of conjunction simple propositions are formed in a compound, and determine the meaning of the words between them.

5 Fold a graphical diagram of a folding sequence of words.

6. Explain the arrangement of divisional signs.

An example of the analysis of a foldable proposition

[You are tired of many fates], but [after all, you are me glad) (A. Akhmatova).

The proposition is opportunistic, non-cliquey, collocated, composed of two simple propositions connected by the coordinating adversarial conjunction “ale”, a prefix (with a sign of arrival); simple propositions in a folded order warehouse on a sheet are divided into a coma.

That \ padav nibi fog], then [raptom allowing oblique, great planks] (L. Tolstoy).

Those, those.

The proposition is opivalal, non-cliquey, folding, composed of two simple propositions, linked by the repeated creative divisional union “that - those”, in the drawing board; simple propositions in a folded order warehouse on a sheet are divided into a coma.

[Flashing women at the tent], i [ mongrels yapping sha-li], i [samovars Troyandi chervoni burn at the taverns and booths] (O. Mandelstam).

І, і.

The proposition is opportunistic, non-cliquey, harmonious, composed of three simple sentences, linked by the repeated conjunction “i”, to be sure of instantaneous occurrences; simple propositions in a folded order warehouse on the sheet are divided into comas.

It understands how to understand simple speech, which is reached through the use of simple syntactic features and is characterized by semantic, constructive and intonation integrity. However, its parts are not simple propositions, the fragments: 1) often cannot be independent communicative units, but can only exist in a complex warehouse; 2) do not lack intonation completeness; 3) the entire proposition entirely confirms one nutritional information, then. - one communicative unit. It is more correct to treat them with simple propositions, rather than with predicative units.

Classification of folding rivers

Let's look at the complex butts and their classification. This is due to the fact that both are foldable. Compound propositions are differentiated by the nature of the connective, the nature of the predicative units, and the order of directness of the elements. The stench roars from allies and non-alliances. Allies, as we are referred to in this article, tend to be divided into foldable and foldable propositions (but to be more precise).

Foldable proposition (FRP)

The structural-semantic classification of SPP is based on an important formal sign - the nature of the syntactic, formal position of the subordinate part from the head. This sign follows the scientific classification of V.A. Beloshapkova and "Russian Grammar-80". All SPPs are divided into propositions of the undivided and dissected type. Their differential signs are as follows.

Non-divided type

1. The additional part is in the primary position (to be placed up to one word in the head), the primary or correlative connective (to be placed before the vative form).

2. One of the elements is synsemantic, then. we cannot be a semantically sufficient communicative unit, a pose, a warehouse of a foldable proposition.

3. Separate connections - syntactic (richly meaningful) conjunctions and allied words.

Dismemberment type

1. The additional part is added to the entire head proposition: determinative connectives.

2. Offensive parts are autosemantic, then. Potentially created substances independently.

3. Create a link – semantic (unambiguous) links.

The most important sign is the first, the structural sign.

Further classification of SPP of a dissected type is carried out based on semantic aspects (such as hour, mind, action, reason, meta, consequence, orderly, orderly aspect, which can be a foldable proposition).

Applications from fiction and other propositions:

  • A few years have already passed since I left the place (now).
  • If you're crazy, come before two o'clock (mind).
  • Although it was already late, the light (of action) burned in the booth.
  • I don’t have time at all, music will require more input (reason).
  • You need to read well, you need to do good (meta).
  • His eyes shone like stars shining in the dark sky (always).
  • If it is a volodya dumka, then the shape of the vin is more volodiya (ordinary).

The classification of NGN of an undifferentiated type of peredus is based on a structural sign - the nature of a particular link and at least another level - on a semantic basis.

Vidi SPP undifferentiated type

1. With the conjunction: connotative, meaningful (kolkisny, yakisny, qualification) and comparative.

2. With the borrower connection: borrower-supply and borrower-bearing folding and consecutive river.

Applications from fiction and other propositions from allied links:

  • You fool, why won’t you come (roz’yasnyuvalne).
  • The surface is so clean that there is nothing else (initially, for good measure).
  • Having spoken to Shvidko, the heavens pushed him (to be clear).
  • Everything happened like this, there was no one in the room (the complex proposition is important).

Examples from the literature and other propositions from borrower connections:

  • It was necessary a little, as we said (mysteriously-nutritively).
  • The little building, in which we live, is new (mixed-sounding, oriented).
  • No matter how brutal it was, there wouldn’t have been any vidmova (mixed-noun, non-orientated, foldable proposition).

Apply a proposition (5th grade, the Russian assistant will help you complete this list), as you see, you can cause massacres.

A larger part of the theoretical report can be found in many reference books (for example, V.A. Biloshapkova Grammar-80, etc.).

During the process of aggregation, people formulate their thoughts using simple and complex syntactic structures. The place among them is occupied by a complex proposition.

Attached and theoretical facts below will help you understand the punctuation of this type of syntax.

Skladne rechennya. Concept.

A complex syntactic construction that consists of two or more equal parts, instead of simple components united by means of conjunctions, is called a complex proposition.

I marvel at the butt: “The doctor told jokes, but Ale Rozmova still didn’t get along. Then the river flowed in front of them, but then they came, they left, and the rest of the world went” (After Maupassant).

The first design consists of two parts, the other - of three. Let's join unions... .

It is impossible to put nutrition in one predicative construction before another.

Take note! It is necessary to distinguish between complex words and inconsistencies that express the sequence of actions or their composition:
“The hillocks began to chirp under the windows, the trees broke down, and Rank’s sun shone over the whole area. It’s been a long time since nothing happened without kicking.”
Although their warehouses are equal, there are daily bonds between them that bind the parts of a foldable proposition.

Spoils at the SSP warehouse

Simple propositions, which are formed in a folded order, will unite successful groups of attacking groups:

  • і, і… і, tezh, so (in the meaning і), no… і, also, not only… but y, yak… so і – spodnі;
  • ale, so (meaning ale), a, prote, prote, ale zate, however - nasty;
  • chi, chi, chi that... chi those, those... those, chi... chi - divisions;
  • then, and you yourself - explain.

It is possible to unite up to three groups with complex propositions, and also:

  • With the best possible splits;
  • explanatory;
  • separate;
  • opposite.

Let's take a look at the skin report from the designated groups.

Designs with high-quality splints

The well-formed speech of the designated type can be gleaned from literature and common language: “ Kolomeichenko asks me to sit down for sleep, And the long story about boibaks begins” (For V. Orlova). “My friends went home and I followed them.”

“The water gurgled merrily in the stream, and here an unknown bird was sleeping nearby.” “When they were old enough, they went out to harvest the crops, but their children did not grow up with them.” “Ivanov was unable to come to the meeting, and his partner fell ill.” “If you harvest the harvest, then winter it.”

“Not a day of light is visible to me, nor is there any space for my roots” (I. Krilov). “Mom received her nephew warmly, and also tried to give her more respect.”

Most often there are complex utterances that combine constructions with the conjunction i. Smislova links of elements form the SSP of this type, not however. The stench can be noticeable:

  • Timhourly hundreds. With this, the phenomena that are spoken of in them appear either overnight or sequentially: Here in the distance one felt dull chords and a hoarse human voice. The axis of this invisible wall opened up like a raptor, and the sounds that had been streaming for a long time poured through it with thirsty force” (A. Kuprin).
  • Notes of causality: “I have always cared for my health, and old age has not diminished my strength and clear mind. An incongruous chatter and noise passed through the entire crowd, and then the words were heard loudly: “Stolen.” ().

Designs with separate splints

Let's look at some examples of syntactic constructions of the designated type: “A bird is rising, or an elk is blowing its trumpet in the distance. Whether I don’t understand, or you don’t want me to understand”(). “Someone put on makeup, or someone hit a harmata. Now you come in gloomy, now you come in the sunshine.”

Separate SSPs with repeated or, sometimes, single splints name phenomena that, it seems to me, are impossible to find at that very moment.

Either one of them turns on the other, otherwise the stench will go through.

Take note! Composite words and complicated by similar members simply with the conjunction abo, and also i, and, but often get confused. To get the hang of things, take a look at a number of grammatical basics.
“For a second a stone will appear in the bushes, or an animal will jump out of the grass, and the steppe will blink again.”
“By this time, the devil had quietly crept up to the month and already stretched out his hand to hide him, only to raptly wink back, as if he had drunk himself, forgetting his foot and running from the other side, and again jumping up and shaking his hand” (N. Gogol).

Opposite to SSP

Let’s take a look at the conjunction with the union ale, a, natomist, as they most often appear in the current story: “Angelica’s eyes are crying, but not having noticed anything” (For V. Shishkova). He began to work, but lazy, homely thoughts still wandered in his head” (A. Chekhov).

“The pie wasn’t baked, but the compote was a success. I wanted to phone my dads, but the phone was nowhere to be found.” As a matter of fact, the items discussed in these SSP data are presented one by one.

SSPs with opposite meanings can contain particles of only the same mustache, thus conferring on them the function of splinters: “Separation did not help to forget, only to get stuck. "Potilitsa was very wet, and her legs were loose."

Designs with explanatory splits

Which type of SSP is less likely to be discussed, but also itself. In ordinary mines, similar structures are not often damaged. The sphere of their focus is bookish styles: “The hour is far away, so that no one can leave.” “The weather is miserable, but the rain itself never stops.”

Peculiarities of setting division signs

SSP of any group is called upon to take revenge on anyone who divides its components.

However, if in front of them there is a hidden member in a row, or in a row, then put them without a trace: “Under the wind, do not leave the field and the rice does not water.” “When the sun rose, everything around began to sparkle and the water shattered.”

The culprit will be the outbursts, if we have a proposition with a union in front of us, which is repeated: “The pressure of the supply rose in full force, and the light leaders rushed by, and the villagers went nowhere in a hurry.”

Take note! Since the parts of the SSP are simple, active or non-special structures with similar significant additions, they are not divided into:
“Excursion locally and lunch at a diner.” “How long has the sand flowed and what is the number?” “No need to sleep and no need to miss classes.”

It is necessary to guess these variations if in the SSP someone replaces a double or a dash.

A dash is placed as follows:

  1. The other proposition is incontrovertibly opposed to the first.
  2. In another predicative construction, the mitteva is added to the front.

The double frame is placed between the warehouse SSPs, as follows:

  1. There are already comas in the middle of them.
  2. Our warehouse has a lot of members.
  3. The stinks are not closely tied together behind the scenes.

To illustrate the complex and orderly speech of a particular type, let’s look at examples from fiction:

“I didn’t manage to get out the door, even though my eye was knocked out!” (N. Gogol)

“I am ready to go with a leather cart, to go with a leather gentleman of important importance, who has hired a driver; Ale zhoden, without asking anyone, they forgot me” ().

“The wine, having sat down on the back of its head, was ready to go to the next one in unbreakable crumbs, - and the wine, plucked up like a little devil, jumped out of the box and flew to the far end of the vitality” (G. Maupassant ).

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Let's summarize the pouches

As a matter of fact, the propositions with the following conjunctions are not less susceptible to typical diversity, and do not lack standard punctuation. It is expected that the material presented in the statistics will be consistent with the most theoretical and practical tasks related to the BSC.

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