How do bitcoins arise? What is Bitcoin in simple words - how it works, prospects and whether to invest

It's time to talk about the currency of the future - bitcoin. E-currency, which has already been heard by many, which is widespread in the world. What is its peculiarity and why is there such a rush with bitcoins now? Do you need to think and fear already, or has nothing terrible happened yet? The article does not pretend to serious analysis, it is written solely to ensure that readers are a bit in the subject.

Let's start with the last one - there is nothing to be afraid of ordinary people yet, we haven’t really switched to bank cards (I wrote more about many nuances of working with bank cards in the article), we don’t expect that in the near future pensions will go in Bitcoins. But those who work in IT, in the financial sphere and like to play on exchange rates can start to become perplexed. There is another category that is actively interested in Bitcoins - dealers in drugs, weapons and other illegal goods and services. For a long time, the currency lived just at their expense. But let's go in order.

Term Bitcoinas it is easy to guess, derived from the word "bit" - a unit of information. 8 bits is one byte for information. Well, what do you know mega and gigabytes? Mega is CDs, and gig is flash drives. In order not to dive into technical terms, I’ll slightly simplify the description. The main feature of bitcoins - it does not have a host. The USA emitted dollars, Russia prints rubles, the European Union - euro. Someone is behind every currency. And the behavior of this someone most directly affects the exchange rate and the demand for it all over the world. No one stands behind bitcoins, the whole network is supported and developed by enthusiasts. These same enthusiasts invented the protocol and the principle of operation of the peer-to-peer network (that is, without a center) and in 2009 implemented it by releasing a program that anyone who wants can install on their computer.

By installing the program, you transfer part of the computing power of your computer to calculate a new batch of bitcoins. They are calculated by a very complex algorithm, so this calculation requires serious computer resources. And the more bitcoins released, the longer the calculation takes place. Having given the resources of your computer to the good work of “mining” bitcoins, you can expect that your work will be rewarded by the system and after some time this work will be paid for with new bitcoins.

The process of creating bitcoins is called mining, as it should be for true precious metals. To imagine the scale of production of steam numbers: according to approximate calculations, the computing power of all computers that work in a bitcoin network in May 2013 was 8 exaFLOPS. Now she is 64 exaFLOPS. For comparison, the 500 most powerful modern supercomputers are only 0.250 exaFLOPS

What does exaFLOPS mean? This means that in 1 second the network performs 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 mathematical operations!

How do bitcoins physically look like? Like all computer information - in the form of a file. Therefore, it can be kidnapped by hacking the server on which you store your "wallet", which is now observed. That hack shop drug trafficking evil hackers, then no less evil state police will hunt down and arrest the server with a bunch of bitcoins. Since each bitcoin is unique, if it is lost, then one bitcoin will be less. Forever and ever. This is a significant difference from the usual currency. The number of bitcoins produced is strictly limited to 21 million. This is not a dollar, you will not start the machine, and for this very reason many people believe in bitcoins. Calculations show that the last bitcoin will be produced somewhere by the year 2140.

But even here, cunning people have found a topic for business - there are already people who want to start minting bitcoins in real life, tying it to the virtual one. Those. The history of money is exactly the opposite. At first, money was a tangible thing, then it became numbers on a current account. Bitcoins - the numbers initially (though much more secure than in the current account). They will be able to become a material thing soon to find out.

The main features that are useful to know people far from IT.

Bitcoin does not depend on anyone, so no one can influence / set its course. Bitcoin eliminates the monopoly of banks and by and large makes them unnecessary! Although bankers quickly come up with something;

The number of bitcoins is mathematically limited, no one can "print" more than it is;

Complete anonymity of everyone and everything in the network opens up broad opportunities for conducting uncontrolled financial transactions. No one ever (yet) can establish true counterparties in a particular transaction, although the transactions themselves are visible to everyone. Based on this anonymity, Bitcoins have become very popular in those types of businesses in which it is very important to remain anonymous - drug trafficking and other unpleasant things.

Bitcoin - the history of development

At the first stage, bitcoins were of little interest to anyone except computer geeks. There were no people willing to exchange the ownerless electronic currency for real money. But as they say, everything has its time. Since the technical solution was chosen correctly, there are no holes in the system, it responds to the stated characteristics, in the end there will always be people who have extra money, and "why not pas"? On April 25, 2010, the first 1000 BTC for 300 bucks was officially bought. And slowly went incrementally. Now the Bitcoin rate has already jumped for $ 1000 per piece and is ready to provide real services for it and give real goods.

The entire list of points where they take Bitcoins for real life, see on

Bitcoin today

Since there are those who want to change Bitcoins for real money, then a market will immediately appear. As already mentioned, the crime responded first, but law-abiding traders followed. Exchange offices appeared, even ATMs say, some online stores started accepting Bitcoins for payment. The dancing course attracted financial players who began to rock the market. So as you can see all the deals with bitcoins, the hype is incredible. Recently there was an operation to buy Bitcoins worth over $ 100 million. Agree, money that can no longer be ignored.

How can you earn in this market? If you played in the foreign exchange market, here you will most likely feel yourself in your element. But you can earn more "correct" ways. For example, a couple of guys earned $ 3 million literally in a matter of days, having constructed a special computer that couldn’t do anything except to “extract” bitcoins. Computers went like hot cakes, 7 thousand dollars of quite lively dollars apiece, making the creators millionaires.

You can create entire data centers, which is already being done in some countries for industrial mining of bitcoins.

Another way is to remember the viruses that encrypted the contents of the files and required you to enter the decryption key, but did you need to buy the key? Getting money was the main problem for virus writers, with Bitcoins such difficulties do not arise, therefore, viruses that require Bitcoins already exist and are massively striding around the planet.

If you have touched viruses - there are expectations that soon there will be viruses trying to create a large computer network for bitcoin mining. One computer works for a long time, and when tens of thousands are infected, it’s quite another thing.

Well, quite an easy way to make money on bitcoins is to create your own website dedicated to this topic. They roll on the Net, like mushrooms after rain and will be in demand as long as the currency lives. Who will start earlier, that and slippers, says a famous proverb. You can hold conferences, publish training materials, in general, do everything that you usually do with a good informational occasion.

Here you can see how Bitcoin’s life is flowing while we rust paper and plastic.

Will bitcoin be the currency of the future?

Now hardly anyone will answer this question. The process of the formation of a new currency is underway, the rate jumps demonstrate the behavior of a typical soap bubble, but the mechanisms underlying this currency are quite complex. Here are some of the scenarios:

Holes can be found in the system, which will undermine the credibility of it, the course will collapse. However, the experience will not be wasted and a new cryptocurrency will surely appear in which the disadvantages of Bitcoins will be taken into account;

Governments, more precisely, the well-known one government will see the threat in cryptocurrency and will start destroying it everywhere, blocking servers, channels, etc. Nothing should threaten the dollar;

Exactly the opposite of the previous version - some governments may see in Bitcoins an excellent alternative to the dollar and start promoting it at the state level. It seems that China is already interested in this topic;

When the foam of stock market games subsides, the tool can really be in demand and start to walk normally, as a means of payment is real;

There may be another currency that will compete. For example, at least 54 "cryptocurrencies" are already known, the entire list can be found here Moreover, the Litecoint course is gaining momentum no worse than Bitcoin. Those who did not have time to invest in BTC are striving to earn their money on their “younger brother”. Bitcoin is sometimes compared to gold and lightcoint to silver.

Forecasts are a thankless task, so let's watch the development of events, and there you look, and we will find a place on this holiday of cyber life.

The popularity of Bitcoin e-currency rapidly increased in the second half of last year, when its rate rapidly went up. Today for 1 BTC they give 23,879 r. The name of this currency is formed directly from two words: “bit”, which means a unit of information, and “coin” - a coin.

In principle, users are offered an electronic payment system that does not have a single center, since the entire process of its operation is supported by the users themselves. At the same time, the currency is stored on the carriers of the system participants in the form of a specific cipher. The undoubted advantage of this system can be considered its autonomy, supported by a certain independence, that is, almost no one can influence it and, for example, block or prohibit it.

The emergence of the very idea of ​​Bitcoin came to mind Satoshi Nakamoto, who six years ago presented an article to the public, which showed the advantages of a new electronic payment system based on cryptography. The main idea of ​​the idea was to create a currency that would not be subordinate to any power structure. At the moment, Nakamoto does not participate in the development of the system, and it develops thanks to independent developers, united in a large group.

How does bitcoin work?

Bitcoin functionality is based on pure mathematics. In particular, the issue of coins is carried out in accordance with mathematical formulas, which are accessible to all and anyone can make sure that they work on the basis of a specific algorithm.

In turn, this cryptocurrency is placed on computers that support the performance of the system as a whole. When this occurs, the calculation of complex mathematical equations, which are referred to as "hashes". The Bitcoin community is a computer network that facilitates all the necessary transactions. Members of this community represent the power of their computer systems for a certain reward.

The existing Bitcoin algorithm limits the issue of coins, so no more than 150 coins can be issued per hour. At the same time, every 4 years, the number of coins for issue is halved. Based on this, until 2140 the maximum amount of coins will reach 21 million. Each coin is divided into a fairly large number of parts, where the smallest (one hundred millionth) is called “Satoshi”.

The growth rate of the first cryptographic currency bitcoin against the background of the decline in the cost of traditional investment objects prompts many people, even those skeptical of cryptocurrencies, to start taking interest in this topic. To understand how to earn Bitcoins without investing in mining equipment, you should consider ways to configure Satoshi’s automatic earnings from crane sites on the Internet. Satoshi is one hundred millionth part of bitcoin, a kind of “cue ball”.

What is bitcoins and how to earn them

The word "currency" means a commodity capable of performing the function of money when buying and selling in the domestic or international market. The value of traditional currencies previously depended on the gold reserves of the issuing countries, now on the limits provided by the US Federal Reserve. The firstborn of currencies based on other principles of independence, the blockchain and cryptography - Bitcoin, was created in 2009 by a group of programmers led by Japanese Satoshi Nakamoto.

The advantages of a new cryptographic currency were estimated, and in 2017 the cost of 1 btc exceeded 3,000 USD. Its mining, or mining, is available in several ways, including:

  • the possibility of creating mining farms using computer processors, video cards;
  • use of powerful special ASIC modules;
  • cloud mining;
  • collecting Satoshi on Internet crane sites;
  • stock trading.

Free bitcoins

Cryptocompany and cryptobirds, using the Bitcoin trend, tend to attract a large number of investors with attractive offers, free Satoshi distribution. For the popularization of electronic currencies, Internet portals are created with easy registration and the ability, when performing a simple task, to get a small bitcoin bit - a small amount of Satoshi. For the same purpose, computer games are created, in which satoshi serves as prizes.

Bitcoin mining

The openness of the bitcoin cryptographic code has provided everyone with the opportunity to generate this crypt.  For this purpose, first used the usual power of the computer, then it took the creation of farms from several processors or video cards. The increasing complexity of mining with each new block has led to the creation of programmable FPGA matrices, special ASIC processors.

Creating farms using this expensive equipment requires huge financial costs. The solution to this problem was the pooling of miners from different countries into pools and the creation on this basis of cloud services, which provide an opportunity for any Internet user to connect to the collective mining of Bitcoin. Cloud mining is available even when using the power of a regular computer.

Earn bitcoins without investments

The number of people who want to mine cryptocurrency is constantly growing. The Internet offers several types of additional bitcoin earnings without investments:

  • Crane sites attract new users to their pages by distributing Satoshi for free. They offer easy tasks or tests with the aim of delaying the visitor longer and forcing him to click on an advertising banner or link. You must first create a bitcoin wallet.
  • The bots of crane sites automatically search sites, log in to them, complete tasks, solve captcha, click on the button for receiving cryptocurrency.
  • Bitcoin gaming generators operate on the principle of casinos or roulettes, in which free satoshi are offered as a down payment.
  • Solo mining using the computing power of the farm or personal computer.
  • Cloud mining and bitcoin pools are engaged in organizing mining by combining a large number of separate miners with different mining capacities.

Where can I get Satoshi for free

Registration on sites-cranes simplified, you must enter an email address, password and address of a bitcoin wallet. Tops in the list of cranes in 2017 are special services:

  • BonusBitcoin - distributes free Satoshi every 15 minutes, with a 5% daily bonus on the balance. The minimum amount for withdrawal is 10,000 Satoshi. A lot of advertising.
  • FieldofBitcoin is a bitcoin receiving tap that allows you to collect Satoshi every 10 minutes. The client has 3 attempts to choose a prize. The withdrawal threshold is 10,000 Satoshi pays directly.
  • FrogFaucet - every 10 minutes, choose a prize, jumping along with the toad through the swamp until you eat the crocodile. Minimum for withdrawal of funds - 25,000 Satoshi;
  • CoinCollecting - in order to see your prize, perform an easy task, then enter the captcha and get Satoshi.

What are bitcoin taps?

Internet businessmen seek to maximize their income by using the interest of a large number of people to bitcoins. For this purpose, advertising sites are created that offer free Satoshi in an amount of from 10 to 200 pieces for 10-15 minutes spent on this portal. Passing a simple registration on such a site, the client specifies his email address, password, enters the address of the bitcoin wallet. The site crane makes a profit from viewing advertisements by its customers, from clicking on advertising links or banners.

Having done the simplest tasks, the client clicks on the advertising banners or links. For each transition, the site owner receives money from advertisers, and the first satoshi is awarded to the client. An output limit is set - from 10 to 30 thousand Satoshi. However, it is not easy to get such a number, many people leave the site, and all their winnings are returned to the owner. Cranes provide quick earnings, requiring no investment, to start a business with virtual currencies.

Performance of tasks

The scheme of operation of bitcoin cranes is based on the receipt of advertising revenue and the payment of its part to those who want to earn in the form of Satoshi. These sites will not enrich customers either intellectually or financially. Simple tasks offered by these resources, besides keeping you on the portal, may contain trivial suggestions to click on an advertising banner, click on a link, register for the newsletter or like advertising on social networks.

Yield of cranes

The use of cranes can show a relatively good yield when using bots. It should be understood that no site will pay customers more than their income from advertising. Therefore, it makes no sense to look for new weakly developed cranes - they will have to wait a long time for serious returns. The popular satoshi cranes in 2017 include:

  • ClaimBTC - good tap, payout of coins three times within 1 hour, without overlays;
  • TakeFreeBitcoin - income can reach 2-3USD per day.
  • BonusBitcoin - the famous tap on the distribution of Satoshi with a bonus of 5% on the daily balance;
  • Bitcoinker - a site that gives a 25% bonus for using the Haro-wallet;
  • Welovefaucets is a tap where many people collect Satoshi with a good design and a profitable jack-sweat.

How to get bitcoins for free in games

Many gaming services use the popularity of Bitcoin in their games, lotteries:

  • PocketDice is the best bitcoin dice service in the world, an intuitive interface, tangible bonuses of 1000 Satoshi every 10 minutes, completely fair games, all bets, hashes for any game are public.
  • CoinBrawl - create a character to pick up coins from an opponent.
  • MyBitMine - is a gold mine.

How to earn bitcoins

With a serious attitude to the extraction of Bitcoin is to prepare for large investments. Creating relatively inexpensive farms on processors or video cards does not solve the issue of mining cue ball. These techniques and tools are suitable for other cryptocurrencies. For a bit of money, earnings remain possible only with the use of less energy-intensive specialized ASIK processors.

Mining cryptocurrency solo

The options for earning bitcoin alone through mining are practically reduced to a single attempt. To systematically produce this work is not cost-effective - costs will override profits. Some interest in solo-mining is fueled by the growth of the bitcoin rate, which on August 6, 2017 was estimated at 3200 USD. According to the innovative ideas of specialists who are engaged in the extraction of digital currencies, it is possible to create new methods of earning, if you combine a large number of computers into a special network of bitcoin-mining.

Bitcoin mining in the pool

The extraction of new bitcoin units is possible through joint efforts by pooling the power of several miners into a pool. Each participant, registering in the pool, downloads a special program, indicates the power of his equipment and automatically receives tasks for loading his equipment. After solving the problem, the reward is distributed among the participants of the pool in proportion to the declared capacity.

Cloud mining

It is possible to connect the power of your equipment or home computer to the pools of the e-currency miners through cloud services. These platforms combine both mining and financial resources of users for the optimal ratio of their own and rented capacity. The results, as in the pools, are distributed in accordance with the investments of each of the system participants minus the service commission. The most popular are:

  • Hashflare - reliable and profitable cloud mining, renting power for SHA-256, Scrypt and Ethereum mining;
  • - reliable service, there is an opportunity to really make money, is a partner of BitFury, in the cryptocurrency market since 2012;
  • Coinomia is a lucrative cloud mining Bitcoin and Ethereum cryptocurrency.

Bitcoin Earnings

The most popular cryptocurrency attracts the attention of a large number of people. Many seek opportunities,. It should be aware that the collection of free Satoshi from the cranes, gambling with cryptocurrency is not a serious business. To create a business with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies will require an investment of a certain amount of money.

Electronic money has been around for only a few years and it is likely that new processes and ways to get them will emerge. The improvement of computer technology, the creation of quantum computers will lead to the creation of new types of bitcoin earnings. Many countries already recognize it as a serious currency. The Chinese government has included it in the list of reserve currencies for its country. The growth of trade in electronic currencies will only increase, spurring the creation of new and strengthening the role of already known digital money.

Mining investments

Creating a farm for mining cryptocurrency is booming, is the most popular way to make cryptocurrency. The most popular video cards used to build farms have become a big deficit in Russia and many countries in Western Europe. Such farms make it possible to earn income on mining of different cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin mining in small farms, with the mining complexity and block price reached so far, is possible with participation in pools. Solo bitcoin mining is not profitable now.

Certain prospects in this direction are mining using central processing units. This type of production will be able to compete with other methods, as the leaders in the production of computer equipment will strive to improve the performance of their components. In this, the interests of cryptocurrency producers and miners coincide. The newest AMD AMD Ryzen 1700X processor has 8 cores and operates at 4 GHz. With a small power consumption and low cost, it is able to compete with mining on video cards.

Cryptocurrency trading

The appearance of a large number of forks, altcoins, and other cryptocurrencies after the cue ball led to the creation of a cryptobirth. To work on it, it is necessary to register, when the client creates wallets of all cryptocurrencies that are traded on the stock exchange, wallets of the dollar, euro or ruble. Entering your funds on the stock exchange cryptocurrency is free. To exchange your currency for another, you form an order with the number of the required crypt and the desired rate. After a counter order appears with your terms and conditions, currency exchange occurs.

There is a possibility of withdrawing from the exchange both cryptocurrency and phantom money to bank cards or electronic payment systems. Most exchanges operate with bitcoin cryptocurrency rates, the rate of which against the dollar is also constantly changing. Yobit Exchange almost every week conducts initial placement (ICO) of new cryptocurrencies, which are issued by different companies. Having understood this process well, it is possible to make money on new forks, and then exchange them for bitcoin. Sell ​​bitcoins there is a possibility, both on the stock exchange and exchangers.

Arbitrage between exchanges

Cryptocurrency rates on different exchanges may vary. At the same time, the difference in time zones or regions gives a gap of 5-10%. Buying a cryptocurrency on one exchange and selling it on another is called a cryptographic arbitrage. For its profitability, it is necessary to track the cryptocurrency rates on the main exchanges, to follow the commissions for the input and output of phantom money. The main cryptobirths are:

  • BTC-e is the most popular Russian exchange, there are BTC-e codes;
  • EXMO - the exchange with the highest trading volume and the fastest execution of orders;
  • YoBit is the largest set of cryptocurrencies, many types of earnings, there is Russian.

Sale of goods and services for Bitcoins

The first purchase and sale transaction using the cue ball took place in 2011. Now with the help of this cryptocurrency a large number of calculations are carried out when trading. Many online stores sell for bitcoins. Anyone who has the opportunity to get the cue ball, buy goods and services for this currency. Sellers who set prices for goods for bitcoins need to monitor its price due to the high volatility of the course.

The absence of a center of control over operations with a chock imposes more serious requirements on the reliability of suppliers who sell goods with it. Return transactions and transfers is almost impossible, so carefully select and check the sellers of goods and services. Specialized websites with wallets and scam sites appear on the Internet.


Bitcoin - what is it? This term denotes the type of cryptocurrency created and functioning in the global network.

A distinctive feature of the currency is the factor that it is not controlled by anyone. Extraction (emission) and transaction of bitcoins takes place on the Internet.

The term “bitcoin” can also denote a decentralized payment system of the same name and a protocol used for data transmission.

Important!  Other Bitcoin names are Bitcoin, btc (unofficially used as a currency code), btc, bitcoin. Some users call Bitcoins "cryptozoloto".

Basic concepts about bitcoin

What is bitcoin in simple words? If we talk about the unit of account, then bitcoins are virtual decentralized money. The minimum amount that can be used in the currency network is Satoshi (penny, cent).

1 Satoshi equals one hundred millionth part of Bitcoin. Next comes microbitcoin or uBTC, which equals one millionth part. It is followed by millibitcoin (one thousandth part), and only then bitcoin.

If you compare bitcoin with a ruble, then satoshi is 1 kopek, microbitcoin is 5 kopecks, and millibitcoin is 50 kopecks. Such a comparison facilitates the perception, but it is not true, because Bitcoin is much more expensive than the ruble, the dollar and the euro.

Bitcoin is also called the network itself, in which transactions take place. Btk can be compared with a program installed on many computers.

Each user connected to the Bitcoin network automatically starts using this program. By the principle of operation, such a system resembles a torrent.

When a person installs a program on his computer, he begins to sacrifice the power of his "hardware". For this, the user is allocated bonuses in the form of bitcoins.

Accordingly, the more powerful the PC, the more bonuses. Some manufacturers of equipment began to produce video cards that are ideal for mining (mining) bitcoins.

Important!  What does a decentralized currency mean? This means that no organization, be it the Central Bank or the Kremlin, can take control of the currency. Electronic cash has no owner, their release is not controlled by the state.

History of creation

Within a couple of months after that 50 btk were generated, and later the first transaction occurred - Nakamoto sent 10 units of electronic currency to another user.

Important!  Many people assign the creation of Bitcoin to a mythical person - Satoshi Nakamoto, unaware that this is only a pseudonym, which can hide a whole group of people.

The exchange of new cryptocurrencies for physical goods took place already in 2010, when programmer Laszlo Khanech bought himself a pizza, spending as much as 10,000 btc on it. Now for such a sum it would be possible to acquire an island in the Atlantic Ocean, or even several.

How does the client program work?

The client program is used to extract bitcoins. After installation, it begins to generate a series of complex mathematical problems, calculating certain algorithms.

In order for the program to work, you need a powerful processor and graphics card. Otherwise, the client will function extremely poorly or will not work at all.

That is, a person who has connected to the Bitcoin system in order to earn money must first take care of the purchase of a powerful computer. From this, ultimately, will depend on how much the user will receive cryptocurrency. After all, the more powerful the PC, the faster and better the program works.

Important!  Can I connect to the Bitcoin network without downloading the client software? Not. It is the programs running on the computers of several users that form a peer-to-peer network. BitTorrent protocol works the same way.

On the day, all users engaged in mining can receive no more than 3,600 bitcoins - just so much “highlights” the program. At the same time, the more users, the more difficult the task.

The program spends more computer power to perform more difficult tasks. It turns out a vicious circle in which an increase in the number of users in the system leads to the complication of the process of mining cryptocurrency.

Advantages and differences of bitcoins from other currencies

What is the difference bitcoin from any other currency, in particular - virtual? Mainly - the lack of a central authority overseeing the network, the transaction.

The payment system will function unchanged even if a large physical company that sells or exchanges bitcoins opens.

There are other fundamental differences:

  1. Anonymity. Each user in the Bitcoin network can create several wallets (addresses). However, they will not be tied to the owner in any way. That is, using the Bitcoin system, you can not disclose your data and remain anonymous regardless of the situation. It is for this reason that cryptocurrency is often used in the illegal market;
  2. Transparency. The system stores information about all transactions that occurred during its existence. Transaction history or blockchain is available to all users. Therefore, to maintain complete anonymity, you need to regularly register new wallets. That is, one wallet - one transaction;
  3. Quick translation. And there are their pitfalls. On the one hand, the system does not charge a commission directly, on the other hand, it is necessary to pay for making a quick transfer. The system can offer the optimal amount, but the final is chosen by the user who commits the transaction. If no commission is paid, the payment will be processed “indefinitely”;
  4. Inability to cancel operation. If the user sends bitcoins to someone using the system, he will not be able to later withdraw the transaction and return the currency.

Based on this, it can be understood that the Bitcoin system has its own advantages and disadvantages. Plus, of course, more, because it is convenient and safe to use.

Common Bitcoin Questions

- What is the reason for the high price of this cryptocurrency?

- In the first place - in huge demand for bitcoins. Here the consumer factor plays, since the number of bitcoins is limited, it is becoming increasingly difficult to extract them.

In 2033, the last virtual unit will be released, after which the virtual currency will not be available in the usual way. The total number of bitcoins - 21 million.

Back in 2010, the cost of 1 Bitcoin was $ 0.008, but then the price increased sharply 10 times (this happened in the summer of the same year). People who study cryptocurrency, felt the "gold mine". Now the cost of 1 BTC is equal to $ 3,900, or 226,762 rubles.

- Is it possible to buy something for bitcoins or exchange them for real money?

- Yes, in some countries even put terminals for the exchange of this currency. In Russia, however, they want to prohibit the use of cryptocurrencies, but this is a completely different story. You can buy any goods for bitcoins in those stores where they are accepted.

- Is it worth doing mining?

Now, in order to start mining bitcoins, you need to purchase special devices, at least - a powerful computer and a video card for it. One person will have to invest at least 70,000 rubles before entering the "market" of bitcoins.

It is possible to team up with other people, it is more or less profitable and reliable. For example, with the help you can already earn from 500 thousand rubles a month, with an initial investment of only $ 100.

sobitcoin is a payment system within which the homonymous decentralized (independent) virtual currency “rotates”.

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