Bachelor's degree program. Bachelor and Specialist: Program of Instruction. Contacts of the Primal Commission of the Rankings

The transition to the Bologna lighting system introduced innovations, replacing the one-level lighting system that is essential to everything in Russia with a domestic one. Now, the majority of specialties can only be studied within the bachelor's and master's degree systems, and even those (medical, engineering, military) have lost the options available to us in the form of five-fold education.

To answer the question “which is better, bachelor or specialist,” it is necessary to look at the advantages and disadvantages of these two forms of education.

Specialties for bachelors

The bachelor's degree is the first level of domestic education under the Bologna system. The bachelor's program allows students to obtain foreign knowledge directly from their graduates. Here are the following advantages:

  • Even after a certain amount of time, graduates receive a diploma in search of enlightenment and can choose to continue their studies at another level (at the master’s degree), or to pursue a career.
  • It is clear that it is possible for a Swede to change profession by taking special courses without the need to retrain for many more years.
  • A bachelor's degree is recognized in foreign countries, which gives the student the opportunity to enter a master's program abroad or immediately find a job in a foreign country.
  • The shortcomings of a bachelor's degree can mean:
  • The impossibility of implementing a number of settlements in the lighting sector in Russia and in government without going through another stage;
  • The impossibility of entering before graduate school and the completion of a dissertation.

Features of the fakhivtsya

The importance of a specialist over a bachelor's degree lies in the fact that a specialist is a form of five-fold education for residents of our region, for example, when a graduate receives the title of certified fakhist. The fakhivst's program transfers both basic knowledge and advanced training from the selected profile. The achievements of this type of education can be attributed to those who are graduates of fakhіvts:

  • pratsi, nizh bachelors are more quoted on the Russian market;
  • There may be a possibility of investment in Russian universities and the right to acquire plantings from the state structures of power.

Now about the shortcomings:

  • A graduate degree gives you less chance of entering a foreign master's program or getting a job there.
  • Entry to the master's degree after completing the Faculty of Science does not give an extension to the army, just like a bachelor's degree + a master's degree - this is an extension of six years.

As you can see, the offense is directly reflected in both its advantages and disadvantages. The choice of nutrition, bachelor or specialist, or any future student decides for himself, depending on his own goals. Bachelor's and Master's degrees are oriented towards developing theoretical knowledge, and are therefore more suitable for those who want to develop in the scientific field. A specialty provides highly specialized knowledge and skills for professional activities.

Today we’ll talk about what ambushes students get between bachelor’s and specialty degrees and what advantages come from studying in these programs.

Current Russian system Greater professional education provides the ability to remove multiple levels of qualification. Just as previously in our region only qualified graduates were graduated from high initial deposits, today’s young people were denied the right to choose between bachelor’s, specialist, master’s and postgraduate degrees.

It is significant that the master’s degree and postgraduate studies in nutrition do not call out, because without saying a word it became clear that the whole chain of stages, what a bachelor’s student is trained to do, is far from clear. Today we’ll talk about the principles that students follow between bachelor’s and specialty degrees and the benefits that come with these programs.

What is a bachelor's degree and a specialist's degree?

Specialist is a traditional form of high-level education for Russia. After completing the course, the VNZ graduate will receive the qualification of “diploma in teaching”. In this case, one has the opportunity to study both for a master's degree and for a graduate degree.

Bachelor's degree is the first stage of higher education. The student from afar chooses directly and begins on his own. Such education provides the very foundations of the specialty, the base of necessary knowledge for developing a profession. After completing the VNZ, the student acquires the qualification “bachelor” and is freed from the opportunity to study until the master’s degree.

I on bachelor, and a specialist can enter people who are outside the middle and middle-professional background (after completing college or technical school). It is important that the specialist includes a bachelor's and master's degree program.

Subordination of Bachelor to Faculty

If you have decided to sign up for a large initial deposit, then first you will need to decide which qualification is important to you: specialist, bachelor or master. It’s all the same for the kind of company you’ll work for. Employers react differently to bachelor's and specialist degrees. Also, Russian enterprises have the same benefits, while international companies may have completely different ones.

Previously, all Russian students began primarily in specialized courses. Obviously, after graduation, they were given the qualification of “diplomat fakhivets”. At that time, outside the border, they were already fawning over the courtyard. illuminate the system. Within an hour, such a system was installed in us. It is possible to maintain both the old and the new system in the Vietnamese VNZ.

What are their responsibilities? Let's marvel:

  • at the bachelor's degree you will begin 4 years, and at the specialty 5 or 5, 5 years (subject to the specialty);
  • A bachelor's degree provides the basis of a profession and a foreign discipline. The specialist, however, transfers a degree in a university specialty to the profile chosen by the student;
  • In the first 2 years of both qualifications I take advanced subjects. Then the floor begins.
  • At a bachelor's degree, you can develop the basis of a profession and then study in any field; in a specialty, you will most often gain knowledge of a specific field of study;
  • Having graduated from the bachelor's level, the student can continue to the master's degree. A student can immediately enroll in graduate school, bypassing the master's program;
  • Bachelors can apply for a cost-free master's program, as long as this level of qualification allows them to take part in the competition. For graduate students, the master's degree will be paid, since it is important to have other knowledge. According to the law, you can still get out for pennies.
  • You can only get to graduate school for a bachelor's degree instead of finishing your master's degree.

As has already been said above, many robot sellers understand that diplomaed fakhivtsi They start learning more and, obviously, gain more knowledge in higher education areas. Therefore, a bachelor's degree in the current market requires fewer demands, and a specialist's diploma is not enough. However, robot sellers are very sorry if they respect that a bachelor’s degree cannot be called a complete enlightenment. Upon graduation from this qualification, the student receives all necessary professional knowledge and skills.

Advantages and disadvantages of the bachelor's degree

It’s not surprising, but bachelor’s degrees are now even more popular in Russia. At current Russian universities, there are richer students more often than other specialists. Why is the Bachelor student so popular? Firstly, by these advantages, which he gives:

  • bachelor's degree is respected international system of illumination. Therefore, after graduation, the student can happily break the border for work there. Europe has the same courtyard system.
  • The student has a great choice of place of work. Due to the practice-oriented nature of the training without being tied to any one university specialization, a bachelor’s degree can apply for a wide variety of vacancies that will require extensive training.
  • the beginning costs only 4 rivers (so you “save” at least one river).
  • Already in the process of starting a student, you can choose a further choice of profession and enter a larger university specialty before master's degree (in which case, you can continue your studies for a fraction of the budget).
  • At the beginning of May, bachelors will be assigned to the army.

Now let's say a few words about the short progress of the program.

As has already been said above, employers often do not value bachelor’s degrees, which is why they assume that some years of experience are not enough to create a high level of professional knowledge and skills. Another serious vada - come up to budget It’s possible to get to the master’s degree, but it’s even more difficult. And the fees for a master's degree can be even more expensive. In this case, the transfer from the army will be more difficult if the student begins a full-time master's program.

Advantages and disadvantages for a specialist

A specialist has a lot of advantages over a bachelor:

First of all, robot sellers value students who have graduated from specialists, which makes it easier for graduate specialists to find a job;

  • in another way, after graduating, you can immediately go to graduate school without spending an hour studying for a master’s degree;
  • thirdly, it is easier to get involved in scientific activities;
  • on the fourth, students are given military service;
  • Finally, today's fugitives may be able to enjoy student life one more time.

What can we say about shortcomings? Fahivtsy, then, first of all, it is necessary to note:

  • the possibility of a student enrolling in a master's program on a budgetary basis, as long as he or she does not need to pursue other educational qualifications;
  • Behind the cordon such illumination is not valued. There is no domestic system, and there is no average qualification;
  • If you want to read further, there will be no more lines in the army.

If you experience the most obvious economic independence, then starting a specialty may be a long time coming (up to 6 years).

Let's summarize the pouches

Vibir program start lie down for your further goals. If you start on your own in a specialty, then you are not gaining knowledge as much as you are mastering a specific profession. At that time, as a bachelor, you are losing more of the secret light of singing directness, not a specific specialty. It is also important to evaluate how long you are ready to begin. If you need to obtain a graduate degree, it would be better to choose a bachelor's degree.

Assess for yourself whether you need a master's degree, and what you can afford from a financial point of view. If you want to continue your education, but you can’t pay for it, it’s better to go to a bachelor’s degree. Then there will be a chance to spend up to the budget point. According to statistics, 20% of bachelor's graduates spend on the budget department of master's programs.

If you are planning to engage in scientific activity, it would be better to become a specialist. So you will protect 1-1.5 rocks.

Please pay attention to which company you want to work for. If it is better to study internationally, then it is better to choose a bachelor's degree. If it’s Russian, it’s fake.


Nina, young people have access to courtyard lighting. Every student who would like to become an outstanding teacher from his chosen profile must clearly understand that bachelor's and master's degrees are the same and the same. The difference between them is significant, the skin has its advantages and disadvantages. Find out what are the features of these academic levels.

What is a bachelor?

This is the first, basic stage of academic education. Access to it is easy. It is necessary to obtain secondary, specialized or vocational training. You can join after completing the 11th grade of school, specialized college, technical school, or college. There’s a crazy thought about those who say that a bachelor’s degree is an incomplete source of enlightenment. This is not true. The bachelor's level is the first full-fledged level of higher education, for which every person has the right to be authorized to work behind the scenes.

How long will it take to start learning?

As a rule, the lighting process involves a number of fates and mistakes are eliminated. An academic bachelor's degree student withdraws after finishing his studies. It should be noted that there are very few specialties that at the basic level cannot be mastered in 4 courses, especially in the medical and technical fields. The work at such faculties is divided into other stages, which do not fit into the fundamental concept of the European lighting standard.

Bachelor's program

The orientation plan is designed to give the student practical knowledge of his chosen specialty. There are practically no higher education disciplines in the educational program. If the smell is turned on, then with a minimal number of years, and give no more basic information. The bachelor's degree is initially intended to ensure that the student chooses a university specialty and is aware of continuing to pursue it in the master's program. In Russian practice, this cabbage has become almost independent.

Bachelor's degrees have recently been divided into two categories due to the low level of tasks assigned to students, although the innovations are still being practiced. Types of first stage of academic education:

  1. Applied. For students who plan to start working immediately after finishing their initial mortgage. Practical preparations are underway. The form of training in applied bachelor's degree is either full-time or full-time.
  2. Academic. Professional training of bachelors who plan to go on to a master's degree. To shy away from scientific research and a lot of theoretical courses. You can pay either on the day or in absentia.

Bachelor in Russia

In practice in our region, the program began to be introduced after the signing of the Bologna Convention. The reform is based on the progressive creation of a single European standard. There are two types of education in all countries: bachelor's and master's degrees. Previously, students received a specialist diploma after studying for 5-6 years. It’s time to get out of this practice step by step, but for now the level of “specialist” doesn’t touch completely, because not all professions can be mastered in 4 years at the basic level.

What is a master's degree?

There is another stage of high illumination, but in order to gain access to it, it is absolutely necessary to obtain the first one. People are respected as Masters once they have completed the initial process. Bachelors and individuals who graduated from a specialist before introducing the Bologna system can enter the master's program without any costs. The course of subjects is selected in such a way that the student becomes as knowledgeable as possible in practical and scientific activities.

The programs are run by highly qualified Doctors of Science. Each student is assigned a mentor from the first semester. Under the supervision of the publication, the person collects scientific research directly and submits a master’s thesis. Until the student receives his dissertation, he becomes a master's student. As you begin, you will pick up pedagogical skills and, after completing the program, you can start working as a student.

Something is needed

A lot of people don’t understand that they still have to go to lectures every hour, because after a bachelor’s degree they can immediately get a job. A master is necessary for people so that they have the right to take over the plantings. To enter the workforce for a number of specialties, it is also necessary to remove another level of advanced education. In addition, you can complete your master’s degree in order to obtain a degree not in your field of study, but in another specialty.

What does it give?

Light is not easy to come by, but it does not bring joy. Having completed your master's degree, you will have the following opportunities:

  1. You will be able to cover extensive plantings, work in specialties that require both stages of extensive illumination.
  2. Professional growth will be expected due to high competition.
  3. You are eliminating a lot of boring and lost theoretical knowledge and practical skills.
  4. If you understand that you have chosen a specialization, then the master’s degree gives you the right to change it.
  5. The scholarship and other social guarantees will continue for as long as possible.
  6. You will have a clear path to graduate school and engage in educational activities.

Do you need to go to master's degree after bachelor's degree?

People take ceremonial decisions especially. It is objectively unfair to say that a bachelor’s degree is inferior. Prote, before praising the decision about those who are ready to enter the master’s program, think about the following opportunities that it will provide to the VNZ graduate:

  • the diploma is recognized internationally;
  • information about work from foreign deposits;
  • conducting examinations and investigations for candidate work;
  • the equivalence of foreign scientific qualifications PhD.

How to enroll in a master's program

It is possible to achieve another level of higher education only after completing a bachelor's degree. It will be necessary to develop a comprehensive, interdisciplinary approach to direct preparation. Its place, the order of carrying out is determined by the individual university, which is discussed directly. The results are assessed on a 100-point scale, consistent with the Bologna system. Navchannya trivayet two rocks. It’s not difficult to repair the hole, you can do a lot of work after the flaw.

Who can fix it

To submit documents, it is necessary for the mother to seek professional training. Get a bachelor's, specialist's, or master's degree. Additional documents require an application, identification of a person, medical certificate and a number of photographs. To enter on a budgetary basis, you must have a bachelor's degree or a specialist, subject to the Bologna process. The master's degree may not be directly related to the previous training in fundamental training.

Master with another specialty

You will be able to change it directly in the process. You can choose a specialty either way, but practice shows that it is better to choose a specialty. However, if you believe that you have the necessary knowledge for the development of entry into a completely different profession, there is no need to pass over any. Master after bachelor's degree with other specialties available in any Russian VNZ and abroad.

Paid by the robot seller

The labor law overhauls compensation and guarantees for workers whose professional activity results from their work. For example, master's programs in low specializations, especially in higher education, are financed by the employer, at whose expense the state is overextended. If the entry is a special initiative of the practitioner, he will have to pay a fee, the company may not be able to give him permission to pay.

Because another scientific level is necessary for a professional student for career advancement in a specific organization, he does not have the right to retire. This situation can develop in two scenarios:

  1. The employer pays all expenses related to the coverage. So shy, since the company has already been assigned to the doctor.
  2. The company provides days of paid leave for training courses, lectures, and additional tests.

What is the difference between a bachelor and a master?

The difference between these stages of illumination is due to the number of possibilities of practice. What is the difference between a bachelor's degree and a master's degree, which is better? Decel of butts:

  1. Before the master's degree, only a bachelor's degree can be entered.
  2. Only a student who has an academic master's degree can begin postgraduate studies.
  3. The beginning of a bachelor's degree is challenging in many ways. The magistracy has two.
  4. Another level of advanced knowledge can be obtained in a field other than the one you acquired in your undergraduate degree.
  5. Who is a bachelor? Based on the focus on work activity, the practical use of acquired knowledge. Master's programs prepare students for work in the scientific field.
  6. Another level of advanced coverage may not be available with all initial mortgages.

Bachelor's degree

This document confirming that a person of the first qualification level has a high level of knowledge will ensure that he has the right to pursue his specialty, usually in the social and economic spheres. His valodar has the right to continue his studies and enter the master's program. In foreign practice, most people immediately get into work after obtaining a bachelor's degree. Only those who plan to engage in science and research should continue their studies.

With such a document, people have a great choice over work. The master significantly improves your chances of pursuing a specialty in analytical and lasting centers, great corporations. This diploma is required by mothers who plan to enter graduate school or engage in investment activities.


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Having switched to the Bologna system of education, Russia began to master new programs of higher education - bachelor's and master's degrees. Most universities have begun to train students for these programs. You can get a bachelor's degree for chotiri roki. After this, the student will either go to work or continue his master’s studies. There are two more rocks to worry about. The upcoming master will lose the knowledge he has acquired. After completing your master's degree, you can engage in full-time scientific activity.


Bachelor's students begin to take on several lessons. The starting point is the middle of the year, which means eleven classes of the school. A graduate of a technical school or college can also begin a bachelor's degree. And here the term navchanya becomes three rocks.

Bachelor's students, after completing their studies, receive their diplomas in search of a bachelor's degree.

At the same time, students should learn to understand that both the applied bachelor's degree and the academic bachelor's degree, and recently both programs have also appeared in the Russian educational system.

Strategy 2020

Since 2010, three more than 50 Russian technical schools have been experimenting with applied and academic bachelor's degree programs. What is the application of training qualified personnel with great coverage. In its essence, it is an alternative for average professional education.

The applied bachelor's degree has become part of the additional training of the government program "Strategy 2020", aimed at the long-term socio-economic development of the region.

Since the concept of “applied bachelor’s degree” has appeared in the country, it has been suggested that something like this will be taught to everyone. Over the course of the year, the Fahivians huddled together until the tri-rich program began. Nina decided on the first option.

What does an applied bachelor mean? There are two aspects involved:

  1. Preparation of workers who may be looking for light.
  2. The bachelor's degree, which has an expanded applied part, is focused on the student's practical training.

In most initial mortgages, the edges give preference to the other option.

Sens applied bachelor's degree

The main thing that gets students to the applied bachelor's program is the ability to clearly practice after completing their studies. Apparently, a bachelor's student does not have a singing qualification. When starting an applied bachelor's program, a student learns the same basic part that, even when initially starting, is more focused on practice. As a result, the student receives a clear qualification.

PIDGOVTING OF THE STRUCTIVE OF THE SANEE Professor, FALLODYANNELET IT'yuter by the basic objects, hidden on the dialsty Kerivnika, nadannya practices that diploma about the Vishchi Osovita - TEMS INTERS, BACKALAVRA Applications. And trained personnel are even needed in the current market.

Navchannya u tri chi chotiri roki?

So, what is an applied bachelor's degree, really? This basic knowledge is supplemented by applied qualifications in the singing profession.

Previously, there were superstitions about trirhic or qotiriric lighting. As a result, it was likely that there would be several fates in the future, and a number of bachelor's students may withdraw from their full-time academic career.

Once the system was introduced, education programs in colleges and technical schools were renamed to applied bachelor's degrees. The terms for these initial mortgages are set to 3-3.5 roques. But the idea turned out to be impossible. Unfortunately, the applied bachelor's degree is so deprived of the bachelor's degree in order to provide more illumination. Technical schools and colleges do not offer such qualifications.

Academic Bachelor

Having considered what an applied bachelor's degree is, and that it is oriented towards training fakhivts into working minds, one can begin to understand the concept of an academic bachelor's degree. This program is aimed directly at building a theoretical foundation from a great number of disciplines. It is practical to work in such a way that every day, the fragments are transferred so that the basic skills of the graduate can be picked up already on the job. This form of learning also involves the extension of several fates.

Every student decides for himself what qualification he needs - academic or applied. What does an applied and academic bachelor's degree mean? The first focus is on practical knowledge, as well as other orientations to theory. Academic bachelors are directly trained for scientific work. Let’s look at those that are starting to start – on the master.

Bachelor's degree

If you wonder what both an applied bachelor's degree and an academic bachelor's degree are, then it turns out that the first is a workman with high enlightenment, and the other is a traditional form of high enlightenment.

Subsequently, admission to the master's program for students of applied and academic bachelor's degrees is limited. The “academies” undergo a singing competition, and the “applied practitioners”, before entering, must first practice their specialty through the singing range of rocks.

Well, we have learned what an applied bachelor and an academic bachelor mean. The difference between them is the obviousness of practical knowledge, and the skill. “Applied practitioners” are educated teachers with practical skills from the singing galusa. “Academies” have a wide range of knowledge, and they have practical skills every day.

What kind of bachelor of vibrati?

We have come to understand what an applied and academic bachelor's degree means. Yesterday's schoolchildren are faced with a choice: where to go next? Of course, you can apply for a bachelor’s degree, or you can choose an applied or academic degree.

The bachelor's degree transfers theoretical knowledge. These are practical things to do, but there are not many of them. Bachelor's students, for example, write "Applied Informatics" at their diploma.

What if a student removes the practical knowledge base he needs and away from practice at the same time with greater illumination. At the time of completion, there were already statements about working minds. As far as I'm concerned, I'm still the same specialist, not just a specialist in singing. And here the student’s diploma will be written more specifically, for example, “C++ Programmer.”

If you consider what an applied bachelor's degree is, then it is worth giving students a wide range of competencies in areas such as education, culture and the social sphere. Fakhіvets makes preparations for pedagogical, research and cultural-educational activities.

What do you mean vibrate? On the right is that at the moment the country does not have enough brains to prepare the most ready workforce, as they transfer to the applied bachelor's program. Tsomu vipadku has a better bachelor's degree. I would like the fakhivts to emerge from greater initial deposits, willingly to see with a wide eye on the chosen knowledge. They can work or work their way up to a master's degree by taking up science.

An academic bachelor's degree has more significant advantages. Fahivtsy have a broad outlook and can choose to work not only for their singing specialty, but also for money in addition to it. If you don’t have enough practice, it’s not so scary. The “applied specialists” don’t have much of it either. There is no limit to the required base. For now there is nothing.

What else are you going to do?

Having found out what an applied and academic bachelor's degree is, having compared the concepts with a basic bachelor's degree, you begin to ask yourself: “Where do we work then?” It’s problematic to achieve a normal, serious position with a bachelor’s degree at any level.

Fahivets is responsible for acquiring complete theoretical knowledge in the sphere of what to do, and then begin to apply them in the workplace. Only in this situation is it possible to creatively approach work assignments.

As a result, the program is still focused on pressing the button. This is a practical matter. And the axis of those for whom this button is significant, what it gives and how it is correct to understand, this theory, as a trace of knowledge. Without thorough theoretical knowledge, it is impossible for a real scientist to figure out what he does miraculously in practice.

Having looked at how applied and academic a bachelor's degree is, it is better to give advantage to another type of learning.

At the end

Over the past few years, the public lighting system in our region has seen significant changes. A lot of new trends and directions have appeared. In addition to the bachelor's and master's degrees, students began to study for applied and academic bachelor's programs. What to choose and where to read further, the skin decides for itself.

The Presidential Academy (RANEPA) offers applicants 22 directions for advanced bachelor's programs and 5 directions for specialty training. RANEPA has approximately 80 initial programs in the main socio-economic and humanitarian disciplines.

What is a bachelor?

Bachelor's degree is a basic qualification of high light, accepted in Russia and beyond the cordon. Starting a bachelor's degree program, as a rule, involves 4 years. A bachelor's degree does not convey a higher degree of specialization, but rather guarantees fundamental fundamental training in a wide range of knowledge directly obtained. After completing the course, the graduate receives a diploma in recognition of the “Bachelor” level.

After obtaining a bachelor's degree, the graduate can continue his studies, and after completion, enter up to.

The Bachelor's degree from the Russian State University is recognized by both Russian and foreign lighting installations and employers.

Along with the new levels of higher education (bachelor's and master's degrees), there is a traditional type - a specialist, the program of which conveys fivefold knowledge. After completing the educational program, the graduate receives a diploma of graduate education and is awarded the qualification (level) of “specialist.”

Advantages of bachelor's programs at RANEPA

  • I am looking for a diploma from one of the most prestigious national universities in Russia.
  • Graduated from the Presidential Academy, the only one in Russia with presidential status.
  • RANEPA is Europe's largest university with a socio-economic and humanitarian profile, whose educational programs and technologies are highly valued in Russia and abroad.
  • The work at the Presidential Academy is closely linked with practical Russian and international knowledge.
  • The Academy has partnerships with leading international universities and regularly organizes programs, seminars and master classes with the participation of foreign professors from leading universities.

Bachelor's program at RANEPA

  • Business Informatics
  • State and municipal administration
  • Design
  • Journalism
  • Regional studies abroad
  • Mystery and humanities
  • History
  • International Newsletters
  • Management
  • Political Science
  • applied computer science
  • Psychology
  • Public policy and social sciences
  • Regional studies of Russia
  • Advertising and connections with hugeness
  • Service
  • Sociology
  • Trading on the right
  • Personnel management
  • Economics
  • Jurisprudence

The Academy also has 5 fakhivst programs:

  • Legal protection of national security
  • Psychology of service activities
  • Court and prosecutorial activity
  • Mitna on the right
  • Economical safety

Contacts of the Primal Committee of RANEPA

Addresses: metro Moscow, Vernadskogo Avenue, 84, building 6.

+7 499 956-99-99

(Bachelor and specialist)

godini roboti: 10.00 – 17.00

Primal commission to the Institute of Economics, Mathematics and Information Technologies:

godini roboti: 10.00 – 17.00
Phone: +7499 956-90-07; +7499 956-90-08; +7499 956-90-09.
Email: This email address has been stolen by spambots. You may have JavaScript enabled for review.

Acceptance of documents to the Academy for bachelor's and specialty programs is carried out by two main committees: the main committee of the Academy and the main committee of the EMIT Institute.

Acceptance of documents for bachelor's programs (for a contract), for master's programs at the Institute of Finance and Development (IFUR) is carried out at the address: Moscow, Signalny Proezd, D.23A.
Acceptance of documents for bachelor's programs for direct preparation 03/38/05 Business Informatics (by agreement), for master's programs for direct preparation 04/38/05 Business Informatics to the Faculty of Information Technologies and Data Analysis Institute of Economics, Mathematics and Information Technologies (FITAD EMIT) is carried out for address: metro Moscow, st. Sadivniki, D.4, building 2.

gastroguru 2017