Golovnі osobistі risi for effective development! How to develop in your own positive special qualities For the development of the singing qualities of a person


For the first time, clearly understand how you want to develop in yourself that kind of world. Analyze what you need, and how you can cross the road to the development of vigor. Explore a few options to reach me, including specific independent activities, as well as help others, as you might need.

It is easier to reach the Bazhanoy Meti, as if it were a clear understanding, which is necessary for you. In other words, to lay a lot of money as a motivation. For example, if you want to become a leader in the future, to that which is valued by great organizations, and this manifestation will give you the opportunity to get a tenure in one of them. Otherwise, you are planning to develop softness and lagnost, in order to win the heart of a kohano people, as you value this quality. The options can be different, but the essence is the same - first, take up the right, you need to be smart, you need to be dignified.

Insert term. Be-yaka meta maє buti is set for the singing hour. Tse sponukaє dіyati rіshuche i do not give up at times of failures. Ale vrakhovuyte, scho razvinut yakostі is not easy, to that, working on one of them, it is necessary to establish the optimal terms. Only then it will be possible to raise the correct quality, and not to create the appearance of a manifestation for a small interval of an hour.

Choose an example for succession. It is necessary to know what kind of personality you are, over which you practice, and how it manifests itself in different situations, but bachiti, how it works in practice - it is known otherwise. Try to get in touch more with those who can support you in your practice and show you how it is necessary to work on a special butt.

It will not be easy to see the situation in those who have the necessary capacity, but it will be difficult to develop a plan for your actions. Do not be embarrassed, as soon as not everything will be as smooth as you would like. Rob vysnovki, know your pardons and continue the activities at the right time. The development of special qualities is a penny, an aloe wine-making process, I don’t know how to grow.

The wholeness is a sign, principles, peculiarities and zdіbnosti, which signify the rіven korisnostі system and success її vzaєmodії in different galuzyah.

The stench is a part of the character of a person, a deakim of many features, which allow the most effective response to songs in the air, children can successfully reach the goals of a song of subject matter. A report about the character and features is written in the method of Determination of character and temperament.

The presence of singing special qualities is the most important sign of success, like a development - the main way of promotion. Let's look at the report of the main features of a successful person and methods of development.


The model of the behavior of the system is foldable, scho vikoristovuyu ї іdomіst, predsvidomіst and podsvidomіst for organization, management, control and planning of activities, saving and variance adopted and synthesized information in memory, special development that realization of recognition, interfacing with conscience.

Allowing you to designate different resources on the basis of a special report on the generated ideas and combine them with a plan to reach your goals.

With a low level of development of the intellect, a person is impossible to engage in core activities, impossible to organize, control and care for her. So, it’s not known from the building to set goals, to put together a plan for reaching them, to make a transition and a child straight ahead.

With a high level of development of the intellect, a person will look after his life, determine the optimal path for the development of that attainment of goals, convince himself, engage in creativity and uninterruptedly self-realize.

Promoting success for the calculation of the optimal path to achieve goals and the best ways to improve the transition.

It develops for the additional accumulation of the knowledge that the improvement of such zdіbnost like self-confidence, setting goals, planning, waking up too soon.

The report was reviewed by the method of Generation of basic ideas.


Tse zdatnist to start and complete vikonannya dey, to otrimuvat ochіkuvani results and the reach of the set meti irrespective of the transition.

Pereshkodami can be problems, consume, shkіdlі vplivi, tense, fear, motivate chi stimulus just. Moreover, the greater part of them is internal.

At the same time, the manifestness of the will in order to start working, to bring the right to the end, and the aim to concentrate only on the right, which brings it closer to the mark.


Tse zdatnistst svіdomo rozpochinati vykonannya dey, cherubate them and organize them to reach goals.

Viyavlyaєtsya on the cob vikonannya diy for podlannya inertness that at times viknennya pereshkod.

It allows the manipulation of other people to become independent, and only on the basis of special decisions, tobto. be reactive when interacting and become more proactive.

Shvidkіst priynyattya that realіzаtsії decision to lie in willpower, for example, self-discipline, self-reliance, rіshuchіst, self-confidence and masculinity are poured in. The more beautiful the roses are, the greater the strength of will.

With a low level of development of the will, a person begins to act independently, less reacting to outrageous infusions. You can’t pay a shift, but simply pinch the reach of the mark, or else switch to a different mark.

With a high level of development of the will of a person, it’s even less on the basis of special evidence and goals. Vіn mittєvo pochinâє dіyati with a good decision about reaching meti, or with the appearance of a reshkod on the way to it.

Promoting success for the future, more and more important transitions, more and more folding rights and reaching more brown goals.

It develops in a similar way to self-discipline - for the help of a progressive improvement in achieving goals.


Tse zdatnist to continue and complete the vykonannya rozpochatyh dіy for the achievement of the set meti nezalezhno vіd reshkod that blame.

Often vikoristovuєtsya with a blow, if it is necessary to "stand on your feet" and continue to collapse to the bone.

Having shown commitment, completing all the right things and successfully achieving goals, it boosts motivation and self-confidence.

With a low degree of employment, a person completes few certificates, and only those, with vikonans there was no change. If you want to be more important, then the person should be prompted to turn to the victor or switch to another right.

With a high degree of commitment, a person completes all the right things, takes away the necessary results and does it for the help of the will, whether or not to cross the path to the point.

Promoting success for the completion of all planned tasks, scoring the results and achieving all the goals set.

It also develops for the help of a cover-up arrangement for victorious deeds and goals that are within reach.

Purpose straightening

The purpose of the building is to concentrate only within the reach of the current flow, not being drawn to the filthy blue, not falling to the line of spontaneous bajans.

With a low goal of straightening, a person is often forced to do the same thing, start to do something else, do not show up with the current method. Significantly zbіlshuє termіn and vitrati on the reach of meti.

With a high goal of straightening, a person wins and manages, as they approach to the point, and stains the special resources only so help.

Promoting success for the performance of that successful achievement of more and more collaborative goals, concentrating only on the most important of them, and minimizing the time at the right time, so as not to lie to the point - at the next hour.

Develops for additional svidomo concentration on planning rights and incremental increase in concentration. For example, you can concentrate on the right hand only with a stretch of 10 strands, then 15, 20, 25 ... And then we will try to effectively break for 5-10 strands for a quick renewal of strength.

In this case, it is important to know the optimal spivvіdnoshnja mizh concentration on the distance and vіdpochinkom, sob to save the maximum efficiency, not to burn out and do not burn out.


The purpose of the building for a long period of time is to concentrate on one goal and to report the maximum amount of effort for the most important achievement.

It allows you to speed up the process of reaching the goal, but it will require more resources to spend in one hour, so it sounds like a real call for a quick recovery of results.

Zapobіgaє vedenniu dіyalnostі in a relaxed, calm camp, for the sake of otrimannya satisfaction in the process, which signifi- cantly increases the reach of goals and more vitrati.

With a low intensity, a person can work even more, often interrupt, waste resources without corrosiveness for current purposes, which will increase the size of the term significantly.

With a high intensity, a person wins at the maximum own speed and with the optimal waste of special resources. To kill at least interrupting only for recovery and renewal of strength, and not to work on other things, do it.

Promoting success for the future of greater achievement of goals, even with great, but cost-effective vitrates.

It develops for the help of a progressive increase in the period of concentration and the maximum report increases by one meta.


Tse camp of the system, in which she has knowledge about her reaction in the air and the reaction of the other system when given a singing injection.

It appears when developing that knowledge as a result of taking away the true knowledge about oneself, one’s own and his legacy. Minimize non-significance, stress, fears and risks.

It is necessary for the understanding of the results, as they will be taken away when the victorious songs are played, and I will pour on myself, or in the middle. It helps to grow the first rock to the point, lowering the risk of the shkidlivogo infusion and the legacy, which can make the camp worse.

Self-respect is manifested in the language, in the old look, in the odia, in the walk, in the physical state.

With a low level of innocence, a person can spend a lot of time on the appointment of a careless and brown infusion, which kind of guilt can be inflicted on oneself, or other systems, to reach the singing goal. At the same time, the ymovіrnіst zapodіyannya shkodi, scho mozhe pogrіrshiti stand vіdnosini z іnshimi systems.

For a high degree of innocence, a person can quickly name the necessary action, as it is guaranteed to bring it to the necessary conclusions and give an estimated result. With any risk of succumbing to shkod, that loss of vidnosin will be minimal.

Promoting success with the help of an accurate appointment, as if embracing it will be ugly, as if shkidlivy, which helps the will to grow the first rock to the point, which is most likely to become the best, because. it is necessary to improve your inertia and internal shifts.

Developing for the help of knowing oneself that navkolishny middle ground, one's own strengths, a positive attitude to oneself, believe that with the right obov'yazkovo you will achieve success.


The purpose of the building is to arrange special activities and to signify the importance of goals and rights for the promotion of success and minimization of losses.

Appears at once a great number of disordered, chaotic references, which may be ineffective through the use of resources and less important references. Thus, they are reportedly described, the links between them are marked, their importance and dignity for self-realization and the achievement of the goal of life are marked.

The main goals for organization are planning and systematization of one's activities. For whom you can win a different system of lists, folders, categories, etc. It is also possible to delegate important documents to competent specialists. Reporting tools for organizing are described in the Methods of Organizing Special Purposes and Ref. Also, you can just start messing around with a tight, no-shoulder online organizer.

With a low level of organization, a person can be richly right, the richness and fallibility of such people is not at home. Vіn accepts decisions chaotically, sound fallow in the mood that bazhannya vikonati naytsіkavіsh, but not obov'yazkovo korisnu right.

With a high level of organization in a person, all important numbers should be reported, structured and organized into a single system. With the help of wine, you may need to know the necessary information and make the right decisions in the fallowing of current minds and obvious resources. Ale tsya system vymagaє vitrate and additional resources for її creation and actualization of information at nіy.

Promoting success for a clear manifestation of what is necessary to achieve for the achievement of meti, that quick selection of the necessary information for making a decision that vikonannya diy.

It develops for the help of a progressively complicated system of organization of activities for self-realization and continuous updating of information in them. Tsomu spryaє development of purposefulness and self-discipline.


Tse zdatnіst zberіgat tоtochny camp or pokraschuvat yogo in case of guilty troubles or fear, which will overstep the vikonanna and reach the goal of the set goal.

Fear is a good helper for the correctness of the adopted decision. The more a person is afraid of growing up, and it’s definitely not going to be a shame, we’re on the right for self-realization. It is necessary for a husband to make the first cry, which sounds like the most important, and they gave everything like clockwork.

With a low masculinity, a person can more often indulge in fear in times of fear, to instill such a reason not to be afraid of shkodi. If you choose wine, you can switch to other, smaller colors, having moved in the quiet, like crying out fear, but bring more sweetness to the buildings (organize a company, build a new settlement, encourage budinok, etc.)

For high masculinity, a person must have some kind of fear, and for її guilty, start and complete everything for the attainment of the goal. When we have a strong fear, we give more energy to vikonnannya diy.

Promoting success for the future, the Daedals of strong fears, which blame more and more folding, those great brown goals.

It develops for the help of awareness of the fear, the signification of its shkiness, the ways of minimizing and increasing the complexity of victorious actions and purposes, yak shouting fear.

Problem solving

The purpose of the building is to build up resources for the vikonnannya of singing diy and to make a transition to achieve goals.


The purpose of the building is to create a visual image at the evidence independently from the dovkil, to combine them with real objects, to model them mutually and to signify the possible legacy.

Victory for the creation of original ideas, which can be realized in terms of material (new house, machine, tool ...) or ideal (knowledge, theory, processes, methods ...) objects.

Zastosovuetsya system in creative activities for the creation of new, unique objects, which are victorious by it itself, or as a great middle ground that improves the camp of the system, the middle of the supersystem.

With a low awareness of a person, the victorist only knows that information, as if he had received the calls: having sighed, felt, tasted. Tse allow you to win at your duty only those that you have.

With a high state of mind, a person continuously forms new and essential images of systems, conse- quently simul- taneously , modeling mutually and estimating the richness of the heritage of this. As the image is assessed as corny, a person can realize it in the real world, having created a new one, enriching it with a poor quality.

Promoting success for the future of designing new opportunities, original paths to achieve goals, and subdue the transition.

It develops for the help of accumulated knowledge about basic systems, expansion of paradigms and progressively more complicated formation of apparent images of real and possible systems.

Idea generation

The purpose of building for help is to form new ideas on the basis of special evidence and already relevant ideas.

With a low building capacity, generating ideas of a person victorious is only a template and a way to achieve goals. You can beat the technology, like wines htos, but it’s rotten to adapt them to your own activity, so the stench brings little coriste.

With a high level of development, it is easy for a person to generate ideas and implement new, unique objects, find new tools and methods. Developing new and improved technologies and introducing them to their activity, which allows more successful and effective reach of special goals.

Promoting success for the development of original paths to goals, the achievement of new technologies and the creation of unique objects, which can give priority, or they will be distinguished as special resources.

It develops for additional accumulation of knowledge, uninterrupted search for more advanced methods to achieve goals, development and implementation of folding and brown technologies, tools and methods. Tsomu spryaє pokraschennya reveal.


The totality of the system's features, which allow generating fundamentally new, original ideas and victories before zastosovuvani zastosovuvani zastosovuvani zastosovuvani zastosovuvani for podolannya reshkod and reaching goals.

Allowing you to know the original notes for the vicons of the singing diy, as if no one else had tried to spell victoria.

You can bring it down to a lowering, so even before the promotion of vitrate at the reach of meti, but, as a rule, the speed of the vykonannya dey significantly increases when the original zasobu is stagnant.

It is the main reason for creative activities, the creation of a new, unique, and improvement in the usual middle ground.

With a low creativity, a person can win only on the basis of his own decisions, victorious technology is just overturned and never stagnant new.

With high creativity, a person is trying for a new skin care, a new way to know the best way, lower than the one that is taken. Win generates a lot of ideas for the best ways to achieve success. Continuously chirping, creating new technologies in their own activity.

Promoting success for the creation of new, unique systems, which can achieve success, achieve goals with an original, unconventional path, which can be smaller and smarter, lower in house.

It develops for the help of a progressive search for new ways, and for the improvement of the goals of progressive improvement, which can be reached in an original way, and not in a stereotyped way. To whom spryyaє pokraschennya vyyat and zdatnostі to generate ideї.


Tse zdatn_st analyze and evaluate your in-line mill, rozumovі processes at svіdomostі that.

Allows you to equalize the current mill from the bazhanim, to assign a difference for the help of intelligence, to assign it to the transition to the new one.

It also helps to identify internal motives that give energy to the cob and complete the consummation.

With a low self-confidence, a person for the praise of the decision of the victorist is no longer worthy of information. Vіn аrе spontaneous to the thoughts of other people, not guarding their thoughts and emotions.

With a high self-confidence, a person accepts decisions only with the improvement of special thoughts,. Clearly state what you want, what you can reach, and easily recognize those that you do not see for whom.

Promoting success for the rahunok of the design of retail between the current and the whole camps, the achievement of internal motives, thoughts and emotions.

It develops for additional periodic concentration on thoughts and emotions, denoting their essence, reasons and succession, and progressively compromising the reach of goals, so that the dedales can create a greater difference in the production camp.

The most significant as a successful person, the development of which allows you to successfully reach whatever goals you set.

And why is it rich in yakos tied one to one and the development of some will be improved by others. For example, will, arrogance and purposefulness improve self-discipline, and masculinity and self-assurance - courage.

The development of these traits and newbies allows, automatically, mutually, promptly and adequately respond to the calls, pouring in and adjusting one’s activity stalely in the light of new opportunities.

Let’s take a closer look at the report, how it is possible to develop as-yak-like yakos, so that the yakomoga would pour more into life and help reach success.

Method for the development of special qualities

For successful self-realization, it is necessary to achieve a high level of development of special qualities. You can paint a sprat of yakos at once. And it’s better to choose those qualities, which are the most valuable for reaching current goals, that concentrate less than s їх polypsheni.

All these yakosti are congenital - the stench of the skin of a person. Ale on the cob stink in passive become practical not to inject into diyalnist. For the stench brought more corrosity with reachable goals, it is necessary to develop them without interruption.

The smut at the development of yakos - ce rozuminnya those that stench can mitigate. Їх next development progressively and regularly fallow for current purposes. And when the development is pinned, the stench will grow worse, degrade.

Polypshennya, be it as a quality, is grounded on a step-by-step, step-by-step arrangement, which is concocted from yoga zastosuvannyam. For the development of yakos, you can stop the offensive method:

1. Necessary vibrati like that recognize about the new, more, that it appeared to the mind of reason: the mind is appointed, as it manifests itself, that it is in the camp, as it reacts to the outward spit, as it squirts into the middle of the heart thinly. For whom it is possible to speed up their description with whom it is possible to know additional information on the Internet.

For example, intensity - the goal of building is to concentrate on a specific goal and apply maximum effort for the most important achievement. Allows you to speed up the process of reaching the goal, but it will require great vitrates, so call it a true call for a quick check on the results. Zapobіgaє vodnennu dіyalnostі іn rozslаbnіє stani, zadіmannya satisfaction vіd protsess, scho znachno povіlnyuє reach tsіlei і zbіshuє vitrati.

2. Describe ideal riven the development of the value for 10 points out of 10: what kind of quality can be especially for me, what will be my behavior, in some situations you can win.

For example, zastosovuvati pіd hour vykonannya be-yakikh right. Children yaknaishvidshe, do not speak on a third party. Mother pіdtrimuyuche middle. Give a little time for the analysis of the right, z'yasovuvati, to help you reach it. As soon as the yogo vikonati appears, then boldly brethren to the new one. Install the terms vikonannya help. Zazdalegіd to name the city for its completion at the lines.

3. Designate in-line rіven the development of quality on a scale of 1 to 10. For whom it is enough to ask yourself: “I’m satisfied with myself on a scale of 1 to 10” and listen to the emotions well, let me find out more.

For example, 4

4. Describe the deck simple steps, dіy, yakі you can vikonati for the development of tsієї yakostі for 1 point. Describe what exactly you can work, in some situations, what to win for, etc., so that the quality has improved. When it is enough to be grounded on special evidence and your own statement about the quality in an ideal look.

For example, before the cob of vikonannya, celebrate the yogo term in the city. Organize a supportive environment so that nothing respects your work.

5. Let's describe the steps for the development of the quality by 1 point more, and by 1 more, and more ... And so, write such steps, so as to increase the quality to 10 points out of 10, that is. to the ideal level.

For example, vikonuvati actual diї z maximum swidkistyu (easy to walk, easy to drukuvat, easy to speak thinly). You don’t have enough time to spend time on the analysis, do it, check on the question “Navisho її robiti?”. You should do it right, as it is necessary for reaching the goals, and if you yourself want to viconate. You need to delegate, but you still want to win. Rishuche diyati, so as not to miss the opportunities.

6. Choose the little ones you can almost the development of the power of the next hour and the beginning of the victoriousness of the crumbs.

For example, to establish terms and borders, to organize the support of the middle ground and not to speak on a third-party law.

7. Periodically repeat this method update your opinion.

This method is necessary to viconate for skin toughness, as it should be developed in the nearest hour for current purposes. You can add up a list of yakost, paint a scale of order and assign it to the current level of the rank of yakost. For example, like this:

Periodically, for example, once a day, you can update tsey list, vіdznatima streamline development and analyze the dynamics of changes. You can choose that quality, as it has become a priority and win over those things, so that you can help improve yourself.

It is more important to help, such things are not the most common at the same time, otherwise it is necessary to improve in order to reach current purposes.

You can add this list to a few memorial places, regularly to look over yoga, to guess those little ones, as if they were vikonati with the first polypshennia and beat them for the minds.

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Larisa Tiunova
Pedagogical project "Formation of special abilities of children of the young preschool age"

Fundamentals of social special development is born and most intensively developed in preschool age. Dosvіd first vіdnosin z іnshiy people є foundation for further development the specialty of a child. This first evidence is rich in why it signifies the peculiarities of a person’s self-confidence, his standing up to the light, his behavior and self-confidence among people. The absence of negative phenomena among young people who are afraid of the rest of the hour preschool children. Tse sponukaє turn around until you see the food socially special development of children from preschool children.

Problem shaping the moral qualities of special preschoolers, zvichok, moral behavior stood in front of educators But the worst thing is manifested at the given hour. FGT in the sphere preschool sanctify the nation teachers cultural values special development of preschoolers become the main thing in the work of the DOP is how to secure the sovereign federal powers. It will go into its main directives of moral, patriotic and gender development preschoolers.

At preschool the period of the greatest dotsily to attach children to that chi and other newcomers to cultural behavior. So, in 4 years, if children begin to take an active part in self-service, they grow up to accustom them to cleanliness, neatness, pomp. Wu tsomu vici- with a rose and understanding of the language of the otochyuchih - they vibrate in the meantime, they turn to the prohanny, ask for a service, speak their language of the ozozumіlo of the otochuyuchi.

Preschool children, at the child’s cage, it’s the responsibility to learn that Volodya is singing socially - special features:

viznachi “What is it - good, what is it - bad?

to show moral sounds - empathy, kindness and chuynist and other.

know the norms and rules of behavior in the household, ways of mutual understanding with lonely people (growth and one-year-olds)

mother adequate self-esteem to herself.

It is even more important to vibuduvat system adequately directed to molding for children with special qualities.

In the program "Vitoki" which is directly violated more importantly in all distributions of the program.

However, apparently, talk about like a robot with children, it is possible only if the tasks are delivered through the robotic system. With the method of promotion yakosti the work of the creation of a systemic approach to the completion of the task of social special development of children i buv splitting denmarks project. Reference project is a system of robots with children 3-5 years old molding of special containers that moral behavior children.

Meta roboti:

Provodzhennya effective forms, methods for the successful development of a sign of moral behavior in children of young and middle preschool age.


1. Vivchiti dosvid science and practice shaping the social-special features of preschool children.

2. To develop and adapt a set of approaches for the development of a positive attitude of the child to himself, other people, the necessary world, communicative and social competence children.

3. Turn the respect of the fathers to the problem the formation of moral qualities in children of the preschool age.

4. Create the necessary objectively - a wide range of satisfaction for the needs of the skin child in terms of activity, knowledge, and communication.

6. At the end of the implementation project a complex of approaches has been broken up, which will help to develop a positive attitude of the child to himself, other people, the necessary world, communicative and social competence. children.

Scored results:

Positive dynamics formation of moral qualities in children of the middle preschool age(stupidity, spontaneity, good-naturedness, etc.)

Creation at children whole and systemic statement about social norms and rules of behavior in support.

Enrichment of the subject-developing medium of a group of a child nursery.

Advancement of zatsіkavlennosti batkіv and vyhovateli v vyvishennya problems of moral vihovannia children.

Robotic system from the step algorithm:

Methodi ta priyomi

1st group of methods that ensure the safety of the children practical evidence of suspіlnoї behavior (vihovannya moral zvichok; butt of grown-up chi іnshih children; purposes of directing guarding for the practice of grown-up chi grow children; organization of sleeping activities; sleepy gra)

2 group of methods directing to shaping moral manifestations, judging and assessments (conversation of a speaker on ethical topics; reading art literature; looking at and discussing paintings; the method of reconsideration; the method of laughing at that punishment.)

Algorithm for carrying out OD from the development of moral skills and the name on the application of the work of V. Osєєvoї "Charming word"

Meta - Know Mity children with an ethical norm and bring out the rules of behavior, like a child in a life situation.

Algorithm for revealing the rules of behavior

1. Solve the problem and understand the cause

2. Recognize the norm - a charming word "please"

3. Zastosovuє charіvne word and bachel the result, what is the norm of behavior

Exit to the Rule:

4. Whatever you want to ask, make sure you speak appropriately "Charming word"- please.

My robot spiraled on approaches, on which mine was based pedagogical work:

A wide variety of a non-intermediate subject sharpening, a developing medium, created in the DOP;

Organization of regular and various activities children, intercourse (emotional-good-natured interaction with the necessary action);

Wide selection of specially selected children's artistic and educational literature;

Spіlnu I create the activity of a facilitator with children (Creation of albums, treasury and etc.);

Regular inclusion of game activity, game initial situations to the system of social special training;

Optimal sleepiness that day pedagogical coming from dozvіllami, saints, scho shouting yaskravy emotional vodguk children;

The practice of testing this robot showed that robots with children were the most effective, they showed such tricks, didactic games, plot-role games, thematic and topical developments, the creation of various problematic situations;

Didactic games - for some children, they clarify, fix, expand the statements about objects and manifestations of extraneous activity;

Plot-role-playing games help children to master such a specialty of human activity - the fixation of interdependent systems, the goals behind the noses of singing professions.

Proper organization of game activities with children transferring on the foot:

A creation of friendly minds for independent and sleepy greed preschool children.

Besida - victorious with different didactic goals:

To meet the interest of future activity (before guarding, excursion).

For clarification, destruction, aggravation of that systematization of knowledge children.

A problematic situation is created with a method shaping socially acceptable forms behaviors and the acquisition of moral forms of suspension. Situations are explained to the children, in which case assistance is needed, and mutual assistance is also discussed international conflicts, which is blamed on the moral soil:

Such a rank:

We give children knowledge of ethical norms on the basis of literary creation through the solution of a problem situation (rules of conduct).

Showing how children

Formed price setting children

We put children in mind: bachiti and razumіti naslіdki vchinkіv і vіdpіdatі for them.

Our results:

At children:

positive dynamics the formation of moral qualities

there was a whole statement about the norms and rules of behavior in the court

The medium of the group was subject to development

The rise of the fathers’ affliction at the height of the moral problems children.

The results of the work project:

Diagnostic results children(ways of behavior and special features)

High rіven - 26%

Average rіven - 72%

Low rіven - 2%

The results of the survey of fathers

28% - give respect molding of children's moral traits

58% - often give respect

14% - do not worry about the statement, how and how morally yakosti it is necessary to develop in a child.

List of victories literature:

1. Aloshina N. V. Knowledge preschoolers with navkolishnim and social activity (middle group). - M., 2003.

2. Golitsina N. S. - Understanding preschoolers from social activity (perspective planning of work with children aged 3-7 years. - M. 2004.

3. Doronova T. N. Interaction preschool install from the fathers. - M., 2002.

4. Friendly boys: Vihovannya humane feelings and stosunkiv u doshka.: Posіbnik for vihovatelіv preschool illuminating the installations of Batkiv / R. S. Bure, M. V. Vorobyova, V. N. Davidovich ta in - M .: Prosvitnitstvo, 2004. - 141 p.

5. Coils: Applied basic lighting program preschool education. - 4th species., Rev. that dod. / Ed. L. A. PARAMONOVAY - M.: TC Sphere, 2011. - 320s.

6. Solodyankina O. V. - Social development of the child preschool age. M., 2006.

7. Molding moral health preschoolers(busy, play, right). M., 2002,

What kind of human beings, the cream of positive and negative ones, is seen in psychology and de classification? What is the need for more information for whom you have food, and what kind of trouble do you carry? What includes the concept of "special quality"? Yakimi stink? Vіdpovіd lower, іy statti.

Rozum is rich in what it means to be a human being

What do you know about the wickedness of people

Information and literacy are the same kind of protection. Vminnya koristuvatisya to help him unique inadmissibility and fight with his own enemies - both internal and external.

Opanuvannya knowledge in the gallery of special features allows:

  • promote your own self-confidence;
  • better understand society;
  • learn how to set priorities correctly
    she will see them blue.

When you start a job, when you know a person’s opposite status, when you interact with people on the streets of an evening place, always stand before the task: find out who is in front of you, what kind of person, like out. It is necessary to interact with them. І scho bring that chi іnsha tactic of behavior. It is impossible to comprehend another without understanding the back of your mind. From the other side, the assessment of the special qualities of the others allows you to equal yourself with them.

How to classify the special qualities of a person

The complex of folding warehouses is called special features as biological, and socially intelligent components of special features. The list can be found. In the article, we can look at the main features of a person. They demonstrate all the peculiarities of internal mental authorities:

  • individual passage of internal people
  • a complex of becomings and powers of a taken individual;
  • special character;
  • temperament type;
  • peculiarities of behavior;
  • the nature of the conversation;
  • setting up to yourself i іn.

Also, in the specialty of drawing a person, the ZUN system is included: know, learn, learn.

Features of power may have different classifications:

  • positive;
  • negative;
  • volovі;
  • that moral vexation.

The first step is to proceed to the analysis of the quiet and other aspects of specialness, it is necessary to remember that whether the classification in this nutritional assessment is more intelligent. It is explained to them that everything in the world is clear, to instill an understanding of good and evil. Podіl basing on zahalnopriynyatih moral and moral norms. Let us wash away that the word “mentally” is attributed to the skin meaning: mentally positive, mentally negative, then. bud. For example, aggressiveness is a mentally negative characteristic. You won’t accept the legacy in one situation, but in a situation of necessity, you will stand up for yourself alone.

Negative qualities of people

Negative as a specialty - the purpose of power, yakі є nebazhanimi for the most people and її otochuyuchih that will require correction, yakі є nebazhanimi that. Їх - too rich. The latest list can be put together in a small pamphlet. Here, only a few of them will be pointed out:

  • falsehood;
  • hypocrisy;
  • rudeness;
  • nights;
  • weakness to depression;
  • aggressiveness;
  • hatred;
  • intolerance;
  • passivity;
  • weak will;
  • fearfulness;
  • quirkiness;
  • neohainist.

These and similar special features of the people signify and in their days: neohay looks neohay and in the same time creates a special atmosphere. Bezvіdpovіdalny - rotten practice and bring yourself to that team.

Positive vibes people

Positive as a specialty is the category of the inner good of a person, like bringing it to himself, so and feeling positive experience and almost satisfaction. The new list of positive traits will be no less significant. So let's guess less deyaki:

  • kindness;
  • strangeness;
  • practicality;
  • tolerance,
  • vіdpovіdalnіst;
  • peacefulness;
  • friendliness;
  • fidelity;
  • rudeness;
  • honesty;
  • guilt in oneself.

There are no ideal people; However, it is quiet, who has positively positive people overwhelmed, even richer. Often the presence of re-listed qualities is the essence of the leader's qualities. Bring the leaders of the building back to you, win the trust and lead them along.

For those who have in their character the negative qualities of people, there are good news: the underdogs can play the role of “stusan” to a fast forward and internal growth. Tse is available to the skin.

Volovі yakosі osobystosі

With oxen, especially
storage goals. Torknemosya main.

Purposefulness - the focus of a person on the objection of the result of activity. Tsya power is divided into strategic differences and tactical. The first one is the goal of a person’s instigation by presenting their moral positions, values ​​and ideals. The friend is the whole of the specialty “by the strokes”, in the form of one micrometer until the achievement of the result.

Initsiativnist - people's focus on manifesting whatever. Sound the front cob of the act of will. Qiu vlastіst mayut samostiyni osobistosti. Initiative is connected with self-reliance.

Self-reliance is a good-natured, active attitude of a person to make a decision, based on his principles and changes.

Will - is not respected by innate quality, but is accepted as a quality, the formation of such a person is dependent on the improvement of a person's special choice.

Professional features

To pour in such a quality of a person, what can be called: the special quality of a leader. See kіlka categories:

  • verbal warehouse - vіdpovіdaє for vmіnnya razumіti zmіst іnformatsії, scho transmitted by words;
  • numerical - vminnya shvidko virishuvati in rozum arithmetic butts;
  • trigonometric - vminnya thoughts of bachiti and 2-3 vimirah;
  • visual - respect for details, which is a healthy child grі “know 10 vіdminnosti”;
  • proofreader - vminnya shvidko correct words, numbers;
  • coordination - to quickly coordinate the fine motor skills of the hands, nig, and also to fall with the hand motor coordination;
  • zorova - vminnya uzgodzhuvati directly look at the hand of the legs, hands;
  • povnyuvalna - susceptibility to color and yogo vіdtinkіv, vminnya їх bachiti and vіdіznyat;
  • navchenіst - vminnya shopluvati sens, zdatnіst to mіrkuvannya, vminnya robiti correct vysnovki (strong intelligence).

Special professional grades

The skin of these authorities is viewed in a professional way. For example, people, as a rule, different colors (color blindness), water is contraindicated. A good economist will not take a person with a low indicator of numerical building.

It is also necessary to resurrect such special features, without some kind of professionalism, in principle, it will be impossible:

  1. The dominance of an individual-typological character (vitrality, physical strength, lability of the nervous system) is simpler in appearance, resilience to stress.
  2. Analytical powers that allow you to create unique vibes from time to time. Butt: “technical hearing” - without any adjustments, it’s less at the support to understand the reason for the failure of the mechanism.
  3. Respect - to lie down in the middle in the face of zatsіkavlenostі and bazhannya people's mother relevant information about the activity, adequately assess it.
  4. Psychomotor - especially power and priynyattya people, yakim vin cheruetsya for the hour of choice directly for implementation. Before her, we can carry out a quick analysis and, in the meantime, quickly analyze the situation and make a decision. As practice shows, it is good to train.
  5. Mnemic yakosti. Tied with memory. Professional memory also trains well.
  6. Features of imaginative - building to the point of folding rozumovyh processes
  7. Volovіy kostі - not a skin profession stinks of shoes, but the need for dressing is difficult at the process.

Moral features

Morality - tse zvіd voluntarily accepted by the rules of the people, yakі may be of primary importance in the behavior of the person її to himself and otochyuchim.

Її formє inflow of warehouse bags:

  • family values;
  • individual certificate;
  • the injection of the school;
  • society.

At the borders of the appointment, there is a clear differentiation such as:

  • racial;
  • religious;
  • humanist.

The role of moral positions is important for any community groups. I have a thought that racists, fanatics and others have moral bases and moral qualities. Tse judgment pardon and non-science. So, according to the results, such suspension groups may be genetically rooted and can not always be controlled by a person.

Indeed, there is no such speech, as a universally positive type of specialness. Skin people have their own relishes and feelings. Golovnya, pragnate and be special, as you bring you pride and pride in your own. You need to develop a character, which will attract types of people to you. For the development of special qualities, like i, like y in making serious changes in the way of life, it is necessary to report a rich hour and request. In the course of time, you will need to formulate new reconstitutions and bring them to the diyu doti, the docks of stench do not transform into stars.


Develop positive traits

Stay happy and bezturbotnym. Try to enjoy life. Laugh with others, but not with them. All of us value cheerful and life-giving people. A chuckle and a laugh is a significant element of garne speciality.

Set food. Dopitlivist - tse part of the turbot about other people, who, at his own discretion, to rob us of tsіkavіshi people in the eyes of otochyuyuchih. Try to find out what is appropriate for other people and what is important to them. You learn a lot of things that you will help them to realize your significance.

Save fidelity. Don't piss off your loved ones. Your loved ones will appreciate you more and more, as you will be true to them. Do not throw people dear to you, even though it was trapilos. You have to go through an important stage of recognition, so that you will be deprived of the trustworthy people.

Ponder podtrimku and mentorship. Do not try to behave like this, you know everything, but always try to stretch out your hand to help people, if possible. It may be more insignificant, for example, to help others with a move, or as a guide, for example, mentoring in life. Promote all your knowledge, but do not try to squeeze. Respect the decisions and thoughts of other people.

Mind your own self

    Think positively about yourself as well as about others. Thoughts that come to our minds are easily transformed into words, as we say, and as we do, as we do. The manifestation of a positive self-image gives us confidence and self-talk (and these are the key signs of whether there is any positive specialness). As soon as you understand your thoughts more quickly, you can easily direct them in the right direction for the help of positive thought.

    Show your true nature. Everyday life often sticks with the possibilities to express one's own individuality. Victory їх! Do not try to go for NATO support. Buti garnoy speciality - does not mean buti like a mustache. For example, if you are moving with a company of people, or a well-wishing person, try not just to wait until you know what to say. Insert replicas into the pink one that express your thoughts, those stories in an important and hoary form.

    Focus on the achievements of your specialty. It's easy to finish your own ti rice, to improve it. Try to unique it. Gain respect for those traits, like, for your thought, attract other people and try to demonstrate them.

    Devote yourself robots over these characteristics to a character that doesn’t suit you. Possibly, you are allowed to talk too much about yourself, otherwise you are too patient. It is important to consider these words, but not to hate yourself for the sake of it. Try to give respect to your behavior. For the next time, if you feel impatient, drink yourself on your own and try to react to the situation otherwise.

Develop your interests

    Put your respect on the wickedness of the people with whom you are chomping. Tse can be people whom you know especially, people from the history of your homeland, about yaki you richly chuli, or you know individuals whom you respect. Vivchit, stink to think about the world and about yourself, and try to accept similar changes.

    • If you know a person, talk to her about її perekonannya that setting up to life. Energize Yogo, as if you have begun to believe in those who rob, and like Yomu, children are allowed to go until their perekonan.
    • If you don’t know the people’s identity, read your biography, marvel at the interview, or talk to people, you know (or you knew) especially, to find out more about the change.
  1. Try to understand who you are. Take a deep look inside yourself and think, kim vie. This is one of the most beautiful speeches, but it is also very important. Try to expand in retail between your own vchinki and your real specialty.

    • To grow on the cob your perekonannya and values. It might be important to change your behavior, as you grow up with them, until you figure out what the change is. Give respect to your behavior and think about how you can keep up with your special values.
  2. Verishit, what is important to you. Remember - if you don’t sing, you’re right, say, what’s important for you, it’ll be more important. Don't put the label "important" on someone else, only someone else has told you what is important. Know how true your heart is.

    • Maybe you should have played football, because your dad would love this sport. Or maybe you always supported the same political party, but your friends support it. Try to understand what you truly understand.
  3. Develop your zahoplenya. The presence of a hobby is an important element of a positive individual. You should be a universally deceived person, and not a walking cliché. Try to take care of those who you need to take care of. You need to navite neobov'yazkovo reach success in your right, it's just to blame you strongly zahoplyuvat.

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